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1、 酒精分类、标准及用途Ethanol classification, standard and 酒精广泛应用于食品、化学、医药、染料等行业,酒精又是十分重要的清洁能源。通常,酒精按含杂质多少分为:无水酒精、食用酒精、工业酒精。Ethanol widely applies to many industries such as food, chemistry, medicine, dye and etc. In general, ethanol is divided to anhydrous ethanol, edible ethanol and industrial ethanol accord

2、ing to its impurity content.一、无水酒精Anhydrous ethanol无水酒精产品质量执行中华人民共和国国家标准GB/T678-2002化学试剂无水乙醇标准。The product quantity of anhydrous ethanol execute the state criteria of the People's Republic of China GB/T678-2002 < Chemical Reagent- anhydrous ethanol standard>名称 Name优级纯Guarantee reagent分析纯An

3、alytically pure化学纯Chemical pure乙醇的质量分数 Mass fraction of ethanol(CH3CH2OH)/%99.899.799.5密度 Density(20)/(g/mL)0.7890.7910.7890.7910.7890.791与水混合试验 Test mix with water 合格Qualified合格Qualified合格Qualified蒸发残渣的质量分数 Mass fraction of evaporation residue /%0.00050.0010.001酸度 (以H+计)Acidity (by H+)/(mmol/100g)0

4、.020.040.1碱度 (以OH- 计) Alkalinity (by OH-)/(mmol/100g)0.0050.010.03水分的质量分数Mass fraction of water/%甲醇(CH3OH)的质量分数Mass fraction of methanol(CH3OH)/%异丙醇(CH3)2CHOH的质量分数Mass fraction of isopropanol(CH3)2CHOH/%0.0030.010.05羰基化合物(以CO计)的质量分数Mass fraction of carbonyl compound (by CO)/%0.00

5、30.0030.005易炭化物质Readily carbonizable substance合格Qualified合格Qualified合格Qualified铁(Fe)的质量分数Mass fraction of ferrum (Fe)/%0.00001锌(Ze)的质量分数Mass fraction of zinc/%0.00001还原高锰酸钾物质(以O计)的质量分数/%Mass fraction of reducing potassium permanganate substance (by O) /%0.000250.000250.0006 用途:化学试剂、化学原料、防腐剂、消毒、燃料、有机

6、溶剂等。 Application: chemical reagent, chemical material, preservative, disinfection, fuel, organic solvent and etc.二、食用酒精 Edible ethanol食用酒精产品质量执行中华人民共和国国家标准GB10343-2002适用于谷物、薯类、糖密为原料,经发酵、蒸馏而制成的含水酒精,为食品工业专用的食用酒精。The product quantity of edible ethanol executes the state criteria of the People's Rep

7、ublic of China GB10343-2002, which applies to the aqueous ethanol make from grains, yams or molasses as raw material and through fermentation and distillation. It is the appropriative edible ethanol for food industry.食用酒精GB10343-2002标准Edible ethanol GB10343-2002Standard一、 感官要求Sense requirements 项目 I

8、tem 特级 Extra grade优级 Fine grade普级 Common grade气味 Smell具有乙醇香,无异味 Has ethanol aroma,no objectional odor无异臭 no objectional odor口味 taste纯净、微甜 pure, subtly sweet纯正、微甜pure, subtly sweet较纯正 Comparative pure理化要求 Analytical requirements指标名称 tem单位 Unit (GB10343-2002)特级 Extra优级 Fine普级 Common色度 Chroma 号 No.1010

9、10酒精含量 Ethanol content %(v/v)96.095.595.0硫酸试验 Sulfuric acid 号 No.51060氧化时间 Oxidation time Min403020总醛 (以乙醛计)Total aldehyde (by acetaldehydemg/l1330甲醇 Methanol mg/l250150正丙醇 Normal propyl alcohol mg/l235100异丁醇+异戊醇Isobutanol + isoamylol mg/l1230总酸 (以乙酸计) Total acid (by acetic acid) mg/l71020总酯(以乙酸乙酯计)

10、Total ester (by ethyl acetate)mg/l101825不挥发物 Nonvolatile matermg/l102025重金属 (以Pb计)Heavy metal (by Pb)mg/l1氰化物(以HCN计) Cyanide (by HCN)mg/l5*用途:白酒、饮料、乙酸乙酯、丁醇、丙酮、医药等。Application: distilled spirit, drink, ethyl acetate, butanol, acetone, medicine and etc.三、工业酒精工业酒精产品质量执行中华人民共和国国家标准GB/T394.1-94适用于谷物、薯类、糖

11、密为原料,经发酵、蒸馏而制成的含水工业酒精。其杂质指标比食用酒精宽松。按其生产的酒精不得用于食品、饮料。The product quantity of industrial ethanol executes the state criteria of the People's Republic of China GB/T394.1-94, which applies to the aqueous ethanol make from grains, yams or molasses as raw material and through fermentation and distilla

12、tion. Its impurity indicator is easier than edible ethanol. The ethanol that produced following this standard cannot be used for food and drink.工业酒精GB/T394.1-94标准Industrial ethanol GB/T394.1-94standard项目 Item指标 Index优等品High-class product一等品First-rate product合格品Qualified product粗酒精Crude ethanol外观 App

13、earance无色透明液体 Color less and clear liquid 淡黄色液体Faint yellow liquid色度/号 Chroma/No.10气味 Smell 无异臭no objectional odor乙醇 Ethanol(20,(V/V)%96.095.595.095.0硫酸度验号Sulfuric acid degrees Check No. /min1080氧化时间Oxidization degrees /min30155醛(以乙醛计)aldehyde (by acetaldehyde) /mg·L-1530杂醇油(以异丁醇+异戊醇计)Fusel (by Isobutanol + isoamylol) /mg·L-211080甲醇 Methanol/mg·L-8001200酸(以乙酸计)acid (by acetic acid) /mg·L-11020酯(以乙酸乙酯计)ester (by ethyl acetate) /mg·L1-3040不发挥物Nonvolatile mater /mg·L-1202525用途:燃料、有机溶剂、乙烯、橡胶、


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