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1、Unit 6 Is Money so Important词组()词组()词组(词组()词组()词组()词形填空词形填空词形填空词形填空汉译英汉译英useful expressions:1.drive sb to2.see sb doing3.remindof4.instead of5.show off开车送开车送去去看见某人在做看见某人在做使使想起想起代替;而不是代替;而不是炫耀,卖弄炫耀,卖弄useful expressions:useful expressions:6. be different from6. be different from7. not all7. not all8.

2、at the same time8. at the same time9. earn ones 9. earn ones livingliving10. one of.(10. one of.(名词复名词复数)数)与与不不同同并非所有并非所有的的同时同时谋生谋生之一之一useful expressions:11. be known as12. be proud of13. most of all14. on earth作为作为而出名;而出名;被认为被认为以以为荣为荣最重要的是最重要的是到底,归根到底到底,归根到底Language study (I. P52 1)1)The film him o

3、f what he had seen in Beijing.2)I will go for an outing this Saturday it rains. 3)Your parents what you have done 4)They went to the village on foot by bus.remindedunlessare proud ofinstead of5) We have no coffee. Would you like a cup of tea6) We cannot such a large apartment.7) All the farmers have

4、 to work hard to their living.8) Why does she always want to in front of our class?insteadaffordearnshow off. .()()不同于)不同于)买得起)买得起)使我起了)使我起了)除非)除非)你信中提到的)你信中提到的)以)以为荣为荣is different fromaffordreminded me ofunlessmentioned in your letterproud ofA newspaper published a letter from a father. The father

5、said that his son disliked him because he didnt earn much money. The son felt unhappy when he saw his classmates wearing famous brand clothes or being driven to school in a car.A newspaper published a letter from a father. The father said that his son disliked him because he didnt earn much money. T

6、he son felt unhappy when he saw his classmates wearing famous brand clothes or being driven to school in a car.报纸上刊登了一位父亲写的信。报纸上刊登了一位父亲写的信。A newspaper published a letter from a father. The father said that his son disliked him because he didnt earn much money. The son felt unhappy when he saw his cl

7、assmates wearing famous brand clothes or being driven to school in a car.这位父亲说他的儿子不喜欢他,这位父亲说他的儿子不喜欢他,因为他赚不了很多的钱。因为他赚不了很多的钱。A newspaper published a letter from a father. The father said that his son disliked him because he didnt earn much money. The son felt unhappy when he saw his classmates wearing

8、 famous brand clothes or being driven to school in a car.每当他儿子看见同学穿着名牌每当他儿子看见同学穿着名牌衣服或是坐私车上学时,就衣服或是坐私车上学时,就觉得不高兴。觉得不高兴。This reminds me of Italy when it was still a developing country. Young people there didnt just want to wear jeans; they wanted to wear Levis. And sports shoes were not shoes unless

9、they were Nike or Reebok. This reminds me of Italy when it was still a developing country. Young people there didnt just want to wear jeans; they wanted to wear Levis. And sports shoes were not shoes unless they were Nike or Reebok. 这使我想起意大利,当它还这使我想起意大利,当它还是一个发展中国家的时候。是一个发展中国家的时候。This reminds me of

10、Italy when it was still a developing country. Young people there didnt just want to wear jeans; they wanted to wear Levis. And sports shoes were not shoes unless they were Nike or Reebok. 那里的年轻人并不只想穿牛仔那里的年轻人并不只想穿牛仔裤。裤。This reminds me of Italy when it was still a developing country. Young people ther

11、e didnt just want to wear jeans; they wanted to wear Levis. And sports shoes were not shoes unless they were Nike or Reebok. 他们想穿他们想穿evis这种名牌牛仔这种名牌牛仔裤。裤。This reminds me of Italy when it was still a developing country. Young people there didnt just want to wear jeans; they wanted to wear Levis. And s

12、ports shoes were not shoes unless they were Nike or Reebok. 除非耐克和锐步,其他运动鞋除非耐克和锐步,其他运动鞋对他们来说都不算是鞋子。对他们来说都不算是鞋子。When they had something new or expensive, instead of just enjoying it for themselves, they liked to show off.When they had something new or expensive, instead of just enjoying it for themsel

13、ves, they liked to show off.当他们有了什么新的或昂贵的当他们有了什么新的或昂贵的东西时,东西时,When they had something new or expensive, instead of just enjoying it for themselves, they liked to show off.他们不只是自己享用,而是喜他们不只是自己享用,而是喜欢炫耀。欢炫耀。 In society, when one or two members of a group are different from the others, they become the

14、focus of attention. People think they are the fashion and follow them without making any distinction. In society, when one or two members of a group are different from the others, they become the focus of attention. People think they are the fashion and follow them without making any distinction.在当今

