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1、牛津小学英语5B Unit11.第一节课_2.在晚上_ 3.在星期一早上_4.一周中_ 5.一本有趣的书_6.上更多的体育课_ 7.at once_8.have an English lesson_ 9.I hope_10.Welcome back to school._ 11.两节数学课_12.新学期第一天_ 13.every day_14.this afternoon_ 15.let me see_16.Whats the trick?_ 17.八门科目_18.What subject do you like?_ 19.thirty minus thirteen_20.多少节课_ 21.寻

2、找_ 22.课后_ 二、按要求写出下列单词1. do(第三人称单数)_2. lesson(近义词)_3. these(对应词)_4. hot(对应词)_5. plus(近义词)_ 6. her(主格)_7. class(复数形式)_8. parents(所有格)_9.children(单数形式) _10. write(同音词) _三、根据单词首字母和句子意思,将对话中的单词补充完整A: Welcome b_ to school, Ben. B: Nice to m_ you, Mr Green.A: There is a n_ subject in this t_, do you know?B

3、: Yes. Its S_ S_.A: Do you l_ it? B: Maybe. I t_ it will be i_.A: Of course. When do you h_ this l_? On M_?B: No. Its on F_. W_ will teach us, Mr Green?A: Mr Zhang. He is a very good t_.四、判断下列各组单词画线部分的发音是否相同,相同的打T,不相同的打F。1. first term ( ) 2.term interesting ( ) 3.about how ( ) 4.many table ( ) 5.sub

4、ject Monday ( ) 6.Maths what ( ) 7.Sunday but ( ) 8.Friday minus ( ) 五、完成句子.1.你喜欢什么学科? 我喜欢语文. What _ do you like? I like _.2.星期二你们有什么课? What _ do you have _ Tuesday.3.这是新学期的第一节课. This is the _ _ of the new term.4.放学了. 让我们弄点儿吃的. School is over. Lets go and _ something to _.六、句型转换.1. Its Monday today.

5、(对划线部分提问) _ _ is it today?2. I like English and Art. (改为一般疑问句) _ you _ English and Art?3. her, are, Miss Li, a, and, lesson, having, students ( . ) (连词成句) _4.What lessons do you have?(用Tom替换you) _5.321 minus 123 is 198.(对划线部分提问)_牛津小学英语5BUnit2一、翻译下列词句1打电话给我_ 2 get better _3午饭后 _ 4 a high fever _5重感冒

6、_ 6 go to see a doctor _7呆在床上 _ 8 anything else _9对海伦说 _ 10 take some medicine _11在学校 _ 12 have a lot of rest _二、判断下列每组单词画线部分发音是否相同,用“”或“×”表示。1. got on ( ) 2.monkey doctor ( ) 3. these evening ( ) 4.how show ( ) 5.high right ( ) 6.speak breakfast ( )7.for worker ( ) 8. cold lot ( ) 9. hope sorr

7、y ( )三、单项选择( ) 1. -May I _ to Yang Ling?-This is Yang Ling _.A. speak;speakB. speak;speakingC. speak;to speak( ) 2. Why _ you absent today? A. doB. areC. is( ) 3. I hope you get _ soon. A. bestB. goodC. better( ) 4._some medicine and _a lot of rest. A. Eat, takeB. Take, have C. Take, take( ) 5. What

8、s wrong_ you? A. withB. atC. in四、找出正确的答句。( ) 1. How are you? A. This is Mike speaking.( ) 2. How do you feel now? B. Yes, a lot.( ) 3. Whats wrong with you? C. Ive got a bad cough.( ) 4. May I speak to Mike? D. Im fine, thank you.( ) 5. Are you taking any medicine? E. I feel ill.五、连词成句1. Su Yang, he

9、r, calls, mother, lunch, after ( . )_2. taking, you, medicine, are, any ( ? ) _3. to, hear, am, sorry, I, that ( . )_4. a, get, I, glass, water, of, you, for, can( . ) _六、用下面所给的词填空。 For, in, of, at, about, to, on, with1. Im sorry hear that. 2. Whats wrong you ?3. I can get some apples her. 4. We hav

