已阅读5页,还剩5页未读 继续免费阅读




1、40¾äÀËÂþµÄ¾­µäÓ¢Óï¾ä×Ó1. ÎÒµÄÊÀ½ç²»ÔÊÐíÄãµÄÏûʧ,²»¹Ü½á¾

2、ÖÊÇ·ñÍêÃÀ.no matter the ending is perfect or not, you cannot disappear from my world.2. °®ÇéÊÇÒ»¸ö¾«ÐÄÉè¼ÆµÄ»ÑÑÔlove is a carefully des

3、igned lie.3. ³Ðŵ³£³£ºÜÏñºûµû,ÃÀÀöµÄ·ÉÅÌÐýÈ»ºó²»¼ûpromises are often like the butterfly, which disappear after beautiful

4、 hover.4. µòлÊÇÕæʵµÄ Ê¢¿ªÖ»ÊÇÒ»ÖÖ¹ýÈ¥fading is true while flowering is past5. ΪʲôÐÒ¸£×ÜÊ&#

5、199;²Á¼ç¶ø¹ý,ż¶ûÏëÄãµÄʱºò¡­.¾ÍÈá­.»ØÒäÀ´ÅãÎÒ.6. °®Çé¡­ÔÚ&

6、#214;¸·ì¼ä³Ðŵ Ö¸·ì¡­.ÔÚ°®ÇéϽ»²ø.love ,promised between the fingersfinger rift,twisted in the love7. Èç¹ûÄãΪ×Å&#

7、180;í¹ýϦÑô¶ø¿ÞÆü£¬ÄÇôÄã¾ÍÒª´íȺÐÇÁËif you weeped for the missing sunset,you would miss all the shining stars8. ¸ÐÊ

8、0;ÃεĻðÑ棬¸Ð¾õ·ÉÎè˲¼ä£¬µ±Ò»ÇÐÀËÂþÒ£Ô¶£¬ÓÀºãÒÀÈ»to feel th

9、e flame of dreaming and to feel the moment of dancing,when all the romance is far away,the eternity is always there9. ÈãÇÖ»ßYÓö¼û,ÄÄÜÍ£®,ÄÈãÄÓö¼û.if we can only encounter each othe

10、r rather than stay with each other,then i wish we had never encountered .10. ÄþԸЦÖøÁ÷Àá,Ò²²»¿ÞÖø˵ºó»Ú ÐÄËéÁË,»¹Ðè

11、2;Ù²¹Âð?i would like weeping with the smile rather than repenting with the cry,when my heart is broken ,is it needed to fix?11. Ìì¿ÕûÓгá°òµÄºÛ¼££¬¶øÄñ

12、82;ùÒѷɹýthere are no trails of the wings in the sky, while the birds has flied away.12. ÓëÄã±£³Ö×ÅÒ»ÖÖůÃÁµÄ¹Øϵ,ÅÂ×Ô¼

13、º»á°®ÉÏÄã,ÅÂÄãÀ뿪ºó,ÎÒ»áÁ÷Àáwhen keeping the ambiguity with you ,i fear i will fall in love with you, and i fear i will cry after your leaving.13. ÈË»

14、;î×Å×ÜÊÇÒªµÃ×ïһЩÈ赀 ¾ÍÒª¿´ÄÇЩÈËÊÇ·ñÖµµÃµÃ×ïwhen alive ,we may probably

15、offend some people.however, we must think about whether they are deserved offended.14. Ë­¼ñ×ßÁËÎҵIJ£Á§Ð¬,Ñ°ÕÒÒÅʧµÄ²£Á§Ð¬.i am lo

16、oking for the missing glass-shoes who has picked it up15. ÃüÀïNʱÖÓÐèN ÃüÀïÎÞʱĪǿÇóyou will have it if it belongs to you,whereas you dont kveth for it if it doesnt appear in your

17、 life.16. ûÓÐË­¶Ô²»ÆðË­,Ö»ÓÐË­²»¶®µÃÕäϧ˭.no one indebted for others,while many people dont know how to cherish others.17. ÓÀ

18、12;¶²»ÊÇÒ»ÖÖ¾àÀë,¶øÊÇÒ»ÖÖ¾ö¶¨¡£eternity is not a distance but a decision.18. ÔÚ»ØÒäÀï¼ÌÐøÃÎ

19、7;ò»ÈçÔÚµØÓüÀïµÈ´ýÌìÌÃdreaming in the memory is not as good as waiting for the paradise in the hell19. ÄÄÀïÓÐÕæ°®´æÔÚ£&

20、#172;ÄÄÀï¾ÍÓÐÆæ¼£¡£where there is great love, there are always miracles.20¡¢°®Çé¾ÍÏñÒ»Ö»ºûµû£¬Ëüϲ»¶