15、社会里,当一个群体中在当今社会里,当一个群体中一两个成员不同于其他人时,一两个成员不同于其他人时, In society, when one or two members of a group are different from the others, they become the focus of attention. People think they are the fashion and follow them without making any distinction.他们就成为大家关注的焦点。他们就成为大家关注的焦点。 In society, when one or two

16、members of a group are different from the others, they become the focus of attention. People think they are the fashion and follow them without making any distinction.大家会认为他们就是时尚,不大家会认为他们就是时尚,不加任何分辨就盲目跟随。加任何分辨就盲目跟随。In a country, not all the people can become rich at the same time. Some get rich earl

17、ier and easily. Some, though not so rich, are well-off. And some others have to work hard to earn their living.In a country, not all the people can become rich at the same time. Some get rich earlier and easily. Some, though not so rich, are well-off. And some others have to work hard to earn their

18、living.在一个国家里,不是所有人在一个国家里,不是所有人都能同时富起来。都能同时富起来。In a country, not all the people can become rich at the same time. Some get rich earlier and easily. Some, though not so rich, are well-off. And some others have to work hard to earn their living.有些人致富早,富起来也容有些人致富早,富起来也容易。易。In a country, not all the peo

19、ple can become rich at the same time. Some get rich earlier and easily. Some, though not so rich, are well-off. And some others have to work hard to earn their living.有些人尽管不是很富裕,生活有些人尽管不是很富裕,生活也还好。也还好。In a country, not all the people can become rich at the same time. Some get rich earlier and easily

20、. Some, though not so rich, are well-off. And some others have to work hard to earn their living.而另外有些人不得不努力工作而另外有些人不得不努力工作才能糊口。才能糊口。 Life is difficult. This is one of the greatest truths. Once we accept that not everybody can afford Nike, well find life is easier. I grew up in Canada, which is know

21、n as a rich and developed country. But it doesnt mean that every family is wealthy. Life is difficult. This is one of the greatest truths. Once we accept that not everybody can afford Nike, well find life is easier. I grew up in Canada, which is known as a rich and developed country. But it doesnt m

22、ean that every family is wealthy.生活不容易。生活不容易。 Life is difficult. This is one of the greatest truths. Once we accept that not everybody can afford Nike, well find life is easier. I grew up in Canada, which is known as a rich and developed country. But it doesnt mean that every family is wealthy.这是最伟大

23、的真理之一。这是最伟大的真理之一。 Life is difficult. This is one of the greatest truths. Once we accept that not everybody can afford Nike, well find life is easier. I grew up in Canada, which is known as a rich and developed country. But it doesnt mean that every family is wealthy.一旦我们承认不是每个人都买一旦我们承认不是每个人都买得起耐克时,得

24、起耐克时, Life is difficult. This is one of the greatest truths. Once we accept that not everybody can afford Nike, well find life is easier. I grew up in Canada, which is known as a rich and developed country. But it doesnt mean that every family is wealthy.我们就会发现生活比较容易了。我们就会发现生活比较容易了。 Life is difficul

25、t. This is one of the greatest truths. Once we accept that not everybody can afford Nike, well find life is easier. I grew up in Canada, which is known as a rich and developed country. But it doesnt mean that every family is wealthy.我在加拿大长大,加拿大被认我在加拿大长大,加拿大被认为是一个富裕的发达国家。为是一个富裕的发达国家。 Life is difficul

26、t. This is one of the greatest truths. Once we accept that not everybody can afford Nike, well find life is easier. I grew up in Canada, which is known as a rich and developed country. But it doesnt mean that every family is wealthy.但这并不意味着加拿大每个家但这并不意味着加拿大每个家庭都富有。庭都富有。When my sister and I couldnt we

27、ar fashionable clothes, we never blamed our mother. Instead, we were proud of her because she was hard working and honest. Most important of all, she loved us.When my sister and I couldnt wear fashionable clothes, we never blamed our mother. Instead, we were proud of her because she was hard working

28、 and honest. Most important of all, she loved us.当我和我姐姐穿不上时髦的衣当我和我姐姐穿不上时髦的衣服时,服时,When my sister and I couldnt wear fashionable clothes, we never blamed our mother. Instead, we were proud of her because she was hard working and honest. Most important of all, she loved us.我们从来不怪我们的母亲。我们从来不怪我们的母亲。When

29、my sister and I couldnt wear fashionable clothes, we never blamed our mother. Instead, we were proud of her because she was hard working and honest. Most important of all, she loved us.相反,我们为她骄傲,因为她相反,我们为她骄傲,因为她工作勤恳,为人正直。工作勤恳,为人正直。When my sister and I couldnt wear fashionable clothes, we never blamed our mother. Instead, we were proud of her because she was hard working and honest. Most important of all, sh


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