10、e an English lesson Monday morning.5. -Is Nancy ? -No, shes home.6. This is the first day the new term. 7. Its three thirty.七、根据所给汉语完成下列句子,每空填一词。1. 苏海生病了,她得了重感冒。Su Hai is . She has a .2. 你现在感觉怎样? do you now ?3. 我希望你不久就好起来。 I you .4. 服一些药,好好休息。 some and have a .八、根据上下文完成对话。A: Hello, may I to Su Yang

11、?B: Im afraid you cant. She is . She a fever.A: Im sorry that. Is she medicine.B: Yes, a lot. She is a now .A: Ill see tomorrow.B: Thank you.A: Its my .牛津小学英语5BUnit3一.按要求写单词.1beautiful(同义词) _2.family(复数) _3.take(现在分词) _ 4.grow(第三人称单数)_5aunt(同音词) _ e(反义词) _7.he(物主代词) _ 8.dress(复数) _9.Mike(名词所有格) _10.

12、these(单数) _ 二词组互译1拍照_ 2.每天_3.收集邮票_ 4.做衣服_5.在花园里_ 6.cook nice food_7. animal stamps_ 8.grow beautiful flowers_9. the same hobby_ 10.his classmates_三.、单项选择( ) 1. Show _ his stamps, please. A. meB. myC. I( ) 2. My sister _ collecting stamps. A. like B. likes C. liking( ) 3. His hobby is _ football. A.

13、playing B. play C. plays( ) 4.Do you have _ ? Yes, I do.A. some hobbies B. any hobbies C. any hobbys( ) 5. _ your uncle have the same hobby? Yes, he _.A. Do, does B. Does, does C. Is, is四、用所给词的适当形式填空。1My aunt _(like)_(grow) beautiful flowers.2. Can you _(take)a photo for_(I)? Sure.3. Do you _(watch)

14、 TV every day?4. They are all_(listen)to music in the sitting-room.5. Liu Tao _(have) many beautiful_(stamp).6. He_(draw) a picture in his classroom now.7. My father_ (read) newspapers after supper every day.五、找出正确的答句。( ) 1. What are you doing there? A. Yes, I do.( ) 2. Do you have any hobbies? B. I

15、m watering the flowers.( ) 3. Whats your hobby? C. She can make clothes.( ) 4. What can your sister do?D. I like collecting stamps.六、句型转换.1. David likes playing basketball. (改为否定句) David _ _ playing basketball.2. Show us his stamps.(改为同义句) Show_ _ to _.3. Do you water the flowers every day?(用now替换ev

16、ery day)_ _4. Does your uncle have any models? (改为陈述句)_ _七、连词成句。1. you, skirt, for, my, can, a, make, pretty, sister ( ? )_2. them, he, classmates, showing, is, to, his ( . ) _八、完成句子.1.-你妈妈在哪? -她在花园浇花. -_ is your mother? -Shes _ the flowers in the garden.2.她的爸爸是医生.他的爱好是看报. Her father is a doctor. _

17、hobby is _ newspapers.3.-李老师有什么爱好吗? -有.她喜欢弹钢琴. -_ Miss Li _ any hobbies? -Yes. She _ _ the piano.4. 你能为我的洋娃娃做顶帽子吗?_you make a hat _my doll?6. 看!那个女孩在仔细地画一只老虎.Look! That girl _, _ _ _ a tiger carefully. 牛津小学英语5BUnit4一、英汉互译1写一封电子邮件_ 2 surf the Internet _3住在一个小镇 _ 4 a letter for me _5学习语文 _ 6 speak lou

18、dly _7跑得快 _ 8 sit quietly _9跳得高 _ 10 dance beautifully_二、找出正确的答句。( )1. What can she do? A. Sorry, I can't.I'm busy. ( )2. Let's go and play football. B. No, I'm not.( )3. Does David write carefully? C. She usually reads books. ( )4. Are you surfing the Internet? D. Yes, he does.( )5.

