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1、 成绩:_报告编号:编导096班16号 文献检索课程检 索 报 告 课题名称:省道变位在服装中的应用 检 索 人: 相惠文 检索日期:二零一一年五月四日 检索完成日期:二零一一年五月六日陕 西 科 技 大 学二0一一文献检索课程检索报告卷中文电子资源1CNKI期刊全文数据库2CNKI中国优秀博硕士学位论文全文数据库 3. 重庆维普信息资源系统 4. 电子图书读秀知识库 检索结果请记录:(13题数据库要求检索记录相同,请拷贝) 信息资源系统名称:CNKI 数据库名称:中国学术期刊全文数据库 检 索 词: 省道 服装 变位 检 索 式:省道 and 服装 服装 or 变位 检索结果: 命中记录数目

2、 共有记录10条 拷贝命中篇数的篇名 序号显示题名来源发表时间来源数据库1斜裁服装中的省道转移方法Journal of Textile Research2010/112浅谈省道在服装结构设计中的运用科技资讯2009/203基于省道切割的三维服装曲面展开算法北京服装学院学报(自然科学版)2008/014不规则省道与服装造型关系纺织科技进展2008/045服装中的线条与省道隐藏技术的契合温州职业技术学院学报2006/03中国期刊全文数据库6运用AutoCAD2000进行服装省道的转移湖南包装2003/03中国期刊全文数据库7省道变位在服装中的应用四川丝绸2003/04中国期刊全文数据库8浅谈服装结

3、构设计中的曲线、省道及数据概念东华大学学报(社会科学版)2003/02中国期刊全文数据库9省道转移在二维服装CAD中的实现西北纺织工学院学报2001/04中国期刊全文数据库10服装纸样放缩方法的探讨省道转移纸样的放缩处理东华大学学报(自然科学版)2000/02中国期刊全文数据库 记录一篇与课题密切相关的文摘型二次文献。【中文名称】:省道变位在服装中的应用【作者中文名】戴鸿; 陈国桢;【文献出处】四川丝绸, Sichuan Silk, 编辑部邮箱 2003年 04期  期刊荣【参考文献】反映本文研究工作的背景和依据。中国期刊全文数据库 共找到 2 条1 徐蓼芫,张文斌. 文化

4、式原型变化之比较J东华大学学报(自然科学版) , 2002,(05) . 2 李哲,林彬. 服装中省的变化应用J嘉兴高等专科学校学报 , 1999,(02) . 信息资源系统名称:CNKI 数据库名称: 中国优秀博硕士学位论文全文数据库 检 索 词: 省道 服装 变位 检 索 式:省道 and 服装 服装 or 变位 检索结果: 命中记录数目 共有记录9条 拷贝命中篇数的篇名  序号显示题名来源发表时间来源数据库1基于服装结构原理的针织毛衫板型优化探讨东华大学20072生物质能源利用的新探索南京林业大学20063横机针织服装的设计原理与要素分析苏州大学20074服装特殊结构的立体构成

5、与影响因素分析东华大学2007中国优秀硕士学位论文全文数据库5现代合体女装特殊省道的设计研究东华大学2007中国优秀硕士学位论文全文数据库6立体裁剪在我国成衣设计中的作用及运用前景南京艺术学院2005中国优秀硕士学位论文全文数据库7三维模拟人体在优化文胸结构设计中的运用东华大学2006中国优秀硕士学位论文全文数据库8服装CAD中区域搜索与裁片缝合技术的研究与实现浙江大学2006中国优秀硕士学位论文全文数据库9上海地区青年女性文胸基础样版的研究东华大学2005中国优秀硕士学位论文全文数据库 记录一篇与课题密切相关的文摘型二次文献。省道的转移释放和移动在裙装结构设计中的应用  

6、 推荐 下载阅读CAJ格式全文 下载阅读PDF格式全文 【作者中文名】唐星汉; 陶晨;【文献出处】现代丝绸科学与技术, Modern Silk Science & Technology, 编辑部邮箱 2010年 01期  期刊荣誉:信息资源系统名称:CNKI 数据库名称:重庆维普信息资源系统 检 索 词: 省道 服装 变位 检 索 式:省道 and 服装 服装 or 变位 检索结果: 命中记录数目 共有记录1条 拷贝命中篇数的篇名 记录一篇与课题密切相关的文摘型二次文献。服装纤维:“天然”和“合成”不妨共存作品认领 作者:狄平子 所在机构: 核心期刊论文发表!(点击

