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1、Page 3Walrus w:lrsNorth Pole n: pulexcited iksaitid adj.show u n.ANYONE eniwn pron.could kud aux.Page 4do skating skeiti ( skate v. )said sedArctic Fox :ktikdo tumbling tmbli Polar Bear pultumble tmbl v.quite like me kwaitSeal si:lveryvoice vis n.Page 5do diving daivi Whale hweilwon a prize wn praiz

2、 (win的的过过去去式式和和过过去去分分词词)dive daiv v.Page 6terrible terbl adj.was terrible at singingwhentried to dive(try的的过过去去式式和和过过去去分分词词,trai)got water up his nose (get的的过过去去式式和和过过去去分分词词)chewed his whiskers tu: (chew的的过过去去式式和和过过去去分分词词) hwisksadly sdli adv.never mind maindPage 7practised hardhid behind hid (hide的

3、的过过去去式式和和过过去去分分词词)snowdrift snudrift n.wish wi v.Page 8the big nightat lastarrive raiv v.wait for the show to begin weitin the front row rucame onto the ice keim(come的的过过去去式式) aisbowed (bow的的过过去去式式) ba v.cheered (cheer的的过过去去式式)ti v.Page 9began to skate bign(begin的的过过去去式式)forwards f:wdz adv.backwards

4、 bkwdz adv.sideways saidweiz adv.skate forwards and backwards andsidewaysperfect p:fikt adj.circles s:kl n.figures of eight fig n.skate in perfect circles and figures ofeightelegant elignt adj.amazing meizi adj.he loved what he saw s: (see的的过过去去式式)made it all look so easy meid(make的的过过去去式式)Page 10su

5、re u adj.if if conj.really rili adv.skate just like Foxcouldnt stop himself stphimselfleap li:p v.had to leap onto the ice hdjoin in with Fox dincried kraid (cry的的过过去去式式和和过过去去分分词词)Page 11couldnt skate at alltrip up tripfall over f:lbumped into bmpwent flat on her face went flt(go的的过过去去式式)flompupset

6、pset adj.ruined (ruin的的过过去去式式)ruinact kt n.wailed (wail的的过过去去式式)weil v.Page 12next adv.it was Polar Bears turn t:nrolled out across the ice like a big,white snowball rul krssnub:lclapped klp(clap的的过过去去式式)wildly waildli adv.did jumps and spins and somersaultsdid(do的的过过去去式式)dmp spinsms:ltstood on his

7、head stud (stand的的过过去去式式)Page 13make it all look such fun st fnthis timePage 14all of a sudden sdnPage 15tripped up Polar Bearcame down with a wallop wlpOf course. k:spretty priti adv.angry gri adj.Page 16From bad to worse w:sgave Walrus a dont-you-dare staregeiv (give的的过过去去式式) d ststart to singhear

8、t h :t n.rejoices ridis (rejoice) v.the Northern Lights n:nis filled withsweetly swi:tli adv.Page 17What a beautiful song!surely uli adv.could sing as beautifully as Sealagain gein adv.leap upstart singing along with SealPage 18sound terrible saundin factsound like a rusty old bucket rstibkitstop si

9、ngingburst into floods of tears b:stfld tiPage 19last l :st adj.was pretty certain that s:tnleap high out of the waterfell back with an enormous splashfel(fall的的过过去去式式)in:mssplPage 20flippers flip n.twitch twit v.bristled with excitementbrisl(bristle的的过过去去式式)iksaitmnttried his very best not to join

10、inbrilliant briljntPage 21hold my nose huldthought :t (think的的过过去去式式)as he leaped into the waterPage 22at that moment mumntget ready to redispout a big jet of water spautdetwhoosh wu:spout Walrus high into the airPage 23sploshlanded back in the sea with aSPLOSH lnd(land的的过过去去式式)Page 24furious fjuris

11、 adj.meddling medli adj.incompetent inkmpitnt adj.buffoon bfu:n n.roared r: (roar的的过过去去式式)Get out of my sight! ( = Go away! )saitscary skri adj.turn tail teilfled fled (flee的的过过去去式式及及过过去去分分词词)feel sad and very sorryPage 25go onover uv adv.stood in a line lainblushing bli like mad mdPage 26well done

12、dnshout aut v.clown klaun n.Page 27cheers ti n.shuffled fl v. (shuffle的的过过去去式式)up to Page 28So you should beat least li:stpart p :t n.suppose spuz v.it couldnt be any worsePage 29overjoyed uvdid adj.Truly? tru:li adv.next timeIt will be a lot safer that way. seif(safer是是safe的的比比较较级级)As long asdo it

13、properly prpliPage 30indeed indi:d adv.so good thatglad gld adj.take partPage 31clowning around (clownklaun v.扮扮小小丑丑, 胡胡闹闹)cant stop themselves mselvz海象北极兴奋的, 激动的表演(单词全大写表示要重读)任何人can的过去式表演滑冰,溜冰动词say的过去式和过去分词形式北极狐表演翻跟头北极熊翻跟头有我那么好海豹(斜体也表示要重读)嗓音,说话,歌唱声表演潜水鲸(鱼)得过奖跳水;潜水很糟唱歌很糟糕当试图,努力让水进到鼻子里嚼着胡须伤心地没关系刻苦训练藏



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