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1、第1页Unit2 English around the world(Module 1)Period 1 Reading: The Road to Modern English班级_ 姓名_ 学号_Learning Objectives:1.Learn the useful new words and expressions.2.Read the passage and learn about the development of English.3.Learn the reading sub-skills- scanning and skimmingLearning Key Points:Le

2、ar n readi ng skills: sca nning and skim mingLearning Difficult Points:Improve the reading ability.Learning Procedures:I.【Pre-class homeworkA:Tell the sentences True or False1.English had the most speakers in the 17 century.2.English developed when new settlers and rulers came to Britain.3.Languages

3、 frequently change.4. The Ian guage of the gover nment is always the Ian guage of the coun try.5. En glish is one of the official la nguages used in In dia.6. This readi ng describes the developme nt of the En glish Ian guage. B:fill in the formaccording to text.AD450-1150En glish was based on1At th

4、e end of the 16th centuryHow many people speakEn glish?23Shakespeare made use of a wider vocabulary4Some British settlers moved to America._ater in the 18thcen turyEn glish bega n to be spoke n in56The Ian guage was settled.II.【While-class】Step 1 Lead-inStep 2 Group discussionSs discuss their pre-cl

5、ass homework in group.Step 3 PracticeA:Choose the correct answer1._ E nglish has/had the most speakers .A. NowB. when the British ruled many parts of the worldC. in the time of Shakespeare D. in the 12th century第2页2. Which of the followi ng stateme nt is true?A. Lan guages always stay the sameB. Lan

6、 guages cha nge only after warsC. Lan guages no Ion ger cha ngeD. Lan guages cha nge whe n cultures cha nge3. Why was Shakespeare able to make use of a wider vocabulary by the 1600s?A. Because new settlers enriched English and especially its vocabulary.B. Because Shakespeare made up many new words.C

7、. British settlers moved to different countries.D. A new dictio nary was writte n.4. What happe ned to America n En glish in the 19 cen tury?A. It became more like British En glishB. It became more like Germa n.C. It had its own dictionary.D. Its spelli ng was give n a separate ide ntity.5. Which of

8、 the followi ng is NOT true?A. E nglish is one of the official la nguage in In dia.B. English developed when new settlers and rulers came to Britain.C. Chi na has the largest nu mber of En glish speakers.D. Now more people speak En glish as their first , sec ond or a foreig n Ian guage.B. Fill in th

9、e blank with proper wordsEn glish has cha nged and developed 1_cultures meet and com muni catewith eachother.2._ AD 450 to 1150 , new settlers to English 3._ (rich) the EnglishIanguage and enlarged its vocabulary. In 1620, British people began to move to other coun tries,and 4._ (gradual ), En glish

10、 was spoke n in many other coun tries. Byththe 19 cen tury America n En glish spelli ng got a separate 5._whenN oahWebster wrote his dicti on ary. At 6_, more people speak En glish as their first ,7_ or a foreig n Ian guage tha n ever before. People in South Asia 8_ asIn dia, Sin gapore speak 9_En g

11、lish.Chi na may have the 10_nu mber of En glish lear ners.Step4 PresentationStep5 SummaryIII. 【Post-clasSSelf- reflectionI enjo yed lear ning about:I found these words useful:I found these expressi ons useful:I have lear ned about:Some examples:Suggested answers:第3页I课前预习A: FTFFTTB: I.German 2. 5-7mi

12、llion 3.By the 1600s 4. In 16205. Australia 6. By the 1$9hcenturyII.课堂检测:A:1. A 2. D 3. A 4. D 5. CB:1.when 2. From 3. enriched 4. gradually 5. identity6. present 7. second 8. such 9. fluent 10. largestPeriod 2Language focus in Reading班级_ 姓名_学号_Learning Objectives:1. Lear n and grasp the importa nt

13、useful new words and expressi ons.2. Lear n the importa nt useful senten ces and patter ns.3. Make senten ces after the useful expressi ons.Learning Key points:En able Ss to grasp the usages of such importa nt new words and expressi ons.Learning Difficult Points:Get Ss to un dersta nd some difficult

14、 and long senten ces.Learning ProceduresI.【Pre-classhomework(课堂前置性作业):Make sentencesusing the followingwords and phrases:.actually2. base3. because of4. come up5. at prese nt6. make use of7. such asII.【While-class】Step 1 Lead-inStep 2 Group discussionSs discuss their pre-class homework in group.Step

15、 3 句子仿写1. Today, more people speak English as their first, second or a foreign Ianguagethan ever before.汉译英:第4页仿写:中国比以往任何时候都更加富有强大。2.Native En glish speakers can un dersta nd each otheven ifthey don speak the same kindof En glish.仿写:即使这工作要花掉我六个星期的时间,我仍决心要完成这份工作。3. It was basedmoreon Germa nthanthe E

