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1、状语从句由从句担任的状语,在句子中可修饰谓语(或其它动词)、形容词、副词或是整个句子,它可以用来表示时间、地点、原因、目的、结果、条件、方式、比较、让步等。状语从句连词时间when, whenever, as, while, before, after, till, until, as soon as, hardlywhen, nosoon er tha n, scarcely whe n, each time, every time, the first time, last time, the moment, the minute, immediately地点where, wherever

2、, everywhere条件if, uni ess, as/so long as, on con diti on that, only if, if only, suppos ing / providi ng / provided that (假如)原因because, as, since, now that, con sideri ng that, in that让步though, although, even if / though, whatever, whoever, whenever, wherever, however, no matter wh比较than, the same a

3、s, not soas, asas方式as, as if, as though目的in order that, so that, for fear that, lest (以防),in case结果so that, so that, such that使用状语从句时要注意的几个问题1、在时间和条件(有时也在方式、让步等)从句中,主句是一般将来时,从句通常用一 般现在时表示将来。e.g. We ' II go outinfit doesn' t rain tomorrow.I ' II write to youas soon asI get to Shanghai.2、有

4、些时间、地点、条件、方式或让步从句,如果从句的主语与主句主语一致(或虽不一致,是it),从句的谓语又包含动词be,就可省略从句中的“主语 + be”部分。e.g. When (he was) still a boy of ten, he had to work day and ni ght.If (you are) asked you may come in.If (it is) necessary I' ll explain to you again.3、 注意区分不同从句:引导的是什么从句,不仅要根据连词,还要根据句子结构和句意 来判别。以where为例,能引导多种从句。e.g.

5、You are to find it where you left it.(地点状语从句)Tell me the address where he lives.(定语从句,句中有先行词)I don ' t knowhere he came from.(宾语从句)Where he has gone is not known yet.(主语从句) This place is where they once hid.(表语从句)Exercises:一、用横线划出下列句子中的状语从句,并指出是哪种状语从句:1. Child as she is, she knows a lot of thin

6、gs.2. The more I can do for the class, the happier I' II be.3. He talks as if (as though) he knew all about it.4. He is such a good teacher that the stude nts love and respect him.5shall go to the park uni ess it rains.6. No sooner had I got home tha n it bega n to rain.7. Where there is water,

7、there is life.8. He studied hard so that he could catch up with his classmates.9. Since you are very busy, I won't trouble you.10. Even if (though) I fail. Inever lose'heart.11. Once you beg in the work, you must continue.12. I will find her wherever she may be.13. Now that you've come,

8、you'd better have dinner with us.14. He was so excited that he could n't fall asleep.15. We must do everyth ing as he tells us.16. In dia is much bigger tha n Japa n.17. No matter whe n you come, you are warmly welcome.18. As (So) long as you work hard, you can catch up with the other classm

9、ates.二、用适当的连词填空:1. Dr. Bethune (白求恩)came to Chinahe was fifty.2. He bega n to workhe got there.3. Let's begi n our meet ingevery one is here.4. I like the En glish people,I don't like their food.5. you go in Chi na, you can see smili ng faces.6. He did n't come to the lecture,he was very

10、 busy.7. we had enough time, we walked to the cinema.8. They will help you you meet with difficulty.9. we came to the university, we have learnt quite a lot.10.I didn't join them yesterday evening I had to go to an important meeting.11. We would try to get a car we could all travel together more

11、 easily.12. She wouldn't forget her mother's birthday she seldom wrote to her family.13. We're doing everything we can to make things as easy for you we can.14. The meeting became so disorderly the speaker had to shout the audience down.15. He was angrier ever before.16. you lock all the

12、 doors, he can still manage to get in.17. The boy was so tired he fell asleep on the bus.18. Hard he tried, he couldn ' t force the door open.三、翻译下列句子。(not un til )as if / as though 虚拟)1. 直到河里的鱼死了,村民们才意识到污染是多么的严重。2. 他们完全忽略了这些事实,就仿佛它不存在似的。3. 尽管他很累,他还是坚持把工作做完。 ( as )4. 既然他已经同意了,我们可以立即实施我们的计划。(now

13、that )5. 一个人如果失血三分之二会怎么样呢?( if )6. 无论你说什么,我都不会改变主意的。 ( no matter what / whatever )7. 听到这个消息的时候,他们禁不住大声欢呼起来。( when )8我们将作近一步的讨论,然后再做出最终的决定 。( before )9.这本书如此简单,以至于这个孩子一周就读完了。( sothat 倒装)10. 只有我的朋友来以后,这部电脑才能修。( only 倒装)11. 如果你不累,我们去散步吧。( unless )13. 在我住的地方,长着许多鲜花。 ( where )14. 我刚挂断电话,电话马上又响了。(no soon

