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1、Important words:1. bathe v. bathe sb.给洗澡 be bathed in 沐浴在月光下的花儿散发出香甜的味道。The flowers bathed in the moon smells sweet.2. weep v. weep wept weptcry/weep/sob 这3个动词均有“哭”之意。cry: 普通用词。指因痛苦、悲哀或伤感等出声地哭。weep: 书面用词,指小哭或无声地哭,侧重流泪。sob: 指抽泣、呜咽。3. sideways adv. give a sideways glance 斜眼看了一下我走进他房间的时候,他只是斜眼看了我一下,又继续

2、玩电脑游戏了When I entered his room, he only gave me a sideways glance, and then went back to his computer games.4. deadly adv. deadly diseases dead adj. death n. die v. dead: adj.“死的”、“已死去的”(no longer living);dead fishadv.其意为“完全地”、“非常地”,e.g. dead drunk; dead tired; dead dull; dead right.deadly:adj. “致命的”

3、:“不共戴天的”与之经常搭配使用的词有:poison、weapon、wound、enemy。adv. “非常”、“极其”的意思,一般用于负面意义,相当于very much和extremely.His face turned deadly pale. He was dead drunk in the New Year Eve party.5. bid n. in a bid to do sth. 为了 in a bid for sth. v. bid bid bid 为了能够存下部分工资,他决定乘地铁上班。In a bid to save part of his salary, he has d

4、ecided to go to work by the underground.6. agenda n. on the agenda 在议事日程上 7. conclude v. to conclude 终结,结束,推断conclude with sth. 以结束conclusion n.arrive at / come to / draw a conclusion 得出结论 in conclusion 在结束时8. discriminate v. 区别 discriminatefrom 把区别开来discrimination n. discrimination against sb. 歧视9.

5、 additional adj. addition n. in addition (to sth. )add v. add up to总计 add to 增加10. unconscious adj. be unconscious of 未察觉,不清楚11. appetite n. have an appetite for sth. 渴望,想要spoil ones appetite 破坏食欲12. slide v. slide slid slid slide/slip into the bad habit of doing sth. 不知不觉染上坏习惯slip/slide这些动词均可表示“滑动”

6、之意。slip: 指不自觉地、偶然地滑动。slide: 通常多指与光滑表面保持接触并且迅速地连续滑动。人很容易染上像抽烟、喝酒这样的恶习,要戒掉却不那么容易。It can be very easy to slide into such bad habits as smoking and heavy drinking, but it is not so easy to quit.改掉做某事的习惯养成做某事的习惯develop the habit of doing sth.fall into the habit of doing sth.form the habit of doing sth.pi

7、ck up the habit of doing sth.take to doing sth.be used to doing sth.get out of the habit of .break the habit of .kick the habit of .give up the habit of .13. trap v. trappedtrapping be trapped in 陷入 trap sb. into doing sth. 使上当 n. 陷阱 fall into a trap 陷入圈套Trapped in the crashed car, he couldn't m

8、ove his legs.他被困在撞坏的汽车里,两腿动弹不得。He was trapped into accepting the terms of contract.他上当了接受这合同条款。14. suck v. suck in 吸收 suck the life out of sb. 消耗的生命teach ones grandmother how to suck eggs 教训长辈,班门弄斧15. wipe v. wipe away 消除,去除他擦掉嘴边的血迹,挣扎着站了起来。他已经麻木得感觉不到任何疼痛了。He wiped away the blood at the corner of hi

9、s mouth and struggled to his feet, too numb to feel any pain.Important phrases: 1. burst on the scene:突然出现自从英特网在20世纪后期突然出现后,世界发生了很大变化。The world has changed a lot since the Internet burst on the scene2. lose sb. to sth. 因失去癌症夺去他们女儿的生命,那时她只有十四岁。They lost their daughter to cancer when she was only four

10、teen years old.3. end in 以结束/告终很多公司开业时都非常好,最后却以失败告终。Many businesses begin well enough, but end in failure.4. in the first place, in the second place 首先,其次如果不是这个学生首先问了一个问题,老师也不会去检查并发现这个错误。If the student had not asked a question in the first place, the teacher would not have checked and found the mist

11、ake.词性变化:1. bathe v. n. _2. weep v. pt. _ pp. _3. dead adv. adj. _ v. _ n. _4. prescription n. v. _5. prevention n. v. _6. conclude v. n. _7. discriminate v. n. _8. additional adj. n. _9. jog v. _( 现在分词)10. unconscious adj. 反 _11. reaction n. v. _ ( to 对做出反应) 12. artificial adj. 反 natural13. additio