19、 What does she usually do? E. She can play the piano. 三、连词成句。1. at, studies, Lucy, school, English ( . ) _2. does, the, do, what, your, evening, in, mother ( ? ) _3. live, Helen, does, where ( ? ) _4. dance, beautifully, Kate , does ( ? ) _ 四、单项选择。 ( ) 1. What does his sister usually do _ Sunday?A.

20、on B. in C. at( ) 2. Gao Shan _ to play table tennis with me.A.want B. wants C. going( ) 3. -Are you _ the Internet? -No, I'm not.A. surf B. surfs C. surfing( ) 4. I go to school _ Monday _ Friday. A. on.and B. from.to C. at.at( ) 5. - What does Ben usually do after school?- He usually _ after s

21、chool. A. plays football B. read magazines C. playing table tennis五、按要求改写句子1.I speak loudly.改为否定句: 改为一般疑问句: 用Mike改写: _2. Nancy dances beautifully.改为否定句: 改为一般疑问句: _用The girls改写: _ _3. I usually do my homework after school.提问: 4. My father usually goes to work from Monday to Friday.提问: 六、读表格并将句子补充完整Mo

22、nday to FridaySaturdaySundaymorninggo to schoolPlay the violinread English storiesAfternoongo to schooldo homeworkplay footballEveningdo homeworkwatch TVgo to the supermarketlisten to music1. He _ to school from _ to _.2. He usually _ _ in the evenings from Monday to Friday.3. He _ the violin on _ m

23、ornings and _ _ on Saturday afternoons.4. What does he do on Sunday mornings? He _ _ _ stories.5. When(什么时候) does he usually go to the supermarket? He _ _ _ the supermarket on _ _.6. When does he usually watch TV and _ _ music ? He _ _ TV on _ _ and _ _ music on _ _.七、根据单词首字母和句子意思,将短文中的单词补充完整。(5分)Ja

24、ck is my good f_. He is f America. He likes p_ basketball and t_ photos. We have the s_ h_. He c_ to China to s_ Chinese. His father w_ in Beijing. They l in a big h .They both like China.牛津小学英语5BUnit6一、按要求写单词。1. foot (复数) _ 2. careful (副词) _3. left (反义词) _ 4. up (反义词) _5. child (复数) _ 6. right (同音词

25、) _7. do (第三人称单数) _ 8. lets (完全形式) _ 9. give (现在分词) _二、英汉互译。1两次 _ 2 give orders _3向左转 _ 4 stand in a line _5你的右腿 _ 6 touch with _7上一节体育课 _ 8 lie on one's back_9上下跳 _ 10 lift up _11do some exercise _ 12 put.on. _三、判断下列单词的发音是否相同,用T F表示。 1.waiter waitress ( ) 2.day play ( ) 3.time lift ( ) 4.k

26、nee week ( ) 5.take stamp ( ) 6.photo model ( ) 7.Sunday but ( ) 8.Friday minus ( ) 四、选择合适的答句。( )1. Are you tired? A. Yes, she does.( )2. Does she like taking photos? B. She likes taking photos.( )3. Put your book on your head. C. All right.( )4. What does she like doing? D. This is Miss Li speaking

27、.( )5. May I speak to Miss Li? E.Yes, we are.五、选择填空。 (      ) 1. We like _ same colour.          A. a              B. an      

28、0;      C. the             D. / (      ) 2. Kate _ blue eyes. Her hair _ brown.          A. have   is     

29、;    B. have  are          C. has  is           D. has  are(      ) 3. Many boys in our class like _ very much.     A. play basket

30、ball  B. playing basketball  C. play the basketball  D. playing the basketball (      ) 4. What _ Helens family usually do?          A. does           

31、0; B is                C. are                 D. do (      ) 5. Put your hands _ your head and turn _ left and righ

32、t.          A. on   /            B. up   /          C. on   to          

33、60;  D. /   to(      ) 6. Touch your eyes with your fingers _          A. ten times          B. ten time         C. for ten times&

