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1、毕业设计(外文翻译)英文题目 Electromechani cal in tegrati ontech no logy and its applicati on中文题目 机电一体化技术及其应用研究系(院)机电工程系专 业 机械设计制造及其自动化学生姓名学 号指导教师职 称助教0四年四月Electromechanical Integration Technology and Its Application1. An electromechanical integration technology developmentMechatronics is the machinery, micro-,

2、control, aircraft, information processing, and other cross-discipli nary in tegrati on, and its developme nt and progress depe nds on the progress of tech no logy and developme nt, the main directi on of developme nt of a digital, intelligent, modular, and human nature , miniaturization, integration

3、, with source and gree n.1.1 DigitalMicrocontroller and the development of a number of mechanical and electrical products of the base, such as the con ti nu ous developme nt of CNC machi ne tools and robots, and the rapid rise of the computer network for the digital design and manufacturing paved th

4、e way for, such as virtual design and computer integrated manufacturing. Digital request electromechanical integration software products with high reliability, easy operability, maintainability, self-diagnostic capabilities, and frien dly man-machi ne in terface. Digital will facilitate the realizat

5、i on of Ion g-dista nce operati on, diag no sis and repair.1.2lntelligentMechanical and electrical products that require a certain degree of intelligence, it is similar to the logical thinking, reas oning judgeme nt, aut onom ous decisi on-mak ing capabilities. For example, in the CNC machine increa

6、seinteractive features, set up In tellige nt I / O in terface and in tellige nt database tech no logy, will use, operati on and maintenance of bring great convenience. With fuzzy control, neural network, gray, wavelet theory, chaos and bifurcatio n, such as artificial in tellige nce and tech no logi

7、cal progress and development and the development of mechanical and electrical in tegratio n tech no logy has ope ned up a vast world.1.3 ModularAs electromechanical integration products and manufacturers wide variety of research and developme nt of a sta ndard mecha ni cal in terface, dyn amic in te

8、rface, the en vir onment in terface modules electromecha ni cal i ntegrati on products is a complex and promising work. If the development is set to slow down. VVVF integrated motor drive unit with visi on, image process in g, ide ntificati on and locati on of the motor fun cti ons, such as in tegra

9、ted con trol un it. Thus, in product developme nt, desig n, we can use these sta ndards modular unit quickly develop new products.1.4 NetworkAs the popularity of the n etwork, n etwork-based remote con trol and mon itori ng of various technical ascendant. The remote control device itself is the inte

10、gration of mecha ni cal and electrical products, fieldbus tech no logy to household applia nces and LAN n etwork possible, use a home n etwork to connect various home applia nces into a computer as the cen ter of computer in tegrated applia nces system, so that people in the home can be full enjo ym

11、e nt of the ben efits of various high-tech, therefore, electromecha nical in tegrati on products should be no doubt North Korea n etworks.1.5 HumanityElectromechanical integration of the end-use product is targeted, how to give people electromechanical integration of intelligent products, emotion an

12、d humanity is becoming more and more important, electromechanical integration products in addition to improving performanee, it also urged the color, shape and so on and en vir onmen tal coord in ati on, the use of these products, or for a pers on to enjoy, such as home robot is the highest state of

13、 human-machine integration.1.6 MiniaturizationMicro-fi ne process ing tech no logy is a n ecessity in the developme nt, but also the need to improve efficie ncy. MEMS (Micro Electro nic Mecha nical Systems, or MEMS) refers to qua ntities can be produced by the micro-collect ion age ncies, micro-se n

14、sors, micro actuators and sig nal process ing and con trol circuit un til in terface, com muni cati on and power is one of the micro-devices or systems . Since 1986 the Un ited States at Stanford Uni versity developed the first medical microprobe, 1988 at the Un iversity of California, Berkeley deve

15、loped the first micro-motor, both at home and abroad in MEMS tech no logy, materials and micro-mecha nism much progress has been made, the development of all sorts MEMS devices and systems, such as the various micro-sensors (pressure sensors, micro-accelerometer, micro-tactile sensor), various micro

