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1、异常处理流程_A (精选文档)(文档可以直接使用,也可根据实际需要修改使用 ,可编辑 欢迎下载)和碩聯合科技 (股 公司 PEGATRON CORP. /永碩聯合國際 (股 公司 UNIHAN CORP. 華中營運中心第六事業處矯正及預防措施作業規範PSZ BU6 Corrective and Preventive ActionOperating StandardDoc. No.: PQ3-00060 Date: APR.13,2021 Revision: A Page: 9 Grade: General 請打勾 (V 文件發行地區 (Released AreaV V企總(HQ製造中心(TY華

2、中營運中心(PSZ華東營運中心(PSH華西營運中心(PCQ捷克(PCZ墨西哥(PMX客服中心(CSC凱碩(Casetek其他 Other ,請逐一列舉 one by one to list:核准 Approved bySteve n5 Li n(林憲基 _PSZ審核 Reviewed byHelle n Wu(吳曉艷 _PSZ擬案 Issued byAlly Xin(信文靜 _PSZForm No. : PD2-00001-001 Rev.07Operating Standard變更事項Date: APR.13,2021 Rev.: A Page: 1/ 9版本 變更章節 A 新版發行擬案單位

3、 擬案人修訂日期 PSZ BB QA信文靜Issued Revised Dept. by DateAlly Xin ModifiedA First releaseModified Description1. 目的 Objective :建立華中營運中心第六事業處品質異常處置流程,使產品相關之品質異常得以 即時處置,並透過矯正及預防對策之實施與追蹤,徹底消除潛在原因、落實問題之 解決與預防再發生。 Establish an abnormal handling process for PSZ BU6 to timely handle the abnormalities of quality. Th

4、ough the correction and prevention countermeasures to thoroughly eliminate the route cause and solve the problem.2. 範圍 Scope:華中營運中心第六事業處相關產品生產過程中出現任何有關品質異常均屬之。Applicable to PSZ BU6 products process quality abnormalities.3. 相關資料 Relevant Documents:3.1量測儀器與設備校驗管理辦法 Device and Equipment Calibration Man

5、agementProcedure (PE2-000023.2採購管理辦法 Procurement Management Procedure (PP2-000013.3不合格品管理辦法 Nonconforming Product Control Management Procedure(PQ2-000013.4矯正及預防措施管理辦法 Corrective and Preventive Action Management Procedure(PQ2-000023.5統計技術管理辦法 Statistical Methods Management Procedure (PQ2-000033.6出貨品管

6、管理辦法 Outgoing Quality Control Management Procedure (PQ2- 00008 3.7進料品管管理辦法 Incoming Quality Control Management Procedure (PQ2- 00009 3.8製程品管管理辦法 Manufacturing Quality Controlling Management Procedure(PQ2-000113.9 Purge/Rework管制規範 Purge/Rework Control Standard (PQ3-000164. 定義 Definition :4.1 發生單位:發生或

7、發現不符合製程各項作業規定、不合格材料及高不良率 等品質異常之單位。Occurring Department: Quality Management System: Abnormal quality has been found or detected in department with nonconforming production process, material and high quality failure rate.4.2對策單位:指負責異常分析或矯正預防措施之研擬單位。Countermeasure Department: Responsible Department of

8、abnormal analysis or corrective and preventive action.4.3 立即措施:對該不良現況或不良品予以立即矯正或維修之動作。Immediate Action: Immediate corrective or preventive action for abnormal or defected goods.4.4 矯正措施:對該不良現況或不良品所造成之現況原因進行分析與消除之對 策,以防止再度發生。Corrective Action: Analysis the abnormal situation or defected goods to prev

9、ent them from happening again.4.5預防措施:對整體異常狀況做綜合判斷,採取措施以消除潛在之不符合缺 點或其他不希望情況的原因,並給予有效處理及標準化,以防止異常發生之對策。Preventive Action: Determine the whole abnormal situation and take action to eliminate potential nonconforming or other unacceptable condition, effectively dealing with the problem and standardize t

