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1、Module 7 Computers重难点知识讲解1How do I write my homework on the computer?译文我如何在电脑上写家庭作业呢?这个句子是行为动词的一般现在时的特殊疑问句结构。(1)疑问词助动词(do或does)主语行为动词原形其他?在这一句式中,疑问词不作主语。 e.g.Where do I click on “new document”?我在哪里点击“新文档”呢?Where do I write the name?我在哪里写名字呢?How do you open a new document?你如何打开新文档呢?When do you use a

2、computer?你什么时候使用电脑?What do I do next?接下来我做什么?(2)疑问词行为动词的第三人称单数其他?在这一句式中,疑问词作主语。 e.g.Who has a friend in Australia?谁在澳大利亚有朋友?Who shares a computer with his father?谁和爸爸一起共用电脑?(3)常用的疑问词:问时间:when问地点:where问人物:who问事物或事件:what问方式:how问原因:why问哪个:which 问具体时刻:what time问哪种:what kind of问什么游戏:what games问多少:how man

3、y/how much名词问频率:how often问一段时间:how long问什么科目:what subject(4)注意:特殊疑问句不能用Yes. /No. 回答,要用陈述句回答。e.g.What kind of music do you like?你喜欢哪种音乐?I like pop music.我喜欢流行音乐。2Can I learn?译文我能学吗?learn为及物动词,意为“学,学会”。e.g.We learn English at school.我们在学校学英语。拓展:learn to do sth. 意为“学做某事”。e.g.Mary is learning to sing.玛丽

4、正在学习唱歌。3First, open a new document.译文首先,打开一个新文档。first意为“首先”,它与下文中的next, then和finally经常一起使用,用来说明做某事的先后顺序或某事发展的前后过程,使之有条理。first., next., then., finally. 首先,接下来,然后,最后e.g.First, open a new document. Next, write your homework in the document. Then click “save” and write a name for it. Finally, print it.首

5、先,打开一个新文档,接下来,在文档中写你的作业,然后点击“保存”并为它写一个名称,最后,打印出来。First, they will visit the classrooms.首先,他们会参观教室。Next, theyll look at our class project.其次,他们会看我们的班级计划。Then theyll listen to the school choir in the hall.然后他们会在礼堂听学校大合唱。After that, theyll look at our English Club information board in the library.在那之后,

6、他们会在图书馆看我们的英语俱乐部信息板。Finally, theyll meet the teachers at four fifteen in the library.最后,他们会在4:15在图书馆见我们的老师。拓展:表示“顺序”的词:第一,首先第二,其次第三 最后first of allnextthen finallyfirst secondthirdlastfirstly secondlythirdlylastly4Use the keyboard.译文使用键盘。use vt. 使用e.g.Can you use a computer?你会使用电脑吗?We can use the wor

7、ds to answer the questions.我们可以用这些单词回答问题。拓展:use也可用作名词,意为“用处,用途”;use的形容词形式为useful,意为“有用的”。e.g.It is useful to keep a diary every day.每天写日记很有益。The horse is a useful animal.马是有用的动物。5How do I save the document?译文我怎样保存这个文档呢?save vt.保存;储存e.g.How do you save a document?你怎样保存一个文档?They save money for a house

8、.他们为了买房存钱。save还有如下含义:(1)挽救,拯救 ones life 救某人的命The doctor can save the boys life.医生能救那个男孩儿的命。(2)节省,节约e.g.We should save water.我们应该节约水。save time节约时间save money节约钱6Write it in the box.译文在方框内输入。box为可数名词,意为“(计算机屏幕上的)框”。e.g.Please write the words in the box on the screen.请在屏幕的方框中写上单词。拓展:(1)box还可意为“盒

9、子”。e.g.There is a pen in the box.盒子里有一支钢笔。(2)a box of. 意为“一盒”。e.g.a box of eggs 一盒鸡蛋three boxes of apples 三盒苹果7There is a computer in my home, and my father and I share it.译文我家里有一台电脑,我和我爸爸共用它。share vt. 共用,分享share. with sb. 与某人分享e.g.Mary and I share a room.我和玛丽合住一个房间。She shares her lunch with her fri

10、end.她与她的朋友分享她的午饭。8He also goes on the Internet to check the times of trains, make travel plans, and buy tickets.译文他也上网查询火车时刻、制订旅行计划并买票。(1)go on the Internet意为“上网”。e.g.His father goes on the Internet every night.他父亲每晚上网。(2)check及物动词,意为“检查,核对”。e.g.I always check the email before sending it.发送电子邮件之前我总是

11、先检查一遍。(3)train可数名词,意为“火车”。take a trainby train 乘火车考点向导:常在单项填空和完形填空题中考查短语take a train和by train的不同用法。(4)travel在此处用作可数名词,意为“旅行”。e.g.Sometimes they have a travel by train.有时他们乘火车旅行。(5)plan在此处用作可数名词,意为“计划”。常与动词make连用,make a plan意为“制订计划”。e.g.I make a plan to visit my friend.我计划去看望我的朋友。拓展:plan也可用作动词: plan

12、to do sth. 计划做某事e.g.He plans to play games tonight.今晚他打算玩游戏。 plan onn./ 计划/打算做某事e.g.He plans on playing computer games tonight.他今晚打算玩电脑游戏。考点向导:常以动词填空形式设题,考查plan与动词不定式连用。9On the Internet, I search for information, do my homework and check my email.译文在网上,我搜索信息、做作业并查看我的电子邮件。(1)search for意为“搜寻,搜索,搜

13、查”。e.g.He searches for work at the shops.他在各家商店寻找工作。The man is searching for his son.这位男子正在寻找他儿子。(2)information意为“信息”,是不可数名词,不能与a或an连用,无复数形式。表示“一条信息”用a piece of information。e.g.What information is on the map?地图上有什么信息?拓展:information缩写为info.,在公共场所常缩写为“i”,指“信息台、问讯处”等。考点向导:以单词填空或单项填空形式设题,考查information的拼

14、写及它作不可数名词的用法。10I send email to my friends and play computer games.译文我给我的朋友发送电子邮件和玩电脑游戏。send为及物动词,意为“发送,寄”。其后可接双宾语,send sb. sth.send sth. to sb.意为“发送/寄给某人某物”。e.g.My sister often sends me a book.My sister often sends a book to me.我姐姐经常给我寄书。She sends emails to me every week.She sends me emails every we

15、ek.她每周给我发电子邮件。11But sometimes I play a lot of games and my mother doesnt like it.译文但有时我玩很多游戏,我妈妈不喜欢。sometimes为频率副词,意为“有时”,相当于at times。sometimes常放于连系动词之后,行为动词之前,也常用于句首或句末。e.g.He sometimes walks to school.他有时步行去上学。Shes late sometimes.她有时迟到。辨析:sometimes, some times, sometime与some timesometimes频度副词“有时”表

16、示动作发生的频率,对其提问用how often;some times名词短语“几次,几倍”表示次数、倍数,对其提问用how many times;sometime副词“某时”表示过去或将来的某个不明确的时间;some time名词短语“一段时间”表示一段时间,对其提问用how long。12I write to my friends.译文我写给我朋友。write to sb.意为“给某人写信/电子邮件”,其同义短语是write a letter/an email to sb.。e.g.He often writes to his parents.He often writes letters/emails to his parents.他经常给父母写信/电子邮件。考点向导:常以单项填空形式设题,考查write to sb.中的介词to。13Im very big, about one and a half times the size of a classroom.译文我很大,大约有一个教室的1.5倍大。one and a half times意为“1.5倍,一倍半”。e.g.T


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