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1、尤溪五中2014/2015学年高二上学期第二次阶段考试英语试题考试时间:120 分钟满分: 150 分一单选题(共15 小题,满分15 分)21. Cheer up and dornt the control of your bad fate(命运),and you 'll achieve what you want some day.A.submit B. submitting to C. submitted to D. submit to22. . really enjoyable,us a valuable lesson.A. Not only the film was, but

2、 also it gaveB. Not only was the film, but also it gaveC. Not only the film was, but did it also giveD. Not only was the film, but did it also give23. With his attention on his book , hedidn t notice someone entering his room.A. concentrating B. concentrated C. to concentrate D. concentrates24. I ha

3、ve done all I can to improve my work. But by no means with my progress.A. my boss is not satisfied B. is my boss not satisfiedC. my boss is satisfied D .is my boss satisfied25. you happen to see Mary ,would you please ask her to come here?A. Could B. Would C. Should D. Might26. Just at the foot of t

4、he mountainwith a history of more than 1,500 years.A. does a ginkgo tree standB. stands a ginkgo treeC. a ginkgo tree is standingD. a ginkgo tree stands27. So seriously in the accident that he was sent to hospital at once.A. he was wounded B. was he hurt C. he did injure D. did he hurt28. If he does

5、n t attend the meeting tomorrow, .A. so do I B. so will I C. nor do I D. nor will I29. Not until in the final test, not having worked harder.A.he failed, did he regret B. he failed , he regrettedC. did he failed, he did regret D. did he failed, regretted he30. We all know that, ,the situation will g

6、et worse.A. not if dealt carefully with B. if not carefully dealt withC. if dealt not carefully with D. not carefully dealt with31. -What made her so upset? -her necklace.A. Lose B. Losing C. To lose D. Lost32. The child wanted to ride his bicycle in the street but his mother told him.A .not to B. n

7、ot do it C. not to do D. do not do33. The farmers built long fences,keeping the wild dogs out of them.A. aim at B. aim for C. aiming at D. aimed for34.If she had worked harder , she .A. would succeed B. had succeededC. should succeed D. would have succeeded35. All the doctors in the hospital insiste

8、d that he badly wounded and that he_ atonce.A. should be, be operated onB. were, must be operated onC. was, should be operatedD. was, be operated on二 完型填空(共20 小题,满分30 分)Armed with two over-packed suitcases, we arrived at the airport just in time for my flight. As I watched her unload (放下)my luggage,

9、 I could see the 36 in her eyes. One last hug and a final good-bye, and I would be on my way to a new life 37 . “ You ' d better go or you ' ll miss your flight, she said.“I,38 you, " I replied, and with those words I 39 . By the time I reached the customs, I was 40 . While boarding the

10、 plane I was still crying. I did not have the 41 to put my bag in the overhead locker, so I put it on the 42 seat next to mine.Born just fifteen months apart, we not only looked alike, we were alike. We both had that same mix of 43 and fear of all things unknown to us. One sunny summer day I was pla

11、ying outside when she came 44 to me and said, “ Want to come to the attic阁楼)? " The answer was always “ 45 ” We were frightened of the attic but also 46 by its smells and sounds. Together we would get through masses of dust and look through a lot of boxes 47 we found what we needed.The plane sh

12、ook 48 and my bag fell onto the floor. My aspirin, hairbrush and some other things were 49 on the floor. I _50 over to gather them up when I saw a(an) _51 little book in the middle of my belongings. It was a diary.Immediately I 52 my sister ' s handwriting. " Hi, Sis. What a day it has been

13、 today. You let me know that you are moving abroad " 5O nldi_ I realize that my sister had been 54 a diary for the past month.I read about my sister ' s comings and goings during the flight. Even thouggeadcean 55 us, at some point it felt like she was actually there.36. A. honestyB. concern

