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1、Unit 3 Topic 1名词旅游者;游客还有,此外动画片;漫画地位;位置介词人物,角色;汉字;品格动词遍及,在各处语言把打包除之外(还有)停车房,车库翻译连词包,捆;(猎犬等)一群划分每当;无论何时西班牙语投递(信件、邮包)词组翻译;口译者交流;传达(感情,信息)从今往后体系,系统把某物放在某位置,安置对高兴,满意公司形容词出差法语西班牙(人,语)的与相似邮递员大体的,笼统的把译成语言;舌头法国(人,语)的总的来讲,大体上国家;州;状态强大的,有效的,有权势的有时,偶尔讲某语言的人;演讲人最主要的,第一位的把分成王国;领域副词母语旅游业;观光口头地联合王国(正式的)会议;商谈精确地,确切地

2、分析下列单词的词性及词意Spain-_( ) France-_( ) interpret-_( ) oral-_( ) speak-_( ) exact-_( ) lead-_( )generally-_ ( ) beside-_( )except-_( ) communication-_( ) tour-_( ) busy-_( )power-_( ) please-_( )写出下面动词的过去式-过去分词speed-_-_spell- _-_spend-_-_spit- _-_spread-_-_ stand- _-_steal- _-_stick-_-_ sweep-_-_swim- _-

3、_take- _-_teach- _-_tell- _-_ think-_-_ throw-_-_Section A一. 读1a,回答问题1.Where are Wang Junfeng and his parents going to visit? _2.Is Wang Junfeng good at English? _二.根据1a,完成1b.三. 在文中找到并划出下面的短语1.看一看_2.把粘在墙上_3.将能/会做某事_4.卡通人物_5.数百万世界各地的人_ _6.有一天_7.为做好准备_8.迫不及待做某事_9.有好机会做某事_ _10.作为主要语言_11.遍及全世界_12.尽(你的)全

4、力_ _ 13.从今往后_ _14.更加努力工作 _15.对彼此交流很重要_ _16.在车库的地板上_ _17.成为好朋友_18.最后,最终_ _ 19.对高兴/满意_ _20.他的老鼠图画中的一幅_21.两人一组讨论_22.change the active voice into passive voice_ 四. 在文中划出下面的句子并分析1.You can stick it on the wall in your room. 译:_点拨:stick sth. on the wall 把粘在墙上 同义句You can it on the wall of your room.练习:请把这张中

5、国地图粘在墙上。 拓展:1)stick -木棒,枝条(名词) 练习:walking stick collect dry sticks to make a fire _ 2)stick to sth./doing sth.-坚持、主张某事/坚持做某事练习:a.他总是坚持自己的决定。 He always _ _ . b.她坚持每天早起。 She _ _ _ every day.2.I will be able to see more cartoon characters. 译:_总结:be able to do sth.- 有能力做某事,会做某事(用于各种时态);can do sth. - 会做某

6、事,能做某事; 只有过去式could,不能用于将来时和其它时态。练习:a.再过几个月我就会说法语了。I _ _ _ speak French in another few months.b.你会开车吗? _ you drive a car? = _ you _ _ drive a car? c.这件事我们现在可以谈。 We _ talk about it now. d.当她还是小孩子时,就能唱得很好。She _ _ _ sing well when she _ a child. e.我没能游到河的对岸去。 I swim to _ _ _ of the river. 3. Disneyland

7、is enjoyed by millions of people from all over the world . 译:_English is spoken as the main language in America. 译:_ It is also widely used around the world. 译:_ 点拨:is enjoyed-被喜爱 is spoken-被说 is used-被使用 (一般现在时的被动语态)被动语态构成:动作承受者+ be动词+及物动词的过去分词+(by + 动作执行者) 练习:1.黑板经常在课后由学生们擦。The blackboard _ often

