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1、Conversion 词性的转换Aims: how to use the technique of conversion in the process of translation Key points: definition of conversion, application of conversionDifficulties: application of conversion in the process of translationTeaching procedures:Generally speaking, a translator is not supposed to chang

2、e the parts of speech 词性 of the original work at will. However, because English and Chinese are two entirely different languages, a translator should not follow the parts of speech of the original mechanically. As a matter of fact, a word in one language belonging to a certain part of speech has oft

3、en to be converted into a different part of speech to conform to the usage of the language to be translated into. And this is what “conversion” means. So by “conversion” we mean that intranslation a word in the source language belonging to a certain part of speech is not necessarily to be turned int

4、o the same part of speech in the target language. Conversion is one of the important techniques and is needed primarily by the difference in syntactic syntactic adj. 依 据 造 句 法 的 structure and idiomatic ways in the two languages. Thats to say English and Chinese differ greatly in manner of expression

5、. Chinese: more verbs and fewer nouns and prepositions are used than in English. English: more nouns and prepositions and fewer verbs are used than in Chinese. This phenomenon appears to be just a difference in the use of different parts of speech, but in fact it shows the special features of either

6、 language in diction, syntax, conventional ways of expression, etc. Secondly, as in the case of English , some words in nouns or adjective forms are oftenused to express the idea of action, thus serving as verbs.*1. English nouns into Chinese verbs or vice versa (1 English into Chinese The Chinese l

7、anguage has a sentence construction with consecutiv 连续的 , 联贯的 predicates 谓语 by which verbs can be used freely, so it often occurs that several verbs appear in a row in a Chinese sentence. For example: 1.The happiness of having such a sister was their first and the fair ladies mingled in embraces and

8、 tears of joy. 她们首先倾吐了要做姑嫂的喜悦 , 两位小姐 高兴地一次次拥抱 , 洒下了欣喜的泪花 . 2.The of the terrible scene made his flesh creep. 毛骨悚然 . 3. The of computers makes for a tremendous rise in labor productivity. . 4.Britain has no such natural protection from Hollywood products. 英国没有这种天然的保护来阻挡 好来坞影 片 It is my n. 深信 , 确信 , 定

9、罪 , 宣告有罪 that though men may be no more wicked than they always have been, they seem less likely to be ashamed. 1, 深 信 , 确信 , 定罪 , 宣告有罪 2, wicked adj. 坏 的 , 邪恶的 , 缺德的 , 不道德的 , 恶劣的 , 刻 毒的 , 淘气的 人们虽然未必比以前还要不讲道德 , 但似乎要比以前更加不知羞耻 .(2 Chinese into English eg.1 据商业部最近预测 ,家用电冰箱一百万台 , 十年内将持续增长 . National for

10、 home refrigerators, estimated at one million this year, will keep rising within the next ten years, according to a recent forecast by the ministry of Commerce. eg.2我未必会教你游泳 , 我想我的小弟弟比 我教得好 . I am afraid I cant teach you swimming. I think my little brother is a better teacher than I.2. English prepo

11、sitions into Chinese verbs or vice versa In many cases, prepositions in English can be used to replace Chinese verbs. This method can make our English translation terse and comply with English usage. For example: 1. I saw that his face was pale. I followed his eyes and looked across the room to a wo

12、man who was setting a tray of drinkscustomers. 我见他脸色煞白 . 我循着他的目光 , 看见餐 厅那边有个女人端着托盘给几位客人上饮 料 . So the following examples will reveal the importance of conversion from English prepositions into Chinese verbs and vice versa. 1.Coming!” Away she skimmed over the lawn,up the path, up the steps, across th

13、e veranda,.阳台 , 走廊 and into the porch. 2. The computer is of high sensibility. Sensibility n.敏感性 3. Machine parts of irregular shape can be washed very clean by ultrasonics. ultrasonics n.超音波学 4 The shaft 转动轴 turns about its axis. 3. Conversion of English adjectives to Chinese verbs (1 English into

14、Chinese Some Adjectives In English that form Complete predicates with link verbs should be converted to verbs in Chinese. They denote vt.指 示 , 表 示 such Psychological states as perception 感觉 , sentiment sentiment n. 情操 , 情 感 , 情 绪 , 观 点 , 多 愁 善 感 , 感 情 , conception, desire, consciousness etc. For exa

15、mple: 1. With the unemployment high , the dollar low, and the stock market in distress, the economy became the Presidents sternest严峻的 trial. 随着失业人数的增长 , 美圆的贬值 , 股票市场 的不景气 , 经济问题成了总统最严峻的考验 . 2. This student is not content with his progress. 这个学生不满足于自己所取得的进步 . 3.The fact that she was able to send a me

