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1、9A Unit 6 Detective stories Period 1Teaching contents: Comic Strips & Welcome to the unit & VocabularyTeaching objects: Say and practice something about the murder. To practice the new words about crimes and criminals. Improve students abilities to summarize, co-operate and participate.Teach

2、ing important and difficult points: How to use the new words about the murder? Practice the useful expressions about crimes and criminals.Teaching procedures:Step1 Presentation1. Look at the pictures and discuss: what can you think of when you see the pictures? murder, murderer, detective, criminal,

3、 crime, suspect, victim, police2. Read the new words after the teacher and practice them.3. People usually think a clever detective is very important in a case. Do you think so? Do you know these detectives?4. Discussion: what qualities should a detective have?Step2 Comic strip1. Here is a detective

4、 in our comic strip, too. Listen to the tape and answer the questions.2. Listen again and repeat. Then practice it by the students themselves. ( Recite it or act it out.)3. Practice the useful expressions. (dress, look for, go missing)Step3 Welcome to the unit1. A murder happened last Saturday. The

5、detective wrote a report. Lets read it and try to be a detective.2. Go through Part A on page 99 together and practice the new words.3. Do some exercises according to the report.4. Go through Part B in pairs.5. Practice the useful expressions. (report, happen, suspect, note, height)Step4 Vocabulary1

6、. We have learnt something about a kind of crime - murder. But you know there are some kinds of crimes. Do you know what they are?    Talk about different kinds of crimes. Review some of the difficult words in the word box. Ask more able students to describe some actions that are ille

7、gal, even if they do not know the correct words for the acts.2.   Tell students that the pictures in Part A on page 100 represent different crimes. Ask them to write the correct word under each picture using the words from the box.3.  Ask one student at a time to read out an answ

8、er. Tell students to listen carefully to the answers, as this will help them with Part B. Ask more able students to describe the actions in the pictures, such as steal / rob, shoplift, kidnap and murder.4.  Part B is fairly straightforward after Part A. Tell students to work on their own.5

9、.   Ask one of the more able students to read out the answers. Listen for mistakes and mispronunciation.5. Extension activitiesEncourage students to think of more names for crimes and criminals not listed here. Tell them to say the words out loud. Write the words on the board for stud

10、ents reference. Copy some of the words below.6. Crimes7. Criminals8. Battery (殴打) 9. Attacker 10. Burglary (入室盗窃) 11. Burglar 12. Drug dealing (贩卖毒品) 13. Drug dealer 14. Mugging (抢劫) 15. Mugger 16. Robbery (抢劫) 17. Robber 18. Vandalism (蓄意破坏公物) 19. Vandal 20. Money laundering (洗黑钱) 21. Money launder

11、er 22. Forgery (伪造文件、签名等) 23. Forger Write the crimes form Part A on the board. Ask students what they think the punishment for these crimes should be. Write a list of penalties on the board. Ask students to vote for the penalty for each crime. Write the penalty with the most votes against each crim

12、e. Step 5 Homework1. Revise todays phrases.2. Write down the names of crimes and criminals.3. Do some exercises.Period 2Teaching content: Reading (I)Teaching objects: To understand key vocabulary related to Murder in Valley Town To read a newspaper article about a murder. Develop the students r

13、eading skills (predicting, skimming, scanning and digesting) To identify statements as true or false based on the reading passageTeaching important and difficult points: Help students learn the new expressions naturally to give a hint about the story. Make students understand the article correctly.

14、Let students know the main idea of the article by learning the new expressions and reading it.Teaching procedures:Step 1 Revision1. Complete some sentences to recall some important words in the last period .2. Translate some sentences or phrases into English.Step 2 Presentation1 Say: Good morning, e

15、veryone. First of all, lets watch a part of a film.2 Watch the film. 3 Say: Just now we saw a young man in the film. What did he do? Yes, he murdered the woman, his wife. He was the murderer, the attacker. And his wife is the victim. (Write the three words on the Bb.)Step3 New words: Say: This kind

16、of film is full of horror and mysteries. Now today we shall read another murder story. Please open your books and turn to P100. Heres the article about the murder from a newspaper. Before we read it, lets deal with the new words first. Look at here, please find out these new words in the article and

17、 guess their meanings. Check their answers. Read the new words. Step 4   Listen to the tape and answer the following 3 questions:    1.Who was murdered?    2. When did the murder take place?    3. So far how many suspects do the police have ? Step 5&

18、#160; Say: Now please read the article more carefully and try to tell the following sentences T or F. If it is false, please correct the mistake. Part B2 on page 102.Step 6   Say: Now listen to the tape and try to underline the difficult sentences and phrases that you dont understand. 

