



1、 Topic 2 Would you like to go for a picnic?课型_新授_主备课人 温沛玲 审核人七年级英语组 使用时间 第15周( 班别_ 姓名_)【学习目标】: 1. 掌握并熟练发出邀请及其答语的常用句型;2. 学习并熟练打电话的常用句型。3. 学会写电话留言重点:熟练运用表示邀请以及接受或拒绝别人邀请的应答句型;难点:如何写好电话留言.Section A 【自主预习】.汉译英1. 有空_ 2. 怎么了?_ 3. 去野餐_ 4. 想要_5. 这个周六_6. 告诉某人某事_7. 不要忘记_8.打电话给我_8. 带一些吃的东西_9. 去购物_ 10.买某物给某人_【随堂

2、精练】:选择题(1、2、3小题为听力题)( )1. Is Jane free this Sunday? A. Yes, she is. B. Yes, she isnt. C. No, she isnt. D. No, she is. ( ) 2. Who is Kangkang speaking to? A. Maria B. Jane C. Tom D. Michael ( ) 3. Does Jane want to go to West Hill for a picnic/ A. Yes, she does. B. No, she doesnt. C. Yes, she doesnt.

3、 D. No, she does. ( ) 4. Whos speaking? _Mary speaking.A. I am B. This is C. This s D. These are ( ) 5. Do you like to play_ guitar?A. a B. an C. the D. ( ) 6. We want to play_ football this Sunday.A. a B. the C. an D. ( ) 7. Dont forget_ something to eat.A. bring B. to bring C. bringing D. brings (

4、 ) 8. Please tell Maria _ it.A. in B. to C. about D. at ( ) 9. What about going to the park_ this afternoon?A. in B. at C. for D. 【课后作业】.同义句转换。1. He would like to go shopping with his sister. He_ _go shopping with his sister.2. Dont forget to bring your coat. _to bring your coat.3. Whats up? _ _ _?

5、4. She isnt in now. She isnt _ _now.5. Can I help you? _ _ _ _ _you?【中考链接】与【课后拓展】( ) 1. That place is very interesting, _of my parents want to go there. A. both B. all C. some D. every( ) 2.This pair of shoes_for my mother. A. are B. is C. buy D. Section B 【自主预习】、汉译英1.不得不_ 2.放风筝_ 3.怎么样?_4.唱歌_ 5.和.说话

6、_ 6.给我回电话_7.没有时间_ 8.恐怕_9.去游泳_ 10.弹吉他_【随堂精练】、选择题(1、2、3小题为听力题)( ) 1. Can Kangkang sing any songs with Jane? A. Yes, he can. B. No, he cant. C. Yes, he cant. D. No, he can.( ) 2. What does Kangkang have to do? A. He has to cook. B. He has to carry some water. C. He has to go home. D. He has to play wit

7、h the dog ( ) 3. Does Steve have any time to fly a kite? A. Yes, he does. B. Yes, he can. C. No, he doesnt. D. No, he cant.( ) 4. Would you like_ to the cinema with me? A. go B. to go C. going D. go to( ) 5. May I speak to Tom? Sorry, he isnt_ _ now. A. in B. at C. in home D. at here( ) 6. This pair

8、 of pants_blue. I like _very much. A. is; it B. are; them C. is; them D. are; it ( ) 7. How do you like my T- shirt? A. I like it. B. Not bad. C. Thank you. D. Its over there.、根据汉语意思完成句子。1. 康康在回家的路上遇到了汤姆。Kangkang_Tom_ _ _ _.2. 他帮我们忙,真是太感谢了。_ _ _ _him to help us.3. 你想要一些吃的东西吗? Would you like_ _ _?4.

9、穿黄色衣服的那个年轻女子是我姑姑。The young woman_ _is my aunt.5. 为什么不听收音机呢?_ _ listen to the radio?【课后作业】、句型转换。1. Mike has to do his homework this evening. (对画线部分提问) _ _Mike _to do this evening?2. How do you like Chinese food? (改为同义句)_ _ _ _ _Chinese food?3. I will give the message to him. (改为同义句) I will give_ _ _.

