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1、人教版高中英语必修四全套同步精品辅导资料Unit 1 辅导1. concerna. concern themselves with 关心,关注Your parents alwaysconcern themselves withyour study.你的父母总是关心于你的学习You should concern yourself with not only your study, but also your health.你应该不仅仅关心你的学习,而且要关心你的健康As a teacher, I alwaysconcern myself with education.作为老师,我总是关注教育Pa

2、rents always concern more themselves with their own children than otherschildren.父母总是关心自己的孩子,而不是别人的孩子b. Concerning=aboutThis is a book concerning science.这是一本关于科技的书请翻译下面的句子 :1) 你的父母总是关心你的学习2) 你应该不仅仅关心你的学习 ,也关心你的健康3) 作为老师 ,我总是关注教育4) 父母总是关心自己的孩子胜过别人的孩子Key1) Your parents always concern themselves with

3、your study.2) You should concern yourself with not only your study, but also your health.3) As a teacher, I always concern myself with education.4) Parents always concern more themselves with their own children than others' children.2. devotea. devote one ' s life献b身于As a teacher, I will dev

4、ote my life to teach ing作为老师,我愿意为教育而献身What will you devote your life to?你想为什么而献身?Yuan Longping devoted his life tob. devote time to doing sth 花时间做Nowadays more and more young peopledevote too much time tosurfing the Internet. 如今,越来越多的年轻人花太多的时间来上网。The time you devote to Englishis too little. That is

5、why you can' t learn English Well.你花在英语上的时间太少 ,那就是为什么你英语英语学好的原因 .c. devote on eself to 专心致志于,也可说成 be devoted toIf you devoted yourself to English study, your English will be better and better. 如果你专心致志于英语学习 ,你的英语会越来越好 .d. Adj. devoted 忠诚的,恩爱的Dogs are verydevoted to their masters. 狗非常忠诚于他们的主人They

6、aredevoted husband and wife. 他们是恩爱夫妻。例句解析:The time he devoted toEnglish is too shortA. study B. studies C. studied D. studying 分析:此题乍一看不知如何下手, 弄不清楚此题要考察什么。 其实只要学会化繁 为简,一切就迎刃而解。首先取其主句弄清要表达的意思, The time is too short. 然后再看从句,一看缺少成分,便知是定语从句。接着把 time 代进去,此句变 成:He devoted the time to根据所学的固定短语, devote time

7、 to doing sth.便知答案应该选 D.练习:翻译下面句子1) 爱迪生献身于科学事业2) 你应该花更多的时间来学英语3) 我没有看见他 ,因为我在专心致志地学习答案:1) Edison devoted all his life to science.2) You should devote more time to studying English.3) I didn 't see him because I devoted myself to .study3 worthwhilea. It is worthwhile to do sth.值得做事情ll have aIt is

8、 worthwhile to study hard and learn English well because that means you good job in the future.努力学好英语是是值得的 ,因为那就意味着在未来有一个好工作It is worthwhile to go abroad because you make more money.到国外去是值得的 ,因为你可以赚更多的钱It is heard that film is not very good. Is it worthwhile to see it? 我听说那个电影不太好 ,值得去看吗 ?It is not w

9、orthwhile to give him some presents. He is so selfish. 不值得给他一些礼物 ,他那么自私I don't know what it is worthwhile to do.我不知值得做什么b扩展:Be worth doi ng sth 值得做He is worth respecting.他值得尊敬Be worthy of值得做,但加being+动词的过去分词He is worthy of being respected.他值得尊敬练习: 翻译下面句子1) 长城值得去看2) 这本杂志值得读3) 学习 IT 是值得做的答案:1) The

10、Great Wall is worth visiting.The Great Wall is worthy of being visited.2) This magazine is worth reading.This magazine is worthy of being read3) It is worthwhile to study IT.4Must have doneHe must have finishedhis homework because he was watching T.V 他准完成了作业,因为他正在看电视It must have rainedlast night bec

11、ause the ground is so wet. 昨天晚上准下雨了,因为现在地面那么湿Mike must have been sad when he failed the exam. 麦克考试不及格的时候一定很伤心。 2005年高考北京春卷 I have lost one of my gloves. I it somewhere.A. must drop B. must have dropped C. must be dropping D. must have been dropped例句分析:“我手套掉了一只,根据第一句话,知道这件事情已经发生了,再看四个选项,皆有must再根据从句中的

