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1、British EducationHigher educationelementary educationBritain educationsecondary educationThree parts of British educationSCHOOLSCHOOLNAME OF SCHOOLNAME OF SCHOOLPERCENTAGEPERCENTAGEPre-school EducationPre-school Education(3-5)(3-5)Nursery SchoolNursery School47% of 3-and 4-year-olds47% of 3-and 4-ye

2、ar-olds20% start school before the 20% start school before the age of 5age of 5Primary SchoolPrimary School(5-11)(5-11)S State schooltate school95%95%Independent schoolIndependent school5%5%Secondary SchoolSecondary School(11-16)(11-16)Grammar SchoolGrammar School3%3%Secondary Modern SchoolSecondary

3、 Modern School6%6%C Comprehensive Secondary omprehensive Secondary SchoolSchool84%84%Independent(public) SchoolIndependent(public) School7%7% Sixth Form(16-18) Sixth Form(16-18)(Only 45% Continue (Only 45% Continue TheirTheir Education After 16) Education After 16) State SchoolState School25%25%Inde

4、pendent(Public) SchoolIndependent(Public) School6%6%Colleges of Further EducationColleges of Further Education14%14%The percentage of the British School SystemLOGOElementary educationCompany Logostate primary educationuThe system of state primary education is from the age of 5 to 11.uIn the state pr

5、imary schools, there are two sections-an infant section, from 5 to 7 and a junior section, from 7 to 11. Before their elementary schooling some children have an opportunity to attend one of the few kindergartens from the age of 3 to 5, officially called “Nuring School”. But most small children stay

6、at home with their mothers.Company LogoState school system at elementary levelSCHOOLSCHOOLAGEAGESEXSEXFINANCE(frFINANCE(from)om)EXAMEXAMNursery Nursery SchoolSchool3-53-5mixedmixedfeesfeesInfantsInfants SchoolSchool5-5-7 7mixedmixedCentral entral government government and local and local authoritiea

7、uthorities sJunior Junior SchoolSchool7-7-1111Separate eparate or mixedor mixed“Eleven Eleven PlusPlus” Now Now Totally Totally AbolishedAbolishedCompany LogoIndependent primary schoolu There is also private education in Britain at this stage .u The preparatory schools, which are popularly known as

8、prep schools, are independent schools for children from 7 or 8 up to 13.u he system of private schools at elementary level is perhaps from 3 to 13 including preschool education.u Their curriculum differs considerably from that of the primary school, since its main purpose is the “common entrance” ex

9、amination at the age of 13, for admission to a “Public school”Company LogoIndependent school system at primary levelSCHOOLSCHOOLAGEAGESEXSEXPINANCEPINANCE(from)(from)EXAMEXAMKindergaKindergartenrten3-53-5mixedmixedFeeseesPrivate Private SchoolSchool5 57 or 87 or 8 Mixed or ixed or separateseparatefe

10、esfeesPrep Prep SchoolSchool7 or 8-7 or 8-13-13separateseparateFees(or ees(or endowmeendowment)nt)Common ommon entrancentrance e examinaexaminationtionSecondary educationstate secondary school At this stage of education, there are various schools.They are grammar schools, comprehensive secondary sch

11、ools, secondary modern schools and “Public” schools. The first three schools belong to the state system, while public schools belong to the category of the independent schools. Very few grammar schools and secondary schools belong to the old system. All these schools are the products of various peri

12、ods in history.State school system at secondary levelSCHOOLSCHOOLAGEAGESEXSEXPINANCE(frPINANCE(from)om)EXAMEXAMGrammar Grammar SchoolSchool1)11-161)11-162)11-182)11-18Separate Separate or Mixedor MixedGovernmenGovernment tGCSEGCSE(GCE“(GCE“A A” ”level)level)Secondary Secondary Modern SchoolModern Sc

13、hool11-1611-16Separate Separate or Mixedor MixedGovernmenGovernment tGCSEGCSE(GCE“(GCE“A A” ”level)level)C Comprehensivomprehensive Secondary e Secondary SchoolSchool1)11-181)11-182)11-14 or 2)11-14 or 15-1815-183)11-16-183)11-16-18Usually Usually Mixed(or Mixed(or separate)separate)GovernmenGovernm

14、ent tGCSEGCSE(GCE“(GCE“A A” ”level)level)Independent secondary school Public schools, unlike prep schools, are not private in the fullest sense. They are generally controlled by governing bodies,who are appointed as trustees to keep alive foundations originally begun by charitable institutions or by

15、 rich and philanthropic people; they do not try to make any financial profits, but only to balance their budgets. Their income is partly from profits and endowments,mainly from fees paid by parents. Most public schools,particularly the most eminent ones, are called by the name of the town or village

16、 in which they are located; Some are called “College” and some are not. The 4 famous of all are Eton College, Harrow School, Winchester College and Rugby School.Independent school system at secondary levelSCHOOSCHOOL LAGEAGESEXSEXPINANCE(frPINANCE(from)om)EXAMEXAMPublic Public schoolschool13-1813-18

17、SeparatSeparate or e or MixedMixedFeesFeesGCSEGCSE(GCE“(GCE“A A” ”level)level)Public Public BoardinBoarding Schoolg School13-1813-18SeparatSeparate or e or MixedMixedFeesFeesGCSEGCSE(GCE“(GCE“A A” ”level)level)Higher education Higher education,also known as tertiary education, constitutes an importa

18、nt part of the Britain education system. Higher education in Britain is not compulsory and students have to pay tuition and fees.It is for this reason that English universities are called private institutions. Britain has more than 90 universities and about one-sixth of the students are postgraduate

19、s.Britain universitySix typesSix typesFounded timeFounded timeRepresented schoolRepresented schoolOld universitiesld universitiesthe twelfth centurythe twelfth centuryOxford and Cambridge Oxford and Cambridge UniversityUniversityThe four Scottish he four Scottish universitiesuniversitiesthe fifteent

20、h and sixteenth the fifteenth and sixteenth centuriescenturiesthe universities of the universities of St.Andrews, Glasgow, St.Andrews, Glasgow, Aberdeen and Aberdeen and EdinburghEdinburghThe middle-aged he middle-aged universitiesuniversitiesfrom 1830 to 1930from 1830 to 1930Durham university Durham university The new universitieshe new universitiesafter the Second World War or after the Second World War or in the midd


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