19、; Read the article themselves for several minutes then ask 8 students to read one paragraph by one paragraph. After reading each paragraph, do some explanations about the difficult points. Also do some explanations about the title. Show the students more examples.  Step 7 Read together with the

20、 tape Step 8 Homework: 1. Try to retell the story .2. Recite the new words in this article .3. Do some consolidation exercises .Period 3Teaching content: Reading (II)Teaching objects: To practice the main language points of the context To develop the four skills of the students.Teaching important an

21、d difficult points: Design and finish some exercises according to the article by students themselves. Learn to use the important words and expressions in this article correctly .Teaching procedures:Step 1 Revision1. Read the passage, and then tell something about Murder in Valley Town with their own

22、 words.2. Students ask and answer questions about the story .Step 2 Practice 1.   Ask the students to finish the exercise of Part C1, then check their answers by asking 2 pairs of students to read it.  2. Ask the students to work in pairs and tick out the main idea of the article.(sli

23、de show)        The victim: (1. 22 years old, a computer programmer- a well-paid job, had many friends. 2. was seen leaving his office in New Town at 7:00, but his body was found in  the doorway of a clothes shop in Valley Town. 3. was guilty of breaking into

24、several computer systems )Clues: (1. The victim was attacked with a knife and bled to death . 2. There was an evidence of a struggle and there was more than one attacker.) Suspects: (1. Only one            2. Short and thin 3. He was seen runnin

25、g and breathing heavily with blood on his shirt. 4. He had evidence to prove he was not guilty.) The police: (1. They are checking the scene for fingerprints and other clues. 2. They are particularly interested in hearing from anyone who saw anything unusual. 3. They are asking anyone to contact the

26、m on 5550l212)   3 .Interview: Work in groups of 8. Four work as the reporter who is from the Golden TV .The other four work as Detective Lu. Interview about the murder.   4.Act their interviews out.   5. Part C2 on P103   Correct the mistakes. Step 3 Useful w

27、ords and expressions.1.be seen doing                  2.confirm      3.whether .or.               4.particularly &#

28、160;   bleed to death                  5.struggle     6.as a result                   

29、0; 7.obviously      8.Its possible that              9.clue     10.be guilty of sth                 11.suspect

30、     12.be charged with sth             13.witness     14.break into                       

31、;  15.lead toStep 4 HomeworkWrite down the useful expressions as many as possible .Make at least one sentence for each expression .Period 4Teaching content: Grammar (I)Teaching objects: To correctly use reported speech with tense change. To use reported speech to talk about what someone else sa

32、id. To use reported speech to report questions. To learn something about legal.Teaching important and difficult points: How to change the adverbials and tenses when using reported speech. How to use reported speech to report questions . The use of the word dareTeaching procedures:Step 1 Revision1.Ch

33、eck the homework and translate some phrases .2.Revise the passage .Step 2 Presentation1.Ask student A to say something about Murder in Valley Town sentence by sentence . Ask students B: What did he say ? He said Do more examples.2.Exlain what direct speech and reported speech are . 3.Then go through

34、 the forms on page 105.Step 3 Practice 1. complete the exercises in Part A2 on Page 106. Step 4 Refer to the forms on P107. Explain some difficulties if necessary .Step 5 Practice Help Millie to complete the interviewers questions using reported speech . Step 5 Homework1.Revise what we have learnt t

35、oday.2.Do more extra exercises.Period 5Teaching content: Grammar (II)Teaching objects: Reported speech without tense change .Teaching important and difficult points: To know when we dont have to change the tense in reported speech.Teaching procedures:Step 1.  Step One: PretaskFree talk with stu

36、dents about their daily life by asking them some questions. While doing this we can write their answers on the Bb.For example:The geography teacher said to us,“The earth goes around the sun. ”The geography teacher told us that the earth goes around the sun. Explain that we do not need to change the

37、tense if we are reporting a fact or if the information is still true .Except these we not only have to change the tenses of the sentences but also have to change the adverbials of time when using reported speech.Step 2 PracticeAsk students to do some exercises to consolidate.(P108 and P109) Check th

