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1、、写出所给词的第三人称单数形式sitswimreadmakewritehavegodocrystudyplaysay二、 用 do 或 does 的适当形式填空1._you ride a bike to school? Yes, I_ .2._your sister like PE? No, she _ .3.What_the stude nts have? They have some pens.4.How _Linda go to school? She goes to school on foot.5.He _not speak En glish. He speaks Chin ese.

2、6._ they watch TV on Su ndays? Yes, they_ .7.My father and mother _ not read n ewspapers on Saturday.三、 用一般现在时填空1.Whathe(have)?He(have) a toy pla ne.2.My mothernot(like) En glish.She(like)Chin ese.3.you(go ) to schoolby bus? No, I(go) toschoolby car.4.Miss Wang(swim ) everyday.5.I(like) En glish . T

3、om(no t like)En glish.6. The moon _(go) around the earth.7. When _ you _(go) to school? I_ (go) to school at fiveevey d ay.watch用括号内 勺动词的适 当形式填空A. 1. What_ (do) he usually _ (do) after school?2. Danny _ (study) En glish, Chin ese, maths, Scie nee and Art at school.3. Mike sometimes _ (go) to the par

4、k with his sister.4._ Mike_ (read) En glish every day?5.How many lessons _ your classmates _ (have) onMon day?6.What timehis mother(do) the housework?7.you(brush) your teeth every morning?8.The girl(look) beautiful.B.1. He often _ (have) dinner at home.2.Da niel and Tommy _ (be) in Class One.3.We _

5、(not watch) TV on Mon day.4.Nick_(not go) to the zoo on Sun day.5._ they_ (like) the World Cup?6.What _ they often _(do) on Saturdays?7._ your parents_ (read) newspapers everyday?18.The girl_(teach) us En glish on Sun days.9.She and I _(take) a walk together every eve ning.10. There_ (be) some water

6、 in the bottle.11. Mike_(like) cook ing.12. They _(have) the same hobby.13.My au nt _(look) after her baby carefully.14.You always _(do) your homework well.15.1 _ (be) ill. I'm staying in bed.16. She _ (go) to school from Mon day to Friday.17. Liu Tao _(do) n ot like PE.18. The child ofte n _ (w

7、atch) TV in the evening.19. Su Hai and Su Yang _ (have) eight less ons this term.20. What day _ (be) it today? It 's Saturday.二、按照要求改写句子1.Daniel watches TV every evening.(改为否定句)2.I do my homework every day. (改为一般疑问句,作否定回答3.She likes milk. (改为一般疑问句,作肯定回答)4. Amy likes playing computer改为一般疑问句,作否定回g

8、ames.( 答)5.We go to school every mornin改为否定句 )g.(6.He speaks En glish very well.(改为否定句 )7.I like tak ing photos in the park.(对划线部分提问 )8.Joh n comes from Can ada.(_对划线部分提问 )9.She is always a good stude nt.(10. Simon and Dani el like going skat in改为一般疑问句,作否定回答)g.(三、改错改为否定句 )1. Is your brother speak En

9、 glish?2. Does he likes going fish ing?3. He likes play games after class.4. Mr. Wu teachs us En glish.5. She don 'tdo her homework on Sun days.2I、用括号中所给词的适当形式填空:17. How many lessons_your classmate_ (have) onMonday?18. What time_his mother _(do) the housework?1.The buses_ (use) a lot of oil.2.Ea

10、ch of us_ (have) strong points and weak points.3.My daughter _(watch) TV every day. Sometimes she_ (see) a film on Sun day.4.Li Wei _ (have) a daughter. She stays_in anu rsery.5.Our family _(be) a happy one.6._Her mother (teach)Englishat a middleschool.7._Jack often(listen) to the radio.8.He _ (say)

11、 that Prof. Li is _ tired.9.We often _(play) in the playgo und.10.He _ (get) up at six o' lock.改句子1.Do you often play football after school?(2.I have ma ny books.( 改为否定句 )3. Gao Shan ' sister likes playing table tennis4. She lives in a small tow n n ear NewYork.5.I watch TV every day.(改为一般疑问

12、句)6.David has got a goal.(改为一般疑问句)7.We have four less(否定句)8.ons.:(肯定句)Nancy doesn 'trun fast9.My dog runs fast.否定句: 一般疑问句 :10.Mike has two letters for him.般疑问句 :11. I usually play_football_ on_ Friday afternoon.肯定回答 )(改为否定句)(改为一般疑问句)否定句:否定句 :一般疑11._ you _ (brush) your teeth every morning.12.What

13、 _ (do) he usually _ (do) after school?13.Da nny _(study) En glish,Chi nese,Maths,Scie nee and Artat school.14.Mike sometimes _(go) to the park with his sister.15.At eight at night, she _ (watch) TV with his parents.16._ Mike_ (read) En glish every day?问句:划线提问12.Su Yang usually washes_some_clothes_o