10、he actions taken to prevent them from happening again.4.6異常定義 Definition of Abnormal :4.6.1 以下狀況發生時均屬於異常 Following situations belong to abnormalities。 凡超過檢驗批退標準 Beyond the IQC returned criteria。 生產製程中 During Production Process(a在製品超過產品定義異常判定標準。WIP beyo nd product acceptable sta ndard (嚴重缺失發生時

11、Major Defect occurs。(c 該項不良現象經 QA 判定為非機遇性原因時。 (機遇/非機遇判定,請參考附 件 6.1The abnormal is a non-occasional cause which has been judged by QA. (Occasional, Please refer to 6.1(d若維修結果零件不良數大於該零件廠商所保證時。(廠商所保證之不良數,請參考發文 。The failure rate of repaired component is over vender' s guarantee pcs (Theguara ntee Ra

12、te of Ven der, please refer to issued out docume nts使用之量測儀器設備 校正不合格 /損壞時。When used measuring devices & equipments calibrated unqualified / damaged.客訴發生時 Customer Complaint occurs. 以下狀況發生時均屬於重 大品質異常Following situations belong to Critical abnormalities。 產品異常屬於信賴 性問題。Product abnormality belongs to

13、reliability issue.產品之異常屬於蔓延性品質問題。Product abnormality belongs to spreading quality issue.產品之異常危及到人的生命、財產安全。Product abnormality jeopardizes the people life and property safety.車用產品之任何客訴問題均屬於重大異常Any customer complain about car related product is belong to Critical abnormality.4.7預防措施發生條件 Condition of P

14、reventive Action :依據以往類似產品生產時(Pilot Run,量產,所發生在製程上、信賴性、 相容性的問題,以及客戶使用後所發生的品質問題,必要時變更製造、包裝、運轉或儲 存過程、或修訂產品規格、品質管理系統。packing, transportation, storage, product spec and quality management system can be modified if the problem is related to the reliability, comparability and quality problem after custome

15、r usage.製程中之生產治具、設備、程式等,經修改後可符合防呆之要求 者。The fixture, equipment and program can prevent from misusage after modification.類似產品已發生的問題,將其預防措施引用到其它產品,使其它產品不 發生相同問題。Use the preventive action in other products with similar problems to prevent the same issue from happening again.製程中發現量測儀器不合格 /損壞時,需由責任單位採取預防措

16、施。The responsible departments shall take precautionary measures when there is measuring equipment found unqualified/damaged during manufacturing process.5. 作業程序與權責 Operating Procedures and Responsibilities: 5.1異常處理作業 流程 The Procedure of Abnormality Handling:丄*西叭IWgLitfvRJitsl斗FIFF冋xe-1.4-4 HPUHCE MD

17、fKEE£ JAl.fTt JdnamdAi KJfKiE.Tn 童齐M <» *E AMQfiN曲MCTCE"atOMiWrrQi砂 WTXEj»<T ”W&HJTf HNOITTfl i.-h A 144.4 f6 卄”f 恒 NLJ +1rtfi.fltfiiietn 1 m.eP62 DU© Cmeftw and WvitfwAa 五吨鱼ind刑MJAILUliFqwFi R n-MSrw =BBMnflWLHOrCEFgUCTTIJFIWljt juum Pf«E»ML呗闻I) CmlMIQMI

18、WTTHBUryE!;玄".:!-u? i;m;AM 410 "fth h 険*g* L WTCET0B OUM_|TYMraFM*_HU 3AU1YAIlZHiU MQTQK,rFUni5ENSrtraIPS DWN| ,AFElQMPM64AL TV A&MCrfHlML 昨1叫FkshcI ii<u Fd LLWj5.2 管理責任 Management Responsibilities521異常反應單位:負責對不良品、不合格狀況潛在不良原因的反應與管 制。Occurring Department: Responsible for the action a