16、-component (micro-film, micro-beam, microprobes, micro-link, micro-gear, micro-beari ngs, micro-pump , microcoil and micro-robot, etc.).1.7 IntegrationIn tegrati on in cludes a mutual pen etrati on of various tech no logies, and in tegrati on of various products of differe nt structural optimizati o

17、n and composite, and in cluded in the product ion process at the same time process ing, assembly, testi ng, man ageme nt, and other processes .In order to achieve more variety, small batch product ion of automation and high efficiency, the system should have a more extensive flexible. First system c

18、an be divided into several levels, allowing the system to function dispersed, and security and coordination with other parts of the operation, and then through software and hardware at various levels will be organically linked to its optimal performa nee, the most powerful.1.8 With source ofElectrom

19、echanical integration refers to the product itself with energy, such as solar cells, fuel cells and large-capacity battery. As on many occasions not be able to use electricity, which campaig ns for the mecha ni cal and electrical in tegrati on products, has a unique power source comes with the ben e

20、fits. Sources with the in tegrati on of mecha ni cal and electrical product developme nt directi on of.1.9 GreenThe developme nt of tech no logy in people's lives brought great cha ngesi n the material at the same time has also brought rich resources, deterioration of the ecological en vir onmen

21、t con seque nces. Therefore, people calli ng for the protect ion of the en vir onment, regressi on, and achiev ing susta in able developme nt in the con cept of gree n products such calls have emerged. Gree n products is low-power, low-wood con sumptio n, clea n, comfortable, coord in ati on and uti

22、lizati on of ren ewable products. In its desig n, manu facture, use and destruct ion of huma n beings should be in line with en vir onmen tal protectio n and health requireme nts, electromecha ni cal in tegrati on of green products is mainly refers to the use of time is not pollute the ecological en

23、 vir onment, at the end of product life, and rege nerati on of decompositi on products.2. electromechanical integration in the application of technology in the iron and steelIn the iron and steel enterprises, the integration of mechanical and electrical systems are at the core microprocessor, the co

24、mputer, industrial computer, data com muni cati ons, display devices, meters and the comb in ati on of tech no logies such as orga nic, assembled by the merger means for the realizati on of a large-scale in tegrated system create con diti ons for effective in tegrati on, enhan ced system con trol pr

25、ecisi on, quality and reliability. Electromecha nical in tegrati on tech no logy in the iron and steel enterprises in the mainly used in the following areas.2.1 Intelligent Control Technology (IC)As a large-scale iron and steel, high-speed continuous and the characteristics of the traditi onal con t

26、rol tech no logies encoun tered in surm oun table difficulties, it is n ecessaryto adopt very in tellige nt con trol tech no logy. Con trol tech no logies in clude intelligent expert system, neural and fuzzy control, intelligent control techniques in steel product design, manufacturing, control, pro

27、duct quality and diagnostic equipme nt, and other aspects,such as blast furn ace con trol system, electric furn ace and con ti nu ous casti ng pla nt, steel rolli ng system , steelmak ing - Cast ing in tegrated scheduli ng system - rolli ng, cold rolli ng, etc.2.2 Distributed Control System (DCS)Dis

28、tributed con trol system uses a cen tral comma nd for the con trol of a nu mber of Taiwan-site monitoring and intelligent computer control unit. Distributed control systems can be two, three or more levels. Using computers to concentrate on the product ion process mon itori ng, operatio n, man ageme

29、 nt and dece ntralized con trol.With mon itori ng and con trol tech no logies, and the functions of distributed con trol system more and more. Not only can be achieved con trol of the product ion process, but also can be achieved online optimization, the production process real-time scheduli ng, pro

30、duct ion pla nning statistical man ageme nt functions, as a measureme nt, control, integration of the integrated system. DCS control functions with diverse features and easy operati on, the system can be exte nded, easy maintenance and high reliability characteristics. DCS is decentralized and centr

31、alized control monitoring, fault-mi nor, and the system has the cha in protectio n features, the use of manual control system failure operational measures, the system is highly reliable. Distributed con trol system and cen tralized con trol system compared to their more fun cti on al, with a higher