12、somewhere某地,可以判断出,应该考 察must对过去情况的推测。而对过去情况的推测应选 D。代入一试,联系上文, 意思正确,即“我过去准把它丢在某地。练习:.请翻译下面的句子 :1) 昨天他非常快乐 ,他准有了一个好工作2) 地面很湿 ,昨天准下雨了Key:1) Yesterday he was very glad. He must have got a good job.2) The ground was very wet .It must have rained last night5 strikea.使想起什么A rather worrying thought struck me

13、.我突然有了一个很让人担忧的想法The first thing that struck me was the fact that there were no other women present. 我注意到的第一件事情是这一事实,没有其它的女人在场。I looked around the room and it struck me that I was probably the poorest person there.我四处看了一下房间,我注意到我也许是那里最穷的人It struck her that losing the company might be the least of her

14、 worries.她觉得,失去这家公司,也许她也并不忧愁It struck her one day, when she was walking home from school, that she hadn't thought about her weight for over a month.有一天,她从学校向家走的时候,有一个多月,她没有考虑她的体重了练习:翻译下面的句子:1我突然有了一个好主意2我一下子明白了该如何解出这道题3我突然想到做这样一件危险的工作对一个妇女来说是多么困难Key: 1) A good idea struck me.2) It suddenly struck

15、 me how to solve the problem .3) It suddenly struck me how difficult it was for a woman to do such a dangerous job. b hitShe fell heavily, striking her head against the side of the boat. 她摔倒了,头重重地碰在船帮上。A snowball struck him on the back of the head. 雪球砸在他的后脑勺上。Several cars werestruck by falling trees

16、. 正在倒下的树砸在了几辆车上 练习:翻译下面的句子: 1).他打在她的脸上,打断了她的鼻子。 2).一块砖砸在了我的后脑勺上 key1) He struck her across the face and broke her nose.2)A brick struck me on the back of my head.6. 局部倒装Only when you study hard can you learnEnglish well. 只有当你刻苦学习的时候,你才能把英语学好Only when my father left dared I go in. 只有当我父亲离开的时候,我才敢进去On

17、ly when you are friendly to me, will I be friendly to you. 只有当你对我友好的时候,我才会对你友好Only when the war was overdid she find her own mother. 只有当战争结束的时候,她才找到她自己的母亲Only after I grow up can I marry a man that I love.只有当我长在成人的时候,我才会嫁给一个我爱的人 例句解析:Only after reached 18 join the army.A have you; you can Bhave you;

18、 can you C you have; you can Dyou have; can you 分析:这是一个迷惑性极大的题,因为学生有误区,认为学了倒装之后,所有句 子都倒装。其实,正确的认识是,只有主句倒装。因此,抓住 after 引导的是从 句,便可首先排除A , B,剩下C, D,根据倒装,一下子就排除掉了。因此正 确答案为 D练习:1The old couple had been married for 40 years and never once with each otherA. they had quarreledB. they have quarreledC. have t

19、hey quarreled aD. had they quarreled2. -I would never come to this restaurant again. The food is terrible!A. Nor am IB. Neither would IC. Same with meD. So do I3. I failed in the final exam last term and only then the importance ofstudies.(2004年重庆高考)A. I realizedB. I had realizedC. had I realizedD.

20、did I realize4) Only when your identity has been checked, .上( 海 2003)A. you are allowed inB. you will be allowed inC. will you allow inD. will you be allowed inKEY 1-4 DCDD7. 强调句型It was in the streetthat I met her. 是在街上我见到的她Was it in the street that you met her? 你是在街上见到的她吗?Where was it that you met

21、her? 你是在哪儿见到的她?It is this book that I can not wait to buy. 我迫不及待地要买的是这本书Is it this book that you can not wait to buy? 这是你迫不及待地要买的书吗?What is it that you can not wait to buy? 你迫不及待地要买的是什么?It is her beauty and good nature that lead her to fortune 是美貌与好的性情使得她发财 例句解析:It is what you do rather than what yo

22、u saymatters天津 2005)A. that B. what C. which D. this分析:此道题只要抓住 what 引导的句子相当于名词,便找到了问题的突破口。 也可简化一下,把what you say去掉,便可看出这是考察强调句型,因此应选A 1I can 't quite remember_yoaurtsetd doing the work.A. that it was whe nB. whe n it was thatC. whe n was it thatD. that was it whe n2Your watch is miss in g. I don&

23、#39; t knowstole itA. that it was whoB. who it was thatC who was it that aD . that who was itKey 1-2 BB8. 主谓一致例句解析Jim is the only one of stude nts whoto be praised.A. are B. have bee nC. isD. has bee n分析:这道题要弄清楚 who指代什么,这里是特殊情况,one有only修饰时,who指代the only one是单数,排除A,B,再根据意思,选C1of the land in that dist