12、nal adj. n. addition v. add14. abuser n. v. _用所学词语编写短文。(至少六个) 1. Selena sucked the straw, wiped the stain off her hand and continued her story. “When I was trapped in the lift, a man beside me burst out crying and held my arm tight, whose reaction I felt greatly shocked by. Do you know why? He is my

13、 boss who often discriminates against women.”2. When we are bathed in doing exercises in the evening, there is often abrupt noise from explosion of fireworks. People are unconscious of the bad effect setting off fireworks has on the environment and the importance of the prevention of air pollution a

14、nd noise pollution.In a bid to stop this, its time that some effective measures were taken. First of all, educating people should be listed/put on top of the agenda. Additionally, relative laws should be passed/ in place to prevent people from doing this without limitation. To conclude, its everyone

15、s duty/responsibility to protect the environment we are living in.Word spelling 1. Dangerous currents can suck swimmers under.2. Some miners were trapped underground after the collapse.3. His speech comes to an abrupt stop.4. Fog is the sailor's deadly enemy.5. The pepper(胡椒) in the food caused

16、me to/made me sneeze.6. Could I put forward one additional suggestion?7. The concert concluded with the National Anthem.(国歌)8. It's important to teach children to discriminate between right and wrong. 9. The long walk has given me a good appetite.10. The book slid off my desk, giving me a shock.

17、11. He was found unconscious because of great loss of blood.12. Her arrest produced an immediate reaction from the press.13. Stress should be put on the prevention of diseases.14. This orange drink contains no artificial flavourings.(调味品)15. It is better to laugh than (to) weep.16. Let's go on t

18、o the next item on the agenda.学生作业.介、副词填空1The next day,she felt_she had the flu,so she took a lot of painkillers.2My mother gave me some lemonade to take pills_.3Mr Li has been _a lot of pressure and not sleeping much.4Doctors often warn their patients _the dangers of taking antibiotics unnecessaril

19、y.5Taking drugs can begin _a youthful experiment,but it often ends in a messy situation.6Now cybercrime_large companies is a big problem.7_severe cases,LSD users may commit suicide because of what they see and/or hear.8The only answer_this problem is international cooperation.9Last month Mr.Li was p

20、romoted _work and now he is a vice manager.10Last week,he spent three days _hospital.单词拼写1Some bad websites contain o_information.2I think the opportunity is not r_ for us to do the experiment.3Be careful not to be cheated by some websites p_to give you money.4We should do everything possible to kee

21、p our insiders from l_the information of our company.5It's necessary our government join f_ to keep up with the advances in technology.6I've just ordered an (电子的)_dictionary.7It takes teamwork to make sure that this (挑战)_is accepted.8It is a well­known fact that the Internet has been (扩

22、大)_in recent years.9In an_(努力)to have proper computer and Internet security, we have recently adjusted our company policy.10. All computers must have up­to­date virus_ (保护) software.翻译与仿写1Sometimes,infected people have no outward symptoms. 翻译: _仿写:可能有一些潜在的健康问题还没有表现出来。_2As the immune system

23、 weakens,it loses the ability to fight illnesses. 翻译:_仿写:随着时间的流逝,细节被忘却,主要的轮廓保留下来。_3. The government is working hard to control the Aids epidemic,and has opened labs to test and monitor the disease.翻译:_仿写:她很用功,唯恐落在别人后面。 _4All of this makes it clear that something must be done to stop this deadly dise

24、ase.翻译:_仿写:这种方法使得我们有可能提前完成任务。_5To solve a crime, many people are involved.翻译:_仿写:为了开好这次会议,要涉及许多部门。_.语篇填词I read a TV new specially _1_ on the most epidemic _2_Aids last night.The reporter _3_an African man taking care of his grandson and granddaughter.Their story was so_4_that I couldn't keep bac

25、k my tears.The reporter said that Aids_5_a person's immune system and that there is no _6_ for it.She also said that people can become sick easily,so that_7_illnesses can be very serious.Aids_8_education is very important,and I think we all have to do our _9_ to support it.If everyone in the wor

26、ld_10_just a penny on it,we could make a really big difference.单项填空1Thanks for your help,but can you do me one more favor,please?_,sir.What's it then?AJust a minuteBIt's very nice of youCThat's all rightDAt your service2The editor asked me to write another article for them,_about environ

27、mental protection.Aany Bone Cthat Deach3_excited all Chinese and even all Asians most in the Athens 2004 Olympics was_Liu Xiang won the gold medal of the men's 110m hurdles by clocking 12.91 seconds to equal the world record.AWhat;which BWhat;thatCWhich;what DWhich;that4Lucy doesn't seem to