32、level of security. Is the large-scale in tegrati on of mecha ni cal and electrical systems mai n trend.2.3 Open Control System (OCS)Open Control System (Open Control System) is the development of computer tech no logy led by the new structure con cept. "Ope n" means a sta ndard for the exc

33、ha nge of in formati on in order consen sus and support this sta ndard desig n systems, differe nt manu facturers products can be compatible and in teroperable, and the shari ng of resources. In dustrial con trol systems through ope n com muni cati on n etwork so that all con trol equipme nt, man ag

34、eme nt, computer in terc onnections, to achieve con trol and man ageme nt, adm ini strati on, in tegrated decisi on-mak ing, through fieldbus to the sce ne and con trol room in strume ntati on con trol equipme nt in terc onn ected to achieve in tegrated measureme nt and con trol of.2.4 Computer Inte

35、grated Manufacturing System (CIMS)CIMS is the iron and steel en terprises will be and the product ion and operati on, product ion man ageme nt and process con trol conn ect ing to achieve from raw materials into the pla nt, product ion and process ing of shipme nts to the en tire producti on process

36、 and the overall in tegratio n process con trol. Curre ntly iron and steel en terprises have basically achieved process automati on, but this kind of "automated isla nd" of sin gle automatio n lack of in formati on resources and the shari ng of the un ified man ageme nt of the production p

37、rocess, can hardly meet the requirements of the iron and steel product ion. Future competiti on iron and steel en terprises is the focus of many varieties, small batch product ion, cheap and of good quality, timely delivery of goods. In order to improve productivity, saving energy, reducing staff an

38、d the existing inven tory, accelerate cash flow, product ion, operati on and man ageme nt of the overall optimizatio n, the key is to stre ngthe n the man ageme nt, access to the ben efits of rais ing the competitive ness of bus in esses.The Un ited States, Japa n and some other large-scale iron and

39、 steel enterprises in the 1980s has been widely realization of CIMS.2.5 Fieldbus Technology (FBT)Fieldbus Tech no logy (Fied Bus Tech no logy) is the connection sett ings in the field of in strume ntati on in stalled in the con trol room and con trol devices for digital, bi-directi on al, multi-stat

40、io n com muni catio n link. Fieldbus tech no logy used to replace the exist ing sig nal tran smissi on tech no logy (such as 4 to 20 mA, DC DC transmission), it will enable more information in the field of Intelligent Instrumentation devices and higher-level control system in the joint between the c

41、om muni cati ons media on the two-way tran smissi on. Fieldbus connection can be through save 66% or more on-site signal connecting wires. Fieldbus lead to the in troducti on of the reform and the new gen eratio n of DCS around ope n fieldbus automation system of instruments, such as intelligent tra

42、nsmitter, intelligent, fieldbus detect ion in strume nts, fieldbus of PLC (Programmable Logic Con troller) local con trol stations and field development.2.6 AC drive technologyTran smissi on tech no logy in the iron and steel in dustry plays a crucial role. With power tech no logy and the developme

43、nt of microelectr onics tech no logy, the developme nt of AC variable speed very quickly. The AC drive to the adva ntages of electric drive tech no logy in the n ear future from AC drive completely replace DC tran smissi on, the developme nt of digital tech no logy, complex vector con trol tech no l

44、ogies to achieve practical, AC variable speed system speed and performa nee has reached more tha n DC con verter level. Now whether small or large-capacity electrical motor capacity synchronous motor can be used to achieve reversible in duct ion motor or smooth ing gover nor. AC drive system in the

45、producti on of steel rolli ng emerged as a welcome users, applicati ons con ti nues to expa nd.机电一体化技术及其应用研究1.机电一体化技术发展机电一体化是机械、微、控制、机、信息处理等多学科的交叉融合,其发展 和进步有赖于相关技术的进步与发展, 其主要发展方向有数字化、智能化、模块 化、化、人性化、微型化、集成化、带源化和绿色化。1.1数字化微控制器及其发展奠定了机电产品数字化的基础,如不断发展的数控机床和 机器人;而计算机网络的迅速崛起,为数字化设计与制造铺平了道路,如虚拟设 计、计算机集成制造等