14、er tha n )15. 他一跳上地铁,门就关上了。( hardly when )16. 日子一天天过去,天气越变越坏。 ( as )四、常见易混状语从句(时间、地点、原因、条件、让步、目的、比较等)对 比辨析1. a) If we work hard, we can overcome any difficulty, no matter great it is.b) If we work hard, we can overcome any difficulty, great it is.c) If we work hard, we can overcome any difficulty, d

15、ifficulty it is.d) If we work hard, we can overcome any difficulty, no matter difficulty it is.A. whatB. howC. howeverD. whatever2. a) We were about to leave it began to rain.b) She thought I was talking about her son, , in fact, I was talking about my son.c) Hardly had I finished my composition the

16、 bell rang.A. whenB. whileC. asD. during3. a) Child she is, she knows a lot.b) He did the experiment he was told.c) The pianos in the other shop will be cheaper, but not good.A. duringB. asC. soD. thoughE. both B and C4. a) He would have a look at the bookstores he went to town.b) We decided to fini

17、sh the work on time, happens.c) If we work with a strong will, we can overcome any difficulty, great it is.d) I 'll give the book to likes English.A. wheneverB. whoeverC. whateverD. however5. a) It will be years we meet again.b) It 'sten years I came to this town.c) It's ten years ago I

18、came to this town.A. whenB. thatC. beforeD. since6. a) it rains, the game will be played on time.b) I was twenty, I had never been away from my hometown.c) he were here, he couldn 'thelp us.A. Even ifB. UntilC. TillD. Unless7. a) Tom failed in the exam in ati onhe had n 'worked hard.b)It rai

19、ned last ni ght,the gro und is wet.c)everybody is here, let 'sbegin our meeting.A. becauseB. forC. Since8. a) Go and get your coat. It 'you left it.b) You are free to goyou like.A. thereB. whereC. whereverD. whe n9. a) It is four yearshe joined the army.b) It will be four yearshe can join th

20、e army.A. beforeC. sinceC. whe nD. that10. a) The article is written in such easy Englishall of us can read it.b) The article is written in such easy Englishall of us can read.A. thatB. whichC. asD. so that高考英语复合句综合练习一、近3年全国各地高考选题。1、 (全国卷 I) 23. See the flags on top of the building? That waswe did t

21、his morning.A. whe n B. which C. whereD. what2、 (湖南卷)34.With his work completed, the bus in essma n stepped back to his seat, feeli ng pleasedhe was a man of acti on.A. which B. thatC. whatD. whether3、(山东卷)27.team wi ns on Saturday will go through to the n ati onal champi on ships.A. No matter what

22、B. No matter which C Whatever D. Whichever4、 (山东卷)32.I just wonderthat makes him so excited.A. why it does B. what he doesC. how it is D. what it is5、 (江苏卷)35. We haven t s'ttled the question ofit is necessary for him to study abroad.A. ifB. whereC. whetherD. that6、(安徽省)29. A warm thought sudden

23、ly came to me I might use the pocket money to buy some flowers for my mother ' s birthdayA . ifB . whenC. thatD . which7、 (北京卷)33.you have tried it, you can' t imagine how pleasant it is.A. Uni essB. Because C. AlthoughD. Whe n8、(上海春)32.most of the earth' s surface is covered by water, f

24、resh ryatareis veand precious.A. AsB. OnceC. IfD. Although9、 (天津卷)5. If you are traveling the customs are really foreign to your own, please do as theRomans do.A. in whichB. whatC. when D. where10、( 重庆卷 )23.In time of serious accidents ,we know some basic things about first aid,we can save lives.A.

