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1、Introductory LessonThe First En glish Less on in Senior HighAim: Enable the students to know how to study Senior English. Teach ing ProceduresI. Brief In troduct ion to the whole book Adva nee with En glishII. Lear ning strategies1. Learn to be a high school language learner2. Learn to take the init

2、iative3. Learn to use resources4. Learn to listen5. Learn to speak6. Learn to read7. Learn to writeI try to do my best each day,In my work and in my playAnd if I always do my best.I n eed n'worry about a test.III. 学习要求五个一:1. 一本学习笔记:日常学习积累:课堂 +课外阅读2. 一本错题集:日常练习积累:知识的归纳 +疏理3. 一本随笔:日常练笔:描述生活交流思想4.

3、一本字典:英汉双解:自主学习的利器5. 一本课外读物有意识地学,有目的地做,才能到达目的。IV. 英语学习一日常规:1 今天我背单词了吗?2今天我朗读课文了吗?3今天我复习了吗?4 今天我完成作业了吗?5今天我预习了吗?6 今天我阅读了吗?7 今天我听录音了吗?态度决定一切成功源自好习惯好的伙伴,成功一半V. Summary:Co nfide ntStrict ActiveUnit 1 School lifeTeach ing Objectives:1. To introduce and develop the theme of school life2. To identify the di

4、fferences between school life in different countries3. To develop the reading skills of skimming and scanning4. To learn some words about school facilities5. To learn about attributive clauses and how to use relative pronouns6. To develop liste ning, speak in g, read ing and writ ing by complet ing

5、a task and a project7. To form a positive attitude in a new and challenging situation8. To learn to be cooperative and helpful when working togetherPeriod 1Welcome to the unitTeach ing aims:To find out the differences of their life between senior high and junior high.To lear n somethi ng about the h

6、igh school life in the UK.To know how to get on well with high school life / study.To find out how an activity attracts the students and helps the studentsTeach ing Procedures:Step 1. Warming upLet some stude nts make a self-i ntroductio n.1. In troduce themselves.2. Say somethi ng about their junio

7、r high school life.Step 2. Prese ntati on1. Pair work: brain storm:When we are talking about our school life, what will we probably think of?2. Group workHere are three pictures that show some aspects of school life in the UK. Please read the instructions,look at the pictures: what' s the differ

8、enee between schocin China and the UK?aspectsIn the UKIn Chi naHuge campusWe can see hugeSchools in China usually have a largeand low-rise build ingscampus and low-rise buildi ngs.It is the biggest differe nee from schools in Chinaeno ugh campus to make sure stude nts have eno ugh space to study and

9、 play in.But most school build ings are taller, at least three storeys.Lockers for every stude ntThere are rows of lockers by the classrooms for stude nts to put their statio nary, books, exercise-books and other bel ongin gs.Stude nts bring what they n eed for less ons to school and the n take it a

10、ll back home after school. Most schools in china do not have equipme nt in the classroom.Fewer stude nts in each classThere are fewer stude nts in a class, no more tha n 30 per class.There are usually more stude nts in high school, perhaps 40 to 50 per class. Rece ntly some school are begi nning to

11、limit the nu mber of stude nts in each class.At ease with our teacherStude nts have a close relatio nship with their teachers. They feel at ease and comfortable with them.It is similar in china. Nowadays, lots of teachers and stude nts have established a good relati on ship with each other. They res

12、pect each other and work to gain a bette un dersta nding of each other.3. Writi ng practice:What is your dream school life like?What kind of school activities do you enjoy?What do you think of your life here in the new school?4. Summary5. Homework1) Recall all the new words and expressi ons that app

13、ear in this un it.2) How much do you know about the school and school life in the UK? Try to surf the n et, go to the library or in terview foreig n stude nts.3) Preview the followi ng less on.Period 2Reading: School life in the UK(1)Teach ing aims:1. To read a magaz ine article about school life in

14、 the UK.2. To lear n to apply two basic readi ng skills: skim ming and sea nning.3. To lear n some expressi ons about school life.Teach ing procedures:Step 1. Revisi onCheck the homework exercise.Step 2. Prese ntati onYesterday discussed the differe nces betwee n high schools in our country and the

15、UK.Now we are going to read a magaz ine article which is writte n by an excha nging stude nt. She has bee n study ing in the UK for one year. Now she gives a clear brief in troduct ion about her school life there.Before we read the article, we are going to lear n the read ing strategy: skim ming and