21、·Éµ½ÄÄÀ¾Í°Ñ»¶ÀÖ´øµ½ÄÄÀï¡£love is like a butterfly. it goes where it pleases and it pleases where it goes.21.¼ÙÈçÿ´Î&


23、#161;£if i had a single flower for every time i think about you, i could walk forever in my garden.22.ÓÐÁËÄ㣬ÎÒÃÔʧÁË×ÔÎÒ¡£Ê§È¥Ä㣬ÎÒ&

24、#182;àôϣÍû×Ô¼ºÔÙ¶ÈÃÔʧ¡£within you i lose myself, without you i find myself wanting to be lost again.23.ÿһ¸öãåÔ¡ÔÚ°®º

25、;ÓÖеÄÈ˶¼ÊÇÊ«ÈË¡£24.look into my eyes - you will see what you mean to me.¿´¿´ÎÒµÄÑÛ¾¦£¬Äã»á·¢ÏÖÄ

26、27;¶ÔÎÒ¶øÑÔÒâζ×Åʲô¡£25.distance makes the hearts grow fonder.¾àÀëʹÁ½¿ÅÐÄ¿¿µÃ¸ü½ü¡£26.i

27、 need him like i need the air to breathe.ÎÒÐèÒªËû£¬ÕýÈçÎÒÐèÒªºôÎü¿ÕÆø¡£27.if equal affection cannot be, let the more loving be me.Èç¹&#

28、251;ûÓÐÏàµÈµÄ°®£¬ÄǾÍÈÃÎÒ°®¶àһЩ°É¡£28.love is a vine that grows into our hearts.°®Êdz¤ÔÚ

29、;ÎÒÃÇÐÄÀïµÄÌÙÂû¡£29.if i know what love is, it is because of you.ÒòΪÄ㣬ÎÒ¶®µÃÁË°®¡£30.love is the greatest refreshment

30、 in life.°®ÇéÊÇÉú»î×îºÃµÄÌáÉñ¼Á¡£31.love never dies.°®ÇéÓÀ²»ËÀ¡£32.the darkness is no darkness with thee.ÓÐ

31、93;ËÄ㣬ºÚ°µ²»ÔÙÊǺڰµ¡£33.we cease loving ourselves if no one loves us.Èç¹ûûÓÐÈË°®ÎÒÃÇ£¬ÎÒ

32、95;ÇÒ²¾Í²»»áÔÙ°®×Ô¼ºÁË¡£34.there is no remedy for love but to love more.ÖÎÁÆ°®µÄ´´ÉËΨÓмӱ¶

33、81;ØÈ¥°®¡£35.when love is not madness, it is not love.Èç¹û°®²»·è¿ñ¾Í²»ÊÇ°®ÁË¡£36.a heart that loves is always young.Óа®µ

34、;ÄÐÄÓÀÔ¶ÄêÇá¡£37.love is blind.°®ÇéÊÇäĿµÄ¡£38.love is like the moon, when it does not increase, it decreases. °®Çé¾ÍÏñÔ

35、;ÂÁÁ£¬²»ÔöÔò¼õ¡£39.the soul cannot live without love.Áé»ê²»ÄÜûÓஶø´æÔÚ¡£40.brief is life, but love is long.É


37、1;¶¾­µäÓ¢Óï¾ä×Ó´óÈ«¡·¡¤ a friend is a second self.ÅóÓÑÊÇÁíÒ»¸öÎÒ¡£¡¤ a friend in need is a friend indeed.

38、»¼ÄÑÅóÓѲÅÊÇÕæÅóÓÑ¡£¡¤ a friend in court is better than a penny in purse.êÙÖÐÓÐÇ®£¬²»È糯ÖÐÓ

39、08;ÓÑ¡£¡¤ a friend exaggerates a man¡äs virtue, an enemy his crimes.ÅóÓÑÐûÑïÈ˵ÄÃÀµÂ£¬µÐÈË¿ä´óÈ˵Ä×ï

40、¹ý¡£¡¤ a fox may grow grey, but never good.ºüÀê»á±ä£¬µ«±¾ÐÔÄÑÒÆ¡£¡¤ a fool¡äs heart dances on his lips.ÓÞÈËÐÄ&

41、#204;¹µ´£¬¹ÒÔÚ×ì´½ÉÏ¡£¡¤ a fool¡äs bolt may sometimes hit the mark.ÓÞÕßǧÂÇ£¬±ØÓÐÒ»µÃ¡£¡&#

42、164; a fool may throw a stone into a well which a hundred wise men cannot pull out.Ò»ÓÞËùʧ£¬°ÙÖÇÄѻء£¡¤ a fool may give a wise man counsel.ÓÞÕßǧÂÇ&