14、C. sadnessD. satisfaction37. A. abroadB. homeC. againD. along38. A. rememberB. remindC. missD. think of39. A. was outB. was offC. left offD. left out40. A. smilingB. thinkingC. sighingD. sobbing41. A. courageB. energyC. ideaD. spirit42. A. fullB. bigC. blackD. empty43. A. curiosityB. anxietyC. sympa

15、thyD. worry44. A. aboutB. acrossC. downD. up45. A. NoB. YesC. SorryD. Certain46. A. surprisedB. boredC. attractedD. interested47. A. untilB. unlessC. thoughD. since48. A. hardlyB. slightlyC. weaklyD. heavily49. A. spreadB. putC pulledD. pushed50. A. turnedB. layC. bentD. looked51. A. similarB. unfam

16、iliarC. importantD. unimportant52. A. knewB. sawC. observedD. recognized53. A. whenB. thatC. thenD. this54. A. keepingB. writingC. usingD. making55 A. facedB. separatedC. surroundedD. blocked.阅读理解(共20小题,满分40分)AEvery morning my friend Mary would stop on the way to work to grab (抓紧吃)a quick breakfast

17、for herself and her son, before dropping her son off at school. They tended to frequent the same restaurant every morning grabbing an egg sandwich, juice, coffee for her and her son.One day she ordered an additional breakfast. Once they had eaten and gone out of the door, she stopped, said good morn

18、ing to a homeless man sitting outside of the restaurant and handed him the additional breakfast she had ordered. He thanked her, telling her it was the first meal he had in a great many days. She couldn t help but feel good and she was glad she finally took action.She told her son that she had seen

19、him every day that week outside the restaurant and that no one had stopped to offer him support, food, drink, comfort, etc. She further explained that homelessness could happen to anyone.She began her Kindness Tradition. Each day thereaftert匕后) she and her son continued to buy and supply the homeles

20、s man with breakfast. The practice was continued until they moved away several years later but the lesson was firmly implanted 灌输() in her son.She smiles as she tells me that this kindness legacy (遗产)continues with her son, whoremembered this childhood tradition and lesson. As a college graduate gai

21、nfully employed, her son stops every day at the restaurant for his morning cup of coffee and buys a breakfast for a homeless person nearby before going to the office.What a great family legacy that he can pass along to his children as well.56. We know from the passage that Mary .A. often helped home

22、less people before she met the homeless manB. gave the remains of her breakfast to the homeless man every morningC. knew the homeless man well and often ordered breakfast for himD. felt happy and satisfied after she gave the homeless man breakfast57. By telling the story, the author intends to (打算)

23、show us that.A. every family should have its own kindness traditionB. parents behavior can influence their children deeplyC. taking action to help others is hard for women and childrenD. one will feel proud after he or she serves those who need help58. What do you know about Mary s son?A. He hasn t

24、found a satisfying joBb. He received a lot of legacies from his parents.C. He continues to help homeless men. D. He isn t as kind as his mother.59. We can infer from the passage that the author s attitude towards Mary _s_b_e.havior isA. common B. Complimentary (称赞的)C. surprised D. negativeBDo you tr

25、avel a great deal with your dog? If so, there is no doubt that you should be just as concerned about your dog s safety as you would show for yourself and other pasrsse. nTgheere is no reason why your dog shouldn t be treated just like every member of the family and kept safe throughout your travels.

26、There are many dangers that you may face while traveling. These dangers include accidents and even sudden stops that can result in serious injury. You have to keep in mind that these dangers that could affect you, could also affect your dog! Therefore, you should take proper safety measures to prote

27、ct your dog.However, there are many ways that you can protect your dog while traveling. There are many companies that make seat belts and harnesses保护带)designed to protect dogs while traveling. These devices 具)are created and designed to keep dogs in place while a car is moving and act as lifesaving

28、devices during accidents.Safe car travel with your dog is very important to your safety and also to your dogs. If your dog is not harnessed down while driving, it could jump onto your lap and could cause you to have an accident. This could result in injury to yourself and also to your dog. Additiona