8、_ _ students after class. 2.门是他刚刚关上的。The door _ _ by just now. 3.丝绸是在杭州生产的。Silk _ _ Hangzhou.4.I hope I can go there one day. 译:_辨析:one day (过去)有一天,(将来)有朝一日 / some day 有朝一日,总有一天(将来) 练习:1.总有一天你会明白的。 you _ understand. 2.一天,他在街上遇到一位老朋友。He _ one of _ _ on the street _ _.5. I cant wait to fly there. 译:_点

9、拨:cant wait to do sth. - 迫不及待地做某事练习:1)三天后,他迫不及待地想见他的妈妈。 _ 2)孩子们迫不及待地想打开盒子。 _ 链接:1)wait for_ 2)wait for sb. to do sth._ 3)keep sb. waiting_ 4)wait a minute/moment/second _ 6. Youll have a good chance to practice English there. 译:_点拨:have/get a chance to do sth. 有机会去做某事练习:a.我们将有出国留学的机会。Well _ _ _ _ _

10、_ for study. b.我希望有机会和你用英语交流一下。I hope Ill _ _ _ _ _ _ you in English.点拨:practice -实践,练习(名词); practice=practice-实践,练习(动词) 用法:practice/practise doing sth.-练习做某事练习:Linda每天练习弹钢琴。 _ . 7.Try your best and work much harder from now on. 译:_点拨:from now on - 从今以后,从现在开始(用于将来时) 链接:from then on _ (用于_时) 练习:a.我希望

11、从现在起我们是好朋友了。I hope we _ _ good friends _ _ . b.从那以后,她就再也没有迟到过。She _never .8.At last, he was pleased with one of his pictures of the mouse. 译:_点拨:be pleased with sb./sth.对感到满意/高兴 同义词组: 练习:a.我对他刚刚所说的话非常满意。Im very _ what he _ just now. b.她对考试成绩很满意。She _ her exam results.链接:be pleased to do sth. - 高兴/乐于

12、做某事练习:a.我很高兴见到你。 _ . b.我们应该乐意帮助别人。We _ _ be _ _ help others.五. 语法链接-被动语态(看P124讲解,填写下面的空格)1.英语动词有两种语态,即 和 。主动语态表示主语是动作的 ;被动语态表示主语是动作的 。2. 被动语态由 + 构成。被动语态人称、数和时态的变化由be动词完成 一般现在时:am/is/are + 过去分词 一般过去时:was/were + 过去分词现在进行时:am/is/are being + 过去分词 过去进行时:was/were being + 过去分词一般将来时:will be + 过去分词 过去将来时:wou

13、ld be + 过去分词现在完成时:have/has been + 过去分词 过去完成时:had been + 过去分词3.当我们只需要强调动作的承受者,或者不知道谁是动作的执行者,或者没有必要指出谁是动作的执行者时,要用 。动作执行者一般由 引出或省略。看P54-3b的例句,将下面的主动语态变为被动语态1. Many people speak English around the world. - English _ _ _ many people around the world.2. Chinese built the Great Wall in the old days.- The G

14、reat Wall _ _ _ Chinese in the old days.3. They are planting trees now. - Trees _ _ _ _ them now.4. They are planting trees this time yesterday. - Trees _ _ _ _ them this time yesterday. 5. We will plant more trees next year. - More trees _ _ _ next year.6. They said they would plant more trees the

15、next year. - He said more trees _ _ _ the next year.7. He has just finished his homework. - His homework _ just _ _.8. He said his homework had just been finished. - He said his homework _ just _ _.看P54-3a的例句, 先写出被动语态的句子,然后再变为主动语态1. Beijing Opera is enjoyed by many foreigners. - Many foreigners _ Be

16、ijing Opera.2. Many trees _ _ _ _ every year. - _ _ _ every year.3. Many roads _ _ _ _ every year. - _ _ _ _every year.4. The students _ _ to study hard _ _ _.- Their teachers _ the students to study hard.5. The Great Wall _ _ _ _ all over the world.-_.Section B一. 在文中找到并划出下面的短语1.pack your bag_ 2.去古巴