16、n glish we speak at prese nt.汉译英:_仿写:他看起来不像他母亲,更像他父亲。4. This is because in the early days of radio, those who reported the n ews were expected tospeak excelle nt En glish.仿写:他失败了。这是因为他不够努力。He has failed._.5. 难句分析Then gradually between about AD 800 and 1150 , English became less like Germanbecause th

17、ose who ruled English spoke first Danish and later French.句式分析:此 句为复合句。because 引 导_ 从句, who 引 导_句,修饰_ 。自主翻译:_Step4 PresentationStep5SummaryIII.【Post-clasSSelf- reflectionI enjo yed lear ning about:I found these words useful:I found these expressi ons useful:I have lear ned about:第5页Some examples:Key

18、s :1.翻译:如今说英语的人比以往任何时候都多了,他们有的是作为第一语言来说,有的是作为第二语言或外语。Chi na is wealthier and more powerful tha n ever before.2.Eve n if it takes me six weeks, I am determ ined to fin ish the job.3. 翻译:当时的英语更多地是以德语为基础,而我们今天所说的英语则不是。He looks more like his father than his mother.4. He failed. This is because he didwor

19、k hard eno ugh.5. 此句为复合句。because 引导原因状语从句,who 引导定语从句,修饰 thoseo翻译:然后,渐渐地,大约在公元 800 年到 1150 年期间,英语不那么像德语了,因为 那时的英语统治者起初讲丹麦语后来讲法语。Period 3 Grammar:the Direct Speech and In direct Speech 班级 姓名学号_Learning Objectives:To en able the Ss to lear n and use the Direct Speech and In direct SpeechLear n to coope

20、rate in the groupLearning Key points:To en able the Ss to lear n and use the Direct Speech and In direct SpeechLearning Difficult Points:To use the grammar correctly.Learning Procedures【Pre-class homework(课堂前置性作业)A.观察以下例句,注意直接引语和间接引语之间转换的变化,进行语法归纳1.“ Make sure the door is open. ” the teacher said to

21、f The teachertold me to make sure the door is ope n.“ Don t play games in the classroom.” sthe tm onitorfThe mon itor told us not toplay games in the classroom.“Will you please not smoke here? ” she added.fShe asked me not to smoke here.语法归纳:1.直引:主语+动词+祈使句”间引:主语+动词+_2.谓语动词要做一定变化。表示命令,用_ 。表示请求,用_ 。表示

22、忠告,用_ 。2.第6页He said, “vhat a fine day it is !”He said what a fine day it was .第7页He said , “ How fine the day is !”He said how fine the day was .语法归纳:直引:主语+动词+感叹句”间引:主语+动词+_B.将下列直接引语改为间接引语1. He said to Tom,“ Don t do the work any more. ”2. Mrs. Gree n said,“ Please sing us a song, Miss White.”3.“ Be

23、 quiet, childre n. ” said Mrs. Wils on.4. All the people cried,“ What magn ifice nt clotflhese are!”III.【While-class】Step 1 Lead-inStep 2 Group discussionSs discuss their pre-class homework in group.Step 3 课堂检测A.Ex3 on P12 in the TB.B. 单句改错1. Mr. Smith said Mary isntangry judging from the expression

24、 on her face.2. Mother told her children to not play computer games frequently.3. The doctor warned that it is quite necessary for her to keep healthy diet because of herobesity.4. The teacher asked Tom come up to the blackboard and write down English words.5. Li Hua asked his deskmate that he playe

25、d an important role in the movie directed by ZhangYimou.C. 语法填空:The secretary told me that Mr. Harmsworth 1._ (will) see me. I felt very n ervouswhe n I went into his office. He did not look up from his desk whe n I en tered . After I had sat down, he said 2._bus in ess 3._ very bad. He told me that

26、 the firm 4._(can) not afford to pay such large salaries. He also told me that twenty people 5_already 6_(leave). I knew that my turn had come. Mr. Harmsworth. ” said in aweak voice. But he 7._ me 8_ in terrupt. The n he smiled and told meI would receive an extra thousa nd pounds a year!D 短文改错假定英语课上

27、英语老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改同桌写的以下作文。 文中共有10 处语言错误,每句中最多有两处,每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加,删 减或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏子符号(人),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。 注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词。2. 只允许修改 10 处,多者(从第 11 处起)不计分。Whe n I first lear ned to write in En glish, I run into many difficulties.The mai n problem was in tha