43、#163;¬±ØÓÐÒ»µÃ¡£¡¤ a fool may ask more questions in an hour than a wise man can answer in seven years.ÓÞÕßËùÎÊ£¬ÖÇÕßÄѴ𡣡¤

44、a fool can ask more questions than seven wise men can answer.Ò»ÓÞ·¢ÎÊ£¬ÆßÖǽáÉà¡£ ¡¤ a fool attempting to be witty is an object of profoundest pity.´ÀÈË×°´

45、ÏÃ÷£¬ÊµÔÚ×î¿ÉÁ¯¡£ ¡¤ a fool and his money are soon parted.±¿µ°ÄѾ۲ơ£¡¤ a fool always rushes to the fore.ɵ¹Ï×

46、;Ü°®Ç¿³öÍ·¡£¡¤ a flow of words is no proof of wisdom.¿ÚÈôÐüºÓ²»ÄÜ×÷Ϊ²ÅÖǵÄÖ¤Ã÷¡£¡¤ a

47、ffairs that are done by due degrees are soon ended.ÊÂÇéÒª°²²½¾Í°àµØ×ö£¬¾Í»áºÜ¿ìµØ×öÍê¡£ ¡¤ a fault confessed i

48、s half redressed.³ÐÈÏ´íÎ󣬵È춸ÄÕýÒ»°ë¡£¡¤ a fall into the pit, a gain in your wit.³Ôһǵ£¬³¤Ò»ÖÇ&#

49、161;£¡¤ a faithful friend is hard to find.ÒæÓÑÄѵᣡ¤ a fair face may hide a foul heart.È˲»¿ÉòÏà¡£¡¤ a fair death honours the whole life.ËÀ

50、81;ùâÃ÷£¬ÖÕÉíÈÙÒ«¡£¡¤ adversity makes a man wise, not rich.»¼ÄÑʹÈË´ÏÃ÷£¬µ«²»ÄÜÖ¸»&

51、#161;£¡¤ adversity leads to prosperity.Äæ¾³Ó­Ïò²ýÊ¢¡£¡¤ adversity is a good discipline.¿àÄÑÊÇÄ¥Á·È˵ĺûú»

52、5;¡£¡¤ a dog will not howl if you beat him with a bone.¹ÇÍ·´ò¹·¹·²»½Ð¡£¡¤ admonish your friends in private, praise them in public.ÔÚ˽µ×ÏÂÒª

53、ÖÒ¸æÄãµÄÅóÓÑ£¬ÔÚ¹«¿ª³¡ºÏÓÖ±íÑïÄãµÄÅóÓÑ¡£¡¤ a disease known is half cured.²¡Ç

54、;éÈ·Õï¶Ï£¬Öβ¡ºÃÒ»°ë¡£¡¤ a discontented man knows not where to sit easy.²»Âú×ãÕß×øÎÞÄþʱ¡£¡

55、;¤ actions speak louder than words.ÊÂʵʤì¶Ð۱硣¡¤ action is the proper fruit of knowledge.Ðж¯ÊÇ֪ʶµÄÇɹû¡£¡¤ a

56、creaking door hangs long on its hinges.»§Ê಻󼡣¡¤ a crafty knave needs no broker.½Æ»«µÄÁ÷Ã¥£¬²»Ðè¾Ó¼äÈË¡£¡¤

57、a covetous man is good to none but worse to himself.Ì°À·µÄÈ˶ԱðÈ˺ÁÎ޺ô¦£¬¶Ô×Ô¼ºÈ´»µ´¦¸ü´ó¡&#

58、163;¡¤ a contented mind is perpetual feast.Öª×ã³£ÀÖ¡£¡¤ a cock is valiant on his own dunghill.Ò¹ÀÉ×Դ󡣡¤ a close mouth catches no flies.²¡´Ó¿&#

59、218;È룬»ö´Ó¿Ú³ö¡£¡¤ a clear fast is better than a dirty breakfast.ÄþΪÇåƶ£¬²»Îª×Ǹ»¡£¡¤ a clear conscience l

60、aughs at false accusations.°×ÈÕ²»×ö¿÷ÐÄÊ£¬Ò¹°ëÇÃÃÅÐIJ»¾ª¡£ ¡¤ a clear conscience is a sure card.¹âÃ÷À

61、18;Â䣬ʤȯÔÚÎÕ¡£¡¤ a clear conscience is a soft pillow.ÎÊÐÄÎÞÀ¢£¬¸ßÕíÎÞÓÇ¡£¡¤ a clean hand wants no washing.&

62、#201;íÕý²»ÅÂÓ°×Óб¡£¡¤ a cheerful wife is the joy of life.¿ìÀÖµÄÆÞ×ÓÊÇÉú»îµÄÀÖÊ¡£¡¤