19、nd control of Defect noncon formity causes.異常反應單位依異常定義,通知品管單位確認後,詳實填寫品質異常對策書”(PQ3-00060-001中各項資料。Issu ing Dept. shall fill in the in formatio n ofBB Quality Abno-mal Notice” (F00060-001 form accord ing to the abno rmal defi niti on that con firmed by QA departme nt.異常反應單位應保留不良品供品管及對策單位確認、分析其原因及對Save

20、 the nonconformity products for QA and countermeasure department to check and analyze its reason then find resolution for abnormal situation happening in Quality Management System.依決議之處置對策執行相關作業並確認對策之有效性。Follow the decision of countermeasure, apply to the action and make sure the validly of the solu

21、tion.5.2.2 問題確認單位 (Verification Dept.異常發生時由品管及工程人員進行確認The Verification Dept. for Abnormalities is QA and Engineer若反應單位為品管單位時,需協同製造單位或工程人員確認後始能生 效。If the issuing dept. is quality dept, it is necessary to have the MFG or Engineer to verify with.品質異常確立時,品管單位將開出的 QAN 進行編號並登記於 BB QAN followup list (PQ3-0

22、0060-002 中,以便於追蹤。When the QAN is confirmed, QA will assign number to the QAN, and key-in the BB QAN follow up list (PQ3-00060-002, to be followed up easily.品保與工程技術單位確認是否要對不良品進行 Purge/ReworkQA and Engineering Dept. will confirm whether to Purge/Rework for the not good product or not.5.2.3 對策單位 (Count

23、ermeasure Dept.對策單位負責異常品質分析、檢討及矯正、預防措施之擬定、施行與管制。The countermeasure department responsible for the Abnormal Quality Analysis, issuing, executing, controls the corrective action and preventive action. 5.2.3.對1 策單位 應及時會同品管及相關人員,決定是否需要緊急應變措施。Should inform the QA and other related departments and members

24、 to decide if the immediate actions are needed to be taken or not.若對策單位為外包或供應商,則核准欄除對策單位人員簽名外,尚須廠 內相關處理人員確認簽名。For the countermeasure dept. or suppliers, the approval signature should be containing both countermeasure dept. and related inner dealing member.5.2.4 效果確認單位 Result confirmation: 矯正及預防措施執行狀

25、況由品管及相關單位負責跟催及效果確認,結果提報至 每週品質檢討會議,由責任單位及品管單位彙整之確認結果,詳記於矯正預防措施 報告中,執行追蹤管制。QA and other related departments are responsible for the follow up of the result confirmation and provide the result in the weekly quality meeting. Record and conclude the result into corrective action report and List into foll

26、ow up control by the QA dept.5.3 標準化 Standardize:矯正措施實施後,經品管確認須實施標準化作業部份,應重新修訂或製訂標準 化作業。 Once the Corrective Action has been applied, QA should carry out the standard operation issue to revise or initiate it. 5.4通知客戶 Informing Customer:通知客戶時機 :有以下之異常發生時必需由 PM 或 FPM 立即通知客戶Informing Customer Occasion:

27、 For the following abnormal situations, customers must be informed immediately by PM / FPM: 當已出貨的產品有信賴度問題時Delivered products are concerned with reliability issues. 當有異常的產品已出 貨到客戶端時The abnormal product has been delivered to the customer.6. 附件 Appendixes :6.1機遇/非機遇判定標準 Chance Causes/ Occasional Causes

28、 Determine Standard 原因分類細項分類偶發性原因 無法避免之原因 非作業人員原因輔助判定 影響範圍生產中,雖具操作標準,但在操作條 影響層面小不值得件客觀範圍內必有變 化。 調查原材料品質在其規格範圍內容許之 可採加嚴抽樣檢驗變化 判定 機遇原因氣候與環境之變化 A QL 允收區間內允 (Chance Causes經研判非整批性或具傳染性因素 收者,不值得調查 製程中共通性、公認之問零材料本身製程管制範圍內異常可避免之原因 作業疏忽之因素造成 影響層面大,須徹作業人為原因 未依作業 標準書作業,而產生變異 底調查 特殊性原因 雖依標準書作業,但標準書不完善,非機遇原因異常性原