24、rictcovered with trees and grass上海2000)A. Two fifth; is B. Two fifth; are C. Two fifths; is D. Two fifths; are2. All the employees except the managerto work online at home.广东2004)A. encourageB. encourages C. is encouragedD. are encouragedKey 1-2 CDUnit 2辅导时间从句主句与过去事实相反用过去完成时Would+ have+动词的过去分词与现在事实相

25、反用过去时,当是be动词时一律使用wereWould+动词原形与将来事实相反Were to(should)+ 动词原形Would+动词原形If you had come yesterday, you would have met your best friend.如果你昨天来了你就会遇见你最好的朋友了 If it had been fine yesterday, he would have come to see you.如果昨天天晴,他就 会来看你了If you listened carefully, you would be able to answer my questions now.

26、女口果你 仔细听,你就能答复我的问题了 .If I were a bird, I would fly in the blue sky.如果我是一只鸟,我将会在蓝天上飞 翔.If you were not to have anything to eat tomorrow, what would you do ?假设明天你没有什么吃的,你要做什么.If you were to help end hunger in the world one day , what would you do?如果,有一天,你要去解决世界上的饥饿问题,你会做什么?例句解析:If he to the hospital y

27、esterday, hehis father before his death.A. should come, would seeB. came, would seeC. had come, would seeD. had come, would have see n解析:这道题的关键是yesterday",此句话的意思是:“如果昨天他到医院来,在 他父亲临死前就能看到他的父亲了。事实是,昨天他没来,因此,也没见到 他的父亲。与过去的事实相反,因此,选D。练习:1)如果你是我,你也会爱上她。2)如果昨天你来,她就不会那么伤心了。Key1) If you were I, you wou

28、ld fall in love with her.2) If you came yesterday, she would not have been so sad.方式状语Using a knife, he carefully made a hole on the wall. 他用小刀小心地在墙上挖了一个洞The solider came riding a horse. 那个士兵骑着马过来的 例题解析 :They went here, the bike.A. to take B. take C. taking D. took分析 :此题易选 D, 在于学生不注意两个谓语动词之间要用连词 and

29、. 正确答案应 为 C, 现在分词表方式练习:1) 红军用小船度过了金沙江2) 她笑着进来了Key1) The Red Army crossed Jinsha River using small boats.2) She came in, laughing.a. 倍数 + 形容词This road is twice as long as that one. 这条道路是那条的两倍长This room is 3 times bigger than that one. 这个房间是那个房间和 4 倍大b. 倍数 +名词This road is twice the length of that one.

30、 这条道路是那条的两倍长This room is 4 times the size of that one 这个房间是那个房间和 4 倍大 例题解析 :At a rough estimate, Nigeria is Great Britain.A. 3 times the size of B. the size 3 times ofC. 3 times as the size of D. 3 times the size as 解析:此题的难度在于有生词 ,rough 大概地, estimate 估计, Nigeria 尼日利亚 ,全 句的意思是 ,“粗略地估计 ,尼日利亚 ,面积上 , 是英

31、国的三倍 . 根据倍数表 示法,倍数在前 排除B.,中间没有as排除C.,是什么的面积,的用of来表示, 因此选 A.练习:1) 这座新楼是那座旧楼的四倍大2) 我今年交的税额是他的三倍key1) The new building is 4 times as big as the old one.Or the new building is 4 times the size of the old one.2) This year I paid 3 times as much tax as he did.4. refer toa. 提起We agreed never to refer to th

32、e matter again.我们一致同意永远不再提这件事Don 't refer to that problem again, please.请不要再提那个问题了When I said some people are stupid, I wasn 't referring to you. 我说有些人很愚蠢 ,并不是指你This is not the dictionary I referred to . 这不是我所指的那本字典It also refers to crops growing with natural rather than chemical fertilizer.