63、a change of work is as good as a rest.µ÷»»Ò»Ï¹¤×÷ÊǺܺõÄÐÝÏ¢¡£¡¤ accidents will happen.ÌìÓв»²â·çÔÆ

64、;¡£¡¤ a cat may look at a king.èҲÓÐȨ½ú¼û¹úÍõ¡£¡¤ a candle lights others and consumes itself.À¯Öò·Ù×ÔÉí£¬¹â&

65、#193;ÁÕÕ±ðÈË¡£¡¤ a burnt child dreads the fire.Ò»³¯±»ÉßÒ§£¬Ê®Äêž®Éþ¡£¡¤ a burden of one¡äs choice is no

66、t felt.×Ô¼ºÑ¡µÄµ£×Ó²»ÏÓÖØ¡£¡¤ absence sharpens love, presence strengthens it.Ïà¾Û°®ÒæÇУ¬Àë±ðÇé¸

67、;üÉî¡£¡¤ a borrowed cloak does not keep one warm.½èÀ´µÄ¶·Åñ²»Å¯Éí¡£¡¤ a book that remains shut is but a block.ÓÐÊé±Õ¾í²&

68、#187;ÔĶÁ£¬ÎÞÒìÊÇÒ»¿éľͷ¡£¡¤ a book is the same today as it always was and it will never change.Ò»±¾ºÃÊé½ñÌìÈç

69、;´Ë£¬½«À´Ò²Èç´Ë£¬ÓÀ²»¸Ä±ä¡£¡¤ a blind man will not thank you for a looking-glass.ÇﲨËÍ䣬°×·&

70、#209;³ÕÇé¡£¡¤ a blind man who leans against a wall imagines that it¡äs the boundary of the world.×ø¾®¹ÛÌì¡£ ¡¤ a bit in the morning is better than nothing all day.ÂÔÓÐ

71、02;¤ì¶È«ÎÞ¡£¡¤ a bird may be known by its song.ʲ÷áÄñ³ªÊ²÷á¸è¡£¡¤ a bird is known by its note, and a man by his talk.ÎÅÆä¸è&#

72、214;ªÆäÄñ£¬ÌýÆäÑÔÖªÆäÈË¡¤ a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.Ë«ÄñÔÚÁÖ²»ÈçÒ»ÄñÔÚÊÖ¡

73、;£¡¤ a beggar¡äs purse is bottomless.ÆòؤµÄÇ®´üÊÇÎ޵׶´¡£¡¤ a bargain is a bargain.´ï³ÉµÄЭÒé²»¿

74、1;˺»Ù¡£¡¤ a bad workman quarrels with his tools.×¾½³³£Ô¹¹¤¾ß²î¡£¡¤ a bad thing never dies.»µÊ´«Ç§Äê¡£¡&

75、#164; a bad padlock invites a picklock.¿ªÃÅÒ¾µÁ¡£¡¤ a bad custom is like a good cake, better broken than kept.»µÏ°¹ßÏñÏÊÏÚ±ý£¬·ÖʳÒ

76、0;±È±£´æºÃ¡£ ¡¤ a bad custom is like a good cake, better broken than kept.»µÏ°¹ßÏñÏÊÏÚ±ý£¬·ÖʳҪ±È±£´

77、0;ºÃ¡£ ¡¤ a bad conscience is a snake in one¡äs heart.×öÔôÐÄÐé¡£¡¤ a bad conscience is a snake in one¡äs heart.×öÔôÐÄÐ顤 a bad bush is bett

78、er than the open field.ÓÐʤì¶ÎÞ¡£¡¤ a bad beginning makes a bad ending.¶ñÆäʼÕ߱ضñÆäÖÕ¡£¡¤ no wisdom like silenceÖÇÕß&#

79、185;ÑÑÔ¡¤ necessity knows no lawîú¶ø×ßÏÕ¡¤ many hands make light workÈ˶àºÃ°ìÊ¡¤ don¡ät play the goat²»ÒªºúÄÖ¡

80、;¤ they¡¯re a barrel of laughsËûÃǺܸãЦ¡¤ this movie was just a hypeÕⲿµçÓ°ÍêÈ«ÊÇÔÚ³´×÷¡¤ the shortest strawÏ

81、;ÂÏÂÇ©¡¤ the news came as a bombshellÕâ¸öÏûÏ¢ÓÌÈçÇçÌìÅùö¨¡¤ feeling lowÒâÆøÏû³Á¡¤ these are more than old

82、 wives¡ä talesÕâЩ¿É²»ÊÇÎÞ»ü̸֮¡¤ that¡¯ll save your skinÄÇ¿É°ïÄã¶È¹ýÄѹء¤ every bad has

