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1、号:CTSO-C36e期:2016 年 6 月 28 日编日批准:民用航空技术标准规定工作在 108112 兆赫无线电频率范围内的机载仪表着(ILS)航向信标接收1. 目的本技术标准规定(CTSO)适用于为工作在 108112 兆赫无线电(ILS)航向信标接收频率范围内的机载仪表着申请技术标准规定项目批准书(CTSOA)的人。本 CTSO 规定了工作在108112 兆赫无线电频率范围内的机载仪表着(ILS)航向信标接收为获得批准和使用适用的 CTSO 标记进行标识所必须满足的最低性能标准。2. 适用范围本CTSO 适用于自其生效之日起提交的申请。按本 CTSO 批准的,其设计大改应按 CCAR

2、-21R3第 21.310 条要求重新申请CTSOA。3. 要求在本CTSO 生效之日或生效之后并欲使用本CTSO 标记进行- 1 -本技术标准规定根据 民用航空规章民用航空材料、零部件和机载 技术标准规定(CCAR37)颁发。 民用航空技术标准规定是对用于民用航空器上的某些航空材料、零部件和机载 接受适航审查时,必须遵守的准则。CAACCTSO-C36e标识的 108112 兆赫无线电频率范围内的机载仪表着(ILS)应满足 RTCA/DO-195工作在 108112 兆赫无线航向信标接收电频率范围内的机载仪表着(ILS)航向信标接收的最低性能标准(1986.11)中第 2 节的要求,以及按本

3、 CTSO 所做的修订。a环境鉴定应按 RTCA/DO-160E 机载的环境条件与试验程序(2004.12.9)中规定的试验条件,采用该适用的标准环境条件和试验程序,证明的性能满足要求。b.鉴定如果包含,则应按 RTCA/DO-178B机载系统和设考虑(1992.12.1)的要求进行研制。备合格审定中的c. 偏离如果采用替代或等效的符合性来满足本 CTSO 规定的最低性能标准要求,则申请人必须表明保持了等效的安全水平。申请人应按 CCAR-21R3 第 21.310 条(二)要求申请偏离。4. 标记a. 至少应为一个主要部件设置永久清晰的标记,标记应CCAR-21R3 第 21.312 条(四

4、)规定的所有。b. 应为以下部件设置永久清晰的标记,标记至少人名称、组件件号和 CTSO 标准号:(1)所有容易拆卸(无需手持工具)的部件;(2)人确定的中可互换的所有组件。- 2 -CAACCTSO-C36ec./或机载如果部件中包含硬件,则件号必须能够表明硬件的构型。件号编排时,在件号中可为硬件、机载硬件各划分一个单独区域。d. (如适用)对获得批准的偏离应在 CTSO 标准号后用“Deviation. See installation/instruction manual(IM)”标识,可简写为“Dev. See IM”。5. 申请资料要求申请人必须向负责该项目审查的提交相关技术资料以支

5、持CCAR-21R3 第 21.310 条(三)3 中设计和生产批准。提交资料规定的符合性和以下每份技术资料的副本。a. 手册。包含以下内容:(1)运行说明和限制,该内容应对运行能力进行充分描述。(2)对所有偏离的详细描述。(3)安装程序和限制。必须确保按照此安装程序安装后,仍符合本 CTSO 的要求。限制必须确定安装方面的任何独特要求,还必须以注释的方式包含以下:“本满足技术标准规定中要求的最低性能标准和质量标准。如欲在飞机上安装此,必须获得单独的安装批准。”(4)对于所有机载硬件构型,如下内容:(i)件号,版本和设计保证等级;(ii)机载硬件件号,版本和设计保证等级;- 3 -CAACCT

6、SO-C36e(iii)功能描述。(5)中每个部件进行环境鉴定的试验条件总结。例如,可采用 RTCA/DO-160E机载环境条件和试验程序附录 A 的表格方式描述。(6)原理图、布线图,以及安装所必需的其它文件。(7)的可更换部件(注明件号)。如适用,对供应号的交叉索引。b.持续适航文件,包含周期性维护、校准及修理要求,以保证的持续适航性。如适用,应建议的检查间隔和使用。c.如果包含,则还应提供合格审定计划(PSAC)、构型索引和完结综述。d. 如果包含简单的或复杂硬件,还应提供:硬件合格审定计划(PHAC)、硬件验证计划、顶层图纸和硬件完结综述(或相似文件,如适用)。e.铭牌图纸,规定如何标

