北师大版高中英语必修一Unit 3 Lesson 3 Weddings reading课件 (2)(共40张PPT)_第1页
北师大版高中英语必修一Unit 3 Lesson 3 Weddings reading课件 (2)(共40张PPT)_第2页
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北师大版高中英语必修一Unit 3 Lesson 3 Weddings reading课件 (2)(共40张PPT)_第4页
北师大版高中英语必修一Unit 3 Lesson 3 Weddings reading课件 (2)(共40张PPT)_第5页
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1、Lesson 3 Weddingsbridegroombride今天你要嫁给我今天你要嫁给我Different wedding stylesDifferent wedding stylesDifferent wedding stylesDifferent wedding stylesThe ways of taking the bride to the place where they celebrate their weddingWhat about Wedding Location(婚礼地点)in China or in western countries?In a hotelan anc

2、estral shrine(祠堂)Wedding wedding receptionwedding ceremonywedding ringswedding invitationsin a church-Westminster AbbeyPrince William Catherine: Do you know their vows(婚誓)婚誓)?Watch a vedio I, William Arthur Philip Louis, take thee(you), Catherine Elizabeth to my wedded wife, to have and to hold from

3、 this day forward, for better, for worse: for richer, for poorer; in sickness and in health; to love and to cherish, till death do us part, according to Gods holy law; and thereto(向那里) I give thee my troth.威廉王子与凯特婚礼誓词威廉王子与凯特婚礼誓词 我,威廉王子,接受你,凯特,做我的妻子。从今以后,无论未来顺境或逆境,富有或贫穷,从今以后,无论未来顺境或逆境,富有或贫穷,健康或疾病,我都会

4、挚爱和珍视你,直到死神健康或疾病,我都会挚爱和珍视你,直到死神将我们分离。我以上帝的旨意谨此立誓。将我们分离。我以上帝的旨意谨此立誓。bridebridegroombest manbridesmaidbridebridegroom best manGuess and match.f) a man who is about to get married or has just got marrieda) a friend of the groom who helps him during the wedding ceremonyd) a woman who is about to get mar

5、ried or has just got marriedb) a party to celebrate the marriage ceremony of two peoplee) an important social or religious occasionc) a door or gate that you go through to enter a placeceremonyentrancewedding receptionIndonesian weddingsIndonesian weddingsIndonesian weddingsIndonesian weddingsIndone

6、sian weddingsListen to the tape and try to finish two tasks:1. To do the T or F exercises2. To choose the best answer1. You can go to the wedding reception even if you dont receive an invitation yourself, 2. The reception is before the wedding ceremony.3. Guests usually give money as a present.True

7、or false1. You can go to a wedding even if you dont receive an invitation yourself.2. The reception is before the wedding ceremony.3. Guests usually give money as a present.True or falseFTT afterWhy cant all the guests attend the wedding ceremony?It is not on the same day when the reception is held.

8、It is only for close family.The church where the ceremony is held is not big enough.The guests will bring trouble.Understanding:2.In the past, Indonesian brides needed to _ when the ceremony was held.take a bunch of flowerwear white clotheswear casual clothesA. cover their headsUnderstanding:What to

9、 do:What not to do:go to the wedding without an invitation.go to the ceremony without asking first.attend the reception after the ceremony. put money into the box at the entrance to the reception.contribute a lot of money.drink alcohol at the wedding reception.Indonesian weddings1.You can2.Everyone

10、can3.You ought to1.You ought not to2.You dont have to3.You cantIntensive readingGreek Weddingsthe famous Greek circle danceGreek weddingRead through the passage,and try to finish theTrue or False In Greek wedding, the bridegrooms best man should go with the couple to the church. The crowns on the he

11、ad of the couple are made of gold. 3. During the reception, guests throw dishes on the floors just for fun.FTFflowersgood luckGreek WeddingsBefore the weddings, the_1_ has to ask the brides father _2_his daughters hand in _3_. During the wedding, the _4_should help put flower crowns on the _5_ of th

12、e couple. The crowns are _6_ by a long silk ribbon, which is a symbol of a _7_and _8_ life for the couple. After the ceremony, guests can attend the wedding _9_ and throw _10_ on the floor and put _11_ to the brides dress for _12_bridegroomformarriagebest manheadslinkedlonghappyreceptiondishesmoneyg

13、ood luckIntensive readingWhats the differences between Chinese traditional weddings and Western weddings? Please discuss it with your partner. Western Weddings Chinese traditional weddingsLocation (地点地点) the wedding dress(婚礼服饰婚礼服饰)Color of the dress(服饰颜色服饰颜色) Wedding presiding(婚礼婚礼主持人主持人)wedding rec

14、eption(婚婚宴宴)churchhotel/ancestral shrine祠堂祠堂whiteredpriest(牧师牧师)the bridegrooms parents/marriage celebranta wedding veil (婚纱婚纱) the qpo(旗袍旗袍) A sit-down meal in a big restaurant/ hotel /ancestral shrinea buffet(自助餐自助餐) /party / ball / cocktail party.Western Wedding Chinese traditional weddingLocatio

15、n (地点地点) the wedding dress(婚礼服饰婚礼服饰)Color of the dress(服饰颜色服饰颜色) Wedding presiding(婚礼婚礼主持人主持人)wedding reception(婚宴婚宴)church hotel/ancestral shrinewhiteredpriest(牧师牧师)the bridegrooms parents/marriage celebranta wedding veil (婚纱婚纱) the qpo(旗袍旗袍) A sit-down meal in a big restaurant/ hotel /ancestral shrin


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