83、 some good »µÊÂÇéÒ²ÓкõÄÒ»Ã桤 some things rub them the wrong wayËûÃDZ»ÈÇÅ­ÁË¡¤ stay putͣס²»¶

84、;¯¡¤ to fly off the handleͻȻÉúÆø¡¢·¢Å­¡¤ he is really on the ballËûÕæµÄ˼·ºÜÃô½Ý¡¤ got savoir faireÑÔ&

85、#208;еÃÌ塤 he has never rested on his laurelsËû´Ó²»Âú×ãÄ¿Ç°µÄ³É¾Í¡¤ jump down someone¡¯s throatÉúÆøµØÅú

86、ÆÀ¡¤ put a roof over one¡¯s headÕÒ¸öµØ·½°²¶Ù¡¤ faced the music±¨Ó¦¡¤ blinded with scienceÎÞÑÔÒÔ¶Ô¡¤ off one¡¯s

87、 rockerȱ·¦ÀíÖÇ¡¤ old goatÀϹŰ壨ͨ³£Ö¸Ä곤Õߣ©¡¤ what¡¯s gotten into you£¿ÄãÔõÃ

88、0;ÁË£¿¡¤ coffee kept them on the go¿§·ÈʹËûÃdzäÂú»îÁ¦£»¡¤ shine on¸éÔÚÒ»ÅÔ£»¡¤ monkey£¨aro

89、und£©withÂÒ¶¯£»¡¤ i think i get the driftÎÒÖªµÀÁË£»¡¤ get the driftÃ÷°×£¬Á˽⡤ the meeting will start at 10 o¡äclock sh

90、arp»áÒéÊ®µã׼ʱ¿ªÊ¼£»¡¤ like taking candy from a babyÐÎÈÝijÊÂÒ×Èç·´ÕÆ¡¤ home is where the heart is¼Ò

91、ÊÇÐÄÖ®ËùÔÚ¡¤ from the word go ´ÓÍ·µ½Î²£»¡¤ they help make it less of a dog¡äs lifeËûÃÇ°ïæ¸ÄÉÆÉú

92、7;¡¤ half-baked ²»³ÉÊìµÄ¡¤ bend the rules at timesÍø¿ªÒ»Ã桤 spill one¡¯s guts˵³öʵÇ顤 for heaven¡äs

93、 sake£¡ÀÏÌ죡±íʾ¾ªÆæ»ò·ßÅ­µÄ¸Ð̾Ó fly-by-night²»¿É¿¿µÄ£¬²»¿ÉÐ

94、ÅÈεġ¤ nervous wreck½ôÕÅ£¬¼¤¶¯¡¤ pull throughÍÑÏÕ£¬¶É¹ýÄѹء¤ thumb through ´Ò´ÒµÄÔÄ

95、¶Á¡¤ lose one¡¯s shirtÒ»ÎIJ»Öµ¡¤ mess around withϹ¸ã£»ÂÒ¶¯¡¤ touch and goÇéÊÆΣ¼±¡¤ handwriting on the wall.&

96、#207;Ô¶øÒ×¼ûµÄΣÏÕ¡¤ spread oneself too thin ÐÄÁ¦½»´á¡¤ run-down½îÆ£Á¦¾¡¡¤ we look forward to the dawn of better days.Î&

97、#210;ÃÇÆÚ´ýºÃÈÕ×ÓµÄÀ´ÁÙ¡¤ variety is charming.·á¸»¶à²Ê¾ÍÊÇÃÀ¡¤ two of a trade never agree.ͬÐÐÊ

98、ÇÔ©¼Ò¡¤ the sudden news frightened me.Í»À´µÄÏûÏ¢ÏÅÎÒÒ»Ìø¡¤ he threatened to fire meËûÍþвҪ½â¹ÍÎ

99、0;¡¤ you young devil¡¯s spawn£¡ÄãÕâС¹í£¡¡¤ what snacks do you like best£¿Äã×îϲ»¶Ê²Ã´Áãʳ£»i like raisins and

100、 kebabsÆÏÌѸɺÍÈâ´® ¡¤ pistachio¿ªÐĹû£»beef jerkyÅ£Èâ¸É¶ù£»sunflower seeds¹Ï×Ó£»fish jerkyÓãÆ&

101、#172;¡£¡¤ ÃÀÓï¡°Ìì°¡¡±-oh£¡boy»òoh£¡man£»¡°ºÃʹѽ¡±ÃÀÓï±ê×¼¿ÚÓïÊ&

102、#199;ouch£»Èç¹ûÉí±ßÓÐà©à©²»ÐݵÄÈË£¬¿ÉÒÔ˵¡°buzz off¡±¡¤ that makes senseÄÇ¿ÉÒÔ&#