14、 n_Saturday.否定句 :一般疑问句 :划线提问 :13.Mingming usually waters_the_flowers_every_day否定句 : 一般疑问句:划线提问14 . Tom _does_his_homework_at home.否定句 :一般疑问句 :划线提问3般现在时练习题1.We often _(play) in the playgo und.2.He _ (get) up at six o' lock.3._you _ (brush) your teeth every morni ng.4.What _(do) he usually _(do) a

15、fter school?5.Danny _(study) English,Chinese, Maths, Science and Artan school.6.Mike sometimes_ (go) to the park with his sister.7.At eight at ni ght, she_ (watch) TV with his pare nts.8._ Mike _ (read) En glish every day?9.Howmany lessons _your classmate_ (have) on M10.What time_his mother _ (do) t

16、he housework?改句子1.Do you often play football after school?(肯定回答 )2.I have many books.( 改为否定句 )3.Gao Shan ' sister likes playing table tennis( 改为否定句 )4. She lives in a small tow n near New York.( 改为一般疑问句 )9.My dog runs fast.否定句:一般疑问句:10. Mike has two letters for him.一般疑问句:否定句:11. I usually play f

17、ootball on Friday after noon.否定句 :一般疑问句 :12. Su Yang usually washes some clothes on Saturday.否定句 :一般疑问句 :13. Mingming usually waters the flowers every day否定句 :般疑问句 :14. Tom does his homework at home.否定句 :一般疑问句 :1.This is my pencil.( _变一般疑问句)your pencil ?2. These red socks are Kate' .( 变一般疑问句) _

18、socksKate ' ?5. I watch TV every day.6. David has got a goal.7. We have four less ons.8. Nancy does n 'tr un fast(改为一般疑问句)(改为一般疑问句)(否定句)(肯定句)3.I want to buy a big gree n变特殊疑问句 ) _ youbag .( want to buy ?4.Mary does not have any books .(变肯定句 ) Mary _ books .5.The cloth ing shop is on sale .(变

19、为否。定) _ .6. She likes the black bag very much .(变为否定句 )7. I buy the pants for only 50 Yuan. ( 用 she 改写句子 ) _ the pants for only 50 Yuan.8. It ' an English dictionary . (对画线部分提问 )_?9. Lily and Lucy are fifteen years old now .(对画线部分提问 ) _ Lily and Lucy ?10. Her dog is 2 years and 5 mon ths old .(变

20、为否定句 )Her dog _ 2 years and 5 mon ths old .11. Welive in Nanchang.( 改为否定句 )We _ in Nanchang .12.lt ' lunch time.(改为同义句)It ' _ .13. My sweater is black and white.(对划线部分提问 ) _is _ sweater?14. She has long, black hair. ( 改为同义句 ) _ hair _ long and black.15. They are three blue desks.(对划线部分提问 ) _

21、 they?二?用 be 动词的适当形式填空。1.I _ a stude nt . You _a teacher . 2. She_ my friend.3._ you Li Fen ? No, _n ot . 4. Mr. green_ very busy?Yes , he _ .5.He must _at home . 6. Comedy _ very in terest ing .7._ thrillers very scary ? 8. You and I_good friends .9.His friends _very funny 10. The girl in red cloth

22、es _11. _ The twinsvery happy because they want to go to amovie .三?用所给动词的适当形式填空。1._ People usually(eat ) dinner in the evening .2._His sister usually(go ) to school at 7:00 am .3._ Lin Tao(like ) his new sweater .4._ Let me(have ) a look .5. _ he (like ) En glish ?6. _ I want (go ) to a movie .7. _

23、He( not kno w ) the teacher'name .8. _ Can I (ask ) the policema n ?9. _ She likes (play ) chess .一般现在时和现在进行时练习题一、选择题练习1. _ Whoover there now? A. singing B. are sing C. is singingD. si ng2.It 'eight o _' lock. The stude ntsan English class.A. have B. havi ng C. is havi ng D. are havi ng3

24、. _ Liste n! The babyin the next room. A. crying B.cried C.is crying D. cries4. _ Look! The twinsnew sweaters.A. are wearing B. wearing C. are wear D. is wearing5. _ Don' talk here. Grandparents.5A. is sleep ing B. are sleep ing C. sleep ing D. sleepa hospital.A. work/ work B. works/ work C. wor

25、k/ works7. Who _ En glish best in your class? A. speak B. speaks C. speak ing8. Mrs Read_ the win dows every day. A. is clea ning B. clea nC. clea ns9. We _ music and ofte n _ to music. A. like/ liste n B. likes/ liste ns C. like/ are liste ning10. She _up at six in the morning. A. get B. gets C. ge

26、tt ing11. On Sun day he sometimes _ his clothes and sometimes _some shopp ing.A. wash/ do B. is wash in g/ is doing C. washes/ does12. The twins(双胞胎姐妹 ) usually _ milk and bread forbreakfast, but Jim _some coffee for it.A. have/ have B. have/ has C. has/ have二、填空:1.My father always_ (come) back from