28、be what she was.No._so much in the war has made her more thoughtful.ASeen BHer seeingCHaving seen DTo have seen5The vase cost me almost 100 yuan.Well,it was crazy of you to spend so much money _you could buy a much cheaper one.Awhile Bif Cbecause Dwhen6Much to the disappointment of the neighbouring

29、countries,the Japanese government refuses to recognize _part they performed in _ World War II in the history.Athe;the B/;theC/;/ Dthe;/7The house rent is high;I've got about half of the space I had at home and I'm going to pay _here.Aas four times much Bas much three timesCmuch as three time

30、s Dthree times as much8Attempting to get home before dark,_.ATom's bike broke down on the wayBit happened that Tom's bike hit a carCa car knocked Tom off his bikeDTom knocked into a tree9You don't see the professor from Singapore quite often,do you?No,we only meet_.Aeventually Bconstantl

31、yCoccasionally Dfrequently10Stressful environment leads to unhealthy behaviors such as poor eating habits,which _ increase the risk of heart disease.Aby chance Bin other wordsCin return Din turn11_Tracy was in such a hurry?I don't know.She might have been running to catch the bus.AWhy do you thi

32、nk BWhy you think CDo you think why DWhy not think12It is not easy to learn English well,but if you_,you will succeed in the end.Ahang about Bhang onChang onto Dhang up13How do you like the glasses?This kind of glasses made by experienced workers_comfortably.Ais worn BwearCwears Dare worn14So absorb

33、ed_in her work that she didn't realize I was behind her.Ahad she Bwas sheCshe had Dshe was15Why didn't you go to yesterday's meeting?I would have but I_too busy working on the important experiment.Ahad been BwasCwere Dam.完形填空I met the guy who told me an amazing story.He was _1_Scotland o

34、n a motorbike by himself.One late afternoon he was on the road between Aberdeen and Elgin.He was travelling along,miles from any village,when he saw a really_2_girl standing by the road,hitchhiking (搭便车)Anyway,he stopped and said he would give her a_3_ to Elgin.She got on and he drove off.He said he

35、 _4_ having her on the back, as it was nice _5_.But after a time he forgot that she was there.Suddenly he _6_but he realized that he couldn't feel her knees _7_ against him! He_8_behind him but.she wasn't there.He said he felt frightened_9_his life! He felt cold all over.He thought she must

36、have_10_ off the back.So he turned round and _11_back along the road.He didn't find her.So he began to think that she might have been _12_by someone else.Anyway,he drove on towards Elgin and didn't see anyone_13_ he came to a pub.He decided to_14_so that he could talk to someone and he thoug

37、ht he ought to tell_15_.He went into the pub and talked to the barman.He told the barman what had happened.He said the barman didn't seem to be at all_16_.He just carried on_17_ the glasses.Then the barman said,“You are not the_18_person to come in here and tell the same_19_.That girl you think

38、you picked up_20_ seven years ago.in a motorbike accident.”1A.touring Bsearching Cdefending Dcircling 2A.poor Battractive Ctall Dterrible3A.help Blift Cservice Dtrip 4A.chose Bcame Cmeant Dliked5A.business Bevent Ccompany Daction 6A.thought Bconsidered Cremembered Dcalled 7A.pressing Bturning Cgoing

39、 Drunning 8A.looked Btook Cfelt Dseized 9A.out of Bin case ofCin place of Dto the best of 10A.jumped Bkept Ckicked Dfallen 11A.raced Bwalked Cgot Dwatched 12A.picked up Bsearched forCtaken away Dbrought back 13A.when Buntil Calthough Dsince14A.wait Benter Cstop Dmarch15A.someone Bnobody Cthe father

40、Dthe police16A.worried Bsurprised Cmoving Dsatisfied 17A.breaking Bwaving Cknocking Ddrying18A.first Blast Cright Dhonest19A.story Bmessage Clie Dtruth20A.was saved Bran awayCdied Dleft 参考答案.1like2.with3.under4.of5.as6.against7.Imising4.leaking5.forces6.electronic

41、7.tection.1有时,感染者没有外部症状。Potential health problems may be latent and might not have shown as outward symptoms.2随着免疫系统的减弱,它失去了同疾病作斗争的能力。As time passes,the details drop away and only the broad outlines remain.3政府努力工作控制艾滋病传染,并开办了实验室检验和监控这种疾病。She is working hard for fear(that)she should lag behind others.4所有这一切很清楚地表明,必须采取措施制止这种疾病。This method makes it possible for us to finish the task ahead of time.5为了解决犯罪问题,要涉及许多人。To hold the meeting success


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