7、识本 CTSO 中第 4 节所要求的标记。f.按 CCAR-21R3 第 21.143 条和第 21.310 条(三)2 的要求提供质量系统(QCS)方面的说明资料,功能试验规范。对于已批准的设计,质量系统应确保检测到可能会对 CTSO 最低性能标准符合性有不利影响的任何更改,并相应地拒收该。g. 材料和工艺规范。h. 定义设计的图纸和工艺(修订版次)。- 4 -CAACCTSO-C36ei.人的CTSO 鉴定报告,表明按本 CTSO 第 3 节完成的试验结果。6.人资料要求除直接提交给局方的资料外,还应准备如下技术资料供局方评审:a.用来鉴定每件是否符合本 CTSO 要求的功能鉴定规范;b.

8、校准程序;c.原理图;d.布线图;e.材料和工艺规范;f.按本CTSO 第 3 节要求进行的环境鉴定试验结果;g. 如果包含,提供 RTCA/DO-178B 中规定的相关文档,所有支持 RTCA/DO-178B 附件 A“等级的过程目标和输出”中适用目标的资料;h. 如果硬件,应提供 RTCA/DO-254 附录 A 表包含复杂A-1 中定义的与设计保证等级和硬件生命周期相关的资料。7. 随提交给用户的资料要求如欲向一个机构(例如运营人或修理站)提交一件或多件按本CTSO的,则应随提供本 CTSO 第 5.a 节和第 5.b 节的资料副本,以及正确安装、审定、使用和持续适航所必需的资料。- 5

9、 -CAACCTSO-C36e8.文件RTCA 文件可从以下地址订购:Radio Technical Commission for Aeronautics, Inc.1150 18th Street NW, Suite 910, Washington D.C. 20036也可通过订购副本。- 6 -Number:CTSO-C36eDate of approval:June 28, 2016 Approved by:Yang ZhenmeiCivil Aviation Technical Standard OrderAirborne ILS Localizer Receiving Equipme

10、nt Operating within the RadioFrequency Range of 108-112 Megahertz (MHz)1. Purpose.ThisCivil Aviation Technical Standard Order (CTSO) is formanufacturers applying for an airborne ILS localizer receiving equipmentoperating within the radio frequency range of 108-112 MHz CTSOauthorization(CTSOA).ThisCT

11、SOprescribestheminimumperformancestandards(MPS)thatairborneILSlocalizerreceivingequipment must first meet for approval and identification with theapplicable CTSO marking.2. Applicability.This CTSO affects new application submitted after its effective date.Major design changes to article approved und

12、er this CTSO will require anew authorization in accordance with section 21.310 of CCAR-21R3.3. RequirementsNew ms of airborne ILS localizer receiving equipment identified- 1 -ThisCivil Aviation Technical Standard Order (CTSO) is issued according to Part 37 of theCivil Aviation Regulations (CCAR-37).

13、 Each CTSO is a criterion which the concerned aeronautical materials, parts or appliances used on civil aircraft must comply with when it is presented for airworthiness certification.CAACCTSO-C36eand manufactured on or after the effective date of this CTSO must meetthe MPS requirements in section 2

14、of RTCA/DO-195, “MinimumOperational Performance Standards for Airborne ILS Localizer ReceivingEquipment Operating Within the Radio Frequency Range of 108-112MHz,” dated November 1986, as amended and supplemented by thisCTSO.a. Environmental Qualification.Demonstrate the required performance under th

15、e test conditionsspecifiedinRTCA/DO-160E,“EnvironmentalConditionsandTestProcedures for Airborne Equipment”, dated December 9, 2004, usingstandard environmental conditions and test procedures appropriate forthis article.b. Software QualificationIf the article includes software, develop the software a

16、ccording toRTCA/DO-178B, “Software Considerations in Airborne Systems andEquipment Certification” , dated December 1, 1992.c. Deviation.For using alternative or equivalent means of compliance to thecriteria inthe MPS of this CTSO, the applicant must show that theequipmentmaintains an equivalent leve

