



1、定语从句专项练习 1-Do you have anything to say for yourself?-Yes, there is one point  _  .(insist)是的,有一点是我们必须坚持的。2.There are moments in life _so much that you just want to pick him up from dreams and hug him for real. (miss)生命中有些时刻,你如此想念一个人以至于你总是对其魂牵梦绕,拥其入怀3. I often think of many c

2、ases  _but cant speak it well.  (familiar)我经常想到许多学生们对英语很熟悉但却说不好的情形.4. A new subway will have been completed by the end of 2018,_   .   (convenient)新的地铁将于2018年完工,那时对于我们来说就便利了.5.The chinese government has decided to develop the west of china,_ (benefit)中国政府已决定西部

3、大开发,这将有益于穷人。6.  _many times, well have to take the College Entrance Examination.    (announce)正如所宣布的那样,我们将必须参加高考.7 .The reason _ is not accepted by all of us.他解释的原因不被我们所有人接受.8. Everything depends on the way  _.  (treat)任何事都在于我们看待它的方式.9. The boy will never forget th

4、e day _.   (leave sb alone)男孩将永远不会忘记他被单独留在家里的那天.10. There are two buildings, _.   (tall)那儿有两栋大楼,较高的有一百米高.11. _above, few people are total winners or losers.    (mention)正如上文所述,没人是绝对的赢家或输家.12. He stood at the window, _what was happening.  (through)他站在窗边,从那

5、儿他可以看见正发生的事.13. The reason_is that it is bad for his health.   (give)我哥戒烟的原因是吸烟对身体不好.14. . The reason_is the one why he gave up smoking.(it)他戒烟的原因是吸烟对身体不好.15. You must do something_.   (think)你必须做一些自己认为做不到的事.16. _that great changes have taken place there.    (repor

6、t)据报道说那儿发生了翻天覆地的变化.17. This book is not such_.(expect)这本书不是我当初期望的那本.18. He told me about such an experience _.   (have)他告诉了我这样一些我之前从来没有的经历19. This is the same kind of pen_yesterday.这是和我昨天丢失的同种类型的钢笔.20. My hometown is not the same_. (used)我的家乡不再是过去的样子了.21. There are two thousand students in

7、 our school, _. (whom)我们学校有两千个学生,三分之二是男孩.22. On the third floor there are two rooms, _ meeting rooms  .    (use)三楼有俩房间,都作会议室用.23. Who is the boy_   ? (read)正在树下读书的男孩是谁?24. This is the very book_these days. (look)这正是这几天我一直在找的书.25. Mike is short and fat, _i

8、n his class.    (stand out)麦克又矮又胖,这使得他在他班很显眼.26. He has got himself into a dangerous situation , _. (control)他已经使自己陷入了一个飞机将会失控的危险境地.27. He is reading a book, _. (which)他正看着一本我不知道名字的书.28. He talked happily about the men and the books_. (interest)他快乐的谈论着他感兴趣的人和书。29. Titanic is the

9、only one of the most wonderful movies_  in Holly rood.  (produce)坦尼克号是好莱坞已制作出来的最精彩的电影之唯一.30. I want to find the very pen _. (with)我想要找到我用来写过信的那支钢笔.31. This is the first American movie_ .  (see)这是我曾看过的第一部美国电影。32. In the office, I never seem&

10、#160;to have time until after 5:30 pm, _.在公司我似乎直到五点之后才有时间,那是大多数人都回家了.33.When he was working there he caught a serious illness,_he is still suffering from. 当他在那工作的时候他患上了重病,现在还深受其影响. 34. Anyone_will have ano

11、ther examination .     (fail)没有通过考试的人将补考.35.The old building,_(后面)was a famous church, was _(我们以前住的)(live)36. Recently I bought an ancient Chinese vase, _was very reasonable.(which)最近我买了一个中国古董花瓶,其价格很合理.37. He made another wonderful discovery, _ very important to science.(think) 他又做出了一个精彩发现,我认为这对于科学很重要.38.Luckily, we had brought a road map ,_we would have lost our way. 幸运的是我们带了个地图,没有它我


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