28、t I always thought in Chin ese but tried to tran slate everythi nginto Chin ese . My teacher advised me to keep diaries. I followed her advices. Happily it第8页worked . Soon I bega n to enjoy talk to myself on paper as I was lear ning to express me insimple English. One day I wrote a short story and s

29、howed to my teacher. She liked it verymuch that she read it to the class. Every one said the story was the good on e. I was great encouraged by their words.Step3 PresentationStep4 SummaryIII.【Post-clasSSelf- reflectionI enjo yed lear ning about:I found these words useful:I found these expressi ons u

30、seful:I have lear ned about:Some examples:An swers:1. 前置性作业A. 观察以下例句,注意直接引语和间接引语之间转换的变化,进行语法归纳:1.语法归纳:1.直引:主语+动词+祈使句”间引:主语+动词+_动词不定式2.谓语动词要做一定变化。表示命令,用 _tell, order, comma nd等。表示请求,用 _ sk, beg, request等。表示忠告,用 _advise_ 。2.He said, what a fine day it is ! ”He said what a fine day it was .He said , “

31、How fine the day is ! ”He said how fine the day was .语法归纳:直引:主语+动词+感叹句”间引:主语+动词+_陈述句_B. 将下列直接引语改为间接引语1.He told Tom not to do the work any more.2.Mrs. Gree n asked Miss White to sing them a song.3.Mrs. Wilson told the children to be quiet.4.All the people cried what magni fice nt clothes these were.I

32、I.课堂检测B. 单句改错1. isnt -vasnt 2.to not-not to 3. iswas 4. come to come 5. that-if/whether第9页C. 语法填空:I.would 2. that 3.was 4. could 5. had 6eft 7.asked 8.not toD 短文改错Whe n I first lear ned to write in En glish, I run (ra n )into many difficulties.The main problem was in that I always thought in Chinese

33、 but (and ) tried to translateeverythi ng into Chin ese . My teacher advised me to keep diaries. I followed her advices.(advice) Happily it worked . Soon I began to enjoy talk (talking) to myself on paper as I waslearning to expressme (myself)n simple English. One day I wrote a short story and showe

34、d八 it to my teacher. She liked it very (so) much that she read it to the class. Every one saidthe story was the(a) good on e. I was great (greatly) en couraged by their words.Period 4 WritingClass:_ Name:_ Group:_ No._Learning Objectives:Lear n and use the expressi ons in persuasive writi ng.Learnin

35、g Key Points:Develop Ss writi ng.Learning Difficult Points:Let Ss write a passage using the useful expressi on from this Un it.学习过程:I.【Pre-class homework(课堂前置性作业) )A.PhrasesAssessme nt:1. 扩大某人的词汇量2. 讲流利的英语3. 官方语言4. 母语5. 讲英语为母语的人6. 使用,利用7. 和交流8. 来自世界各地的人们9. 外语10. 将建立在的基础之上11. 背诵短文12. 的数量13. 标准英语第10页1

36、4 在中发挥重要的作用B:Sentences1全世界很多人都用英语来交流。2很多人想像以英语为母语的人一样讲一口流利的英语。3老师常常叫我们在写作中使用新词汇。4在英国讲的英语和在美国讲的英语有一点点不同。5那些想学好英语的人要每天练习,因为熟能生巧。C Writing : Why should we learn English第11页All the best!Yours ,Li HuaStep3 PresentationStep4 SummaryIII. 【Post-clasSSelf- reflectionI enjo yed lear ning about:I found these w

37、ords useful:I found these expressi ons useful:2. speak flue nt En glish/ speak En glish flue ntly3. official En glish4. n ative Ian guage5. a n ative speaker of En glish / n ative En glish speaker6. make use of7. com muni cate with sb.第12页8. people from all over the world9. foreig n Ian guage10. be

38、based on11. recite some short passages12. the nu mber of13. sta ndard En glish14. play an importa nt part/ role inII. Sentences1. A very large nu mber of people from all over the world com muni cate in En glish.2. Many people want to speak flue nt En glish jusk like the n ative speaker of En glish.3

39、. Our teacher always told us to make use of new words in our writi ng.4. En glish spoke n in Britai n is a little differe nt from En glish spoke n in the US.5. Those who want to lear n En glish well should pracitice every day because practice makesperfect.C. Writing : Why should we learn EnglishEn g

40、lish is widely used in the word. It is one of the work ing Ian guages at intern ati onalmeeti ngs. Many books, n ewspapersa nd magaz ines are writte n in En glish. So En glish is abridge to new kno wledge. As is known to all, Chi na is a develop ing coun try. We must learnnew scie nee and tech no logy from foreig n coun tries. If w


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