16、ssage was a hint . But I had to be cautious. 她能够给我带信这件事是个暗示 . 但我还得 小心谨慎才是 . 4.Doctors have said that they are not sure they can save his life. 医生们说他们不敢肯定能否救得了他的命 . Such adjectives in common use include: convinced 相信certain 确 定 glad 高 兴 afraid 害怕anxious 渴 望 doubtful 怀 疑 aware 觉察ashamed 惭 愧 careful 当

17、心delightedsorry 可惜 ignorant 不知道 thankful 感谢confident 深信 content 满足 (2Chinese to English1. 他非常热爱科学研究 , 但对晋级提升毫无 兴趣 . He is keen on scientific research but indifferent to promotion. 2. 她 宽宏大量 , 富于同情心 , 并且顺从听话 . She is tolerant, sympathetic and obedient. (4Conversion of nouns in Chinese to verbs In Eng

18、lish and Vice versa In translation it often happens that Chinese Verbs are converted to English nouns. In other cases however, the opposite is true , that is , Chinese nouns are converted to English verbs. For example: (1 Chinese to English 1. 在张家界时我们看到一个高耸的岩石 , 它 的形状像是一根金鞭 . When we were at Zhangji

19、ajie , we saw atowering towering . 高耸的 , 杰出的 , 激烈的 rock which was shaped like a golden whip. 2. 气体和固体的区别 , 在于前者比后者有 更大的 压缩性 . Gases differ from solids in that the former have greater compressibility than the latter. 3我本不敢开口提这事 , 可是他信里的口气 十分严厉 . I didnt really want to mention it , but he sounded very

20、 serious in his letter. 4. 这类计算机的发明是他们在科学中所取 得的伟大成就的 象征 . The invention of this kind of computers symbolizes the great achievements they have made in science.(2English to Chinese 1. The products of this small factory are characterized by their fine workmanship and durability. 这个小厂产品的主要特点是 工艺精湛 , 经久

21、耐用 . 2.The operation of a machine needs someknowledge of its performance. 操作机器需要懂得机器的一些性能 . 3. The volume of trade has increased tremendously, the advantage of both countries. 贸易额有了很大的增长 , 这给两国都带来了 好处 .5 When nouns in English are translated into verbs in Chinese , the adjectives modifying the former

22、 are usually changed to adverbs in the other language . E.g. Occasionally a drizzle came down , and the intermittent flashes of lightening made us turn apprehensive glances toward Zero. 偶尔下一点毛毛雨,断断续续 的闪电使得 我们不时忧虑地朝着零区方向望去。 Meanwhile , in translation , owing to the different ways of expression in the

23、 two languages , English adjectives may be turned into Chinese adverbs and vice versa. For example: He spoke to them in hesitant French. 他结结巴巴地用法语向他们说。 This is sheer nonsense . 这完全是胡说。 Buckley was in a clear minority. 巴克利显然属于少数。6. Conversion of English object to Chinese subject and vice versa E.g. A

24、n automobile must have a brake with high efficiency. 汽车的煞车必须高度有效 . The mechanical energy can be changed back into electrical energy by means of a generator. 利用发电机可以把机械能再转变成电能 . Translate the following into Chinese and pay attention to the conversion 1.He is a stranger to the operation of the electro

25、nic computer. 2. The maiden voyage of the newly-built steamship was a success. 3. The electronic computer is chiefly characterized by accuracy and quickcomputation. 4. We have made a careful study of the properties of these chemical elements. Addition 他吃点东西 , 喝点酒 , 因为他疲惫不堪了 . . . They drove in a bla

26、ck limousine, past of birch trees and endlessidentical new building. 他们乘坐一辆黑色轿车 ,宅 . Inflation has now reached unprecedented level. . Ellipsis 1. ellipsis of pronouns As I lay awake, realized that was introuble. 我醒来 , 躺在地上 , 明白自己的处境不妙 . room with a paralytic stoke for the past 14 months. 我 78岁了 , 由于

27、患了瘫痪性中风 ,14个月来 一直出不了门 .Ellipsis of conjunctions I can do it, and so can you. 我能做 , 你也能做 . He studied in the college for two years, then he went to join the army. 他在大学念了两年书 , 后来就去参军了 . the board was spinning slowly, you could see all the different colors. 纸板慢慢旋转 , 你就能看出各种不同的颜色 . Ellipsis of articles A soldier should be loyal to his country. 士兵应该效忠祖国 . The crocodile is a dangerous animal. 鳄鱼是危险的动物 . Ellipsis of prepositions August 16, 1983, they started for the South to seek their fortu


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