38、e answers with the students and ask them to read the sentences and see if they have any other questions.Step 3 Ask and answer1. Let the students answer some questions about the robbery at Sun Bank.2. Useful phrases: take place wait in the queue hear a gunshot wear a maskin ones mid-thirties It seeme

39、d to sb that be familiar with Step 4 Consolidation 1.Fill in the blanks:1) I am doing some important work, Mr Smith said.Mr Smith said _ _ _ some important work.2) who are you looking for? Tom asked Sandy.Tom asked Sandy _ _ _ _ _.3) Do you want me to help you with your English, asked he.He asked

40、60; _ _ _ _ _ help me with _ English.4) I want to know if you learn it by yourselves, the teacher said. The teacher said _ _ to know if we _ _ it by _.5) our teacher asked if we knew the answer._ _ _ the answer? our teacher asked.6) Millie asked where her book was.Millie asked, _ _ _ _ ?(Answers:1he

41、 was doing 2. she was looking for 3. if  I wanted him to ,my 4 he/she wanted , could learn , ourselves 5 Do you know  6 where is my book)2.Choose the best answers.1) Mr Wu said he _ us to the zoo this week.A. would take  B will take   C take   D takes2)  The w

42、itness said he _under the table at that time.A  hide  B have hidden  C was hiding  D hidden 3)  The police asked if anyone _ tell him some information. A could   B can    C is able to   D will 4)   Can you tell me _?A how far

43、 is it               B how can I get there C how can I get to there       D how I can get there5) Sandy said she _ all the work.A finished   B had finished   C has finished  D

44、 will finish6) He said he _ his book at your home.A  leave   B leaves  C had left   D was leaving(Answers:1A 2 C 3 A 4 D 5 B 6 C)Step 5 Homework 1.  Review what we have learned today and read the sample sentences on your books.2.  Finish the correspo

45、nding exercises .Period 6Teaching contents: Integrated skills and Pronunciation Teaching objects: Listen, read, say and write something about another report on a case. To identify the context of a police interviewTo identify main ideas about two suspectsTo use information to complete notes and a rep

46、ortTeaching important and difficult points: What do you think about fights in action films? They have a bad effect on people, especially children. I agree / disagree. Im not sure if youre right.Teaching procedures:Step1 Revision1. Do some exercises about Grammar.2. Put some sentences into English.St

47、ep2 Integrated skills1. Read the notes and try to answer some questions. (occur)2. Try to complete the profiles with as much information as possible. (criminal record)3. Listen to the tape and complete the profiles. 4. Check the answers and answer some questions about the case. (hairdresser, wedding

48、, kidnap, millionaire)5. Try to complete the report and then practice it together.Step3 Speak up1. Discussion: who do you think kidnapped Guan Fei? Why?2. Detective Lu and Policeman Fu are talking about the suspects too. Listen to the tape and answer a question.3. Read and practice the dialogue in p

49、airs.Step4 Pronunciation1. In English, changing the stress can change the meaning of a word. Lets look at some examples.2. Read Part A after the tape and try to guess the meanings of the words according to the sentences.3. Read Part B after the tape and make a conclusion about it.4. Part C.5. Listen

50、 to the tape and try to finish Part D.Step5 HomeworkRevision and exercises.Period 7Teaching content: Main taskTeaching objects: To arrange pictures in chronological order To complete a story by filling in blanks.To match sentences with pictures To write a detective storyTeaching important and diffic

51、ult points: How to write something about detective stories?Teaching procedures:Step1 RevisionTranslate some phrases and sentences into English.Step2 Main task1. Before writing a detective story, lets read another detective story.2. Look at the pictures and label them.3. Read the new words after the

52、teacher and read the sentences together in the correct order.4. Try to complete Part A2 by the students themselves and check the answers in pairs.5. Read the passage together and practice some useful expressions.6. Discuss the ending to the story among 4 students and try to write it down.7. Look at

53、other pictures and find out the correct sentences to describe them.8. Answer some questions according to the pictures.9. If you need to write a detective story according to the pictures, how will you write? What should you write? (Go through Part B2 together.)Step3 Practice1. Do some exercises to revise Unit6.Step4 Homework1. Write an article and do some other exercises2. .Make a review.Period 8Teaching contents: Checkout & ExercisesTeaching objects: To practise using reported speech to repeat state


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