34、#160;      D. at ten times六、按要求改写句子。 1. Put your feet together.   (改为否定句)  _  put your _ together. 2. The boy is standing on the mans shoulders.   (改为一般疑问句)  _  the boy _ on the mans _? 3. They have five lessons every da

35、y.   (对画线部分提问)  _ _ lessons _ they have every day? 4. Can you put this pineapple on your head?   (否定回答)  _, I _.5. touch    three    toes    with    times    your    fingers&#

36、160;   your     (连词成句)  _七、根据中文提示,完成下列句子。 1躺下来并举起你的双臂。   _ on your _ and _ _ your arms. 2闭上你的眼睛,用手去摸你的文具盒。   Close your _. _ your pencil box _ your hand.3. 站成一排,双脚并拢。   _ in a _. Put your _ together.牛津小学英语5BUnit7一、按要求写单词。1. t

37、ooth (复数)_ 2. doesnt(完全形式)_3. me  (主格) _   4. wash(第三人称单数)_5. go (反义词)_ 6. sit  (现在分词)_7. good  (副词) _ 8. quickly(形容词)_9. hear (同音词)_二、英汉互译。 1. 值日 _2.  刷牙 _ 3. 在夜里 _4.  看电视 _ 5. 吃午饭 _6. a busy day _ 7.  be

38、 quick  _8.  a football game _9.  do homework  _10. not yet       _三、用所给介词的适当形式填空。 with      for     past     to    in    at  

39、;  from to   on1. She  comes home at five _ the evening.2. Im taking some bread _ me to school3.  Now its time _ supper.4.  Is it time _ play the piano now?          Yes, it is.5. I go to school _ Monday _ Frid

40、ay.6. Now its half _ eleven. We are listening to music at home.7.We usually go climbing _ Sunday and do our homework _ the weekends.四、单词辩音 A B C D( ) 1.clock doctor box go( ) 2.park car start quarter( ) 3.teacher her order finger( ) 4.ready breakfast really head( ) puter subject bus lunch五、选择题。

41、( ) 1.What your parents want? A. do B. does C. are( ) 2. Miss Li is_. She has no time _rest. A. tired. for B. happy.of C. busy. to( ) 3. There's no time _breakfast. A. for B. to C. in ( ) 4. It's eight o'clock. Helen is _her homework. A. do B. doing C. Does( ) 5. Sam _to bed at nine ever

42、y evening. A. go B. going C. goes( ) 6. There's a football game_ a quarter to four. A. at B. past C. About( ) 7.Are you ready lunch, David? _ yet, Mum. A. to, No B. for, isn't C. for, Not六、按要求完成下列句子,每空一词1. There is some water in the glass. (改为一般疑问句)_ there _ water in the glass ?2. I feel ill

43、 now. (对划线部分提问)_ _ you feel now?3. He usually grows flowers on Sundays. (对划线部分提问)_ _ he usually do on Sundays?4. I like playing chess.(改为否定句)I _ like _ chess.5. Its time to have dinner.(改为同义句)Its _ _ dinner. 牛津小学英语5BUnit8一、按要求写单词。1. firefly (复数)_ 2. left (反义词)_3. swim (现在分词) _ 4. we (单数)_ 5. qu

44、ietly (形容词)_ 6. usually(近义词)_7. I(宾格)  _ 8. write (同音词) _ 9. her (主格)  _ 10. feet(单数)_ 11. fruit(复数)_ 12. wash(第三人称单数)_二、英汉互译。1在周末 _ 2 surf the Internet _3谈论 _ 4 play on the swings _5度过周末 _ 6 catch butterflies _7看动画片 _ 8 glow at night _9每周五 _ 10 carry big things _三、选择填空。( &#

45、160;    ) 1. Do you like _ butterflies?          A. catch            B. catches         C. catching       

46、0; D. catchs(      ) 2. Yang Ling and her classmates are talking _ their homework.          A. with             B. at         

47、;    C. to              D. about(      ) 3. How do you spend you weekends?      I often go _          A. swim  

48、0;       B. swims          C. swimming         D. swiming (      ) 4. She sings well. I learn songs from _          A. her            B. she 


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