29、lly, there are many countries that require that any animal in a car be contained in a travel kit (成套工具).60. From the first paragraph we can learn that .A. taking dogs during a travel should not be allowedB. dogs safsehtyould be taken seriously during the travelC. dogs don t like to travel with their

30、 ownersD. dogs have the ability to keep themselves safe during the travel 61. According to the passage when an accident takes place.A. your dog may tell you the danger in advanceB. your dog could escape from the danger easilyC. your dog would also suffer from the dangerD. your dog may save you from

31、the danger62. How can dogs be protected while traveling?A. By using dogs ' seat beltsaanesses. B. By designing special cars for dogs.C. By using special warning devices. D. By teaching dogs some special skills.63. If your dog is free in your car while traveling.A. both of you would be safer in a

32、n accidentB. it would be easy for you to save it in an accidentC. it can escape in an accident D. it would make you in a dangerous situationCNine-year-old Barack Obama was looking through a magazine and he was shocked by a series of photos. The pictures were of a black man who destroyed his skin wit

33、h chemicals that promised (有可能)to make him white.For the first time, the African-American boy began to doubt who he was.However, now the boy who used to struggle with his identity doesn' t see_it as a problem any more, but an advantage for his successful career. Obama made history by being elect

34、ed as the first black president of the United States. He defeated John McCain in a landside victory(i 倒多数的绝 对胜禾ij).Obama's story starts in opposite corners of the world. His white mother was born in the heartland of the US. His black father grew up in a tiny village in Kenya. They met during col

35、lege in Hawaii, but his father left the family when Obama was just two years old and his mother moved to Indonesia.At 10, Obama moved back to live with his white grandparents in Hawaii. At his class, a white boy asked Obama if his father ate people. Out of embarrassment, Obama lied to his classmates

36、 that his father was a prince. “I kept asking who I am and I ended up trying drugs and drinking,” Obama recalled.Things came to change after the young men made friends with those with a similar background at college. Their experiences back in Africa helped Obama to finally face up to his African ori

37、gin. He worked hard to become a star at Harvard Law School and the third black senator(参议员)in US history.At the beginning of his campaign for the White House, few people viewed Obama favorably. Many doubted his unusual background, which left him neither“black“ enough nor “white”enough. But Obama tur

38、ned his pain of growing up into a tool to make Americans believe: “ There' s not a black America and a white America, a Latino America, an Asian America. The re s the United States of America:Barack Obama s victory is “ a historic victory that promised change and overcame centuries prejudice (偏见

39、).His success accomplished Martin Luther King' s dream that a man should be judged not by the color of his skin, but by the content of his character , wrote ABC news.64. The underlined word “it” in Paragraph 3 refers to.A defeating John McCainB Obama s successful careerC making him whiteD who he

40、 was65. We can learn from the passage that.A Obama was once troubled by his identityB the black man who destroyed his skin was Obama himselfC Obamai s parents come from the same countryD Africa is where Obama was born66. Which of the following is the correct order?a. being elected the first black pr

41、esident of the USb. returning to live with his grandparentsc. becoming the third black senator in US historyd. going to collegee. going to Africa for his originf. joining in the campaign for the White HouseA. b-e-d-c-f-a B. f-a-b-e-d-c C. a-b-e-f-c-d D. c-f-d-b-e-a67. The best title of the passage w

42、ould be.A. The first president of the US B .Martin Luther King' s dreamC The history of African Americans D.A historic victoryDIn early summer, one of the most popular fruits is strawberry(草莓).It is said strawberry is the “Queen of fruit“ as it has many nutritious elements. But many people feel

43、that the strawberry in the current market tastes different as many strawberries are artificially (AXM) grown and some even have a scent of pesticides你虫齐1J). So finding naturally-grown strawberries is a hot issue. There are some places where you can not only find tasteful strawberries, but also enjoy