17、出差_3.作为官方语言_ 4.与相似_ 5.一样,相同_ 6.有些麻烦_7.用西班牙语进行一些长谈_8.向翻译求助 _ 9.match the word with the explanations _ 10.把翻译成_11.almost the same but not exactly the same_12.在两个或更多人之间_13.the system of human communication_14.借助口语或书面语_15.到很多国家旅行_16.通常,总的来说_17.做某事没有麻烦_18.他们中的大多数_19.全世界_20.作为母语(第一语言) _ _ 21.英国_ 22.新西兰 _

18、23.其他的一些国家_24.有时,偶尔_25.解释给某人听_ 26.大量人口_27.make sentences after the example_28.把分成小份_ _ 二在文中划出下面的句子并分析1.Im going to Cuba on business. 译:_点拨:on business 出差 链接:1)do business with sb. 和某人做生意 2)Business is business.公事公办。3)go out of business停业(倒闭) 练习:a.上个星期他去北京出差了。He _ _ Beijing _ _ _ _. b.他的公司刚刚倒闭。His co

19、mpany _ just _ _ _ _.2.Is English spoken as the official language in Cuba? 译:_点拨:as -作为(介词) official -官方的,正式的(形容词) / 官员(名词) 链接:office-_ officer-_练习:英语在大学被当做第一外语去学习。English _ _ _ the first_ language at college.3.-Is Spanish similar to English? -Not really. 译:_点拨:similar-类似的,相像的(形容词) 常用短语:be similar t

20、o 与相似,与相像 近义词组: _ (与相同) 反义词组: _ (与不同)Not really. - 事实上没有,不全是练习:a.莉莉的连衣裙和露西的差不多。Lilys dress _ _ _ _. b.我对这件事的见解和James的一样。My opinions on the matter_ _ _ _ _. c.-他为自己的行为感到懊悔了吗? -并没有。-Was he _ for what he had done? -_ _ . 4.Is it possible for you to have any trouble? 译:_ 点拨:It is possible for sb. to do

21、sth.-对某人来说做某事是可能的 链接:It is possible + that从句 - 可能注意:It is possible for sb. to do sth. 不能变成 sb. is possible to do sth.练习:我们可能会解决这个问题。a._ _ _ b. _ 他可能会回答这个问题。 a._ _ b. _ 5. In general, he has no trouble understanding people from different countries, because most of them can speak English. 译:_点拨:in gen

22、eral 通常,大体上,总的来讲 = (副词) have (no )trouble (in )doing sth. - 做某事(没)有困难 = _拓展: trouble - 麻烦,困难(不可数名词) trouble - 使烦恼,麻烦 (动词)练习:get out of trouble _ look for trouble _ in trouble _ get sb. into trouble _ trouble sb. to do sth._练习:a.昨天我毫不费力地找到了他的家。_ _. b.他做这道数学题有些困难。He this math problem. c. It troubles m

23、e that I havent heard from her recently. 译:_ d. I will not trouble you again. 译:_6. It is used as the first language by most people in Great Britain, America, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.译:_点拨:be used as 作为被使用 拓展: be used by sb.-_ be used in-_7.Besides, it is used as a second language in India

24、 and some other countries.点拨:besides 还有, 此外(副词) 除之外(介词) , 多用于肯定句中 注意:beside-在旁边(介词)辨析:besides, except, but -除了 besides -表示除了提到的事物之外,还包含其他的 except=but-表示不把提到的事物算在内;but着重整体,用在no, all, nobody, where, who等词后 练习:a.除了玛丽我们全都到了。We are all here _ / _ Mary.b.除了打你之外,他们还有没有什么别的举动? Did they do anything _ hitting

