1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上上课。同学们好。老师好。朋友们好。请坐。你好。/ 您好。我叫艾琳娜。你叫什么名字。认识你很高兴。认识你,我也很高兴。你好吗?很好。你呢?我也很好。/我不好。/我不太好。你爸爸、妈妈好吗?他们都很好。你来吗?她/他来吗?爸爸、妈妈来吗?朋友们,晚上好!早上好!/ 早!下午好!又见到你,我很高兴。/ 我很高兴,又见到你。我是中国人。你是哪国人?我是西班牙人。你/您 身体好吗?很好,谢谢!今天几号?明天几号?昨天几号?李老师来吗?他来。/ 他不来。你工作/学习累/忙/紧张/轻松吗?Tired/Busy/(tense nervous)/easy/relaxed很忙。/不忙。/
2、不太忙。握手 交谈(have a conversation)请你来。请你也来。请你们都来。请你回去。请你也回去。请你们都回去。昨天/明天/今天几月几号?今年/明年/去年是哪一年?今天是哪一年几月几号?一年有多少个月?一年有多少天?你忙吗?我今天不太忙,明天很忙。你身体好吗?很好。但是我最近很忙。你爸爸、妈妈好吗?他们都很好。谢谢!我姓张,你姓什么?他姓什么?您贵姓?(honorable)握手。交谈。例如:大夫,您贵姓。我姓张。那个大夫姓什么?他姓李。老师,您贵姓?我姓方。那位老师姓什么?她姓王。老板,您贵姓?我姓李。那位老板姓什么?她姓张。同学,您贵姓?我姓王。那个同学姓什么?他姓方。认识你很
3、高兴。/很高兴认识你。他是老师吗?她是医生吗?她是中国人吗?他是你哥哥吗?他们是朋友吗?1.You meet a Chinese friend for the first time,you greet each other,and you ask his name,and tell him your happy feeling.2.You dont know your friends elder sister.You ask your friend about her surname,condition of health and work.我自我(myself)介绍一下。/我介绍一下自己。让
4、我来介绍一下。这是张老师。我(来)看一下。我(来)听一下。我休息一下。A:Who is this?B:Let me introduce him to you. This my friend.C:My name is Yanyan. Nice to meet you.A:Nice to meet you , too.你要去哪?我要去超市。你呢?我也要去超市。一起去吧。好。You go to your teachers house. A girl come out when you knock the door.A: Is Teacher Zhang at home?B: Yes, who are
5、 you?您是哪位?A: Im her student, my surname is Wang.Who are you?B: My name is Lily. Teacher Zhang is my sister.Please come in!A: Thank you.谈一谈。尝一尝。笑一笑。动一动。试一试。见到你很高兴。看:action motion process见到/看见:the result你见到我的鞋了吗?你紧张吗?请起立!stand up今年是哪一年?What year is this now?明天几月几号?七月二十九号。July 29th.三月十二号。March 12th.六月八
6、号。June 8th.今天星期几?现在几月(份)?What month is this?What day is it today?一年有多少天?一年有三百六十五天。一年有多少个月?一年有十二个月。今天是星期三吗?你学习累吗?Are you tired with your study?不太累。/还可以。(all right)今天晚上你做什么?我看电视。你呢?我学习。/看书。/听音乐。你的生日是几月几号?What is the date of your birthday?我的生日是1987年1月1号。My birthday is January 1st,1987.她的生日是几月几号?她的生日是19
7、87年9月24号。你母亲的生日是几月几号?Her birthday is November 31st,1962.早上。上午。中午。下午。晚上。夜晚。你去她家吗?去,你呢?我也去,一起去吧。我们下午去好吗?好的。Shall we go there in the afternoon?明天晚上你做什么?你家有几口人?我家有三口人,你家呢?我家有五口人。口:measure word:for family members你家有谁?/你家都有谁?我爸爸、妈妈和我。你家呢?你妈妈工作吗?Does your mother have a job?她工作。你爸爸工作吗?他不工作。你妈妈做什么工作?What doe
8、s your mother do?她是老师/医生/商人/工人/护士。你妈妈在哪工作?她在学校/医院/工厂/超市/银行工作。你弟弟是学生吗?他是学生。你爸爸是医生吗?他不是医生,他是商人。你哥哥是大学生吗?College student他是大学生。他学什么专业major?(profession)英语专业。English major车辆工程(project engineering programme)。Vehicle engineering.你哥哥结婚了吗?Is your brother married?Yes,he is married.What does his wife do?She is
9、a nurse.Do they have children?Yes.How many children do they have?Two. Do you have a Chinese class this afternoon?Yes.Do you have a Chinese class tomorrow evening?No.What are you going to do after class?你上完课做什么?Im going to have a rest in the dormitory.What are you going to do after the meeting?你开完会做什
