5、(长0.5-2.0微米,宽0.5微米) 噬硫杆菌来完成的。噬硫杆菌的食物包括黄铁矿、砷黄铁矿、辉铜矿、黄铜矿、闪锌矿和其它贱金属硫化物。这些细菌需要从空气中获取氧气和二氧化碳,以及少量氮和磷。噬硫杆菌和其它有关类型的细菌(如小螺旋菌和硫化裂片菌属),可以在酸性温泉及其附近地区、火山活动地区以及硫化物丰富地区找到。后两种细菌一般在45-90 的温度下繁殖。它们的生命力强,能在金属离子高浓度和pH值低于2.5的硫酸环境下迅速繁殖。这些以岩石为食物的细菌将坚硬的矿物分解成可溶于酸的硫、铁及其它金属,诸如砷、铜、锌、镍、钴等。可溶铁在氧化状态下(三价铁)是硫化矿物的强氧化荆。这些细菌能使铁维持在三价状
13、 )时,才能达到理想的氧化效果,这也是生产效率低的原因之一。因此,在细菌氧化技术应用过程中,尽可能创造适合细菌作用的环境是提高氧化效率的措施外,培养氧化能力强、适应范围广的高效菌种则可能是解决问题的主要途径。3.2设备问题细菌氧化技术应用于槽浸生产中,除遇到技术问题外,还存在设备和机械材料问题。为了要达到理想的氧化效果,一般都要采用降低矿浆浓度或延长氧化时间来实现这样则直接影响设备的设计规模及投资。另外,还有充气方式、充气量、叶轮结构、转速及散热方式等设计参数,都会影响设备效率。因此,在细菌氧化技术的工业化应用过程中,如何设计合理的设备规模与结构、选择合理的工程材料、降低工程造价都是提高技术实
16、浸细菌氧化方面都有一定的工业偿试。尽管在工业化进程方面与发达国家有一定的差距,但急待开发的难浸金矿资源与投资者日益高涨的投资兴趣,都加大了这一技术的产业化力度,为大规模工业化生产提供了必要条件。随着这一技术的广泛应用,将对我国黄金产业的健康稳定发展产生积极影响。附录BExtra-terrestrial Mineral Production: Multiple Aspects ofSustainabilityL. S. GertschRock Mechanics and Explosives Research Center, Missouri University of Science and
17、Technology, United StatesEmail: ABSTRACT The production of minerals for human use at locations other than the Earth is expected to "advancehuman prosperity inways that do not compromise the potential prosperity and quality of life of future generations" (Brundtland, 1987); in other words,
18、sustainably. This paper examines the interaction of extra-terrestrial mineral production (ETMP) with the following sustainability imperatives:·The sustainability of human activities on Earth;·The sustainability of human activities elsewhere;·Human survival in general, the ultimate sus
19、tainability goal Some of the consequences of mineral production on Earth are widely considered to decrease the future prosperity and quality of human life. Examples include noxious by-products or wastes andunsettling economic up- and downswings. Moving mineral production activities to extra-terrestr
20、iallocations, where appropriate, will decrease many of its deleterious effects. Terrestrial mineral production presently is decreasing in some countries and increasing in others, moving from the cheaper and easier ores to more expensive, difficult materials. When the full costs of maintaining the te
21、rrestrial environment in a sustainable manner are included, total mineral production costs must increase. The cost of extracting mineral products from extra-terrestrial sources will be substantially higher, especially in the initial phases, but as the full costs of terrestrial production increase, a
22、t some point in the future (different points for different minerals), the curves will cross (Fig.1).This will occur at different points for different materials, a process whose prediction will be complicated by substitution of cheaper materials for some uses as prices of the original material rise.
