已阅读5页,还剩2页未读 继续免费阅读




1、Unit 5 What does he do?A Lets talk学设计一、 学习目标1. 能够在图片和老师的帮助下理解对话大意,并回答读后问题。2.能够按照正确的语音语调及意群读对话,并能进行角色表演。3能够听、说、读、写并在情景中运用句型What does he /she do? He /She is.提问并回答他人的职业。4.能在语境中理解生词 country 和 head teache 的意思,并正确发音。二、 学习重难点(一)重点 学生能表演 Letstalk 的交际内容,能根据实际情况用英语询问和回答职业信息。(二)难点用英语准确询问并回答职业信息和自己的梦想。如: What d

2、oes he/she do? She/He is和 I want to be a / an 三 、学习过程 Step 1: Warm-up1. 运用“头脑风暴”复习单词。2. 口语交流 :T:He is a doctor. She is a police officer.What does your father do?S: He / She is a /an.T: Is your father / mother a /an ,too?S: Yes./ No. He / She is(师生交流过渡到生生交流 )Step 2: PresentationToday is ParentsDay. S

3、ome studentsare very happy. Can Sarah s mothercome today? What does her father do? Who will come? Listen and circle. Letstry教师引导学生看问题,然后播放 Letstry 问题听录音,回答问题:1.Sarahs mother _ come today.2.Her father is a_ .师总结: We know Sarah s mother can come today. Sarah is very happy. Herfather is a doctor. He is

4、 very busy.so he catncome today.Lets talk1.T: (出示课件)( 1).Is Olivers father here today? Lets listen andanswer the question.T: Olivers father cant come today. Why?(2).Who will come today?Read the dialogue and answer thequestion.2. Read the dialogue three times. Then find out the keys . Challengeyourse

5、lves. (读三遍对话,然后找出关键信息,挑战你自 己)3.师生交流文本中重要信息。T:Olivers father cant come today. Hesin Australia. What does hedo?S: He is a businessman.T: Is his mother a businessman,too?S: No.T: What does she do?S: She is a head teacher.T: Does Oliver want to be a businessman?S: No.T: What does he want to be one day?S

6、: He wants to be a businessman.(边问边板书重要问句和答语)Step 3: Practice1.教师领读 Let s talk 学生跟读。待学生熟练后,分角色朗读课文。2. Retell the dialogue(. 复述对话)Today is Parents Day . Oliver s father _ come today.Becausehe isin_ .He is a _ . He often _ to other countries. Hismother will be here today. She is a _. Oliver doesn t wa

7、nt to be a_ .He wants to be a _ like his father.3.Interview your partner.(采访你的伙伴)A: What does your mother do?B: She is a A: What does your father do?B: He is a A: What do you want to be one day?B: I want to be a Step 4: Consolidation and extension1. 写一篇“ I love my parents”I love my parentsI love my

8、father.He is_ and_ _. He is a/an _ . Helikes_.I love my mother .She is _and_.She is a /an_ _. She likesI am a _. I m _ and.I like_.I want to be a /an_I love my father.I love my mother . They love me. I am so happy.2.Look at the pictures 关于各种艰苦职业的图片)T: Your parents work very hard, too.你的父母也很努力的工作。Thi

9、nk and discuss.What do you want to say to your parents 你想对你父母说些什么? Offer somesentences to yoU 给你提供一些句子。)(1) Father and mother ,I love you.(2) Father and mother ,you should stay healthy.(3) Father and mother ,I hope you ll be happy every day.(4) Father and mother ,I will study hard.What do you want t

10、o be one day?将来你想干什么?Step5: Homework1. Talk about your pare nts jobs and your dream with your frie nds.(和你的朋友谈论你父母的职业和梦想。)2. Give your cards to your pare nts.(把你的卡片送给你的父母。)板书设计Unit 5 What does he do?What does your father do?He is a/ an.What does your mother do?She is a / an.What do you want to be on

11、e day?I want to be a / an.教学反思六年级英语教学中,我对学生的学习的空间更加开放,能激发学生创造性地使用所学语言,从而使学生的思维得以激活,学生自主学习的能力得以发展。上节课 Let slearn 单词已讲过,为了强化学生的记忆,运用“头脑风暴“的方式,Howmany jobs can you see。通过这种记忆形式,让全体学生动起来,避免了机械单调地读,活跃了课堂气氛,激发了学生学习的兴趣,同时也锻炼了学生观察、记忆和快速反应的能力。在新课教授部分,实行了听力先行,由 Let try 中内容,创设情境 Today is Parents Day.师对 Lets tr

12、y 内容进行总结,然后一步一步进入 LetSlk 内容,通过提出问题,解决问题、 充分的读,让学生记住文本关键信息,为师生的自由交流打好基础,同时拉近了师生关系。在操练和延伸环节,我运用不同的读,表演对话、复述对话、运用主句型采访自己的同伴。由文本内容延伸到生活,师问: Do you love your parents?写一篇小作文“ I love myparents. ”由这篇小作文延伸到情感教育, 先让学生看一些父母辛苦工作的图片,然后试着表达自己想对父母说些什么?自己的梦想是什么?把自己的想法和梦想写在卡片上,并把卡片回家送给父母。学生的能力有限我给学生提供了一些语言参考。最后,让学生结合本课重点和生活实际来设计对话,能使学生切实感到身边有英语,从而增强学生运用英语的意识,培养学生的自主创新能力。英语教学应提倡 学中


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