10、4. What about going fishing next Sunday? (改为同义句) _ _going fishing next Sunday?5. Id like to play basketball tomorrow. (对画线部分提问) _ _ _ _to do tomorrow?【中考链接】与【课后拓展】( ) 1. If it _ rain tomorrow, we _go hiking.A. will, will B. wont, doesnt C. doesnt, will D. will, doesnt( ) 2. There is some_. A. chicke

11、n B. tomatoes C. orange D. orangesSection C 【自主预习】、汉译英1. 吃一些面包_ 2. 好主意_ 3. 喝一些果汁_ 4. 去钓鱼_ 5. 最喜欢的食物_ 6. 这周日的下午_.7. 一张圆脸_ 8. 我很抱歉_ 9. 那太好了_【随堂精练】、根据句意及首字母提示完成句子。1. Dont worry,I can c_ water for you , grandma. 2. What about h_ a picnic with old McDonald tomorrow? Good idea.3. Hed like some b_ for brea

12、kfast.4. There are five p_ in Wang Mings family.5. My grandma doesnt have a job. She l_ after Rose at home.6. His f_ subject is English. He likes it a lot.、用适当的介词填空。1. Please dont tell the old woman _ the bad news.2. I can see a kite_ the tree. 3. Welcome _my home. Lily and Lucy.4. I am a student_ C

13、lass 4, Grade 8. 5. Listen _the tape and repeat.6. Id like to take some fish_ me. 7. Could you ask her_ me back later?【课后作业】、选择题( ) 1. Could I take a message_ him?A. at B. on C. for D. with( ) 2. Hello! Hello, Jane._.A. I am Lisa. B. This is Lisa. C. That is Lisa. D. Its Lisa.( ) 3. I think we must

14、_for it first.A. make a plan B. to make a plan C. make plan D. to make plan ( ) 4. Wheres my English book? I cant_ it.A. meet B. find C. look D. look at( ) 5. What_you like, bread or coffee?A. are B. could C. will D. would、根据中文意思完成句子,每空一词。1. 我妈妈经常叫我不要在马路上玩。My mother often_ _ _ _ play on the road.2.

15、我可以把它捡起来吗? 当然可以。 Can I _ _ _? _ course.3. 我可以与Maria通话吗?对不起,她不在家。 May I _ _Maria? Sorry, she_ _.4. 我们在大门口见面好吗? _ _ meet at the gate?5. 她很不高兴。她想和朋友们去购物。 Shes not_. She_ _ _go shopping with her friends.【中考链接】与【课后拓展】( ) 1. You forget _the door? Oh,Ill go and close it. A. closing B. to close C. closed D.

16、 to closing( ) 2. Our monitor told us _ in hallways just now. A. dont run B. not to run C. not run D. doesnt run( ) 3. This pair of shoes_for my mother. A. are B. is C. buy D. Section D【自主预习】根据下面的Telephone Message完成对话,每空一词。 Telephone MessageFrom: David To: RobertMassage: Please call him back this ev

17、ening. The telephone number is 86322509. A: Hello. B: Hello. May I speak to _?A: Sorry, he isnt here now. This is _.Whos that?B: Good afternoon, Sandy. This is _.A: Good afternoon, David. Can I_ him a message?B: Sure. Could you _ him to call me this evening?A: Whats your _ _, please?B: My number is

18、86322509. A: 86322509. All right, I will do that.B: Thank you. Goodbye. A: Youre welcome. Bye.【随堂精练】用所给词的适当形式填空1. The teacher asks his students_(not make) noise.2. Would you please_ (help ) her with her English.3. Kate likes_(cook)with her mother on Sundays.4. Lets_(meet) at the school gate tomorrow

19、 morning.5. Tom can sing many English_(song).从栏中选出栏的正确答语。 ( ) 1. How about the red skirt? A. Yes, Id like to.( ) 2. Would you like some apples? B. Coke, please.( ) 3. Thank you very much. C. I think its tasty.( ) 4. Would you like to visit the museum with me? D. OK. Wait a minute, please.( ) 5. Coul

20、d I speak to Mary? E. Not at all.( ) 6. What can I do for you? F. No, thanks.( ) 7. What would you like to drink? G. It's very beautiful.( ) 8. What do you think of the cake? H. Id like some fish.( ) 9. Two hamburgers, please. I. Sorry, she isnt in.【课后作业】.选出与画线部分意思相同或相近的一项1. I would like to have supper in the hotel. A. want B. look like C. can D. could2. He has no time this evening. A. is not free B. is free C. has time D. has busy3. Jim wants to go for a picnic with me. A. go picnic B. have picnic C. ha


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