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1、Recycle 1人教PEP版 五年级英语上册选出不是同一类的单词选出不是同一类的单词。()1. A. often)2. A. day)3. A. tired)4. A. sing)5. A. hotB. alwaysB. MondayB. parkB. ourB. freshC. everyC. FridayC. oldC. readC. teaC A B B CChen Jie is visiting Willow Primary School in the UK. David is a student in the school. Look at the pictures. Talk a

2、bout the teachers with your partner.David: These are my teachers.这些是我的老师这些是我的老师。Chen Jie: Whos your Chinese teacher?你的语文老师是谁你的语文老师是谁?David: Look at that picture. Thats Ms看照片看照片。Zhang, our Chinese teacher.那是张女士,我们的语文老师那是张女士,我们的语文老师。Chen Jie: Whats she like? Is she kind?她是怎样的人?她亲切吗她是怎样的人?她亲切吗?David: Y

3、es. Shes very kind, but shes是的。她很亲切,但有时也很严格是的。她很亲切,但有时也很严格。strict sometimes.Chen Jie meets some new friends at Willow Primary School. Listen to the dialogues and fill in the table.MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridayMorningEnglishmathsscienceEnglishreadingscienceEnglishPEcomputerclassmathscomputercl

4、asssciencemathsmusicmusicmathscomputerclassEnglishmathsreadingAfternoonPEmusicsciencescienceartreadingartChineseEnglishListen to the dialogues again. Circle the right answers.1. What is Davids favourite class?A. English.B. Chinese.2. What is Jeans favourite class?A. Music.B. Art.3. What is Deans fav

5、ourite class?A. Computer class.B. PE.Look at the schedule above. Tick or cross.1. () Students have science, maths and art on Wednesdays.2. () David and Jean have two reading classes on Fridays.3. () They dont have maths on Mondays.4. () Jean and Dean have music classes on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fri

6、days.Today is Monday. It is time for lunch. Chen Jie is in the lunch room. Look at the menu. Then read the dialogue and fill in the blanks.Cook: Hi. Welcome! What would you like to eat?Chen Jie: A sandwich, please. Its my _f a_v_o_u r i_t_e_ food.Thanks.Cook: What would you like to_d_r_i_n_k? Chen J

7、ie: Tea, please.Cook: Oh, we dont have tea today. We have tea on_We_d_n_e_s_d_a_yand we have m_i_lktoday.Chen Jie: Thats fine. Ill have milk.Role-play with your partner. Draw your food on the table.What would you like to eat?A hamburger, please.A.SchoolB.ClassC.FoodD.Friends and teachersRead Chen Ji

8、es diary. write the letters in the boxes.MondayIt is sunny today. I am at Willow Primary School.It is so pretty. There are many yellow flowers.David is my new friend. He is clever and hard-working. He is funny, too. His favourite class is English. The teacher, Ms Brown, is very helpful.Teachers and

9、students often eat lunch at school. Some of them have beef and drink tea.Some love green beans and ice cream. The food is delicious!After lunch, we have a reading class with MrReed. What a friendly school!ADCBFind “friends” for the words in the diary.funnygreenWillowtea creamBrownRearrange the words

10、.Write down the sentences.1. you watch TVoftenon the weekendDo _yo_u_oft_e_n w_a_t_c_h T_V o_n t_h_e w_e_e_k_e_nd?2. oftenon Saturdaysdo homeworkThey _o_f_t_e_n_do_h_om_e_wo_r_k o_n S_a_t_u_r_d_a_y3. read booksoftenon SundaysWe o_f_t_e_n_r_e_a_d b_o_o_ks_o_n S_u_nd_a_y_s单项选单项选择择( A ) 1. What do you do on Saturdays?I often my homework


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