23、In summary, mineral products from extra-terrestrial sources will tend to increase the sustainability of human civilization, once steady state has been reached.Keywords: Space mining; Moon; Mars; Asteroids; Comets; Extra-terrestrialINTRODUCTION The production of minerals for human use at locations ot
24、her than the Earth is expected to "advancehuman prosperity inways that do not compromise the potential prosperity and quality of life of future generations" (Brundtland, 1987); in other words, sustainably. This paper examines the interaction of extra-terrestrial mineral production (ETMP) w
25、ith the following sustainability imperatives:·The sustainability of human activities on Earth;·The sustainability of human activities else- where;·Human survival in general, the ultimate sustainability goal.Some of the consequences of mineral production on Earth are widely considered
26、to decrease the future prosperity and quality of human life. Examples include noxious by-products or wastes and unsettling economic up- and downswings. Moving mineral production activities to extra-terrestrial locations, where appropriate, will decrease many of its deleteriouseffects. Terrestrial mi
27、neral production presently is decreasing in some countries and increasing in others, moving from the cheaper and easier ores to more expensive, difficult materials. When the full costs of maintaining the terrestrial environment in a sustainable manner are included, total mineral production costs mus
28、t increase. The cost of extracting mineral products from extra-terrestrial sources will be substantially higher, especially in the initial phases, but as the full costs of terrestrial production increase, at some point in the future (different points for different minerals), the curves will cross. T
29、his will occur at different points for different materials, a process whose prediction will be complicated by substitution of cheaper materials for some uses as prices of the original materialrise. This paper discusses the relationships between extra-terrestrial mineral production and the sustainabi
30、lity of human existence. This goes beyond the term "sustainable development, "which currently is taken to mean better integration of mineral production with local ecological and social issues. While the sustainability of human existence certainly must include these aspects, the full concep
31、t more generally comprises the aggregate sustainability of all human activities. Furthermore, "human existence" is used here to mean a civilized quality of life beyond mere survival. Civilization fundamentally requires the extraction of mineral resources. To be sustainable,this extraction
32、must satisfy the equation:R-C=Bwhere R is revenue, C is cost, and B is benefit. Revenue is the immediate gain, usually economic, derived from the mineral extraction. Cost is all costs incurred thereby. Though commonly determined in economic units, both also contain aspects that are less easily quant
33、i-fable, such as maintainance of quality of life above a certain minimum threshold. Benefit is sometimes called profit, but just as revenue and cost cannot always be calculated in precise monetary units, benefit is not necessarily or immediately financial.SUSTAINABILITY ASPECTS OF MINERAL PRODUCTION
34、 The other speakers in this Workshop have given far more comprehensive descriptions than are possible in this short space about current thought regarding the sustainability of modern mineral production practices on Earth. Instead, this section is devoted to the effects of mineral production on the s
35、urvivability of humans living and working in space, whether on other solar system bodies or in orbit. No space environment discovered to date or expected in future is inherently conducive to human existence in the manner that the Earth, our planetary home, is. Typical environmental hazards include n
36、o or noxious atmospheres, micro-gravity, widely varying gravity fields, high-energy radiation, extreme temperatures, and extreme gradients of gravity, temperature, etc. The processes involved in creating usable commodities from natural geologic deposits also create waste materials, which can be in a
37、ny state. On Earth, many of these wastes create health and environmental hazards. This will also be true in space, especially in the engineered artificial environments in which humans must live. Extra-terrestrial humans will not have the large buffering effects of the planetary biosphere, geosphere,
38、 hydrosphere, and atmosphere to mitigate waste effects. Consequently, the life support systems will be much more sensitive to these effects than we are accustomed to. Some aspects of mineral production could serve to modify those environments, so they more nearly approximate human-survivable paramet
39、ers. Examples include soil compac-tion/excavation and the creation of greenhouse gases, heat, waste gases and other by-products. In addition, mineral exploration gathers data that is applicable also to environmental characterization and monitoring.EXTRA-TERRESTRIAL MINERAL PRODUCTIONSpace exploratio
40、n Several nations and groups of nations presently maintain access to space, and more nations are planning to join this group. The United States plans to re-establish human presence on the Moon by 2020, partly in preparation for sending humans onward to Mars a decade or two later, and partly for scie
41、ntific research. These activities will most likely be achieved by cooperation of the United States with the several other spacefaring nations. At present, the United States plans to launch a series of robotic missions to study the Moon beginning in October 2008, and the first crewed flight will occu
42、r before 2020. Japan and China plan to send human explorers to the Moon at about the same time, followed by the European Union, Russia, and India. Going onward to Mars will happen after that time, possibly 20302045.Robotic and/or human excursions to asteroids or comets that might impact the Earth wi
43、ll proceed on a separate, though related, timeline from lunar and martian exploration, a timeline that is controlled by parameters external to the Earth and its politics. At present, most of the effort being expended in this area is devoted to detection, identification, and orbit determination of ob
44、jects greater than 1 kilometer in diameter, whose orbits intersect the orbit of Earth around the Sun. Once an object has been confirmed to be on a collision course with the Earth, several different approaches have been proposed for averting the impact, depending on how much time will elapse prior, a
45、nd on details of the relative trajectories of the body and of Earth. One proposed approach would be to mine the body in such a manner that its orbit is sufficiently modified to avert the impact. Another is to fragment the body into pieces too small to survive passage through Earth's atmosphere.