103、192;í½â£»you said itÄãËã˵¶ÔÁË£»¡¤ i really need to blow off some steam!ÎÒµÃÊ滺һÏÂѹÁ¦£»take a pissС&#

104、177;㡤 pride feels no cold.ÈËҪͼÇΣ¬¶³ËÀ²»½Ð¡£/ ½¾Õß²»¾õÀ䣬ÇÎÈ˲»´©ÃÞ

105、61;£¡¤ virtue never grows old. ÃÀµÂÓÀÔ¶²»»á¹ýʱ¡£¡¤ pride feels no cold. ÈËҪͼÇΣ¬¶³ËÀ²»½Ð

106、1;£/ ½¾Õß²»¾õÀ䣬ÇÎÈ˲»´©ÃÞ¡£¡¤ i am always punctual ÎÒ×ÜÊǺÜ׼ʱ£»¡¤ don¡¯

107、t be so modest ±ðÇ«ÐéÁË£»¡¤ i am flattered¹ý½±ÁË¡¤ i am on your side ÎÒÖ§³ÖÄ㣻well£¬it dependsàÞ£¬Õâµ

108、95;¿´Çé¿ö£»it is up in the airÐü¶øδ¾ö ¡¤ that is the latest fashion. ÕâÊÇ×îÁ÷ÐеĿîʽ£»he always talks big. Ëû

109、;×ÜÊÇ´µÅ£¡£¡¤ so far so good ĿǰΪֹ£¬Ò»Çж¼ºÃ£»let¡¯s get to the point À´Ì¸Òªµã°

110、01;£¡»Ø¸´66µã²¥¿ªÐÄÓ¢Ó for the old time sake. ¿´ÔÚ¾ÉÈÕ¹ØϵµÄÃæ×ÓÉÏ£»let¡¯s fo

111、rgive and forget. ¾¡ÆúÇ°ÏÓ¡£ ¡¤ knock it off. ÉÙÀ´ÕâÒ»Ì×£»a close call. ̫ΣÏÕÁË/ǧ¾ûÒ»·¢£»

112、;neck and neck. ²»·ÖÉÏÏ ¡¤ it is coolºÜ°ô£» it is neatÌ«¿áÁË£» it is righteous¿á±ÐÁË! righteous±È½ÏÉÙÓá

113、¤ that will be the day. ÓÐÕâôһÌì¾ÍºÃÁË£»i am having a swell time. ÎÒÍæµÃºÜ¿ªÐÄ ¡¤ if i were in your shoes?Èç¹û

114、06;ÒÊÇÄãµÄ»°?£»it is out of the question. ÕâÊDz»¿ÉÄܵġ¤ he passed out. ËûÒѾ­»èµ¹ÁË£¡£»not a s

115、ound was heard ûÓÐÒ»µãÉùÒô£»don¡¯t panic. ²»Òª»Å£¡¡¤ it is a lot of junks. ÕⶼÊÇһЩ¹í¶«Î

116、7;£»over my dead body! ÐÝÏ룡i decline! ÎҾܾø ¡¤ i got a big kick out of it. Õâ¼þÊÂÕæÁîÎÒ¿ªÐÄ£»don¡¯t try to brainwash

117、me.±ðÏë¸øÎÒÏ´ÄÔ ¡¤ don¡¯t chicken out£¬be a man. ²»ÒªÍËËõÁË£»you can count on us. Äã¿ÉÒÔÐÅÀµÎ&#

118、210;ÃÇ¡£ ¡¤ his words carry a lot of weight ËûµÄ»°ºÜÓзÝÁ¿£»my mouth is watering. ÎÒÁ÷¿ÚË®ÁË ¡¤ don¡¯t dream away your t

119、ime ±ðÐé¶È¹âÒõ£»cheer upÕñ×÷ÆðÀ´£»¡¤ you are a chickenÄãÊǸöµ¨Ð¡¹í¡¤ it is nothing to be surprised about Õ

120、;âʲ»ÖµµÃ´ó¾ªÐ¡¹Ö£»what a good deal! Õæ±ãÒË¡¤ in a word£¬i am tired of everything ×ÜÖ®£¬ÎÒ¶ÔÒ»

121、Çж¼ºÜÑá¾ë£»you asked for it Äã×ÔÌÖ¿à³Ô¡¤ god helps those who he1p themselves Éϵ۰ïÖúÄÇЩ×Ô¼º°

122、ï×Ô¼ºµÄÈË£»you set me up! Äã³öÂôÎÒ¡¤ the most difficult thing in life is to know yourself È˹óÓÐ×ÔÖªÖ®Ã÷¡¤ misfortu

123、ne might be a blessing in disguise ÈûÎÌʧÂí£¬°²Öª·Ç¸£¡¤ i don¡¯t think much of the movie ÄǵçÓ°²»ÔõôÑù£»¡

