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1、冠词知识虚词,不独用,仅 附名词前,即“帽”判断名词是否可单元音前用an否则用a辅音前读e? 元音前读e?_在某些专有/抽象/ 一物质在表示类别泛指,表“一个”但概念比one弱特指,表“这个那 个这些那些”表类别the+单数 不译为“这那”_在表示类别复数 一名词前指谈话双方都知 道的人或事物用在世界上独一 无二的事物前用在江河湖海群岛山脉而名神前用在 play+the+在习惯说法中:inthe morning 等再次提到上文提到过的人或事物用在序数词和最局级前 of the two时比较级前在姓氏复数前, 表夫山或全家1 ,_在季节、月份、星 一期、三餐前_称呼语或表示头一衔,职务的词前_学

2、科和球类运动 一的名称前the+adj.表一类人,被视为复数_名词前有代词或所有格时“世仇"of在某些固定词组中:at night,by busX一个这个那个an+兀音带定语“的” hour/honestAa Ee Ff Hh Ii Ll MmNn Oo Rr Ss Xxa+辅音有无冠词区别UFO/European in(the) front ofin(the) hospital不可数实用标准文案(冠词中考点三:一二 I1三r元音开头之an 定冠词the 习惯用语a特指(带定语Wthe play+the+乐器近七年河北中考冠词真题再现(2006 年)26.There is apple

3、 tree in my garden. It ' s Over 10.A.the B.a C.an D.不填(2007 年)26.woman in apurple skirt is Betty ' s mothler.A.The B.A C.An D.不填(2008 年)21.My father is engineer. He works very hard.A. a B. an C. the D.不填(2009 年)26. I really likebook you lent me yesterday.A.a B. an C. the D.不填(2010 年)26. Cind

4、y is amazing singer. She has lots of fans.A.a B.an C.the D.不填(2011 年)26. She learned to play piano all by herself.A.a B.an C.the D.不填(2012 年)26. The children stood incircle and danced to music.A. a B. an C. theD.不填中考仿题练习I1.There isA. theorange tree in front of my house. It's over 6 years old.B.

5、aC. anD.不填12.man in a blue shirt is Jim 'father.A.AB. AnC. TheD.不填3.My friend sent me_E-mail last night.A. aB. anC. theD.不填4.I don't likecar I bought yesterday.A. a B. anC. theD.不填5.Kiki isugly dog. I don't like it.A. aB. anC. theD.不填6.She learned to play violin all by herself.A. aB. anC

6、. theD.不填精彩文档7.The man in white is university teacher.A. aB. anC. theD.不填1. Could you please tell me where I can getA. aB. an2. This is冠词课后作业dictionary?(2010 C. theuseful and interesting game, though it is kind of difficult.。业班调研检测)A. aB. anC. the3. Where isA. adictionary? I can't find it.(10B.

7、an4.A. Aearth is our only home now.(2010 B. An5.India and China are ofA. An, a6. This isB. An, the得分:年石家庄市桥西摸底)D. /D.不填 年石市重点中学摸底大联考)C.theD. /年石家庄市初中毕业班模拟考试C. Thesame continent.(2010C. /, astory I've told you. Isn't it interesting one? (10A. a; theB. The; an7. Planting apple trees is interes

8、ting work, donC. the; a年石市毕)D.不填裕华区模拟测试)D. /, the年第42中学二模)'t you think so? (10D. the; the年第42中学一模拟)A. aB. an8. Who isA. ayoung man with long hair? (2010B. anC. theD. /年唐山路北四模)C theD.9. A spaceship flies at about eleven kilometerssecondA.不填B. the10. Over the river there isA. aB. anC. a 11-meter-l

9、ong wooden bridge. (2010 C. the11. -IsEnglish-Chinese dictionary on the desk yours? (2010.(2010年唐山路北一模)D. an年唐山路南二模)D.不填年唐山路南三模)-No, I don't haveA. an; an 12. He isEnglish-Chinese dictionary. I use an English-English dictionary.B. an; theuniversity student and he comes fromC. the; anisland in En

10、gland. (2010D. the; the年唐山路南一模)A. an; an13. My mother bought meA. anB.aB. an;aC. a; anuseful dictionary yesterday. (201014. -Who'syoung man with long hair? (2010C. the年石家庄23中模拟D. a; a年石家庄桥东摸底)D.不填-He is a friend of mine.A. a15. WhatA. a16. Leo isB. theuseful invention it is! (2010B. anC. an年石家庄2

11、8中三检)C. theD. /A. aunusual boy. He always has some special ideas. (2010B. anC. the honest student. (2010D./年石家庄28中质检)D.不填年衡水模拟)A. anB. aC. theD. /18. My mother tells me to behonest child.(2010年邢台模拟)A. aB. anC. theD./19. Have you hadbreakfast yet? (2010年张家口二模)A. aB. anC. theD.不填17. My mother often te

12、lls me to be20. China isA. an, a 21.old country withB. a, ansun rises inA. An; aeast. (2010B. The; anlong history. (2010C. an, the河北三模)C. The;/年张家口一模)D. the, aD. The; the22. We are going to have庄9中模拟)A. a; thesupper withB. the; the23. We stayed at a nice hotel in Shanghai. But I can家庄市28中二模)A. aB. a