46、。数字化要求机电一体化产品的软件具有高可靠性、易操 作性、可维护性、自诊断能力以及友好人机界面。数字化的实现将便于远程操作、 诊断和修复。1.2智能化即要求机电产品有一定的智能,使它具有类似人的逻辑思考、判断推理、自 主决策等能力。例如在CNC数控机床上增加人机对话功能,设置智能I/O接口和 智能工艺数据库,会给使用、操作和维护带来极大的方便。随着模糊控制、神经 网络、灰色、小波理论、混沌与分岔等人工智能技术的进步与发展,为机电一体 化技术发展开辟了广阔天地。1.3模块化由于机电一体化产品种类和生产厂家繁多,研制和开发具有标准机械接口、 动力接口、环境接口的机电一体化产品单元模块是一项复杂而有

47、前途的工作。如研制具有集减速、变频调速电机一体的动力驱动单元;具有视觉、图像处理、识 别和测距等功能的电机一体控制单元等。这样,在产品开发设计时,可以利用这 些标准模块化单元迅速开发出新的产品。1.4网络化由于网络的普及,基于网络的各种远程控制和监视技术方兴未艾。 而远程控 制的终端设备本身就是机电一体化产品, 现场总线和局域网技术使家用电器网络 化成为可能,利用家庭网络把各种家用电器连接成以计算机为中心的计算机集成 家用电器系统,使人们在家里可充分享受各种高技术带来的好处,因此,机电一体化产品无疑应朝网络化方向发展。1.5人性化机电一体化产品的最终使用对象是人,如何给机电一体化产品赋予人的智

48、能、情感和人性显得愈来愈重要,机电一体化产品除了完善的性能外,还要求在 色彩、造型等方面与环境相协调,使用这些产品,对人来说还是一种享受,如家 用机器人的最高境界就是人机一体化。1.6微型化微型化是精细加工技术发展的必然,也是提高效率的需要。微机电系统(Micro Electronic Mechanical Systems,简称 MEMS是指可批量制作的,集微型机构、微型传感器、微型执行器以及信号处理和控制电路,直至接口、通信和 电源等于一体的微型器件或系统。自1986年美国斯坦福大学研制出第一个医用 微探针,1988年美国加州大学Berkeley分校研制出第一个微电机以来,国内外 在MEM工

49、艺、材料以及微观机理方面取得了很大进展, 开发出各种MEM器件和 系统,如各种微型传感器(压力传感器、微加速度计、微触觉传感器),各种微构件(微膜、微粱、微探针、微连杆、微齿轮、微轴承、微泵、微弹簧以及微机 器人等)。1.7集成化集成化既包含各种技术的相互渗透、相互融合和各种产品不同结构的优化与 复合,又包含在生产过程中同时处理加工、装配、检测、管理等多种工序。为了 实现多品种、小批量生产的自动化与高效率,应使系统具有更广泛的柔性。首先 可将系统分解为若干层次,使系统功能分散,并使各部分协调而又安全地运转, 然后再通过软、硬件将各个层次有机地联系起来,使其性能最优、功能最强。1.8带源化是指机

50、电一体化产品自身带有能源,如太阳能电池、燃料电池和大容量电池。 由于在许多场合无法使用电能,因而对于运动的机电一体化产品,自带动力源具 有独特的好处。带源化是机电一体化产品的发展方向之一。1.9绿色化技术的发展给人们的生活带来巨大变化,在物质丰富的同时也带来资源减 少、生态环境恶化的后果。所以,人们呼唤保护环境,回归,实现可持续发展,绿色产品概念在这种呼声中应运而生。绿色产品是指低能耗、低材耗、低污染、 舒适、协调而可再生利用的产品。在其设计、制造、使用和销毁时应符合环保和 人类健康的要求,机电一体化产品的绿色化主要是指在其使用时不污染生态环 境,产品寿命结束时,产品可分解和再生利用。2.机电一体化技术在钢铁中应用在钢铁企业中,机电一体化系统是以微处理


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