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1、 人教初一上unit11单元测试题 姓名-年级-分数- 听力部分I选择你所听到的正确的动词短语,并把相对应的字母写在横线上 (5分) A. take a shower B. eat breakfast C. get up D.go to school E. go homeF. run G. do homework H.go to bed I. eat lunch1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._II连线表示出你所听到的句子意思相符的图画(5分)III. 听对话,判断正误 (10分)()1. There is a ball game in the afternoon.()2. The gam

2、e begins at 2:00.()3. Mike has an English lesson at 10:00. ()4. Mike doesn't want to watch the game.()5. Betty will tell Mike about the game in the evening.笔试I. 根据句子意思,每空填一个英语单词。(10分)1. Who _ (help) you with your English? 2. My brother often _ (study) with me.3. What _ your brother _ (do) in the

3、 evening? 4. _ your father _ (help) your mother do house work at home?5. I want _ (visit) my grandfather and grandmother tomorrow.6. How long can she _ (stay) at home?7. She usually _ (go) shopping with her parents at the weekend. 8. My sister _ (not like) reading books.9. How _ (many) time does it

4、take you to go to school?10. He never _ (go) to bed before twelve.II.单项选择 (10分) ( ) 1. Does he _ a bus_?A. take, homeB. taking, homeC. take, to homeD. taking, to home ( ) 2. _ you play chess well?A. DoB. IsC. DoesD. Are( ) 3. There are lots of _ to do every day.A. thingsB. homeworkC. newsD. maths (

5、) 4. Do you often tell _ about your everyday life?A. hisB. heC. herD. they( ) 5. She wants _ an orange.A. to eatB. eatingC. eatD. eats( ) 6. I often take the bus to school, but _ I go to school by bike.A. some time B. sometimeC. some timesD. sometimes( ) 7. We always _ after school.A. go to school B

6、. go homeC. to go homeD. to go to school( ) 8. _ times do you eat dinners every day? Three.A. How many B. What time C. How longD. Where ( ) 9. Its time_A. for English classB. to dinner C. have dinner D. for the dinner( ) 10. The students always have _ homework to do. A. too muchB. too many C. much t

7、oo D. a lotIII. 句型转换(10分)1. He gets home at five in the afternoon. (就划线部分提问)   _ _ _ he _ home in the afternoon?2. I think Tom is at home. (否定句)   I_ think Tom _ at home.3. Now its five thirty. (同义句)   Now its _ _ _.4. She goes to work by car. (就划线部分提问)   _ _

8、she _ to work?5. Jacks family has one shower. (就划线部分提问)  _ _ _ does Jacks family _?6. Ann does her homework at home. (否定句)Ann _ _ her homework at home.7. I usually go to school at seven. (该为一般疑问句)_ you usually _ to school at seven?IV. 汉译英。(10分)1. 妹妹早上去上学。My sister _ _ _ in the morning.2. 我晚上练习书

9、写。I _ _ in the evening.3. 这只猫整天都在睡觉。This cat _ _ _.4. 你晚上洗澡还是早晨洗澡?_ you _ _ _ in the evening _ in the morning?5. 你为什么喜欢体育? 因为它有趣。_ do you like _? _ its fun.6. 我有时帮我妈妈做一些家务。I help my mum _ some housework _.7. 你喜欢听歌吗?Do you enjoy _ _ songs?V .完形填空。(10分)Huang Huas father_1_ mother are both teachers. Th

10、ey teach_2_different schools. They go to school_3_ bike everyday. They_4_ home at seven oclock in the morning and they get back _5_ five oclock _6_ the afternoon. Huang Hua and _7_ sister study in the same school. They get back at five, too. They do _8_homework before dinner. After dinner they often

11、 _9_ TV. They _10_ at ten at night.( ) 1. A. and( ) 2. A. at( ) 3. A. with( ) 4. A. go( ) 5. A. in( ) 6. A. in( ) 7. A. his( ) 8.A. his( ) 9.A. look( ) 10. A. go to bedB. but B. inB. byB. getB. atB. atB. he B. he B. readB. goes to bedC. or C. onC. of C. leave C. about C. on C. heC. our C. watch C. s

12、leepsD. so D. to D. on D. getting D. to D. of D. she D. their D. look at D. get bedVI. 阅读理解。 (20分) A.Dear Lin Xin,Thank you for your e-mail! I love autumn too. In Canada, we have an autumn holiday called Thanksgiving Day. Family members always celebrate it together. I will go to my grandmother and g