44、 picking them.Tianxing Strawberry-Picking GardenAs one of the biggest strawberry-growing areas, Tianxing is known for its healthy fruits. The strawberries here are pesticide-free with no artificial coloring. And now the farm has a special offer that you can get a kilogram of strawberries for only 12

45、 yuan. Here, visitors can have fun picking strawberries as well as taste their freshness. And if you are a newcomer, you can get a discount card and enjoy an extra 20 percent discount on your next purchase.Taolin Strawberry GardenThis garden is not as famous as the first one, but it is a quiet place

46、 and relaxing. The strawberries here are much cheaper than those sold in markets. It only costs 6 yuan per kilogram. You can also buy freshly-picked lettuce and Tonghao. You can have fun picking strawberries in person, but you can' t taste them for free.New Special Limited-Time Offers:Buy 20kg,

47、Get 1kg FreeBaihe Green Strawberry GardenBaihe Town is the biggest strawberry-picking area. Known for the freshest and healthiest strawberries, this place is named as the “Hometown of Strawberries" . The price for this fruit is about 12 yuan per kilogram. And you can bargain with the local sell

48、ers for further discounts.68. People prefer naturally-grown strawberries mainly because.A. they contain many nutritious elements B. they have a different scentC. they are pesticide-free and tasteful D.they are cheaper and bigger69. You should pay Tianxing Strawberry-Picking Garden yuan if you buy 10

49、kilograms with a discount card.A. 120B. 108C. 96D. 6070. Baihe Town is praised as the “Hometown of Strawberries" chiefly because.A. it is the biggest strawberry-picking area in the worldB. the place produces strawberries of high qualityC. the place is the home to strawberriesD. you will enjoy s

50、pecial prices because people there are friendly.71. What is the purpose of writing the passage?A. To adevertise Strawberry Gardens. B. To show the magic of strawberries.C. To tell the difference between artificially-grown strawberries and naturally-grown strawberries.D. to tell us the joys of pickin

51、g and buying strawberries.EItalians always take great care to wear the right clothes on the right occasion. This is never a casual (随意的) choice it is important to wear the proper clothes for the role you are playing. The station master must look like a station master. He must act the part too since

52、he is on stage in the great film set of life. This is where style is so important. The taxi-driver, the teacher, the doctor, the lawyer and the engineer must all dress, act and behave like taxi-drivers, teachers, doctors, lawyers and engineers.Taking life easy and being seen to take things easy, whe

53、ther you are at the beach, in the disco or even at work, is part of bella figura 俚造美女f形象),which explains why Italians are often happy to work in jobs that might seem very boring, such as lifeguards or security guards. There they can be on show all the time and be seen to be looking good and taking i

54、t easy on the beach, or hanging around the bank looking important dressed up as agunslingerIt doesn't matter that the job is not so pleasant in winter, nor whether the guard is actually able or even allowed to use the gun, as long as he looks like the part. Nowhere can this be seen better than i

55、n the world of sport. It makes no difference if you can ' t swim very well, but for that subaqua ( 水下的)course you must have right clothes and gear and style and you must look and act like a subaqua diver. This is why the latest fashion is important, for it makes your performance more convincing.

56、 Many Italian 10fts(阁楼) are full of sportswear and gear(衣月艮),bought at great expense, but abandoned (丢弃)becausethey are out of date or their owner has taken up another activity.72. Why do Italians pay much attention to the right clothes on the right occasion?A. Because Italians like to show off on t

57、he public occasion.B. Because Italians think it is important to wear the proper clothes on the right occasion.C. Because Italians think they play an important role in a great film of life.D. Because Italians are very interested in the fashion of clothes.73. The underlined word in the second paragrap

58、h means.A. man who wears a gunB. security guardC. soldierD. policeman74. From the second paragraph we can learn that.A. Italians are often optimistic about their lifeB. Italians like to be dressed up as a gunslingerC. Italians are willing to work in jobs that are very boringD. guns can be allowed to use in public places75. According to the passage, whi


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