7、进入) 国家级期刊快速发表(点击进入) 摘要:休息天上街买衣服,只听这个柜台的营业员说:“我这是全棉的,绿色服装。”那个柜台介绍说:“我这些衣服是新型的合成纤维,是功能性的。”“天然”和“合成”两大纤维服装竟在三尺柜台间打起架来,弄得顾客不知如何是好。论文发表 论文写作发表 格    式:PDF     文件大小:71KB     页    数:1 页     页码范围:42-42页 学科分类:经

8、济 > 工业经济 > 中国工业经济 > 工业部门经济 关 键 词:合成纤维 绿色服装 天然 共存 营业员 柜台 衣服 顾客来源期刊:上海百货2006年 第23期 电子图书检索结果请记录:检索途径:主题途径 检 索 词:省道变位 服装 检索结果: 命中图书记录种数 相关的中文图书 277 记录一本与课题相关的书名、作者、页数、出版社、出版日期、简介、主题词、目录、ISBN号、定价。服装构成原理 【作 者】袁惠芬,陈明艳主编【出版商】 北京市:北京理工大学出版社 , 2010.02 【ISBN号】978-7-5640-2951-7【中图法分类号】TS941.1【页 数】 272

9、【丛书名】21世纪高等院校服装专业创新型精品规划教材【原书定价】43.80【主题词】服装-专业学校-教材-服装部分阅读图书馆文献传递【参考文献格式】袁惠芬,陈明艳主编. 服装构成原理. 北京市:北京理工大学出版社, 2010.02. 【内容提要】 本书作为女装结构设计的基础,主要讲述服装构成的基本原理。内容包括人体结构与测量知识,结构设计术语和制图规范,服装基本结构的构成形式,结构设计的变化原理和成衣结构设计。书中配有大量图例,直观、详实,易于理解和掌握。 免费信息资源专利及中文文献数据库1. 中国专利全文数据库2美国专利全文数据库3国家图书文献中心检索结果请记录: 信息资源系统名称:CNKI

10、 数据库名称: 中国专利全文数据库检索途径:主题检索 检 索 词: 省道 服装 变位 检 索 式:省道 and 服装 服装 or 变位 命中记录数目 共有记录27条 拷贝命中篇数的篇名 序号申请号 专利名称 1   01114496.3    惯用左手人的服装 2   02143351.8    附有读取头座适应性补偿器的光盘机 3   01805378.5    用于固定耳机和/或小麦克风的装置 4 &#

11、160; 02137679.4    防缩、抗皱、不变形棉针织面料染整工艺 5   01131170.3    热油蒸汽发生装置 6   01125394.0    合金、特别是用于眼镜架的线材 7   01132998.X    三维服装产品开发的系统 8   01133051.1    一种开关 9 &#

12、160; 99813650.6    用还原瓮染料和硫化染料染色的酶促方法 10   01802090.9    具有动画显示的物品 11   02124657.2    自然人唯一标识服装与服饰 12   02126630.1    服装原型测试仪 13   02128308.7    服装原型构成方法及原型测试样板

13、 14   02132935.4    羊皮油鞣擦拭革及其制作方法 15   02135604.1    超薄粗梳毛织品的制作的方法 16   02135605.X    复合纤维服装面料的制作方法 17   00817943.3    将片材切成适当型片的设备 18   02151265.5   

14、 竹材成纤的制备方法 19   02115271.3    一种服装结构设计的方法 20   01114506.4    布筋复合材料及其制备方法 21   01114508.0    具有天然植物气味的高分子复合材料及其制备方法 22   01137935.9    在IC卡片交易中积点回馈即时处理系统及其方法 23   02

15、159285.3    无领片图案领女衬衫 24   02159284.5    流线减阻式泳装 25   02152599.4    甲壳素纤维花式线的制造方法 26   01807188.0    服装的数字化三维设计方法 27   00818138.1    纺织品染色的酶促方法 记录一篇与课题相关的二次文献。中国专利需下

