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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上高一英语必修3、4复习巩固试题一、语法和词汇知识(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项1. My wife managed to _me to give up smoking last year, so I dont smoke now.A. persuade B. talk C. hope D. suggest2. The teacher asked the boy to give the reason_he was late for school, but the reason_he gave was stu

2、pid. A.why; that B. which; why C. why ; why D. that; which 3. The fine knife that he used to _the apples just now used to _to his sister. A. cut;belonging B.cut; belong C. cutting; belonging D. cutting;belong4. The soup smells_but it tastes_. A. good;badly B. good;bad C. well;badly D. well;bad5. His

3、 words were _I took as lies. A. what B. that C. which D. why6. I cant imagine a twelve-year-old boy_ so many hamburgers in twenty minutes. A. eating B. to eating C. eat D. to have eaten7. The project was so challenging that many competitors decided to _. A. give out B. back out C. bring out D. take

4、out 8. With my work_early today, I am able to enjoy a happy night with my family. A. finish B. finished C. finishing D. to finish9. _for a bus always makes a person feel _. A.Wait;tired B.Waiting;tiring C. Wait;tiring D. Waiting;tired10. The young man_at the meeting will become our new manager. A. a

5、warded B. awarding C. will award D. having awarded11. My uncle, _we hadnt seen for over five years, came to my house last night, _was really a surprise. A. that;which B. who; that C. who;which D. whom;that12. This restaurant is _my father likes the best. A. the one B.where C. which D. that13. This b

6、ox is the largest one that is kept here. It is _than the one that is next to it. A. twice as large B. twice larger C. not larger D. twice the size14.This is the workshop _my mother worked ten years ago andit is also a place _I like very much. A. which;where B. where;which C. which;that D. where;what

7、15. It was the little boy _often helped others _was awarded a large amount of money. A. who;which B. which;that C. that;which D. who;that16. The little girl had to talk loudly _in the noisy room. A.made herself hear B. to make herself hear C. made herself hear D. to make herself heard17.The heavy ra

8、in finally stopped, _a lot of damage to the city. A. caused B. to have caused C. causes D. having caused18.The girl dared not leave for America alone because she was afraid that there was no one _ she could turn for help on the way. A. with whom B. who C. to which D. to whom19.Everyone here,includin

9、g kids,_ their attention on the matter.Afocus  Bfocuses Cto focus Dfocusing20.I must apologize for _ ahead of time.thats all right.Aletting you not know   Bnot letting you knowCletting you know not   Dletting not you know21. Jenny,you _ play with the knife;you _ hu

10、rt yourself.Awont;cant Bshouldnt;must Cmustnt;may Dcant;shouldnt22. I dont allow _ here though someone else might allow you _ so.A. smoking; doing B. to smoke; doing Cto smoke; to do Dsmoking; to do23I hate _ when someone calls me up in the middle of the night.Athis

11、0;Bthat Cit Done24_ on the fact,the news report is well worth _.ABased;reading BBasing;reading CBased;to read DBasing;to read25Excuse me,am I going _ the right direction?    Ato Bfor Cin Dwith26_ his pale face,we all suggested _ to see the docto

12、r right away.ASeeing;he going     BHaving seen;him goCSeeing;his going     DSeen;him going27Mr. Jones was once a millionaire and he cant _being poor.Acome to terms with    Bcome to term withCbe in good terms with  Dbe on good terms with28Vi

13、sit a theme park,and youll know what it feels like _ through the air.Ato fall Bto falling Cfalls Dfell29_ the most important thing in your life?ADo you think what is    BWhat do you think isCWhat is you think       DWhat is do you think30Ja

14、pan lies _ the east of China and _ the east of Asia.Ain;to Bto;on Con;to Dto;in31We will _ the old building to make room for the new cinema.Atear up    Bget through    Ctear down    Dbreak up32_ to the Qin Dynasty,the traditional crosstalk

15、shows have made people roar with laughter.ADating back     BDating from        CDated from       DDated back33_ I understand you,I still cant support you.AWhen          B

16、After             CWhile            DAs二、单词拼写(共10小题,每题1分,满分10分) 根据下列句子及所给汉语注释,在句子右边的横线上写出空缺处各单词的正确形式。(每空 只写一词)1Id _(感激) it if you would give me a hand.  2The _(少数) of the students

17、are against this plan.  3_(实际上), the two problems have much in common.  4Whenever I go to some attractions, I will certainly buy some _(纪念品).  5She _(分开) the apple in half and shared it with me. 6This painting is _(典型的) of his early work 7It never _(发生) to me that he had fai

18、led in the driving test.  8This is an _(农业) country. Over 70% of the people there work on arms.  9_(比较) with the advanced countries, we still have a long way to go.  10I was in good health and all of my _(设备) was working well.三、  书面表达(满分30分)你的生日快到了,父亲许诺将送你一份生日礼物。下面就是这份特殊礼物的描述。请你以

19、“Fathers Gift for My Birthday”为题,用第一人称讲述这个故事。要点如下:1上周五早晨,父亲带我到家乡的一所农村学校;2唯一的教室里有21个学生,大多数是男生,教室小而昏暗(dim);3虽然那儿条件很差很穷,但学生学习努力,去年有两个学生考上了大学;4你的感想,原来这就是父亲给我的礼物注意:1除要求的内容外,可酌情自由发挥;2词数:100词左右。 参考答案单词拼写)1appreciate  2minority   3Actually 4souvenirs 5divided6typical 

20、     7occurred   8agricultural   9Compared  10Equipment书面表达(Possible version)Fathers Gift for My BirthdayMy birthday of this year fell on last Friday. My father promised to give me a special gift.Last Friday morning, Father brought me to a village school

21、in his hometown. The school had just one house with one classroom, which was small with dim light, and all the desks and chairs were made of rough boards. There were only 21 students, most of whom were boys. They were listening to the teacher attentively. The teacher told us, while their study conditions were poor, all the students studied ver


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