



1、教学基本信息题目 Unit 4 How do you get to school 学科 英语 年级 八年级教材内容 人教版初中英语八年级上 unit4 How do you get to school 1. 教材分析 1本单元是新目标英语第三册Go for it 第四单元的内容。本单元讨论的话题是交通运输方面的,是非常具有实用性的内容。 2. 本单元主要是在以前学习过疑问词“how”的用法的基础上,学习如何熟练的使用表示交通方式词组的应用。共分三课时完成。第一课时是基本语言内容的收集和学习;第二和三课时是知识的扩展和综合的语言运用。 2. 学情分析我们学校学生有相当一部分留守儿童,学生的英语基

2、础参差不齐。他们的世界观正处于形成阶段,思维活跃,但求知欲不强,经过一年多的英语学习,新鲜感减少,畏惧感增加,他们大都没有养成良好的学习习惯,并缺乏正确的学习策略。班上的学生已具有一定的英语综合能力,也积累了一定的英语词汇量,如相关的交通工具名称。 3. 教学目标(含重、难点) 1.知识技能 听:能听懂配套听力材料中有关话题的对话并转述其大意; 说:在课堂活动中能在老师的指导下正确使用how 疑问句型并做出回答;能与他人合作完成对假期旅游出行城市的谈论和交通方式选择。 读:能正确的朗读课文对话及课后提供的阅读材料;能完全理解课后短文并抓住其大意; 写:能用本单元的句型并参照课后短文,以其为范例

3、写出旅游计划。 2过程方法: 根据新课标倡导“任务型”的教学途径,培养学生综合语言运用能力的要求,本单元教学以培养学生的学习兴趣和发展基本的交际能力为主,重点放在如何询问交通方式, 如你每天如何上学,如果我们要外出,怎么去等交际用语上。学习任务的设计作到既从激发学生的兴趣出发,又将教材的知识充分融入,使学生在完成任务的活动中完成学习过程。 3情感价值: 听说读写的活动密切与激发学生的兴趣、自信心、合作精神等情感态度相结合。 学生在语言技能的实践过程中逐渐形成主动参与、乐于探索、勤于动手的学习态度,学会学习。 4. 教学过程教学环节 教师活动 预设学生行为 设计意图 step1 revision

4、 step2 reading step3 writing and speaking step4 homework 就问题交流,同时把交流结果做记录 检查答案强调以下难点: he usually takes the bus to school .means he usually goes to school by bus .etc, 学生报告交流结果 熟读课文,之后复述课文。 根据自己的实际情况写出自己的到校方式,家校距离,以及花费的时间,同时表达自己对所采用的交通方式的喜好及理由。 向你的笔友介绍本地的交通运输,并写出问题及解决方式。 这样设计是为了复习上节课所学的主要话题及句子,同时锻炼同学

5、的听力 解决学生在读课文的过程中遇到的问题 让学生汇报自己的情况,同时其他学生就how ,how long ,how far 等问题做出记录。 5板书设计 step1 revision Question 1 how do you go to school ? Question 2 how far is it take you to get to school ? Question 3 how long does it take you to get to school ? step2 reading questions:how does li lei go to school?how long

6、 does it take him to get to school ? 6教学活动设计(含师生对话设计) Step 1 Warming-up 1.Greeting:Teacher and students greet each other as usual. (Talk about the weather. Use Present tense and Past tense. ) T: Hows the weather today? S: It is. T:How was the weather like yesterday? S: It was. (强化交际能力,检查复习学过知识) 2. S

7、hort speech before class. Step2 Lead-in with pictures. 1.Show some pictures of transportations.Ask students to say what this is in the picture. And ask students to try to read these words. 2.Discussing:Students discuss the other transportations they know by group, the group master make a list and sh

8、are with the other groups. 3.Students practice reading the words. (通过多媒体屏幕向学生展示所学单词,图文并茂,非常直观地向学生展示了新单词.) Step3.Task 1.Have a match: Revise some phrases about transportation.Ask students to look at the pictures of transportations. 2.Say these phrases as quickly as they can. For example: take the bus

9、, take the subway, take a taxi. 3.Word game: Ask students to look through the new words quickly, then check how many they can remember. Give students some pictures about the new words and some word cards. The teacher show the new words or the pictures of the new words on the screen. If the teacher s

10、how the word “train” to the students, the student who got the picture of the train should stand up quickly and say “Im here!” And so on. (简单的单词游戏既调动了学生的学习积极性又强化了单词记忆。) Step4.Review 1.Revise the word how,ask students to make sentences with “how”. For example:How are you? How the weather 2.Write the t

11、itle of Unit4 on the black board. 3.Ask students to answer how they get to school one by one. Step5. Listening and Pairwork 1. Teacher play the recording,students listen and number the pictures . 2. Pairwork:Ask and answer how the people in the picture get to school. e.g A:How does Yanglan get to sc

12、hool? B: She takes the bus to school./She gets to school by bus. 3. Compare take and by. 4. Teacher ask students where they went on weekend . After studens answering, teacher ask:How did you get there? Ask students to answet one by one. 5. Pairwork:Ask and answer where your partner went on weekend a

13、nd how she/he get there. For example: -Where did you go on weekend? -I went go the park. -How did you get there? -I take the bus ./I get there by bus. 6.Practice: Make some sentences with“How do you go to.” Step6. Ask and answer in pairs: A: How do you get to school? B :I get to school by subway./I

14、take the subway to school. etc. Step 3 Practising .Students practice sentences with the pictures like above. Step 4 Make some conversations Look at these pictures,ask and answer in pairs For example:A: How do you get to school? B:I take the subway. A: How far is it from your home to school? B Its th

15、ree miles. A :How long is it take you to get from home to school? B It takes 25minutes. Step5 Writing Look at the pictures,and answer these questions.Then use your answer to make a short artcle,discribe how you get to school,how long you take Then discribe your partner or friend as your article. Step6 Summary. Key words check. Key sentences check. Step7 Home work. Make a survey。 Four students in a group. Names How does he/she get to school? 7.教学反思本节课主要采用了说,读,听,写的方式围绕教学目标展开教学,口语操练是口语课堂的精髓所在。如何高效地进行口语操练是我一直所探寻的问题。在本课中,我设计了多种不同形式的口语操练活动,希望学生能够逐步掌握口语交际技能,实现自主交流。 采用任务型教学法,注重语言的交际功能与使用;同时也注重对学生自主学


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