124、;¤ fasten your seat belt ϵºÃÄãµÄ°²È«´ø¡¤ i have a nice sum of money put away ÎÒ´æÁËÒ»´ó±ÊÇ®£»¡¤ don¡¯t trust to ch

125、ance ±ðÅöÔËÆø¡¤ i just keep my head above water (Éú»î)»¹´ÕºÏ£¡¡¤ i have the right to knowÎÒÓÐȨ֪µÀ¡¤ he stands out in t

126、he crowd. ËûÔÚÈËȺÖÐÌØÏÔÑÛ£»he may show up soon. ËûÂíÉϾͻØÀ´¡£ ¡¤ you can eat and drink your fill. Äã¿ÉÒ

127、Ô¾¡ÇéµÄ³Ô£¬¾¡ÇéµÄºÈ£»¡¤ i sobbed sadly£® ÎÒÉËÐĵijéÆü×Å¡¤ work fascinates me.i can look at it f

128、or hours. ¹¤×÷ºÃÓÐÒâ˼£¬ÓÈÆäÊÇ¿´×űðÈ˹¤×÷¡£ ¡¤ the movie is going over big everywhere in china Õⲿ

129、µçÓ°ÔÚÖйú´óÊÜ»¶Ó­¡¤ money is not everything.there¡äs mastercard and visaÇ®²»ÊÇÍòÄܵģ¬ÓÐʱ»

130、85;ÐèÐÅÓÿ¨ ¡¤ beyond all questions you are right ºÁÎÞÒÉÎÊ£¬ÄãÊǶԵģ»clothes make the manÈËÒªÒÂ×° ¡¤

131、; opportunity knocks but once. »ú²»¿Éʧ£¬Ê±²»ÔÙÀ´£»he lacks courage. Ëûȱ·¦ÓÂÆø¡£ ¡¤ i¡äm not good at speaking off the c

132、uff ÎÒ²»É󤼴ÐËÑݽ²£»one of these yearsºïÄêÂíÔ ¡¤ shake a leg, or you¡äll miss it. ¿ìµã£¬·ñÔò¸

133、;ϲ»ÉÏÁË£»i¡äve had it with him. ÎÒÊܹ»ËûÁË ¡¤ his performance of li bai is top-notch. Ëû°çÑݵÄÀî°×Ìرð&#

134、179;öÉ«£»i¡äll buy it. ÎÒÔ޳ɡ£ ¡¤ i share your enthusiasm лл¹ØÐÄ£¨²»ÄÍ·³µÄ£©£»could you fill in for hi

135、m? ÄãÄÜ´úÌæËûÂ𣿠¡¤ the explanation made no sense. Õâ½âÊÍĪÃûÆäÃit¡äs on me this time. Õâ´ÎÎÒ

136、99;ë¿Í¡£ ¡¤ i just do it by rule of thumb ÎÒƾ¾­Ñé×öµÄ£»i fast a day every week. ÎÒÿÖܾøʳһÌì ¡¤ it¡äs

137、full of hot air. ÕâÊÇÀ×Éù´óÓêµãС£»he always goofs off. Ëû×ÜÊǺýÀïºýÍ¿¡£¡¤ i am up to my ears in work. ÎÒÃ

138、;¦µÄ²»¿É¿ª½»£»it¡äs on the house. ÕâÊÇÃâ·ÑµÄ¡£¡¤ you should give him a piece of your mind Äã¸ÃÏòËû±í´

139、;ïÄãµÄ²»Âú£»¡¤ green hand ûÓо­ÑéµÄÈË¡¤ can you give me a lift? ÔØÎÒÒ»³ÌºÃÂ𣿣» i a

140、m an exam jitter ÎÒÒ»¿¼ÊԾͽôÕÅ¡¤ let¡äs go dutch. ¸÷¸¶¸÷µÄ£»this is in way over my head. ¶ÔÎÒ¶øÑÔÕâÊ

141、1;ÔÚÌ«ÄÑÁË¡£ ¡¤ who but he would do such a thing? ³ýÁËËûË­»á×öÕâÖÖÊ£¿£»¡¤ wishful thinking Ò»Ïá

142、9;éÔ¸µÄÏë·¨¡¤ his argument doesn¡ät hold water. ËûµÄÂÛµãÕ¾²»×¡½Å£»i have a runny nose.ÎÒÁ÷±ÇÌé¡£

143、; ¡¤ great minds think alike Ó¢ÐÛËù¼ûÂÔͬ£»being criticized is awful ±»ÈËÅúÆÀÕæÍ´¿à¡¤ one should love animals. they are so tasty. Ã

144、1;¸öÈ˶¼Ó¦¸ÃÈÈ°®¶¯ÎÒòΪËüÃǺܺóԡ£ ¡¤ i¡äm glad i kept my fingers crossed. ÎÒº

145、20;¸ßÐËÒ»Ö±¶¼ÕâôÐÒÔË¡£¡¤ he is an operator. ËûÊǸöÀÏÓÍÌõ¡£don¡ät get on my nerves! ²»Òª&#

146、189;ÁµÃÎÒÐÄ·³¡¤ let¡äs find a happy medium. ÎÒÃÇ»¹ÊÇÕÒÒ»¸öÕÛÖԵİ취£»¡¤ it really turns me on.