27、 work very late.2.The teacher is busy. He _(sleep) six hours a day.3.Liste n! Joa n _ (sing) in the classroom. She ofte n_ (si ng) there.4._your brother _ (know) Japa nese?5.Where _ you _(have) lunch every day?6.The girl _(like) weari ng a skirt. Look! She_(wear) a red skirt today.三、写出下列动词的现在分词形式6.T

28、om is a worker. He _ in a factory. His sisters_ in1.work_ sing _ play _study _2. dancehavewritetake3. runsitshopswim4. lie四、写出下列动词的第三人称单数形式1. workreadclea nwrite2. teachwashguesswatch3. godophoto4. studyflycryplay5.have _五、根据中文意思完成句子1、 学生们在干什么?有一些在打电话,另一些躺在沙滩上。the students? Some on the phone,on the

29、beach.2、 格林先生在看电视吗?”不,他在打扫房间。”_ Mr Green _TV? ”_ _ , He _the house.3、 魏芳不是在读书,她在写信。Wei Fang _a book. She_ a letter.4、 今天天气怎么样?_ is the weather today?或 _ is theweather_ today?5、 我正在通过收音机学(learn) 英语。I _ En glishon the radio.。6、这个老人每天早上六点钟起床。The old man _ at six o'clock in the morning every day.7、你

30、从哪里来?Where _you from?或 Where _ you_from?我从美国来。I _ from America.或 I _ from America.三?用所给动词的适当形式填空。1. My classmate _ (know) the man on the bike.2. His sister usually _ (go) to school at 7:00 am.3. Lin Tao _ (like) his new sweater.4.Let me(have) a look.5.Let '(play) tennis!6.he(like) En glish?7.I w

31、ant(go) to a movie.8.He(not know) the teacher' n ame.9.Nice(meet) you!10.Can I(ask) the policema n?11(sit) dow n and(have) a cup of tea.12(no t look) at your book!13yoi(ca n see) the bananas on the14.I needutable?(buy ) some new clothes.15.She likes(play) chess.16.It ' time(play) games.17.Yo

32、u must v (be) a good stude nt.18 .She must(si ng) well.19 .He(have) an egg and a banana for breakfast.20.Li Min_ (take) a shower after lunch.21.People usually_ (eat) dinner in the evening.22.What time _Mary usually_(play) basketball ?23.This boy likes _ (play) chess with his father on weekends .24.W

33、here_his pare nts_ (work) now, do you know?25.Who _ (teach) you En glish in your school?26.Hele n,_ (not be) late for class aga in.27.I don 'like the movie. It' _ (born).28. _ (no t look) at the pictures. _ (liste n) to me.29.Little Tom can _(ride) a horse.30.The weather _(be ) windy to day.

34、四.用所给动词的适当形式填空1. We often _ (play) in the playgo und.2.He _(get) up at six o' lock.3._ you_(brush) your teeth every morning.4.What (do) he usually(do) after school?5.Danny(study) En glish,Ch in ese,Maths,Scie nee and Art anschool.6.Mike sometimes _(go) to the park with his sister.7.At eight at n

35、ight,she _ (watch) TV with his parents.8._ Mike _ (read) En glish every day?9.How many lessons _ your classmate _(have) onMon day?10.What time _his mother _ (do) the housework?711. Mike _ (like) cooki ng.12. They _ (have) the same hobby.813. My aunt_ (look) after her baby carefully.14. You always _

36、(do) your homework well.15. I _ (be) ill. I "m staying in bed.16. She _ (go) to school from Mon day to Friday.17.Liu Tao_ (do) not like PE.18.The child often_ (watch) TV in the evening.19.Su Hai and Su Yang_ (have) eight lessons this term.20. What day_ (be) it today? It 's Saturday.21. He o

37、ften_ (have) dinner at home.2 2.Daniel and Tommy _ (be) in Class One.2 3.We _ (not watch) TV on Monday.2 4.Nick _ (not go) to the zoo on Sun day.25.They _ (like) the World Cup?26.What they often_ (do) on Saturdays?2 7.Your parents _ (read) newspapers every day?2 8.The girl _(teach) us En glish on Su

38、n days.2 9. She and I _ (take) a walk together every evening.3 0 . There _ (be) some water in the bottle.31 .What time _ his father _ (do) the work?32.He _ (get) up at five o"clock.33. _ you _ (brush) your teeth every morning.34.What _ ( do ) he usually _ ( do ) after school?35.Tom _( study ) E

39、nglish,Chinese, Maths, Science and Artat school.36. Kitty sometimes _ (go) to the park with his sister.37.At eight at night,she _( watch ) TV with her parents.3 8. _ Mike _ (read ) English every day?3 9.How many lessons_ your classmates _(4 O.We often _( play) football in the playground.()1. Is your

40、 brother speak English?()2. Does he likes going fishing?()3. He likes play games after class.()4. Mr. Wu teachs us English.()5. She don 't do her homework on Sun days.1.work _read _ clean _2.teach _wash _guess _3. go _ do _4.study _ fly_cry _4. have _二 . 用动词的适当形式填空1. He _ (not go) to school on weekends .2. She often _ (watch) TV on Sundays.3. The boy _ (not take ) a shower every day.4._ you


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