16、载一篇专利说明书原文的扉页、权利要求、说明书前2页及图一幅。如无图,说明书下载3页即可。信息资源系统名称:CNKI 数据库名称: 美国专利全文数据库检索途径:主题检索 检 索 词: Provincial Deflection Clothes 检 索 式:Provincial and Clothes Deflection or Deflection 检索结果: 命中记录数目 共有记录21条 拷贝命中篇数的篇名 PAT. NO.Title17,941,516Redundant pile of inexpensive drivers (RPID) 27,941,197Updating mobile

17、devices with additional elements 37,941,133Methods, systems, and computer program products for schedule management based on locations of wireless devices 47,940,960Pose estimating device and pose estimating method 57,940,956Tracking apparatus that tracks a face position in a dynamic picture image us

18、ing ambient information excluding the face 67,940,264Generative models for constructing panoramas from an image sequence 77,940,191Movement controlled luminaire and luminaire arrangement 87,940,174Enhanced relationship prediction system 97,939,982Motor with lobed rotor having uniform and non-uniform

19、 air gaps 107,939,822Active matrix display device 117,939,750Polymer solar cell and method of manufacturing the same 127,939,686Method for providing antimicrobial composite yarns, composite fabrics and articles made therefrom 137,939,601Polymers, compositions and methods of use for foams, laundry de

20、tergents, shower rinses, and coagulants 147,939,568Use of a composition comprising vitamin K1 oxide or a derivative thereof for the treatment and/or the prevention of mammal dermatological lesions 157,939,466Method of crop production 167,939,152Heat-shrinkable anti-fomitic device 177,939,149Heat-shr

21、inkable anti-fomitic device incorporating anti-microbial metal 187,939,091Biorational repellents obtained from terpenoids for use against arthropods 197,939,068Antagonizing signal transduction in dorsal root ganglion cells in a subject with IL-31 antagonists 207,939,015Method of descenting hunter

22、9;s clothing 217,939,002Retardation film, method for producing the same, polarizing plate and liquid crystal display 记录一篇与课题相关的二次文献。中国专利需下载一篇专利说明书原文的扉页、权利要求、说明书前2页及图一幅。如无图,说明书下载3页即可。United States Patent 7,939,149Haskin ,   et al. May 10, 2011 Heat-shrinkable anti-fomitic device incorporating an

23、ti-microbial metal Abstract A heat-shrinkable anti-fomitic device incorporating anti-microbial metal wherein the device, in the form of a bag or tube, forms a cover for an object, preventing cross-infection by bacteria and other pathogens that may reside on the object. Anti-microbial metal ions from

24、 the cover further reduce future cross-infection from the object by killing pathogens. The anti-microbial, heat-shrinkable, anti-fomitic device can have a sterile interior that is sealed or stored flat during manufacture to maintain sterility. Therefore, no outer wrapping for the anti-fomitic device

25、 is required. The anti-fomitic device can be inverted when used to cover the object to present an outer surface that is initially sterile. A plurality of such devices can be heat shrunk to an object such that removal of the outer layer will further prevent cross contamination. Heat shrink film mater

26、ials for the coverings/bags serve as a barrier to the transmission of pathogens and conform closely to the covered object. Inventors: Haskin; Marvin E. (Bryn Mawr, PA), Roberts; Jon L. (Great Falls, VA), Kilner; Christopher B. (Oak Hill, VA) Assignee:M-Tech Corporation (Great Falls, VA) Appl. No.: 1

27、2/131,580Filed: June 2, 2008 Related U.S. Patent DocumentsApplication NumberFiling DatePatent NumberIssue Date<TD< TD> Jun., 2007<TD< TD> Current U.S. Class:428/35.7 ; 206/200; 206/438; 206/455; 383/211; 383/42; 383/63; 383/64; 383/93; 383/95; 383/97; 383/98; 428/121; 428/124; 428/

28、35.2; 428/35.4Current International Class: B29D 22/00 (20060101); B32B 1/08 (20060101); B29D 23/00 (20060101)Field of Search: 428/35.2,35.4,35.7,121,124,36.9,36.91,36.92 206/41.7,200,438,455 383/42,63,64,93,95,97,98,211 References Cited Referenced By U.S. Patent DocumentsNovember 1963

29、Gold et al.November 1975OlerudJanuary 1998Yoshimura et al.October 2002HaskinNovember 2003HaskinApril 2004TerryNovember 2004Hanke et al.2005/0173270August 2005Bourne et al.Other ReferencesHeger, Monica. "A Silver Coating in the Fight Against Microbes." Scientific American website-News Page,

