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1、通常使用通常使用现在完成时现在完成时的几种情况:的几种情况:1 表示发生在过去对现在仍有影响的动作。表示发生在过去对现在仍有影响的动作。 I have read the book.2 表示过去发生一次或多次的动作。表示过去发生一次或多次的动作。 We all have played football.3 表示过去开始的动作一直延续到现在,只表示过去开始的动作一直延续到现在,只能用于某些带有延续意义的动词,常与能用于某些带有延续意义的动词,常与for, since, so far 等连用。等连用。 He has taught here since ten years ago.Complete t

2、he following sentences with the proper tense. 1 We _ (study) English for about five years. 2 They _ (live) in the south since their daughter was born. 3 I _ (read) your article three times. Its well written.have studiedhave livedhave read 4 The student _ (finish) her homework already. 5 Eric _ (go)

3、back to his hometown today. 6 The police_ ( finish) searching the area.has finishedhas gonehave finished现在完成时与一般过去时的区别现在完成时与一般过去时的区别: 一般过去时表示发生在过去的一般过去时表示发生在过去的动作,和现在无关;现在完成动作,和现在无关;现在完成时则强调某一发生在过去的动时则强调某一发生在过去的动作与现在的关系,如对现在产作与现在的关系,如对现在产生的结果或影响等。生的结果或影响等。完成下列句子:完成下列句子: I _(see) this film yesterday.

4、 (强(强调看的动作发生过了)调看的动作发生过了) I _ (see) this film. (强调(强调对现在的影响,电影的内容已经知道了)对现在的影响,电影的内容已经知道了) He _ (be) in the League for three years. (在团内的状态可延续)(在团内的状态可延续) He _ (join) the League three years ago. (强调加入的动作发生在过(强调加入的动作发生在过去)去)sawhave seenhas been joined一般过去时还是现在完成时? 1 They _ (move) to the south in 1990

5、and _ (live) there since then. 2 Eric _ (leave) home last year and _ (just come) back. 3 Justin _ (be) away from home for several days. He _(disappear) last Friday.movedhave livedlefthas just comehas beendisappeared 4 They _(buy) this house three years ago and they _ (live) here since then. 5 My bro

6、ther _ (go) to see my grandpa last week. He _ (visit) him three times this month.boughthave livedwenthas visited现在完成时与一般过去时常用的时现在完成时与一般过去时常用的时间状语:间状语: 一般过去时常与具体的时间状语连用,一般过去时常与具体的时间状语连用,而现在完成时通常与模糊的时间状语而现在完成时通常与模糊的时间状语连用,或无时间状语。连用,或无时间状语。 一般过去时的时间状语:一般过去时的时间状语: yesterday, last week,ago, in1980, in Oc

7、tober, just now, in the past等,皆为具体的时间状语。等,皆为具体的时间状语。 现在完成时的时间状语:现在完成时的时间状语: for, since, already, yet, so far, up to now, ever, never, recently, lately, just, in the past years,等,皆不确定的等,皆不确定的时间状语。时间状语。延续性与非延续性动词:延续性与非延续性动词: 延续性动词常与延续性动词常与for, how long, since 等引导的表示一段时间的状等引导的表示一段时间的状语或状语从句连用。一些非延续性语或状

8、语从句连用。一些非延续性动词如动词如come, go, leave, die, join, marry 等如用于现在完成时,一般等如用于现在完成时,一般不可以与表示一段时间的时间状语不可以与表示一段时间的时间状语连用,此时应改为意义相近的延续连用,此时应改为意义相近的延续性动词来表达。性动词来表达。 He has died. He has been died for one year. He has been dead for one year.注意:注意:非延续性动词的否定形式可以与表示非延续性动词的否定形式可以与表示延续时间的状语连用。即动作不发生的状态延续时间的状语连用。即动作不发生的状