10、么?你洗完澡做什么?你吃完饭做什么?你买完东西做什么?你写完作业做什么?写信/看书/听音乐/回家/去超市/去办公室/看电视/去商店/洗澡(take a bath)现在几点(了)?What time is it?2:00 6:05 8:15 10:30 11:45 1:50 1:58现在几点?七点二十五。你几点上课?When do you start the class?七点五十。你什么时候去教室?7:40.Are you going to the classroom?No,Im going to have lunch.现在几点?现在6:15。你几点开会?When do you start th
11、e meeting?8:00When do you go to the office?7:50 我们明天去长城,好吗?Shall we go to the great wall tomorrow?Great, when shall we go there?7:00 in the morning.It is too early, what about 7:30?OK.When do you get up?你几点起床?6:30.你呢?I get up at 6:30,too.我也六点半起床。明天去超市好吗?OK,when?7:00 in the morning.Too early, what ab
12、out 7:30.Will you get up at 6:00?你6点起床吗?No, I will get up at 6:30.不,我6:30起床。你呢?I will get up at 6:30, too.你住在哪儿?where do you live?我住在酒店。旅店。饭店。旅馆。宾馆。我住在宿舍。Dorm/dormitory你住在几号楼?which building我住在X号楼。你住在几单元?which unit /ju:nit/我住在X单元。你住在几楼?which floorWhich floor do you live on?我住在X楼。你住在10楼几号?What is your
13、 room number on the 10th floor?你住在哪儿?where do you live?Can you describe your address in detail?I live in Room 503,Unit 2, Building 3.我住在和平现代城,B座,103(10楼3号)。画图,练习。 你家在哪?where is your home?我家在北京。My home is in beijing.我家在和平现代城。我家在和平广场旁边/附近。My home is next to/near heping square.我家在海边。我住在海边。I live by the
14、 sea欢迎你去我家。Welcome to my home.欢迎你来大连。Welcome to dalian.欢迎你去西班牙。欢迎你来我家。欢迎你来上课。Welcom to the class.A: Where is Teacher Zhangs home?B: I dont know.A: Then who knows?B: Lily knows. She often goes there.A: Ok, I will ask her.A: Lily, do you know where Teacher Zhang lives?你知道张老师住在哪吗?你知道吗?你知道这个多少钱吗?你知道几点上课
15、吗?你知道超市在哪吗?你知道他是谁吗?你知道我的生日吗?你知道我在想你吗?thinking about youLily: yes. She lives in that building, Room 305, Unit 1.A: thank you. 他常去He often goes to他常去我家。他常去那个公园。邮(二声)局 post office我们学校。Our school书店。图书馆。Library商店 store shop 你去哪?我回宿舍休息。Back to my dormitory to have a rest我去商店买东西。Go to the store to buy thin
16、gs我去图书馆看书。Go to the library to read books我去学校上课。Go to school to have class我回家吃饭。Go home to have lunch/supper/dinner请问, 八号楼在哪?在东边in the east在西边/南边/北边东南/东北/西南/西北Southeast/northeast/southwest/northwest在附近 nearby请问,医院/商店/超市/学校/旅店/邮局在哪?请问,医院怎么走?how to get there在左边/右边/前面/后面。On the left sideIn front/ in th
17、e back请问,书在哪儿?在桌子上。在包里。在沙发上。Sofa 'suf在椅子上。在垃圾桶里。Garbage can桶:bucket 'bkit请问,三号楼在哪儿?Where is the Building 3?在二号楼旁边。Beside the Building 2.怎么走?How to go there?你看,那个楼就是。Look, there is it.请问,超市/邮局怎么走?往前走。Go straight.离这儿远不远?Is it far from here?不太远,就在银行旁边。Not too far, just beside the bank.你的学校离这儿远不
18、远?Is your school far from here (or not)?这个医生好不好?Is this doctor good or not?这个房间大不大?Is this room big or not?张老师来不来?Is Teacher Zhang coming or not?这个故事精彩吗?Is this story wonderful/ exciting/ excellent/ splendid or not?北京离大连远吗?北京离大连远不远?你家离火车站公园离超市宿舍离教室请问,和平现代城在哪儿?在什么地方?在和平广场。离星海广场远吗?不远。您打算怎么去?你想要怎么去?How