30、 May 2, 2008, . cited by other .Product descriptions of Silverlon.RTM. Wound Dressings. Printed fro on Apr. 18, 2008. cited by other .Product descriptions of Silverlon.RTM. Burn Dressings. Printed fro on Apr. 18, 2008. cited by other .Product description of Silverlon.RTM. Antimicrobial Negative Pres

31、sure Dressings. Printed fro on Apr. 18, 2008. cited by other .Product description of Silverlon.RTM. "Lifesaver.TM." Catheter Dressings. Printed fro on May 30, 2008. cited by other .Product description of Silverlon.RTM. Surgical Dressings. Printed fro on Apr. 18, 2008. cited by other .Produ

32、ct information of SilverSeal.RTM. Wound Contact Dressings and Burn Contact Dressings. Printed fro on May 30, 2008. cited by other. Primary Examiner: Miggins; Michael C Attorney, Agent or Firm: The Marbury Law Group PLLC Parent Case Text2122 CROSS-REFERENCE TO OTHER INVENTIONS This application claims

33、 the benefit under 35 U.S.C. .sctn.119 of the filing date of Provisional Application No. 60/943,485 filed Jun. 12, 2007. The 60/943,485 application is incorporated by reference herein, in its entirety, for all purposes.信息资源系统名称:CNKI 数据库名称:国家图书文献中心检索途径:主题检索 检 索 词: Provincial Deflection Clothes 检 索 式:

34、Provincial and Clothes Deflection or Deflection 检索结果: 命中记录数目 共有记录12条 拷贝命中篇数的篇名 记录一篇与课题相关的二次文献。中国专利需下载一篇专利说明书原文的扉页、权利要求、说明书前2页及图一幅。如无图,说明书下载3页即可。【刊名】:繊維製品消費科学【ISSN】:0037-2072【出版年】:2008【卷】:49【期】:10 TN.527【起页】:p.73【止页】:83【总页数】:11【馆藏号】:TS-006J【分类号】:TS1【关键词】:縞柄;服装;視覚的評価;着装;平面;【语种】:日语【文摘】:縞柄諸要因被服視覚評価関与,若年

35、女性対象検討結果,以下知見得. 1)着装画像試料取上縞柄,縞幅細,横 縞縦縞細長見傾向.数量化類,細見長見縞 方向縞幅影響判明. 2)視覚評価個人差,被験者分析分類,関与要因検 討結果,横縞細見存在等,着装評価影響与要因各 異判明. 3)平面縞,同様,縞幅細縦縞細長評価.数量化類, 細見長見縞方向縞幅,縞幅割合影響判明. ,2)結果受,平面被験者間差検討結果,差認.【其他语种文摘】:In determination of the role of striped pattern on clothes in their visual evaluation, young women were ask

36、ed to assess striped patterns on clothes and the following results were obtained. In computer-graphic virtual worn one-piece dresses, the tendency was found that the stripes make a wearer look slimmer and taller as the width of the stripe became thinner. Since it became clear that individual differe

37、nces existed in visual assessment, subjects were divided into groups by means of cluster analysis. The subsequent consideration of determinant factors revealed that "appears slimmer" and "appears longer" consist of 3 clusters respectively. The factors that influence appearance in

38、 wearing the striped clothes varied among above clusters. There included several clusters in which subjects felt horizontal rather than vertical stripes made wearer appear taller. In plane stripes, subjects felt that the stripes had the taller appearance effect as the width of the stripe became thin

39、ner, and in vertical stripes than in the horizontal stripes. The means of clusters of assessment using plane stripes were calculated and no significant differences were found among them. In consideration of results, it was indicated that such factors as personal preferences possibly influenced in as

40、sessment of dressing stripes.【馆藏单位】:中国科学技术信息研究所国外网络文献信息资源1. EBSCO全文数据库2. 国道数据 检索结果请记录: 信息资源系统名称:CNKI 数据库名称:EBSCO全文数据库检索途径:主题检索 检 索 词 Provincial Deflection Clothes 检 索 式:Provincial and Clothes Deflection or Deflection 检索结果: 命中记录数目 共有记录9条 拷贝命中篇数的篇名 1FDTD Analysis of Effectiveness of Shielding Clothes