13、nGreens tomorrow evening. (2010C./; /'t rememberD. /; thename of it.(2010年石家年石24. I hope we can fly toA. amoon one day. (2010B. an25. -Excuse me. Is there a hospital near here? (2010C. the年石家庄28中一模)C. the年邯郸二模)D./D. /book store.-Yes. It's over there, next toA. aB. anC. the26. _ strong man na

14、med Oven was an unusual person when he wasD. / university student. (2010D. The; an年唐山路北三模年邯郸一模)A. A; aB. The; a27. -Careless me! I dropped-Be careful next time.C. A; an"m' again in“swimmer” . (2010A. a28. This isB. an useful dictionary forC. theuniversity student majoring in English. (2011D

15、. /石家庄基础摸底)A. a, an 29. Look!A. AB. an,asun is shining brightly. (2011B. AnC. a, a年石家庄27中四段)C. TheD.an, an30. I want to go to Paris where l can1earnA. aB. anFrench language. (2011C. theD.不填年张家口二模D. /31. At that time Tom wasA. aone -year-old baby. (2011B. anC. the年张家口二模D. /32. Leo is unusual boy. He

16、always has some special ideas. (2011年石家庄 28 中质检)A. aB. anC. theD.不填33. Smiths were watching TV when the telephone rang.(2011年石家庄裕华基摸 )A. AB. AnC. TheD. /34. - How was dinner at Mike's house ? (2011年唐山路北一模)-It was great. Mike's mum is wonderful cook.A. a; theB. the; aC. the; theD. a; a35.I sa

17、w a woman came into the shop with43中模拟)8-year-old boy just now . (2011年石家庄A.aB. anC.TheD. /36.Whatuseful book it is! (2011年张家口一模)A. aB. anC.theD.不填37.That'sman l will interview next week.He is a famouslawyer. (2011年石家庄市9中模拟)A. aB. anC. theD. /38. Look!sun is shining brightly.(2011 年石家庄 27中四阶段)A.

18、 AB. AnC. TheD.不填39. This is song I've told you about. Isn't it wonderful one? (2011年石家庄28中二模)A. the; aB. the; theC. a; aD. a; the40. There is "u" in the word "cup" and there is"s" in the word "soup". (2011年石家庄42中一模)A. a; aB. an; aC. an; anD. a; an41.

19、- What do you think of book? (2011年唐山路南二模)-It's not as interesting as I thought it was.A. aB. an42. Don't talk to Simon like that. He is justC. theeleven-year-old boy.( 2011D. /年唐山路北三模)A. aB. anC. the43. WhatA. an; the44. My brother is中模拟)exciting news it is! Isnews true? (2011D. /年唐山路南一模B.

20、an;a honest boy, and he is studying inC. /;theuniversity. (2012)D. /;a年石家庄43A. an; an45. My sister likes playing年40中师大附中)A. the; the theB. a; aC. an;aD. a; anvolleyball while my brother likes playingpiano. (2012B. a ; aC. the; /D. / ;46. -Excuse me, sir. Which cup is yours? (2012 -small one.年石家庄40中押

21、题卷)A. /B. AC. AnD. The47. Tracy bought价)A. an, The48. Last Sunday, I boughtA. the49. There isuseful book.book is also very cheap. (2012B. a, TheC. an, AMP3 for my friend. (2012 B. aC. an年石家庄基能评D. a, A年石家庄桥东模拟)D. /A. a 50. It's not"f" in the word "French” . (2012 年石家庄桥东基摸 )C. anD./

22、B. thegood idea to drive for four hours withoutbreak. (2012年石家庄28中质检)A. a, a51. We usually go to庄市一模)A. /, the52. This isA. a; theB. a, theschool on weekdays, and go toB. the/ theC. the, aD. the, thecinema on weekends.(2012C. the, /story I've told you. Isn't it interesting one? (201053. Plan

23、ting apple trees is一模拟)A. a年石家D. /, /年第42中学二模)B. The; anC. the; aD. the; theinteresting work, don' t you think so? (2010 年第 42中学B. an54. In order to make it clear,年28中模拟)A. the; aC. theI will go up to _second floor toB. the; the55. It is well- known that Yao Ming isA. a56. It isaskmyD. /mom_seco

24、nd time. (2012C a; the energetic player. (2012B. an useful book. I borrowed it fromC. the school library.(2012D. the;/年石家庄28中质检)D. /年石家庄40中某模)A. an; aB. a; anC. a; the57. Cathy learned to play piano at the age of 3. (2012A. aB anC theD. an; the年保定二模)D不填58. More and more foreign students come to China to learn中一模)Chinese. (2012年石家庄2A. aB. anC. the59. I like music, but I donA. at likeB. anmusic of the film. (2012C. theD. /年邯郸二模)D.不填60. It ' s_ usual present, but it is really unusual for me. (2012年邯郸一模)A. aB. anC. theD. /61. At that ti


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