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1、农村土地流转论文:我国农村土地流转问题及对策研究_精品 农村土地流转论文我国农村土地流转问题及对策研究 中文摘要1978年我国从农村拉开了改革开放的序幕通过对农村土地制度改革实行了家庭联产承包责任制农村土地承包责任制在坚持土地集体所有的前提下赋予农民承包经营权解放和发展了农村生产力提高了农民的收入促进了农村经济的发展对保证我国粮食供给发挥了重大作用但随着农业现代化进程的不断推进家庭联产承包责任制作为一种制度安排也逐渐显现出其内在的缺陷如土地大多数呈条块分布土地规模过小的状况使得农业科技无法推广更谈不上规模效益先进的农用机械设备和灌溉技术都无法大面积投入使用严重阻碍了农业技术的推广和应用面对这一


3、为学界关注的重点和热点问题全文共分为四个部分第一部分是绪论主要包括及意义国内外文献综述相关概念的界定研究思路方法和主要内容等第二部分论述我国农村土地流转的基本理论依据和现实意义阐述马克思的土地产权理论和西方的制度变迁理论说明我国农村土地流转的必要性第三部分通过对我国农村土地流转的现状及特点的总结重点分析我国农村土地流转存在的主要问题及成因第四部分提出了我国农村土地流转的对策建议加快农地流转的市场化建设建立健全农村土地流转的法律法规完善我国的农地产权制度健全农村的社会保障体系提高农民的受教育水平等 英文摘要In1978 the reform and opening up of china fro

4、m the rural through the rural land system reform the implementation of the household contract responsibility system Rural land contracting system adhering to the premise of collective land ownership give the right of contract management to farmers liberate and develop rural productivity and raise th

5、e income of farmers promoting rural economic development played a major role in food supplying problems in China But with the continuous progress of agricultural modernization as a system arrangement the household contract responsibility system gradually reveals some of its inherent defects Most far

6、mers were tested as compartmentalization in the form of land distribution this land makes the situation of small scale agricultural science and technology can not promote let alone scale more decentralized in the land of some of the advanced agricultural machinery and equipment and irrigation techno

7、logies can not be put into use a large area so the promotion and application of agricultural technology has been seriously hampered Faced with the current situation of land distribution to develop rural land use right to break the current land distribution pattern of this system per household to mak

8、e use of land management and technology to achieve scale it is important manifestation and necessary requirements of the development of modern agricultureThe scale of agricultural operations reference of the advanced agricultural technology and the promotion of mechanized farm equipment applications

9、 can greatly improve the yield and quality of agricultural products greatly increase market share and competitiveness so the disposable income of rural households will be greatly enhanced In this external drive attracted by the potential benefits this part of the farmers with forward-thinking and th

10、e availability of funds and the ability hoping to expand the operation scale of agricultural land which would require transfer the land use right which can the use of advanced agricultural technology to improve output efficiency of land to get more profit potential This requirement will be as market

11、 -oriented agriculture accelerate the modernization process of the increasingly strong but also will promote the agricultural land system as the great power How to constantly improve the existing land system promoting healthy and orderly transfer of rural land has increasingly become the focus of ac

12、ademic and hot spotsThe paper is divided into four parts The first part is an introduction Including the background and significance literature review the definition of related concepts research methods and main ideas and possible innovations and shortcomings The second part discusses the basic of r

13、ural land transfer theoretical basis and practical significance Firstly the main theory of rural land transfer basis such as the land of Marx抯 theory of prop erty rights theory and institutional change Second explained the necessity of rural land that is practical significance Third part of the curr

14、ent situation of rural land and status characteristics were analyzed the next major transfer of rural land in China are analyzed the main problems and causes The fourth part main discuss the suggestions of the rural land transferthe article concludes with the transfer of agricultural land by acceler

15、ating the construction of the market establish and improve the rural land laws and regulations improve our country抯 agricultural land property rights system and improve rural social security system improve the education level of farmers so that to put forward some countermeasures about rural land use right transfer 关键词农村土地流转 问题 对策建议 英文关键词Transference of Rural Land issues Countermeasures 目录我国农村土地流转问题及对策研究 中文摘要 4-5 Abstract 5-6 绪论 8-14 一 选题的背景与意义 8 二


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