29、因 以致發生品質變異(Occasional局部性原因 機器設備之變動所造成之變異Causes整批性原因 操作人員之變動所造成之變異 傳染性原因 材料差異所造成之變異 潛在性功能重大差異 測試設備、量具不準確所造成之變異Operating StandardCause ClassifyDate: APR.13,2021 Rev.: A Page: 9/ 9Detail Classify Determine Coverage Accidental Causes The Different between Operation Spec and Un-Avoidable Causes operation

30、 condition objective scope Spec. be investigated No Workmanship Can use sticker Causes The variation of weather and environment sampling test toChance Causes Not whole lot Cause or Infectious Causes determineCommon or accepted problem during Within the AQL production acceptable level, not Abnormal w

31、ithin the spec of material production controlling areaNon-occasional Careless of Operation Coverage is large and Causes The failure happen due to not follow the need to be investigated Special Causes SOPFollow the SOP but the SOP dose not Abnormal CausesParts Causes faultless enough cause the failur

32、eOccasional Causes Whole lot Causes The failure cause by changing theInfectious Causes equipment Potential Function The failure cause by changing the operator Difference The failure cause by material changeThe failure cause by un-accuracy testing, measure equipment6.2品質異常對策書 BB Quality Abnormal Noti

33、ce (PQ3-00060-001。 6.3 BB QAN Follow-up List (PQ3-00060-002 。一、实验名称异常类的定义及处理二、实验目的1) 了解异常处理方法。2) 熟悉并掌握常见异常的捕获方法。3) 熟悉JDK中已经定义的若干异常类的层次结构。4) 掌握自定义异常类的创建方法。三、实验记录1.编写程序实现如下功能:生成并捕获到 NegativeArraySizeException和In dexOutOfBou ndsException类型的异常,并显示捕获到的异常信息。然后在此基 础上生成并捕获到NullPointerException类型的异常,并显示捕获到的异

34、常信息。步骤(1):编写一个包含 main方法的Application类TestException,然后定义一 个方法void arraySize()生成并捕获 NegativeArraySizeException 异常。步骤(2):添加一个方法void outofBound()生成并捕获 IndexOutOfBoundsException异常。步骤(3):添加一个方法void nullPointer()生成并捕获 IndexOutOfBoundsException异常。步骤(4):在main方法中分别调用以上三个方法。步骤(5):将文件保存为TestException.java,然后编译、调

35、试应用程序。步骤(6):将outofBound()方法中捕获异常的语句注释掉,重新编译程序,看看 会不会有什么语法错误?如果没错误,执行程序看结果有什么不同?步骤(7):将array方法重新定义为如下形式:void arraySize() throws NegativeArraySizeExcepti on然后修改arraySize方法中捕获NegativeArraySizeException异常的语句执行部分。源程序如下:class TestExcepti on public static void main( Stri ng args) tryoutofBo un d();arraySiz

36、e();nullPoi nter();catch(NegativeArraySizeException e)System.out.pri ntl n(e.toStri ng();static void arraySize()tryint a; a=new in t-3;catch(NegativeArraySizeException e)System.out.pri ntl n("Error:Negative Array Size"); static void outofBo un d()tryint i;i nt a;a=new in t5; for(i=0;i<6

37、;i+) ai=i;System.out.pri ntln ("a"+i+"="+ ai);catch(I ndexOutOfBo un dsExceptio n e)System.out.println("Error:Index Out Of Bounds"); static void n ullPo in ter()tryStri ng s=nu II;System.out.pri ntl n(s.len gth();catch(NullPoi nterExceptio n e)System.out.println("E