25、 you?c.这位歌手仍然年轻而且漂亮。The singer is still young and beautiful .d.除你之外,没有人给我写信。_ writes to me _ / _ you.8.Once in a while, Janes father has to travel to a country where English is not spoken.译:_点拨:once in a while 偶尔,有时候 链接:in a while-_after a while -_ for a while-_练习:a.如果你偶尔给我写封信,那就太好了。It would be nice

26、 _ you to write to me _ _ _. b.我一会儿就回来。 Ill be back .c.过了一会儿他回来了。He _ back _ _ _. d.他们在网上聊了一会儿。They chatted _ _ _on the Internet.点拨:where English is not spoken 是定语从句,修饰country.9.Whenever that happens, an interpreter helps him. 译:_点拨:whenever(连词)- 每当,无论何时 = no matter when 引导让步状语从句拓展:whatever无论什么 wher

27、ever 无论何地 whoever无论谁 however无论怎样 练习:a.每当我听到这首歌的时候,我就想起你。 I hear that song, I think of you. b.无论我解释的多么细致,她还是没有弄懂。 carefully I explained, she still didnt understand. c.他无论走到哪里都要带着他的狗。 he went, he took his dog with him.10.The interpreter translates the language and explains the culture of the country t

28、o him. 译:_点拨:translate sth. to sb. - 把翻译给某人拓展:translateinto把翻译成 同义词组: translator-_(_词) 三用被动语态描述P56-3的图片The flowers are watered by him every day.1. _2. _3. _4. _5. _Section C一.根据1a,完成1b 二. 在文中找到并划出下面的短语1.(全世界)人数最多 _ 2.多于,超过_ _ 3.在所有这些语言中_4.最为广泛地被使用_5.最新的研究_ _6.作为他们的母语_ 7.讲英语的人 _8.纵然,即使 _ 9.作为一门外语_ _1

29、0.国际航空_11.在国际贸易中_12.世界上2/3的科学家_ 13.因特网用户_ _14.用英语交流_15.变得越来越重要_ 16.underline the topic sentence of the article _ 17.find out some examples_ 18.prove the topic sentence _16.英国_ 17.美国_18.在许多不同的生活领域_19.在国际会议上_ 20.出国_ 21.在我们的生活中_22.广泛的英语知识_ _ 23.在方面扮演重要角色_ _ 24.在中央电视台新闻节目播出_25.在英语角_ _ 26.在公众场合 _ 27.中国制造

30、 _ 28.在手表的背面 _ 三. 在文中划出下面的句子并分析1.Is English spoken by the largest number of people in the world? 译:_The United States has the largest number of English speakers. 译:_点拨:number-数目,数量(名词) the largest number of-最大数量的辨析:the number of 和a number ofthe number of + 复数名词- 的数目 (作主语时,谓语动词用单数)a number of + 复数名词-

31、许多,若干 (作主语时,谓语动词用复数)练习:a.我校许多学生对流行音乐感兴趣。 _ students in our school_ _ _ pop music. b.许多教师已经入了党。 _ teachers _ the Party. c.我们班有20个男生。 _ the boys in our class 20.2.Recent studies show that over 400 million people speak English as their mother tongue. 译:_ 点拨:study-研究(名词) show - 表明,说明,告知(动词) 用法:1)show +

32、(that)从句 2)show sb.+ 疑问代词或副词 + to do sth. 出示,给看 用法:show sb. sth. = show sth. to sb.练习:a.你能告诉我去车站的路吗?Could you _ _ _ the station? b.请你演示一下怎样用这台机器好吗?Will you _ me _ _ this machine? c.研究证明光速比声速快。_ _ that _ _ _ light is _ than _ of sound. d.他让我看了他的照片。 _ = _ 3. About 300 million people speak English as their second language. 译:_点拨:as在这儿是 词,意思是 。4.Even though it is not the first or second language in many countries, such as Japan, Germany, France and China, it is also learned as a foreign


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