147、 ÕâÁîÎÒÐË·Ü¡£¡¤ i think you¡¯ve put your finger on it Äã˵µ½µã×ÓÉÏÁË£»painting the town red ¿ñ»¶ ¡¤ you¡&

148、#228;ve jumped on the bandwagon. Ëæ´óÁ÷£»i¡äm really in a bind. ÎÒ×óÓÒΪÄÑ¡£¡¤ they¡äre selling like hot cakes ÕâЩ¶¼ºÜ³©

149、;Ïú£»you¡äre laying it on thick. Äã¹ý½±ÁË ¡¤ the price makes my hair stand on end. ÄǼÛÇ®°ÑÎÒÏÅÁËÒ»Ìø¡£¡¤ he i

150、s now in the soup. ËûÏÖÔÚÔã¸âÁË¡£i¡äm on the wagon(Âí³µ,³µ). ÎÒ½ä¾ÆÁË¡£our destiny offers not the cup of despair , but the chalice of opport

151、unity . (richard nixon, american president ) ÃüÔ˸øÓèÎÒÃǵIJ»ÊÇʧÍûÖ®¾Æ£¬¶øÊÇ»ú»áÖ®±­¡£suc

152、cess is a relative term. it brings so many relatives. ³É¹¦ÊÇÒ»¸öÏà¹ØÃû´Ê,Ëû»á¸øÄã´øÀ´ºÜ¶à²»Ïà¹Øµ

153、;ÄÇ×ÆÝ£¨ÁªÏµ£©.love is a carefully designed lie. ³Ðŵ³£³£ºÜÏñºûµû,ÃÀÀöµÄ·ÉÅÌÐýÈ»º

154、;ó²»¼ûfor every beauty there is an eye somewhere to see it. for every truth there is an ear somewhere to hear it. for every love there is a heart somewhere to receive it.Õæ°®ÄÑÑÚÆäϾ.ÕæÏàÖ&#

155、192;µØÓÐÉù.ÕæÇéÖճɾìÊô.we cannot always build the future for our youth, but we can build our youth for the future. £¨franklin roosevelt, american president £© ÎÒÃDz


157、ì¾ÍÎÒÃǵÄÇàÄêÒ»´ú. £¨ÃÀ¹ú×Üͳ ÂÞ˹¸£. f.£©when faced with two choices, simply toss a coin. it works£¬ not because i

158、t settles the question for you£¬ but because in that brief moment when the coin is in the air£¬ you suddenly know what you are hoping for. ¡¾µ±Ãæ¶ÔÁ½¸öÑ¡Ôñʱ£¬Å×Ó



161、63;¡¿ pain past is pleasure.¹ýÈ¥µÄÍ´¿à¾ÍÊÇ¿ìÀÖ¡£remember: whatever happens, happens for a reason. ¼Çס£ºÈκÎÊÂÇéµ&#

162、196;·¢Éú¶¼ÓÐÒòÓÐÆð¡£light heart lives long . »í´ïÕß³¤ÊÙ¡£just because someone doesn¡¯t love you the way you want them to, doesn¡¯t mean they

163、 don¡¯t love you with all they have. °®ÄãµÄÈËÈç¹ûûÓа´ÄãËùÏ£ÍûµÄ·½Ê½°®Ä㣬ÄDz¢&

164、#178;»´ú±íËûÃÇûÓÐÈ«ÐÄÈ«ÒâµØ°®Äã¡£never underestimate your power to change yourself! ÓÀÔ¶²»ÒªµÍ¹

165、2;Äã¸Ä±ä×ÔÎÒµÄÄÜÁ¦£¡to live is to learn,to learn is to better live. »î×ÅΪÁËѧϰ£¬Ñ§Ï°ÎªÁ˸

166、2;ºÃµÄ»î×Å¡£where there is a will,there is a way. ÓÐÖ¾Õßʾ¹³É!sometime affection is a shy flower that takes time to blossomÓÐʱ°®ÇéÊǶ

167、京ÐîµÄ»¨£¬ÐèҪʱ¼ä²Å»áÅ­·Å¡£the sting of a reproach,is the truth of it. Ö¸Ôð´ø¸øÄã´ÌÍ´£¬ÕýÊ


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