38、rror:Null Pointer");/* static void arraySize() throws NegativeArraySizeExceptio n try int a;a=new in t-3;catch(NegativeArraySizeException e)throw e;*/运行结果如下:(1)(2) 注释掉outofBound()方法中捕获异常的语句(3) 重新定义array方法I_.c事 DedMitiw Htninh 蒙 *1 詮上购口 迪丨厲叮"aUl-3 HLliTr:Oux Of 闆工岀jiAV-di 齡曹2.编写程序实现如下功能:计算两

39、个数之和,参与求和运算的每个数的值都必须在10-20之间,当任意一个数超出范围时,抛出自己的异常。步骤(1):基于系统异常类Exception,定义自己的异常类NumberRa ngeExceptiort步骤(2):定义包含 main方法的 Application 类 SelfException。步骤(3): 在 SelfException类中添加公共方法:Public static int selfExceptionTest(int int1,int int2) throws NumberRangeException 使之能在求int1,int2两个数和之前检查两个数的数值范围,若符合条件则

40、求和, 否则抛出异常 NumberRangeExceptior。步骤(4):在main方法中调用selfExceptionTest方法。步骤(5):保存文件为SelfException.java然后编译并调试程序。步骤(6):修改main方法中调用selfExceptionTest方法的实参,看看程序的运 行结果有什么不同。源程序如下:class NumberRa ngeExcepti on exte nds Excepti onprivate int in t1,i nt2;int result;public NumberRangeException(String message,int i

41、nt1,int int2) super(message);this.i nt1=i nt1;this.i nt2=i nt2;public class SelfExceptio n public static void selfExceptionTest(int int1,int int2) throws NumberRangeException if(i nt1<10|i nt1>20)|(i nt2<10|i nt2>20)throw new NumberRangeException("-超出指定范围",int1, int2);System.ou

42、t.pri ntln ("i nt1="+in t1+""+"i nt2="+i nt2+"n"+"result="+(i nt1+ in t2);public void getSum()tryselfExceptio nTest(25,15);catch(NumberRan geExcepti on e)("数值超出指定范围"); public static void main(Stringargs) SelfExcepti on num=new SelfExcepti o

43、n(); nu m.getSum(); 运行结果如下:(1)(2)修改参数后 ntermin-atTed*Java Appltfatofil)( j.i “siEt聖 y 国已.result-303编写一个程序,用于根据用户输入的命令行参数数量来计算长方形、正方形、三角形的面积。如果输入的参数个数为1、2、3则它们应分别对应正方形、长方形、三角形,如果参数值为0,则异常处理方法显示错误消息。提示:自己定义一个异常类,表示参数个数0这一异常。然后定义一个抽象的父类,并提供一个抽象的方法 area()再派生出三个子类,重写area方法,最后在 main方法中编写测试逻辑。源程序如下:import

44、java.io.*;class NullParameterExcepti on exte nds Exceptio nNullParameterExceptio n(Stri ng Message)super(Message);class TestAreapublic static void main( Stri ng args)Shape sh=n ull;Stri ng s="",s1="",s2="",s3=""int n=0;double a=0,b=0,c=0;try BufferedReader in=

45、new In putStreamReader(System.i n);System.out.pri nt("Please in put the parameter© nput0,1,2or3):");s=in.readLine(); n=Integer.parseInt(s); catch(IOException e) tryBufferedReader in=newIn putStreamReader(System.i n);switch( n)case 1:BufferedReader( new nu mber of BufferedReader( new S

46、ystem.out.pri nt("Please in put a paramete: "); s1=in.readLine();a=Double.parseDouble(s1); System.out.print("The area of the square is "); sh=new Square(a); break; case 2: System.out.print("Please in put the 1st parameter "); s1= in .readL in e();a=Double.parseDouble(s1