17、l of safety. The applicant mustapplyforadeviationinaccordancewithsection21.310(b)ofCCAR-21R3.- 2 -CAACCTSO-C36e4. Marking.a. Mark at least one major component permanently and legibly withall the information in section 21.312(d) of CCAR-21R3.b. Also, mark the following permanently and legibly, with a

18、t leastthe manufacturers name, subassembly part number, and the CTSOnumber:(1) Each component that is easily removable (without hand tools);(2) Each subassembly of the article that the manufacturer determinedmay be interchangeable.c. If the article includes software and/or airborne electronic hardwa

19、re,then the article part numbering scheme must identify the software andairborne electronic hardware configuration. The part numbering schemecan use separate, unique part numbers for software, hardware, andairborne electronic hardware.d. If applicable, identify any deviations granted to the article

20、bymarking “Deviation. See installation/instruction manual (IM)” after theCTSO number, or abbreviate the marking to “(Dev. See IM)”.5. Application Data Requirements.The applicant must furnish the responsible certificationnelwith the related data to support design and production approval. Theapplicati

21、on data include a statement of conformance as specified insection 21.310(c)(3) of CCAR-21R3 and one copy each of the following- 3 -CAACCTSO-C36etechnical data:a. A Manual(s) containing the following:(1) Operating instructions and equipmentlimitations sufficient todescribe the equipments operational

22、capability.(2) Describe inany deviations.(3) Installation procedures and limitationssufficient to ensure thatthe article, when installed according to the installation or operationalprocedures, still meets this CTSOs requirements. Limitations mustidentify any unique aspects of the installation. The l

23、imitations mustinclude a note with the following statement:“This article meets the minimum performance and qualitycontrol standards required by a CTSO. Installation of this article onan aircraft requires separate approval.”(4)Foreachuniqueconfigurationofsoftwareandairborneelectronic hardware, refere

24、nce the following:(i) Software part number including revision and design assurancelevel;(ii) Airborne electronic hardware part number including revisionand design assurance level;(iii) Functional description.(5) A summary of the test conditions used for environmentalqualifications for each component

25、 of the article. For example, a form as- 4 -CAACCTSO-C36edescribed in RTCA/DO-160E, “Environmental Conditions and TestProcedures for Airborne Equipment”, Appendix A.(6)Schematicdrawings,wiringdiagrams,andanyotherdocumentation necessary for installation of the airborne ILS localizerreceiving equipmen

26、t.(7) List of replaceable components, by part number, that makes upthe airborne ILS localizer receiving equipment. Include vendor partnumber cross-references, when applicable.b. Instructions for Continued Airworthiness. Provide instructions forperiodic maintenance, calibration, and repair necessary

27、for continuedairworthinessofinstalledequipment.Instructionsshouldincluderecommended inspection intervals and service life, as appropriate.c. If the article includes software: a plan for software aspects ofcertification(PSAC),softwareconfigurationindex,andsoftwareaccomplishment summary.d. If the arti

28、cle includes simple or complex custom airborneelectronic hard ware: a plan for hardware aspects of certification (PHAC),hardwareverificationplan,top-leveldrawing,andhardwareaccomplishment summary (or similar document, as applicable).e. Nameplate drawing with the information required by paragraph4 of

29、 this CTSO.f. The quality control system description required by section 21.143- 5 -CAACCTSO-C36eand 21.310(c)(2) of CCAR-21R3, including functional test specifications.The quality control system should ensure that it will detect any change tothe approved design that could adversely affect complianc

30、e with theCTSO MPS, and reject the article accordingly.g. Material and process specifications list.h. List of all drawings and processes (including revision level) thatdefine the articles design.i. Manufacturers CTSO qualification report showing results oftesting accomplished according to paragraph

31、3 of this CTSO.6. Manufacturer Data Requirements.Besides the data given directly to the authorities, have the followingtechnical data available for review by the authorities:a.Functionalqualificationspecificationsforqualifyingeachproduction article to ensure compliance with this CTSO.b. Equipment calibration procedures.c. Schematic drawings.d. Wiring diagrams.e. Material and process specifications.f. The results of the environmental qualification tests conductedaccording to paragraph 3 of this CTSO.g. If the article inc


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