9、态是可以持续的是可以持续的。判断正误:判断正误:( )Ive got his letter for a month.( )I got this letter a month ago.( )I havent received his letter for almost a month.FTT比较比较since和和for:Since Since 用来说明动作起始时间,用来说明动作起始时间,forfor用来说用来说明动作延续时间长度明动作延续时间长度I have lived here for more than twenty years. I have lived here since I was

10、born. 注意:并非有注意:并非有forfor 时间状语的句子都用时间状语的句子都用现在完成时现在完成时。比较:比较:I _ (work) here for more than twenty years. (我现在已不在这里工我现在已不在这里工作作)I _ (work) here for many years.(现在我仍在这里工作现在我仍在这里工作)workedhave worked 用于现在完成时的用于现在完成时的特殊句型特殊句型 1)It is the first / second time. that结构中的从句部分,用现在结构中的从句部分,用现在完成时。完成时。例如例如:It is

11、the first time that I _ (visit) the city. This is the first time that I _ (hear ) him sing.注意:注意:It was the third time that the boy _ (be) late. have visitedhave heard had been 2)This is +形容词最高级形容词最高级+that结构,结构,that 从句要用现从句要用现在完成时。在完成时。例如例如: This is the best film that I _ ever _ (see). haveseen 典型例题

12、典型例题(1) -Do you know our town at all?-No, this is the first time I _ here. A. was B. have been C. came D. am coming (2) -Have you _ been to our town before? -No, its the first time I _ here. A. even, come B. even, have come C. ever, come D. ever, have comeBD现在完成时在时间或现在完成时在时间或条件状语条件状语从句从句中的用法:中的用法: 现

13、在完成时在时间或条件状语从句中现在完成时在时间或条件状语从句中可以表示强调。可以表示强调。 1. Ill give you the book as soon as I _ (finish) it. 2. If you _ ( see) the film, you will like the director. have finished have seenRead the diary entry on Page 8 and complete it using the correct forms of the verbs in brackets. (2) saw (3) has visited

14、(4) loves (5) hasnt visited (6) has swum (7) has never met (8) has dived (9) has found (10) hasnt found (11) Has, been 现在完成进行时现在完成进行时(Present (Present perfect continuous tense):perfect continuous tense):The first usage:The first usage:现在完成进行时表示现在完成进行时表示强调强调某一动某一动作在过去开始发生,已经作在过去开始发生,已经持续持续到到现在,并且现在,并

15、且还将持续还将持续;(持续性)(持续性) 1. I have been learning English for three years. 2. He is very tired, because he has been cleaning the room.2.2.或动作刚刚停止,但与现在有关。或动作刚刚停止,但与现在有关。He is very tired, because he has been cleaning the room.Kelly: Sorry, Im late. Have you been waiting long?Mavis: Yes. Ive been waiting fo

16、r an hour.Please explain why the tense is used in these sentences.1. I havent been sleeping well since I returned home.2. So weve been looking at other possibilities too, such as murder.3. I have been swimming in the pool for long, so Im exhausted now. 现在完成进行时的构成:现在完成进行时的构成:have/ has been + doing 现在

17、完成时现在完成时和和现在完成进行时现在完成进行时的区别:的区别: 比较以下句子:比较以下句子: 一一. 现在完成时表示事件或动作刚结现在完成时表示事件或动作刚结束,而现在完成进行时则强调动作一束,而现在完成进行时则强调动作一直在做而且仍在继续。直在做而且仍在继续。 1. I have read the book written by you. 2. I have been reading the book written by you this month. 二二 . 现在完成时可以用表示现在完成时可以用表示状状态态的动词的动词(state verb)或表示动或表示动作的动词作的动词(acti

18、on verb)做谓语,做谓语,而现在完成进行时则只能用表而现在完成进行时则只能用表示示动作动作的动词的动词(action verb)做做谓语。谓语。 I have had his book for two months. I have already taken the photos of UFOs. I have been taking photos of UFOs these days.(state verb)(action verb)(action verb)动作动词动作动词(action verb)与状态动词与状态动词(state verb) An action means some