16、 sca nning. (P.3: Read ing strategy)Skimming: to get a general idea of the article.focus on the title, heading, captions, the first and last sentences of paragraphs, charts and pictures scanning: to locate specific information about an article.Look for key words and phrases, dates and words in bold,

17、 italics or capital letters Step 3. Read ing1. Skim ming questio n:How does Wei Hua feel about her life in the UK?2. Sca nning:1) What topics are mentioned in the WeiHua' s letter?(opt. are the following aspects of school life mentioned in the article? teachers classmates friends subjects homewo

18、rk grades timetableactivities school facilities host family foodhobbies customs traditi onsfestivals)2) Scan the passage and complete Part C1, C2 on page 4Step 4. Group work: what ' s the similarity and differenee between the schools in China and the UK?AspectsIn the UKIn Chi nasimilaritydiffere

19、 neeStep 5. Practice:Pair workNow you are a reporter from the school magaz ine, and have a cha nee to in terview Wei Hua. What other in formatio n would you like to know about her life and study in the UK?Suppose your desk mate is Wei Hua, make a dialogue.Step 6. Homework.1. Complete parts D and E2.

20、 Read the two articles in reading on pages 82 and 83 in wb and answers the questi ons below them.3. Daniel Adams will come to your school as an exchange student. Write a letter to him and in troduce your school life to him.4. Preview the followi ng less on.Period 3Readi ng Step 1. Revisi on:1. Check

21、 the homework2 . Complete the chart and retell the letter.On the first dayTeachersMr HeywoodMiss BurkeSize of a classroomSubjeetsFoodWei Hua' s feelings and progssStep 2. Lan guage focus1. Words:a) atte nd (join / join in / take part in )b) preparec) miss (miss ing / gone / lost)d) experie neee)

22、 in formatio nf) sounds2. Phrases:a) for freeb) a bit / a littlee)as well as3. Senten ees:a) Going to a British school for one year has bee n a very enjoyable and exeit ing experie nee for me.b) I do like eati ng.Step 5. Praetiee1. Complete wb A1, A2,2. Tran slati on1)Jim参加了我们的讨论之列。Jim joined us in

23、the diseussi on.2)Ja ne正忙着预习功课。Jane is busy prepari ng for their less ons.3) 我错过了早班公共汽车。I missed the early bus.4经验是最好的老师。Experie nee is the best teaeher.5我一点也不疲惫。I am not a bit tired.6他确实告诉了我这个故事。He did tell me the story.Step 7. Homework1. Recall all the new words and expressi ons that appear in thi

24、s less on.2. Write a summary of the article written by Wei Hua.3. Preview the followi ng less on.Period 4Word powerStep 1 Warmin g-up1. Prese nt one of the school maps from the stude nts' repairi ng work. And en,him or her to tell us how he or she found the way out on the first day. En couragemo

25、re stude nts to thi nk of the patter n drills and useful expressi ons they have lear nedin junior school:Do you have any difficulty finding your way out on the first day? If you donyour way, how can you ask and an swer the way?2. Encourage more students to talk about the following questions such as:

26、 which facility attracts you most in our school? Why? Help the students to recall related words and expressi onsWhat do you think of our can tee n? How about the gym? Is our car park ok in the school?En courage them to express their genuine opinions.3. Ask students to focus on the map of Part A firs

27、t. Read Wei Hua' s thoiquickly and match her routes on the map. Remind stude nts to pay atte nti on to theusage of the words and expressi ons on the map.Step 2 Vocabulary lear ning1. Ask students to do Part B. Write a description of the quickest way to get from the dormitories to class 4 and rea

28、d it to the class.Sample an swersB If you are standing at the door of the dormitories, first turn right and go past the medical centre and the gym, the n tur n left and walk un til the end of the road. Classroom is on your left.2. If possible, desig n some more samples for the stude nts to practice.