13、randfathers house. My uncles, aunts and their children will be there too.Canadian Thanksgiving Day is in early October. In the USA, they celebrate Thanksgiving Day in late November.I remember your birthday is in September. Have a good time on your birthday, Lin Xin! On my birthday, I have a cake wit

14、h candles(蜡烛). Everyone sings the song “Happy birthday”. Then I blow out the candles! Will you have a cake for your birthday?Your friend,Tom( )1.When is Lin Xins birthday? _.A. On September 29th B. In September C. Before September 29th D. After September 29th( )2. Americans celebrate Thanksgiving Da

15、y _.A. in early October B. in early November C. in late October D. in late November( )3. What do Canadians usually do on Thanksgiving Day? They usually _.A. eat cakes B. stay together C. watch the moon D. sing a song( )4. The subject(主题)of Toms e-mail is “_”.A. Your birthday B. My birthday C. Thanks

16、giving Day D. National Day( )5. What must Lin Xin and Tom use when they write to each other?_. A. Pens B. Paper C. Computers D. TelephonesBAlexs dayHello! Im Alex. I often get up at 6:30 a.m. Half an hour later I have my breakfast. At 7:30 a.m. I take a bus to school. We have Math, Chinese and Engli

17、sh classes from 8.00 a.m. to 11.30 a.m. I have lunch and talk with My classmates at school. We have three classes from 1:40 to 4:10 in the afternoon. After school, I often play with my classmates. We often play soccer, tennis and ping-pong. I go home at about 5:00p.m. I usually have dinner at 6:00p.

18、m. Then I do my homework and watch TV. At about 10:30, I go to bed.( ) 6. When does Alex go to school in the morning? At_. A. half past six B. seven C. six thirty D. seven thirty( ) 7. What time does Alex eat breakfast? At _. A. six B. seven C. seven thirty D. eight ( ) 8. How long does it take Alex

19、 to have breakfast?A. Thirty minutes B. An hour C. Ten minutes D. Seven hours( ) 9. Where does Alex eat lunch? A. At school B. At home C. at a hotel D. in a restaurant.( ) 10. Alex usually _ before he goes to bed. A. plays computer games B. takes a shower C. play soccer D. watch TV VII. 作文。(10分) 你的一

20、天是怎样度过的?你合理利用时间了吗? 请写一下你的作息时间表。要求: 字数不少于40 个单词,书写工整,语句通顺。参考答案:听力材料及答案I. 1. eat breakfast 2.do homework 3. take a shower 4.get up 5. go to bed II. 1. Emma reads books at 6:45 am. (1-C b) 2. Li Lei plays football at 4:45 pm. (2-D-e) 3. Lucy eats breakfast at 8:15 am. (3-E-c) 4. Sam goes to bed at 10:0

21、0 pm. (4-B-d) 5. Joy watches morning TV at 7:20 am (5-A-a)III. B: Good morning, Mike! M: Good morning, Betty! B: Mike! Today is Saturday. There will be a basketball game at the Childrens Stadium this afternoon. Shall we go and watch it? M: When will it start?B: It will begin at 4:30 this afternoon.

22、M: Id like to, but Im sorry I cant go with you. I have an English lesson this afternoon. B: All right. Then Ill go with Bob. I will tell you about the game in the evening. See you! M: Good-bye! (TFFFT)笔试I1. helps 2. studies 3. does; do 4. Does; help 5. to; visit 6. stay 7. goes 8. doesnt like 9. muc

23、h 10. goesII. A 在一般疑问句中,实义动词用原形,所以,用take; home 是副词,前面省略介词。所以是take a bus home,选A。2. A play “玩”,是行为动词,构成疑问句和否定句时需用助动词do 或does ,you 是“你”即第二人称,所以用do来构成疑问。3. A there are 是“有”的意思,表示客观存在,后面接复数概念的词,things 是“事情”是复数。4. C tell 是“告诉”的意思,在句中作谓语,后接宾语,所以人称代词用宾格。her即“她”是宾格。5. A “想要做某事” 是“want to do sth”,Want 后接动词不定式。6. D 句意是“我经常做公交车去上学,但是偶尔也骑自行车去。”“偶尔,有时候”正确写法是sometimes。7. B 题意是“我们总是放学后回家。”回家是 “go home”。8. A 题意是“你一天吃几顿饭?”time 在这里是“次数”的意思,是可数名词,对次数进行提问用how many。9. A 句意是“上英语课的时间到了。”its time for 意思是“到了的时间了”。10. A too many 和too much 都是“太多”的意思,前者修饰可数名词复


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