47、);System.out.pri nt("Please in put the 2nd parameter");s2=i n.readLi ne();b=Double.parseDouble(s2); System.out.pri nt("The area of the rectangle is: "); sh=new Rectangle(a,b);break; case 3: System.out.print("Please in put the 1st parameter "); s1= in .readL in e();a=Dou

48、ble.parseDouble(s1); System.out.pri nt("Please in put the 2nd parameter");s2=i n.readLi ne();b=Double.parseDouble(s2); System.out.pri nt("Please in put the 3rd paramete: "); s3=in.readLine();c=Double.parseDouble(s3); System.out.print("The area of the triangle is "); sh=

49、new Triangle(a,b,c);break; case 0:throw new NullParameterExcepti on ("The nu mber of parameter is n ull!");System.out.pri ntl n(sh.area();catch(Exception e)System.out.println(e.toString();abstract class Shapeabstract double area();class Trian gle exte nds Shapedouble a,b,c;Trian gle(double

50、 a,double b,double c) this.a=a; this.b=b; this.c=c;double area()double s; s=(a+b+c)/2; return(Math.sqrt(s*(s-a)*(s-b)*(s-c); ;class Recta ngle exte nds Shapedouble l,w;Recta ngle(double l,double w)this.l=l; this.w=w;double area()return (l*w);class Square exte nds Shapedouble l;Square(double l)this.l

51、=l;double area()return l*l;运行结果如下:(1)(2)(3)(4)四、个人小结本次实验是编写三个java程序实现简单的功能并从中认识java异常类的定义及处 理,其中第一个和第二个实验要求检验自己定义的异常类,以修改一些参数来达 到目的,修改参数后可以看到运行结果不同,这样就使我们深刻认识到在java中捕获异常与处理异常的重要性。实验是在java集成开发环境Myeclipse中完成的,在Myeclipse中完成java源程序的编辑、编译与运行。实验中遇到过很多问 题,而Myeclipse能够较准确的指出错误并提出修改建议,在不断的修改后,终 于使得所写的程序没有语法等

52、错误,但在运行时却不能正常运行,经检查发现是方法的调用以及变量的初始化出现了问题,改正后程序正常运行出现正确的结 果。通过这次上机,我对java面向对象的程序设计的概念有了进一步的认识,深化了 对课本知识的了解与认识,同时在本次上机实验中我尝试了使用输入输出流,从 键盘输入参数,因此也进一步学会了一些编程方法与技巧,希望经过以后的上机 来更好的掌握java。文件编号:制订部:品质部版本版次:A/0生效日期:文件类别:三级文件编制审核批准苟渝泓苟渝泓徐陈爱此文件为深圳市XX光电内部管理文件,未经许可,不得影印,违者必究。文件编号版本页码文件名称DI-WI-PZ-51A/01至4页异常处理管理办法

53、版本修改事项/摘要生效日期A/0初版发行2011-5-121. 目的:规范制程异常处理流程,使异常能及时、全面有效的得到解决2. 适用范围:本管理办法适用于公司所有异常的处理。3. 定义:31 异常:指在制程过程中产品(材料)不良率达到或超过相关文件所规定的有效值或重 大质量事故时。32 重大质量事故:指产品在生产、检验过程中出现严重影响质量的现象。如亮度、平整 度、外观、性能存在不可修复的风险或需要大批量返工等。4. 职责与权限 :41 生产部负责异常提报、及时改善;异常对策的执行。42 品质部负责异常提报、确认、评审、分析;组织改善、组织原因分析讨论与对策汇 总;改善措施的制订、改善过程对策执行跟进,改善效果验证以及整个流程运作的监 督跟进等。43 生技负责对异常的分析,现场处理,临时改善对策提供,改善过程跟进以及改善标准 文件的提供。5. 文件内容 :5 1 异常提报。511 在各检验站点、老化、高压测试站点不良达到或超出管控标准时,由品保在10 分钟内向相关责任部门发异常处理单。5. 1


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