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1、授课时间:2013年10月30日授课地点:唐徕回中 主讲人:贺兰四中 梁根花展示课的教学设计 Unit 5Do you want to watch a game show ?一授课背景:1. 面向学生:初中学生2.学科、年级、内容:中学英语 八年级上Unit 5 Section B1a- 1d2. 课时数:1 课时3. 课型:听说课二教材分析:1. 话题:本课时是Section B的第一课时,主要围绕本单元的中心任务“Talk about preferences”继续进行自我表达的同时,通过听力任务训练学生对于相关内容获取听力信息的能力 。2. 内容:这一课时主要谈论了同学们对于不同电视节目或

2、电影的看法,听一名男生约翰和女生玛丽对于不同电视节目或电影的看法,让同学们根据听力材料提问两人喜欢观看不同节目的原因,并让同学们谈论他们喜欢看的电视节目或影片及理由。三教学重点和难点:教学重点:词汇:educational , serious , wonderful , relaxing , enjoyable , boring ,exciting ,cartoon , meaningless , action movie 句型:I think , I want to , He / She / wants to because 教学难点:课堂上有限的时间内激发学生“学以致用”的参与意识,学习运

3、用并实践一定的听力技巧。四教学目标:1. 知识目标:(1) 通过听前、听中、听后活动巩固用来描述不同电视节目和影片的形容词,如:educational , serious , wonderful , relaxing , enjoyable , boring ,exciting 学习三个新词:cartoon , meaningless , action movie (2) 通过听前、听中、听后活动熟练运用句型:I think , I want to , He / She / wants to because 2.语言技能:能用一些基本句式来表达自己的喜好并阐述理由。3.情感态度: 针对学生的回

4、答,发现个别问题,给予适当地引导,如:不能经常看电视,要注意保护眼睛视力,并要注重看有意义的节目。4.学习策略目标:(1) 鼓励学生积极运用所学的语言进行表达和交流(2) 引导学生在进行听力活动的时候注重听力策略的运用,如进行听前猜测和听时学会速记。五学情分析 本课时的听力任务看似简单其实又不简单,看似有趣又不有趣,所以听力策略的灵活引导和运用很重要,同时,还要激发学生在听前、听后相关话题的积极讨论,这对听力的顺利完成和听力巩固相当重要。六课前准备1.学生准备 课前预习新词汇( 3个 ), 温习本单元已学过的词汇,为听力扫清障碍。2. 教师准备(1) 制作多媒体,整合教学资源。(2) 准备多媒

5、体设施及音响设备。(3) 准备调查表,并及时分发。七教学板书Words:cartoon , meaningless , action movie Drills :I think , I want to , He / She / wants to because 八教学过程Step 1. Warming-up Let the students watch a part of the cartoon movie “ The Kung fu Panda ”The ask the students what they think of this movie , revise the adjective

6、 words ,such as : interesting , exciting , serious , boring , etc. Step2. Presentation Then ask the students : Do you know what kind of the movie it is ? Lead in the new word : cartoon . Then write it on the Bb . And then ,let the students watch another two pictures , lead in : meaningless , action

7、movie . Write them one the Bb . Teach the students . Step3. Practice Let the students watch some pictures , then ask and answer about : What do you think of . ? To practice some adjective words . To check the students if they can use the three new words to describe the pictures . Step4. 1a Let the s

8、tudents go over 1a. And then call them to fill in the blanks as quickly as possible . Let them write as carefully as possible as well . And then , call them to say something like : I think is /are Step5. 1b Before listening , show a picture of two students ,one is John , the other is Mary . Make the

9、 students be clear that its a dialogue about two students . Step6. 1c Let the student listen to the tape twice . The first time , let the students pay attention to the adjective words and write them down on their books or paper . The second time , let the students pay attention to the person . Then

10、check the answer . Step 7. Post listening 1. Let the students turn to Page 100 , and read the listening materials out . 2. let the students do a survey like the following : Name 1Name 2Name 3Name 4Action movies    Scary movies    Game shows  

11、60; Sitcoms    Talk shows    Make a dialogue like the following : A: What do you want/like to watch?B: I want/like to watch because I think (If the student likes something, let him /her put a tick , and write down the reason) Then let the students make a

12、survey like the following :Zhang Jie wants to watch action movies, because he thinks they are exciting. Liu Li likes to watch because she thinks. Wang Li likes,because she thinks. I likebecauseSummary : Today we mainly learnt how to use some adjectives to describe different TV shows and the movies . Homework :Make a survey and write down a short passage  Action moviesScary moviesGame shows SitcomsFather    Mother    Brother/ Sister    Grandmother /Grandfather   


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