46、The first approach could generate useful products from the material of the body, depending on its constituents; if it is an asteroid, those products might include metals or oxygen. If it is a comet, they might instead be spacecraft propellants or explosive compounds. All would be potentially useful
47、directly during the mining/fragmentation process, or could be used elsewhere in space.The development of ETMP Mineral production from extra-terrestrial resources will likely proceed in two main phases, that each will supply two different types of markets:·Support for the exploration and eventua
48、l colonization of space; in other words, the extra-terrestrial market. This will, over the course of time spent in space, eventually divide into submarkets: Local supply. In-space supply, especially spacecraft propellant manufacture. Export to other nonterrestrial locations.·The terrestrial mar
49、ket. This includes materials and products for export to Earth.These two phases will overlap each other, but the first one will supply the extra-terrestrial market from Earth's Moon. The major value of mineral production from this source is to reduce the mass of material that must be lifted, at v
50、ery high energy cost, from the deep well of Earth's gravity to supply the materials needed for the return to space. This phase will grow and remain important, though its size may eventually be eclipsed by exports to other extra-terrestrial locations, as well as to Earth itself. The first terrest
51、rial market may be power generation from nuclear fusion reactors using 3 He as fuel (Kulcinski and Schmitt, 1991). There will also be a novelty market for lunar materials, perhaps as jewelry or simple samples.The techniques of ETMP The mining and processing of materials from the Moon, Mars, asteroid
52、s, comets, and other bodies of the solar system will begin by adapting techniques first developed on Earth. People have been extracting materials from the ground for at least 300 thousand years and possibly 2.5 million years (Verri et al., 2004; and Leakey, 1994; respectively). As humans gain experi
53、ence in space operations, the equipment and the approaches used will undoubtedly evolve from this starting point; in the meantime, however, the approach will comprise variations on currentart. Mining methods can be categorized in various ways, including whether access to the deposit is from the surf
54、ace or from underground. These categories can be further modified by incorporating the mode of energy dissipation inherent in the mining process, modified with traditional approaches. Methods that rely on unique terrestrial properties are not included, such as hydraulicking, which uses large-volume
55、water jets for fragmentation, excavation, and transportation.EFFECTS ON SUSTAINABILITY In this paper, sustainability effects are grouped into those associated with the continuation of quality human existence on the Earth, human activities on other bodies, and survival of the human species in general
56、, regardless of the location of individual members or groups.Human activities on Earth Energy availability is an important limiter of the human quality-of-life. A large fraction of the human population spends most of their time obtaining the energy needed for survival, both directly (fuel) and indir
57、ectly (food). In addition, many aspects of mineral processing are energy-intensive. Presently all energy must be obtained from the same sources: the sun, with lesser contributions from terrestrial radioactive isotopes. This is true throughout the solar system, and in fact only two planets receive am
58、ounts of solar energy comparable to the Earth's share'. However, the amount of solar energy available in near-Earth space is enormous. According to the U.S. National Security Administration (2007), "Every 1 km-wide insolation band at GEOZ receives nearly as much energy per annum as the
59、content of the entire 1.28T BBLs of recoverable oil remaining on Earth." As mentioned previously, hazardous waste from mining and mineral processing has widely recognized deleterious effects. Generating and mitigating these effects elsewhere than the single planet where humanity is adapted to live will enhance our future. Natural resource-based economic aspects are both positive a
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