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1、 哈尔滨理工大学学士学位论文毕 业 设 计 题 目:The Re-interpretation of Elizabeths Characters in the Pride and Prejudice 院、 系: 外语系 姓 名: 于佳月 指导教师: 王梓娇 系 主 任: 惠兆阳 2016年06月30日 傲慢与偏见中伊丽莎白性格特点的重新解读摘要 傲慢与偏见是简·奥斯汀的早期代表作,也是她具有写作特点的代表作。她以日常生活为素材,以女性特有的敏锐和细腻、诙谐和幽默的语调描绘了一系列栩栩如生的女性人物形象,特别是对伊丽莎白的成功塑造。伊丽莎白是傲慢与偏见中的女主人公。她聪敏机智,可爱,有

2、很强的自尊心,善于思考。对于一个待字闺中的小姐来说,这是难能可贵的。正是因为这些独特的品质,才使得她在爱情问题上有独特的见解,并最终与达西组成美满的家庭。但伊丽莎白并不是那么的完美,她是一个独特的美女之外,还仍然带有传统的女性性格。简·奥斯汀通过对话来展示人物的性格特征,也正是这些话语,暴露了伊丽莎白身上所体现出的传统女性的性格特点。所以,本文将通过伊丽莎白与男主人公达西的对话来分析传统女性的性格如何在她身上体现。关键词:傲慢与偏见,伊丽莎白,性格特征,达西6 哈尔滨理工大学学士学位论文The Re-interpretation of Elizabeths Characters in

3、 Pride and PrejudiceAbstract Pride and Prejudice is the early master work of Jane Austen. It is a famous work to show her writing characteristic. The daily lives are her materials, and the tones of womans smart, exquisite and humorous describe the woman as nature as though it were living. Elizabeth

4、is a successful model. She is the female leading of Pride and Prejudice, with clever, cute, strong pride and good at thinking, which are valuable for a single woman. Due to these special qualities, she has his own view about love, and is married to Mr. Darcy finally. However, she is not perfect, in

5、addition a beautiful woman she is, and has some traditional characters as well. Jane Austen expresses the roles feature through words, which reveal the traditional womans characteristics. Consequently, this thesis is going to analyses the traditional characters of her by the conversation between Eli

6、zabeth and Darcy.Keywords: Pride and Prejudice; Elizabeth; traditional characteristics; Darcy Chapter1 Introduction From eighteenth century, novels become more and more popular, and have attracted many fixed groups of readers. There is another new phenomenon, woman readers are increasing at the same

7、 time. It must have related to the womans education. “We have already glanced at one of the most important causes for this huge new audience the increased leisure and widespread but limited literacy of middle-class women.” Meanwhile, there are lots of excellent female writers after that. Jane Austen

8、 was burn in 1775, and she was respected by many writers. Pride and Prejudice draw a picture about the marriage issue between man and woman in that time of British society. Just as people said, ”All literary texts can be thought about in terms of how they represent gender difference and how far they

9、 may be said to reinforce or question gender-role stereotypes.” Jane enhances the character of traditional woman by the description of Elizabeth. In this novel, Elizabeth likes Wickham at first, but finally she hates him. Instead, she loves Darcy finally. Why there is so big transfer of Elizabeths v

10、iew? Why Jane does not write male has prejudice to female? This thesis is not writing to criticize the control from man to woman, it refers to the females drawbacks through the conversation between Darcy and Elizabeth.Chapter2 Analysis 2.1 First impression cause prejudiceWhen Darcy appeared to the p

11、arty, he collected lots of womens concentration. However, his following actions showed him a person with pride. Whats more, he offended Miss Elizabeth because of his wrong words. When Mr. Bingley, Darcys friend, suggested him to dance with Elizabeth, he said, “She is tolerable; but not handsome enou

12、gh to tempt me; and I am in no humour at present to give consequence to young ladies who are slighted by other man.” He impressed Elizabeth very much, and Elizabeth had prejudice basic on his words.2.2 The confusion after refusing the first proposalWhen Darcy made a proposal to Elizabeth, she was su

13、rprise, which showed that she was not careful to feel the affection about others.Elizabeth had prejudice with Darcy, so she refused his proposal, and criticizes his bad behavior and words. After that, she did not know how to support herself. She started to think about weather she should marry with h

14、im. “That she should receive an offer of marriage from Mr. Darcy. ” 2.2 The self-knowledge after understanding the truthDarcy left a letter to Elizabeth after the failure. Elizabeth realized that Wickham is the bad man after reading that letter. She blamed herself. “She grew absolutely ashamed of he

15、rself of neither Darcy nor Wickham could she think without feeling that she had been bind, partial, prejudice, absurd.”It is the letter changes Elizabeths mind. After reading the letter, she believed Darcy. The same to Wickham, who told his tragic story to Elizabeth, and she believed him as well. Bu

16、t, a letter or some words should not be so important for knowing a person. Some people consist that Elizabeth is a woman who never let others control her mind. However, it is true besides her potential mind.2.2 The self-reflection after receipting Darcys proposalAt the second proposal from Darcy, sh

17、e said sorry to him. “The conduct of neither, if strictly examined, I hope, improved in civility.” From this proposal, Darcy changed himself. He can properly express the love to Elizabeth. Elizabeth changed her prejudice to Darcy as well.Darcys pride reflects the difference of status and identity. E

18、lizabeths prejudice reflects that woman ignore their weakness in that society. There are no happy ending if they do not change themselves. It is the difference between them which stops their affection.Chapter3 Conclusion This novel uses daily life as material, creates lots of special figures by desc

19、ribing the normal stories of life. Especially the conversation between the leading characters impresses us most. Elizabeth do left us a deeply impression, however, she did not get rid of the binding of fixed female character. She is intelligent, smart but still can not control her own life as a man.

20、 She can not compare with Jane in Jane Eyre. Whats more, she likes a ordinary woman pursuits her love and marriage using the traditional model.Bibliography 1 简·奥斯汀· 傲慢与偏见(张玲,张扬译)M. 北京:人民文学出版社.2 梁晓辉. 从女主人公的性格矛盾看傲慢与偏见的自我解构C. 天津外国语学院学报, 2006.3 Annette T. Rubinstein. The Great Tradition in English


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