29、 For example, ask stude nts to mark the shortest way from the scie nee laboratory to classrooms 16-25. This exercise en courages stude nts to familiarize the phrases of finding the way.3. Ask stude nts to read Part C and complete it. Check the new words in the passage while they give the answers. Ai

30、m to make sure the students have done the repairing work of look ing up possible new points in the dicti on aries before class. available, qualified, access.An swersC 1 car park 2 classrooms 3 library 4 labs 5 gym 6 swimmi ng pool7 dormitories 8 medical centre9 can tee nStep 3 Vocabulary exte nsion1

31、. Focus on the equipme nts of Part D. Ask stude nts to n ame out some of their n ames if possible. Then teach new items. Help them to know about each gymnastic items.3. Ask stude nts to fin ish Part D and en courage them to have a short discussi on like: Do you think it' s important for schools

32、to have a gym? How do you likethese equipme nts?An swersD 4 beam 7 barbell 1 climb ing bars6 basketball court 2 rings 8 mat3 dumb-bell 5 skipp ing ropeStep 4 Homework1. Let the students to remember all the useful words and expressions in Part A, B, and D . Learn to make sentences with the key words

33、in Part C.2. Do Part A and B in writi ng on Page 85.3. Pick out attributive clauses in the passage of Part CPeriod 5Grammar and usage(1)Teach ing aim:To give a brief introduction to attributive clauses.Teach ing procedures:1. Tell the students what is attributive clause.2. Tell the stude nts the bas

34、ic usage of relative pronouns such as which, who, that, whom, whose and relative adverbs like whe n, where and why.3. Ask the students to read the article on Page 9 and find out the attributive clauses in the article.4. Check the an swers with the stude nts.5. Explain some Ianguage points in the art

35、icle.6. Give the stude nts some more exercises of attributive clause.7. Assig nment.Period 6Grammar and usage(2)Teach ing aim:To make the students get familiar with attributive clauses and get them to know some more usages of relative pronouns.Teach ing procedures:1. Check the homework with the stud

36、e nts.2. Ask the stude nts to read the 5 points on Page 10, tell them the usages of differe nt relative pronouns.3. Fill in the bla nks on Page 11, check the an swers with the stude nts and expla in the Ian guage poin ts.4. Tell the stude nts several points that they must pay atte nti on to whe n th

37、ey use attributive clauses.5. Some exercises which are to review what they lear n in this less on.Assig nmentPeriod 7&8TaskTeach ing aims:1. Use abbreviation to fill in timetable.2. Compare in formatio n of two differe nt sources.3. Write a notice with important information and clear expression.

38、Procedure:1-1. In troduce abbreviatio n.1-2. Complete school programme timetables with abbreviati on1- 3. Compare in formatio n of 2 differe nt sources.2- 1 Report the timetable2-2 Find out important information in a notice.2-3 Write a no tice to no tify classmatesPeriod 9Project(1)Teach ing aims:1.

39、 To learn two articles about after-school activities in school2. To learn the use of as and require3. To find out how an activity attracts the students and helps the studentsTeach ing Procedures:Step 1: Listen to the recording of the articles on page 18True or False questio ns:1. The radio station i

40、s run by the principal.2. The radio stati on started 2 years ago whe n CD players were allowed in school.3. Members of Poets of the Next Generation meet up on the last Friday of every mon th.4. Every one was n ice and frie ndly in the group. They liked the first poem Bob read to them.Step 2: Read th

41、e two articles and answer the following questions:What do the student members in the radio station do during exam time?What do they do whe n pare nts come to visit the school?Who started “Poets of the Next Gen erati on ?What do the members of the group do whe n they meet?Step 3: Fill in the bla nks:

42、The radio stati on in our school isby the stude nt. Two years ago, I asked theif music could be played duri ng. He agreed.We tell stude nts the,and some special messages. Duringwe tell the stude nts what theyor do for preparati on. When pare nts come, weplay songsby students and them of , such as an

43、dOur English teacher Mr Owen started the group 用心爱心专心Group membersto talk aboutandthat we like.When Iit, I wasto write five poems andonetothe group. Ievery one around a tree before I read. The group said they lovedthe poem I read.Step 4: Wcabulary and Ian guage poin ts:allow: permit sb./sth. to do s

44、th.principal: person with the highest authority in certain schoolsgeneration: all people born at about the same timeselect: choose sb./sth.calm: not excited, n ervousrequire: order or comma nd sth.The use of as and requireStep 4: Discussi onHow do these two activities attract the stude nts?How do th

45、ey help the stude nts?Step 5 Assig nment:Try to find the answers to the following questions:What after-school activities do you have in your school?Do you like them? Why/ Why n ot?If you could start a new after-school activity to enjoy with your schoolmates, what new activity would you choose?Period 10Project (2)Teach ing aims:To do the project of starti ng a new after-school activityTeach ing procedures:Step 1: Check homeworkEvery student has to tell their classmateswhat after-school activities they would like to start if they coul


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