19、thing happening or changing. A state means something staying the same. Some examples of action verbs are do, go, and play. Some examples of state verbs are have, keep, know, be, stay.完成下列句子: 状态动词状态动词只用于完成时态;而只用于完成时态;而动作动动作动词词可用于完成时态与完成进行时态。可用于完成时态与完成进行时态。 1 I _ (have ) this camera for five years. 2

20、I _ ( take ) photos of UFOs with this camera.have had have takenhave been taking 三三. twice等表示次数的词只与完成等表示次数的词只与完成时连用;而时连用;而 for 则可以与完成进行则可以与完成进行时连用。时连用。 1 I_ (visit) Egypt twice this month. 2 I_ (tour) Egypt for two months. have visitedhave been touringHow many times / How long How many times只与只与完成时完

21、成时连用;连用;而而 How long则可以与则可以与完成进行时完成进行时连连用。用。 1 _ have you swum in the lake? 2 _ have you been swimming in the lake?How many timesHow long 四四. always, never, yet, already and ever 不能用于完成进行时态中。不能用于完成进行时态中。 1. I _ (never visit ) Paris. 2. I _ (already be) to Paris.have never visitedhave already been 完成下

22、列句子:完成下列句子: An action which began in the past and is still continuing or has only just finished can, with certain verbs, be expressed by either the present perfect or present perfect continuous. Verbs which can be used in this way include expect, hope, learn, lie, live, sleep, sit, study, wait, want

23、, rain, etc. 1 How long _ you _ (learn )English? 2 It _ (snow) for a long time.havelearntbeen learninghas snowedhas been snowing再比较下面的句子:再比较下面的句子:Part A on Page 11: A (1)heard (2) been doing (3) been researching (4) been doing (5) started (6) done (7) read (8) found (9) started (10) been doing (11)

24、been making Part B on Page 11: Sample answers 1 He has been waiting at an underground station. 2 They have been traveling in an UFO. It looks like a saucer. 3 They probably have talked to animals or plants on the earth as well as creatures on other plants. 4 They have visited Mars, Venus, Jupiter an

25、d some other planets. 1. _ that dress when I first saw you at the station? A. Were you wearing B. Have you worn C. Did you wear D. do you wear2. Kate doesnt look very well. Whats wrong with her? She has a headache because she _ too long; she ought to stop work. A. has been reading B. had read C. is

26、reading D. was reading 3. “Tell the students to stop shouting. We _ our essays .” A. write B. have been writing C. are writing D. have written 4. My uncle, Sam,_ manager of the firm. A. has just made B. is just being made C. has just been made D. is just made5. This is the first time that the studen

27、ts _ to Hyde Park. A. have gone B. have been gone C. have been going D. are being gone6. She _ her mothers work since she was admitted into hospital. A. is doing B. has been doing C. has done D. has been done7. Now that you _ , what are you going to do? A. are being returned B. have been returning C

28、. have been returned D. have returned8. I _ the incident as if it were yesterday. A. am still to remember B. have still been remembering C. am being still remembered D. still remember9. Where_ the map? I cant see anywhere. I _ it right here just now. A. did you put; have put B. have you put; put C.

29、had you put; was putting D. were you putting; have put10. John told Mary that he _ what he was doing during the vacation. A. was just asked B. was just asking C. had just been asked D. had just asked11. I started my teaching career at the school. That was more than twenty years ago, and I _ there ev

30、er since. A. was B. had been C. will be D. have been12. We _ fine weather for the past few days. A. have B. are having C. have been had D. have been having 13. It _ every day so far this month. A. is raining B. rains C. has rained D. has been rained 14. By the end of last year they _ 1,000 machines. A. turned out B. had turned out C. would turn out D. had been turned out15. Dont put the waste on the ground. Oh, Im very sorry. I _ the dustbin t


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