25、whether B. until C. if D. unless11、(四川卷 )23. -Mom, what did your doctor say? -He advised me to live the air is fresher.A. in where B. in which C. the place where D. where12、(四川卷 )35.-Why didn't you tell him about the meeting? -He rushed out of the room I could say a word.A. before B. until C. wh

26、enD. after13、(陕西卷 )9.His plan was such a good one we all agreed to accept it.A. so B. and C. that D. as14、(陕西卷 )20.This is a very interesting book. I'll buy it, .A. how much may it costB. no matter how it may costC. however much it may costD. how may it cost15、(湖南 卷 )31.I had just stepped out of

27、 the bathroom and was busily drying myself with a towel I heard the steps.A. while B. whenC. sinceD. after16、(浙江卷 )2. We don 't keep winning games we keepaypilng well.A. because B. unless C. whenD. while17、(山东卷 )23. Engines are to machines hearts are to animals.A. asB. thatC. what D. which18、(北京

28、 卷 )31. Women drink more than two cups of coffee a day have a greaterchance of having heart disease than those don' t.A. who ; 不填 B. 不填 ; who C. who ; who D. 不填 ; 不填19、(上海春 )37. You can find whatever you need at the shopping centre, _ is always busy at the weekend.A. that B. where C. what D. whi

29、ch20、(重庆卷 )34.I saw a woman running to ward me in the dark. Before I could recognize who she was, she had run back in the direction she had come.A. of which B. by whichC. in which D. from which21、(陕西卷 )8.She was educated at Beijing University, she went on to have heradvanced study abroad.A. after wh

30、ichB. from whichC. from thatD. after that22、(福建卷 )22.Look out! Don't get too close to the house roof is under repair.A. whose B. which C. of whichD. what23、(湖南 卷 )30.We saw several natives advancing towards our party, and one of them came up to us, we gave some bells and glasses.A. to which B. t

31、o whomC. with whomD. with which24、(浙江卷 )13. I was given three books on cooking, the first I really enjoyed.A. of that25、(山东卷 )26. WeA. whereB. of which C. that D. whichre just trying to teach a point both sides will sit down together and talk.B. that C. when D. which26、(江苏卷 )31. environmental damage

32、 is done, it takes many years for theecosystem (生态系统 ) to recover.A. Even if B. If onlyC. WhileD. Once27、(江苏卷 )29. The owner of the cinema needed to make a lot of improvements and employ more people to keep it running, meant spending tens of thousands of pounds.A. who B. that C. as D. which28、(福建卷 )

33、25. How long do you think it will be China sends a manned spaceship tothe moon?Perhaps two or three years.A. when B. until C. that D. before29、(江西卷 )27In peace, too , the Red Cross is expected to send help there is humansuffering.A. whoever B. howeverC whateverD wherever30、(四川卷 )30. -It's thirty

34、 years since we last met.-But I still remember the story, believe it or not, we got lost on a rainy night.A. which B. that C. what D. when31、(重庆卷 )33.Nobody believed his reason for being absent from the class he had tomeet his uncle at the air port.A. why B that C. where D. because32、(上海春 )33. Doris

35、' success lies in the fact _ she is co-operative and eager to learn from others.A. which B. that C. when D. why33、(上海春 )35. David said that it was because of his strong interest in literature hechose the course.A. that B. what C. why D. how34、(上海春 )30. These shoes look very good. I wonder _.A. h

36、ow much cost they are B. how much do they costC. how much they cost D. how much are they cost35、(北京卷 )29. - Could you do me a favor?- It depends on it is.A. which B. whichever C. what D. whatever36、(全国卷 2)16. -What did your parents think about your decision?-They always let me doI think I should.A.

37、whenB. thatC. howD. what37、(全国卷 2)9. It was not until she got home Jennifer realized she had lost her keys.A. whenB. thatC. whereD. before38、(全国卷 I)28. he has limited technical knowledge, the old worker has a lot ofexperience.A. Since B. Unless C. AsD. Although39 (辽宁卷 )30. makes this shop different

38、is that it offers more personal services.A. WhatB. Who C. Whatever D. Whoever二、2011年广东高考语法填空。One Sunday morning in August I went to local music festival. I left it early because I had an oppoitment16_ ( late) that day. My friends walked me to the bus stop and waited withme_17_ the bus arrived . I go

39、t on the bus and found a seat near the back, and then I noticed a man _18_ (sit) at the front . He _19_ ( pretend) that a tiger toy was real and giving it a voice. He must be _20_(mental) disabled.Behind him were other people to _21_he was trying to talk, but after some minutes _22_walked away and s

40、at near me , looking annoyed.I didn 't want to be laughed at for talking to him but I didn 't like leaving him _23_ his own either.After a while I rose from my seat and walked to the front of the bus . I sat next to the man and introduced myself. We had _24_ amazing conversation. He got off the bus before me and felt very happy the rest of the way home.I 'm glad I made a choice . It made _25_of us feel good.略) 二、 1. when; 2. as soon as; 3. as; 4. though; 5. Wherever; 6. because; 7. Since; 8. whenever; 9. Since; 10. because; 11. so that; 12. though;


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