33、 它也指用自然肥料而不是用化肥种庄稼You can't refer to your book when you are in the exam. 考试时不能查阅书 .Let me just refer to my notes for the exact figures. 让我查一下笔记 ,找出确切的数字Complete the exercise without referring to a dictionary. 请在不查阅字典的情况下完成练习例题解析:The professor at the meeting will give a lecture next week.A. refer

34、red to B. referred C. referring D. referring to 解析:根据短语,排除B, C,现在分词表主动,过去分词表被动,教授应该是 被提起。因此答案应为 A练习:1) 我名字在会上被提到了 .2) 有关火车的信息 ,请查阅时刻表3) 我说有些人愚蠢时 ,不是指你Key1) My name was referred to at the meeting.2) For information about trains, please refer to a timetable.3) When I said some people are stupid, I was

35、n 't referring to you.5. would rathera. would rather + 动词原形And he would rather keepI would rather not tell you my secret. 我不愿把我的秘密告诉你。b. would rather+ 动词原形 +than+ 动词原形Facing difficulties, Uncle Li would rather insist than give in.I would rather talk with his mother than with his father. 我宁愿和他妈说话

36、而不愿和他爸说话 面对困难,李叔叔宁肯坚持也不愿放弃c. would rather+ 虚拟语气的从句形式I would rather you hadn 't told him about the news. 我宁愿你没有告诉他那个消息。I would rather you came tomorrow. 我更愿你明天来 例题解析:She is my lover. What she did hurt me deeply. I would rather she in lovewith others.A. falls B. fall C. fell D. felt 解析:第三,与feel的过去

37、时相区分练习:1) 我宁愿当科学家的梦想实现了2) 我宁愿在家看电视1) I would rather my dream of being a scientist came true.2) I would rather watch TV at home.6. used to, be used toa. used to 过去常常He used to live here. 他过去住在这里There used to be a restaurant on the street corner.过去街道拐角处有一家饭店b. be used to 习惯于, to 是介词I have been used to

38、 getting up early. 我已经习惯于早起了Are you used to the climate here ? 你已经习惯于这儿的气候了吗?c. be used to被用来做 ,to是不定式Wood can be used to make furniture.木材可以用来制作家具Coal can be used to produce electricity.煤可以用来发电例题解析:I used to in the country, but now I am used to in the city.A. living, live B. live, living C. live, l

39、iveD. living, living解析:此题只要记清楚 used to 过去常常, be used to 习惯于, to 是介词,运用 直选法,即可选出,正确答案是 B.练习:我过去常常感到很孤独。你习惯于生活在这个学校了吗?水可以用来发电KeyI used to feel very lonely.Are you used to living in this school?Water can be used to make electricity.As is reported in today 's newspaper, Liu Xiang won the gold medal.

40、 正如今天报纸上所报道的那样,刘翔夺取了金牌As is known to all, the earth is round.众所周知,地球是圆的As is reported, he has got the first place. 正如所报道的那样 , 他获得了第一名 As is suggested, we should get up early. 正如所建议的那样 ,我们应该早起 As is heard, he has gone abroad.正如所听说的那样 ,他去了国外 例题解析:As is , he has gone abroad.A. hear B. hearing C. heard

41、D. heared解析:迷惑性较大的是 A,这是根底知识不牢固的原因,C, D主要在形式上去 迷惑,看一看学生是不是不规那么动词的形式掌握的比拟牢固.正确答案应为 C.B选项是成心误导学生联系现在分词,其实此题与它无关 .关键是看学生是否掌握了特殊句型 .练习: 正如别人建议的那样,我们不该在抽烟了KeyAs is suggested, we should not smoke any more.Do you mind my making a suggestion? 我提个建议,好吗?I am annoyed about John 's forgetting to pay. 约翰忘了付钱

42、,我很恼火Would you mind my smoking her? 你介意我在这儿抽烟吗?His being late again made the teacher angry. 他的再次迟到让老师很生气 例题解析 :Victor apologized for to inform me of the change in the plan.(04 年上海高考A. his being not able B. him not to be ableC. his not being able D. him to be not able解析:首先结构为apologize to sb. for sth.

43、, for 是介词,应该加动词的ing,因此 排除B, D,而ing的否认式是在动词的ing前加not,因此此题正确答案为C. 练习:1. What worried the children most wasto visit his mother in the hospital.A. his not allow ingB. his not being allowedC. his being not allowedD. hav ing not bee n allowed2. the meet ing himself gave them a great deal of en courageme n

44、t.A. The preside nt will atte ndB. The preside nt to atte ndC. The preside nt atte ndedD. The preside nt's atte nding3. Do you mindalone at home?A. her leav ing B. her hav ing leftC. her being left D. her to be leftKeyBDCUnit 3重难点解析1. His charming character The Little Tramp is well known through

45、out the world.(Read ing)此句中throughout用作介词,它也可作副词,表示地点或时间,意为“普及于,到处;从头至尾,在整个期间"。如:They searched throughout the tow n for the lost child.他们在镇上到处寻找那走失的孩子。The house was pain ted gree n throughout.那房子全部漆成了绿色。They worked like that throughout the year.他们整年都那样工作。The girl remained silent throughout.那女孩始