19、 would you like to go there?坐汽车。请问,在哪坐汽车?Where can I take the bus?Where to take the bus?Right there.就在那儿。谢谢。请问,在哪学习汉语?请问,在哪吃饭?请问,在哪买咖啡?请问,在哪休息?她爸爸在哪儿工作?在商店工作。那个商店离他家远吗?不远。她爸爸早上几点去工作?When does her father go to work in the morning?早上七点半去工作。下午几点回家?下午五点半回家。Review你好!您好,林医生!你爸爸、妈妈身体好吗?他们都很好。这位是?This is?他是
20、我朋友,叫马林。马林,这位是我爸爸的朋友。林医生,认识您很高兴。认识你,我也很高兴。你们要去哪儿?我要回家。我去他家。您呢?我去书店。再见。再见。马林在家吗?在。您贵姓?我姓高,我是马林的老师。高老师,请进。您是? You are.?我是马林的姐姐。认识你很高兴。认识您,我也很高兴。大卫,我们什么时候去王老师家?星期天,好吗?What about Sunday?好。他搬家了。你知道他家的地址吗?He has just moved. Do you know his house address?他现在住在和平现代城,C座,六楼,603.Now he lives in the Peace moder
21、n city, No.603, the sixth floor, block C.你知道怎么去那吗?不知道。问一问小李吧。小李,你知道怎么去王老师家吗?他家离我姐姐家很近。His home is near my elder sisters home.Look at the map.看地图。从这往前走,第三个路口右转,然后左转。Go straight from here, turn right at the third crossing, and then turn left.你们为什么要去那?Why do you want to go there?To see a friend. Is it
22、far from here?Not too far. You can take a bus to go there.Where to take a bus?In front of the hospital.谢谢。马林,你和你奶奶一起住吗?Do you live with your grandma?Yes.How is her health?She is fine. She is 72 years old. Tomorrow is her birthday. Come and have supper with us.Thank you.11 我要买橘子 I want to buy some or
23、anges水果(fruits)橘子/橙子orange/苹果/葡萄grape /梨pear/香蕉/桃子/柠檬lemon/西瓜/木瓜pawpaw/菠萝pineapple/2芒果mango/樱桃cherry/草莓strawberryMeasure words and unit一根香蕉(long narrow hard)一斤 一两(50 gram)一斤二两一千克一瓶一杯咖啡/水/饮料(beverage)/啤酒Some main sentence patterns:1. 我要买苹果。2. 苹果多少钱一斤?How much is one catty of apples?3. 我可以尝一尝吗?4. 有可乐吗
24、?有矿泉水吗?mineral waterMost of the time, we call bottled water mineral water.有咖啡/葡萄/菠萝/芒果吗?对话dialogues:您要什么?/您要买什么?我要买橘子。橘子多少钱一斤(500gram)?两块五一斤。2.5yuan per catty您要多少?我要三斤。好,请稍等。这是三斤,您还要别的吗?不要了。(Modal particle)您要什么?我要买草莓。这种草莓酸吗?sour sa你可以尝一尝。You may have a taste.太酸了,那种呢?我可以尝一尝吗?我要这种。您还要别的吗?我还要买苹果。I also
25、 want to buy some apples.苹果多少钱一斤?7块钱一斤。太贵了。那种便宜。我可以尝一尝吗?可以。我要这种。谢谢。你要买什么?有可乐吗?有。多少钱一瓶?3块。我要两瓶。面包 11.5元/个 2个菠萝 5元/斤 1个樱桃 30/斤 1斤西瓜 2元/斤 半个木瓜 5元/斤 2个葡萄8元 苹果7元2斤葡萄和5个苹果 一共多少钱How much altogether?29块8。这是30块。 12 我想买件毛衣Some main sentence patterns:1. I want to buy a sweater.a T-shirt/a hat/a scarf/a shirt/a
26、 pair of trousers/a pair of shoes2. 我可以试一下吗?/我可以试试这件吗? Can I have a try? / Can I try this one?3. 大小/尺寸/尺码合适吗?Is the size right? Yes.合适。 This one is a little big /small /long /short / loose / tight. 这件有点大/小/长/短/宽松/紧。4. 你想要什么颜色的? What color do you want? 有红色的吗? Do you have a red one? 我想要红色的。I want a red one. 我们只有绿色的。 我不喜欢绿色的,谢谢。5. 我喜欢这件的款式,但不喜欢它的颜色。 I like the style of this one ,but I dont like its color.6. I will take this one. 我要这件。对话dialogues:天冷了。Its getting cold.我想买件毛衣。I want to buy a sweater.When do you want to go there?What about Sunda
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