



1、糜滩中学 2014 年说课稿科 目English说课人班 级八(3)课 题Lesson35地 点Classroom时 间2014.11说 教 材河北教育出版社义务教育教科书英语八年纪上册说教学目标1.掌握单词: Sam, hoverboard, smooth, float, transporter, allow, form2.掌握重点短语: travel at the speed of light, all the tim说教学重点掌握重点短语: travel at the speed of light, all the time说教学难点掌握重点句子:1)I hope someone wil

2、l invent one in the future.2)A transpoter would allow you to travel at the speed of light .3) In these shows, people use new forms of transportation all the tim说教法、学法先学后教,合作探究说教学用具audiotape, flashcards, maps说学情本课主要涉及介绍未来的交通工具。先让学生通过调查了解更多的未来交通工具。课上让学生通过小组合作的形式相互交流;并让学生简单加以介绍。说教学流程设计教学过程Step1【温故知新,提出

3、目标】1.掌握单词: Sam, hoverboard, smooth, float, transporter, allow, form2.掌握重点短语: travel at the speed of light, all the time3.掌握重点句子:1)I hope someone will invent one in the future.2)A transpoter would allow you to travel at the speed of light .3) In these shows, people use new forms of transportation all

4、 the time. Step2【预习检测. 感知课文】;I. 英汉互译:1.II. Let students read the lesson in groups,Then finish exercise2 on students book.( 3, 4 号同学读,1,2号同学 听并纠正)。III. Check answers in groups.IV. 预习自测 根据汉语或首字母提示写单词。1. The babys skin (皮肤) is as s as silk.2. Please a me to introduce Mary to you.3. The car is traveling

5、 at the s of 80km per hour. 4. Suddenly, one of the (车轮) fell down to the ground.5. Playing basketball is one (形式) of physical exercise.教学过程tep3【自主探究,解决问题】I.质疑探究1. allow sb. to do sth.医生允许他每天做短距离散步。 The doctor allowed him to take a short walk everyday. 这孩子不穿上衣不准出门。 The child wasnt allowed to go out

6、without wearing his coat. 2.all the time 一直他在工作中一直与电影明星有来往。In his job hes rubbing shoulders with film stars all the time. 我养了一只猫和一只狗,但它们老是打架。I have a dog and a cat, but they fight all the time. 他已经习惯在外面吃饭了。He is used to eating out all the time. II. Translate and write them down.1.Follow that man and

7、 keep him in sight all the time.2.Her skin is as smooth as silk.3.We dont allow smoking here.4.Playing basketball is oneformof physical exercise. 5.The new form of transportation will allow you to travel at the speed of light. 课堂检测设计tep4【当堂检测,巩固提升】 I.用所给单词的适当形式填空1.How _(quick) they are working!2.The

8、 _(mean) of this word is “go through”. 3.Can you see the words on the blackboard _(clear)?4.Sam will present his new _(invent) to us today. 5.Danny doesnt feel like _(do) anything at all. II.单项选择( )1. Youd better _ an umbrella with you.A. to take B. taking C. take D. taken( ) 2. Tom didnt go to the

9、park ,_. A .also B . too C .as well as D. either( ) 3.Does your teacher allow you _games after class?. A. to play B . play C . played D . playing ( ) 4.I have two sisters ,one is an engineer and _is a workers. A. the other B . another C. other D .others( ) 5.It _ us an hour to clean all the rooms this morning. A .used B. spent C .cost D. took说作业设置Step5【自主小结】板书设计Lesson 35 : Future TransportationSmooth, allow, formI hope someone will invent o


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