46、终保持沉默。2. He played a poor and homeless pers on, who wore large trousers, worn-out shoes and a small round black hat and carried a walking stick.(Read ing)walking是-ing形式作定语修饰stick,此处用来说明stick的用途或作用,可变成定语从句 a stick which / that is used for walking。如:There is a beautiful swimming pool in our school. (=

47、 a pool which / that is used for swimmi ng)我们学校里有一个美丽的游泳池。Have you bought a ticket for the sleep ing car? (= a car which / that is used for sleeping; car在此作“火车车厢"解)你买到卧铺票了吗?-ing形式作定语时,还可用来说明它所修饰的名词“正在干"或说明名词的性质与特征。如:The teacher criticized the sleep ing boy in class. (= the boy who was slee

48、p ing)老师批评了上课睡觉的男孩。I have seen the interesting film three times.这部有趣的电影我已看过三次了。3. This character was a social failure but he was loved by all who watched the films for his determ in ati on in overco ming difficulties and being kind eve n when people were unkind to him.(Read ing)difficulty在此句中是可数名词,意

49、为“困难的事,难题等"。如:She met with many difficulties when she was traveling in Africa.她在非洲旅游时,遇到了很多困难。All ki nds of difficulties have to be overcome. 所有难题都必须克服。difficulty还可作不可数名词,常用于以下结构:have difficulty (in) doing sth./ with sth.; There is difficulty in doing sth.等, 意为“干有困难"。如:I have difficulty in

50、 solving the maths problem / with the maths problem. 我解这个数学题有困难。There is some difficulty in un dersta nding the passage.这篇文章不好理解。4. The film is set in California in the middle of the nineteenth century when gold was discovered and thousa nds of people rushed there in search of it. (Readi ng)be set i

51、n意为“以为背景"。如:The no vel is set in Paris in the 18th cen tury.那本小说以十八世纪的巴黎为背景。The book is set in 17th cen tury Spain.这本书以十七世纪的西班牙为背景。重难点解析1. People from places like Spain, Italy or South America n coun tries approach othersclosely and are more likely to touch them. (Reading)approach既可用作及物动词,也可用作不

52、及物动词,常作“接近,靠近;与打交道;开始考虑,处理问题解。如:The train is approach ing the stati on.火车快要进站了。New Year' s Day is approaching.元旦就要到了。Did he approach you about borrow ing some money from you?他有没有找你谈过关于借钱给他的事?There are several ways of approach ing this problem.处理这个问题有好几种方法。likely意为“可能的",在此作形容词,常用于 sb. / sth.

53、 be likely to do sth.不能用 possible, probable替换 likely结构及 It is likely that .句型,意为“很可能,有希望”;另外,likely还可作定语,意为“可能的;适宜的"。如:An accident is likely to happen. = It is likely that an accident will happen. 很可能要发生一场事故。One likely result of this heavy rain is the rising of the river. 这场大雨造成的一个可能的后果就是河水上涨。I

54、 couldn 't find a likely house. 我找不到一个适宜的房子。2. In most countries, nodding the head up and down shows agreement, while shaking the head means that you do not agree, or that you refuse to do something.(Using Language) 此句中 while 是连词,表示转折、比照,转折语气较弱,常译成“而,是 较正式用语。如:I work only six hours a day, while

55、he works ten hours. 我每天只工作六小时,而他工作十小时。Every Saturday I will go to school, while my brother stays at home. 每逢星期六我都要去上学,而我弟弟那么呆在家里。比拟:but但是,然而,却,是表示转折的最普通用语,语气较强。but是对等连词,其前后的词、短语或分句有对立或对照关系。如:This is right but that is wrong.这是对的,可那是错的。He has three daughters but no sons. 他有三个女儿,却没有儿子。They all went but

56、 I didn't. 他们都去了但我没去。3. However, some teachers in North America punish students who do not look them in the eye because they think they are not telling the truth. (Using Language)look sb. in the eye / face正视,正面看某人,指心里坦然、无畏对方。如:The boy did something wrong. He dared not look his father in the face.t steal my money?那个男孩做错了事,他不敢正视他的爸爸。 Can you look me in the eye and say you didn 你敢正面看着我,说你没有偷我的钱吗 ?人教版英语必修 4 重点词组自编Unit11. concern oneself with welfare project2. connections between .and 3. be put to death4. devote all her life to medical work5. wander off into the forest6. ma


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