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1、外研社新标准英语第四册 第五模块第一单元详案一、 教学内容:Module5 Unit1 Lingling is skipping.二、 教学目标:(一 知识技能目标:(1学习 skip playtime sad noon hide-and-seek hurry up catch等单 词和短语。(2学习重点句型:Daming and Sam are playing hide-and-seek. Daming is hiding and Sam is seeking.(二运用能力目标:1. 让学生感受英语课堂的活跃性,让学生在日常生活中能运用所学语言。2. 对现在进行时所表示的意义有更深入的了解。

2、3. 正确理解,掌握对话内容(三素质教育目标:1. 通过学习,对外国小朋友的课件活动有所了解。2. 通过谈论学生课间活动,培养学生团结协作,互相帮助的意识三、教学重难点:重点 :能听懂、会说、会读以下句子:1.Daming and Sam are playing hide-and-seek.2. Daming is hiding and Sam is seeking.难点:1.熟练掌握本单元的单词和词组。2.能和他人谈论某人正在做某事。四、 学情分析:对于二年级的教学对象来说,本单元的知识难度较大,单词短语复杂,但句 型还是以前面三个模块都接触过的现在进行时为重点。 本单元的知识内容与孩子 们

3、的娱乐生活联系紧密, 在设计本课时主要利用感官让学生理解知识要点, 主要 通过以点带线再带面的方法完成教学目标。五、 教学准备:1. 教材相配套的 CD-ROM2. 单词卡片及相关图片3.PPT 课件六、 板书设计:七、 教学过程:1.Warming-up:T: Hello ! Boys and girls. Before our class, it s playtime. (show the word card of playtime and read it then stick it on the blackboard T: Now let s do some actions: Show

4、me your hands!S:Hands! Hands! Hands!T:Finger!Finger! Finger !S;Here! Here! Here!S: x(clap hands for one timexx .2. IntrouductionT: So lovely children.Do you know who I am?S:Miss ?T:Yes, I m Miss.chen. This class, Miss Chen will PK with you.So come on boys and girls!S: Ok!T;Now, class begins!(Greetin

5、g with the students本环节设计意图:可前热身,因为是借班上课本环节在课前与学生交流, 拉近与学生的距离, 更好的让学生适应新老师, 通过自我介绍顺便引出贯穿课堂 的老师与学生的比赛。3. ReviewingT: Now let s sing a song “ I m listening to music ” and do actions. S: I m lisening to music.I m reading a book .T: Well done! Here I have some pictrues you need to guess.( ppt showing som

6、e picturesT: What s she/he doing?S: She s/He s T: Now look! This is Llingling.What s she doing?S:T: Lingling is skipping(Write the sentence on the blackboard as the title本环节设计意图 : 通过旧歌曲的演唱和猜图片让学生复习旧知识,并引出 新的知识和课题T :Lingling is skipping.(show a picture skip and let students follow, then write the wor

7、d on the blackboardS :skip S-K-I-P skipT: Lingling is skipping.(S-K-I-P-P-I-N-G skippingS :S-K-I-P-P-I-N-G skipping.T: Who can skip?S:I can.(find a students to skipT: What are you doing?S:I m skipping.T:Clever!A sticker for you!T: (show another picture:Who can tell me what are they doing?S1S2T:Damin

8、g and Sam are playing hide-and-seek.(write it on the blackboard (show a card of hide-and-seek and read,then spell hide、 seekS: H-I-D-E hide S-E-E-K seekT:Look at the picture.who is hiding?And who is seeking?S1:Daming is hiding and . S2: Sam is seeking.T: Daming is hiding and Sam is seeking. ( write

9、hiding and seeking hide-hiding seek-seekingS: hide-hiding seek-seekingT: Daming and Sam are playing hide-and-seek.Daming is hiding and Sam is seeking.(chant S: Chant following the teacher:Daming and Sam are playing hide-and-seek.Daming is hiding and Sam is seeking.T:(After the practice, find a stude

10、nt to come to the stage to pk with the teacher 第二遍转换成老师和学生的拍手游戏S: Good boy! A stickers for you!T:Do you like clapping games?S:yes!T:we are playing clapping games.( show a card of clapping games and read T:I have another clapping games for you to do:(PPT showingOne, two, three, four.I am opening the

11、door.Five, six, seven, eight.Hurry up! Don t be late!S: ( following the teacher to play clapping games(1st together 2nd deskmates 3rd group workT: I think you all like clapping games. Are you happy now?But you have a friend is not happy. She is very sad. Do you know why? Let s listen to a story,then

12、 you can find the answer. Listen carefully! S:Yes!本环节设计意图:本环节通过图片,卡片,问答和儿歌将重点单词和词组教 给学生, 没有汉语的解释, 学生完全可以跟着老师的教学环节和动作一环扣一环 理解大意, 而且课文中的重点句型也都被编为拍手儿歌提前输入, 为下一步的课 文理解和学习做铺垫。T:Why is Fangfang sad?S:No one is playing with Fangfang.T: Yes ! When Fangfang is sad, Amy is coming Let s read the story together

13、. S:listen and repeat(针对教学对象解释课文中的困难的但是非重点知识点T: teacher and students read the text together then PK (Read the text for 3rd time本环节设计意图:通过问题引出课文,并强调解决课文中的重难点,反复变 换形式读课文。完成本课重要的课文教学任务。6. PracticeT: Play a game and review the words(火眼金睛 S: skippingS: clapping gamesS:T: Now it s our playtime ,our friends are playing on the beach.what are they doing? Let s see.T: what is he/she doing?S: He s/She s .本环节设计意图:本环节主要是对课文知识的复习拓展与应用, 让学生知道本 模块的课文知识是怎样来利用的, 只要敢表现就可以得红旗, 鼓励学生大胆张口 说英语, 这一环节不是简单的为了对课文进行检测, 而是训练学生学以致用的能 力。T: That s all. How many flags have you got? Let s


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