



1、20122013学年上学期七年级期中英语试卷班级:_ 姓名:_ 得分:_一 语言知识与应用.(每小题2分,共20分)( )1.My parents let me_my own dairy. A.write B.writes C.writing D.writed( )2.My father went out without_umbrella. A.taking B.take C.takes D.taked( )3.Stop_and please listen to the teacher. A.talking B.to talk C.talks D.talk( )4.-Mike,_student

2、s rea there in your classroom? -There are 40. A.how much B.how old C.how often D.how many( )5.-Can I help you? -Id like _milk and _bread. A.a bottle of ;a piece of B.a bottle;a piece C.a bottle of;two piece of D.two bottles of;two piece of ( )6.In Autumn,leaves start_brown,red and yellow. A.turn B.t

3、o turn C.turns D.grow( )7.The wind is blowing strongly.It is a _day. A.wind B.winds C.windy D.winding( )8.He didnt like his old hat.He_yesterday . A.threw them away B.threw away them C.threw it away D.threw away it ( )9.Lucy is very _in the _book. A.interesting ;interested B. interested; interesting

4、 C. interesting; interesting D. interested; interested( )10.Whats the weather _in Guangzhou_winter? A.like;at B.like;in C./;in D.like ;on 二 语法选择。(每小题1.5分,共15分) There are four_11_in a year.Spring is warm.We can see_12_flowers and green trees everywhere.Some butterfies(蝴蝶)fly among(在之中)the flowers.Its

5、 a great time_13_a trip. When summer_14_,the weather becomes hot.We can_15_ice-cream.We can go swimming in the river.We can go to the beach,_16_sandcastle(沙堡),lie under an umbrella and enjoy the sea_17_. Autumn is cool.Its fine.We fly kites_18_wind.We_19_the park and have a barbecue. Winter is cold.

6、We have to wear warm coats.It snows in winter.After snow,we make snowman and ride skateboards. In all,I like autumn_20_.I just feel cool in autumn.( )11.A.season B.seasons C.a season D.the season( )12.A.many B.much C.a lot D.lot of ( )13.A.to B.from C.for D.in ( )14.A.come B.comes C.coming D.will co

7、me( )15.A.to eat B.eats C.eating D.eat( )16.A.make B.making C.to make D.makes( )17.A.windy B.winds C.winding D.wind( )18.A.a B.an C.the D./( )19.A.go B.go to C.going D.going to( )20.A.good B.better C.best D.well三 完型填空。(每小题1分,共10分) Im a student in Grade One in a middle school in Shanghai._21_name is

8、Li Hong.Susan is my_22_.She is 12.She is in Grade Seven_23_a middle school in the USA.My English teacher says we are in the_24_grade.How funny it is! In her_25_,Susan says she goes to school five days a week.She gets to_26_at 8:30in the morning.She doesnt go home for_27_but has it at school.She_28_h

9、ome at 3 in the afternoon.Sometimes she_29_games with her friends after school.She often has_30_homework.( )21.A.My B.Her C.His D.its( )22.A.sister B.brother C.teacher D.pen pal( )23.A.on B.in C.at D.of ( )24.A./ B.one C.same D.different( )25.A.a letter B.the letter C.letters D.the letters( )26.A.ho

10、me B.school C.car D.bus( )27.A.breakfast B.dinner C.eat D.lunch( )28A.comes from B.comes back C.comes to D.comes at( )29.A.plays B.does C.likes D.makes( )30.A.few B.little C.many D.any四阅读理解。(每小题2分,共20分)A Train No.FromToDeparture(离开)TimeArrive(到达)Time11BeijingShenyang6:3517:50186ChengduTaiyuan22:505:

11、05185TaiyuanChengdu13:0919:30271TianjinBeijing8:3510:21根据上面的列车时间表,完成下列各题。( )31.The train from Beijing to Shenyang leaves at _.A.5:50 B.6:35 C.8:35 D.17:50( )32.We have to spend _ on the train if we go to Shenyang from Beijing.A.17 hours and 50 minutes B.24 hours and 25 minutesC.6hours and 35 minutes

12、 D.11 hours and 15 minutes( )33.If you want to go to Chengdu from Taiyuan, you can take the _ train.A.No. 11 B.No. 185 C.No. 186 D.No. 271( )34.The No. 186 train arrives in Taiyuan at _.A.10:50 a.m. B.10:50 p.m. C.5:05 a.m. D.5:05 pm.( )35.It takes _ from Tianjin to Beijing by train.A.about two hour

13、s B.half an hour C.about an hour D.more than two hoursB( )36.The sunniest days were _.A.Tuesday and Friday B. Saturday and Tuesday C.Monday and Wednesday D.Tuesday and Wednesday( )37.On Sunday it would probably be best to _.A.go to the beach for a swim B.stay at home and read a good bookC.take the d

14、og for a walk D.visit the zoo( )38.On which day did it change from a cloudy morning to asunny afternoon?A.Friday B.Saturday C.Monday D.Thurday( )39.Friday, May 2nd, was _.A.rainy the whole day B. sunny all day C.sunny in the morning and cloudy in the afternoon D.cold and windy all day( )40.Joan flew

15、 a kite on a day that was windy in the morning but wet in the afternoon. Loan probably did this on _.A.Saturday, April 26th B.Monday.April 28thC.Tuesday,April 29th D.Thurday, May 1st五 词组互译。(每小题1分,共10分)41.与交朋友_46.morning break_42.参加_47.have English classes_43.扔掉_48.must not_44.去旅行_49.during the winter holiday_45.去野餐_50.have a good time_六 完成句子。(每小题1分,共5分)51.I have a sister,her h_is watching TV.52.The Earth p_us with air.53.Its i_for us to learn English.54.I like going to the b_in summer.55.Lets go on a p_next weekends.七 翻译句子。(没空1分,共10分)56.你的笔友来自哪里?Where_your_from?57.Lucy不擅长数学。Lucy_no


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