41、in Suppressing Electromagnetic Field in Phantom Model FDTD分析的幽灵在抑制模型电磁场服装的屏蔽效能纠错  PFU Limited electromagnetic shielding, FDTD, pacemaker, phantom, shielding clothes Paper FDTD Analysis of Effectiveness of Shielding Clothes in Suppressing Electromagnetic Field in Phantom Model. of cardiac pacema

42、ker wearer to analyze the EM wave shielding effectiveness of the shielding clothes  库别:材料   详细信息    全文链接   我要评价/勘误   2Radar Cross Section for Pedestrian in 76GHz Band 雷达截面在76GHz波段的行人纠错 , Clothes, 76GHz Research Report Radar C

43、ross Section for Pedestrian in GHz Band Naoyuiki Yamada. Radar cross section Clothes GHz D Review of Toyota CRDL Vol No Introduction Recently the demands. our findings related to the orientation of the pedestrian and the influence of clothes etc Pedestrians  库别:材料   详细信息

44、0;   全文链接   我要评价/勘误   3A Wearable Fabric Computer by Planar-Fashionable Circuit Board Technique 一个由平面流行的电路板技术的可穿戴式计算机织物纠错 first the wearable computer consists of bulky electric device attachment on the clothes Since those. be developed to be as soft flexi

45、ble and comfortable as conventional clothes Most of the previous. fabric and may generate discomfort feeling in the clothes new concept of textile is necessary for more  库别:材料   详细信息    全文链接   我要评价/勘误   4Alzheimer' s disease A

46、ging and Health 阿尔茨海默氏病老龄化与健康纠错 Clothes fashion House designing Robot service Supporting Aging Society Thank You mail   库别:材料   详细信息    全文链接   我要评价/勘误   5A 1.12pJ/b Resonance Compensated Inductive Transceiver with a Fault-Tol

47、erant Network Controller for Wearable Body Sensor Networks 阿1.12pJ /乙谐振电感补偿收发器具有容错网络控制器的可穿戴式传感器网络体纠错 applications Wearable network has unique networking situations first since clothes are multilayered. clothes are necessary Second network structure is embedded in clothes space and its clothes s

48、hape. parameter variation Finally clothes in nature are prone to tearing and wearing out so the network must  库别:材料   详细信息    全文链接   我要评价/勘误   6A Healthcare Monitoring System with Wireless Woven Inductor Channels for Body Sensor N

49、etwork 阿保健监测的无线频道编织电感传感器网络系统的机构纠错 -layered clothes This is why the wireless system is commonly used for body sensor networks However the. clothes any more The rest of the paper is organized as follows In section II the design of healthcare. inter-layer clothes Thanks to above advantages the pro

50、posed woven inductor channel can be applied for  库别:材料   详细信息    全文链接   我要评价/勘误   77.8 A 1.12mW Continuous Healthcare Monitor Chip Integrated on a Planar Fashionable Circuit Board 7.8 1.12mW连贯的医疗监控芯片上集成的电路板平面时尚纠错 may generate

51、 stiff feeling in the clothes not withstanding the long integration process In addition. applications The FCB has the same electrical and mechanical properties as the clothes and also shows graceful degradation in performance exactly the same way as clothes do with time and usage The FCB  

52、库别:材料   详细信息    全文链接   我要评价/勘误   8Impaired Manual Dexterity and Neuromuscular Dysfunction in Patients with Hand-Arm Vibration Syndrome 受损手工和神经肌肉功能紊乱患者手臂振动综合征纠错 difficulties such as picking up coins turning the pages of newspaper button

53、ing clothes and pouring from. difficulties in daily life such as buttoning clothes picking up coins writing with pen dropping objects. were frequently found in manipulating things such as buttoning clothes picking up coins opening Table  库别:材料   详细信息    全

54、文链接   我要评价/勘误   9Electrical Characterization of Screen-Printed Circuits on the Fabric 电气特性丝网印刷电路上的织物纠错 now carried in the pockets or arm bands will be integrated in the clothes itself for the convenience and mobility Consequently on the clothes more functions than just

55、climatic protection and good look. the plain clothes enabling FCB technology to be the genuine textiles In this paper the thick and  库别:材料   详细信息    全文链接   我要评价/勘误    记录一篇与课题相关的文摘型二次文献。全文链接  文件格式:PDF   

56、60;关闭本页文献类型论文类标题Electrical Characterization of Screen-Printed Circuits on the Fabric著者Yongsang Kim, Hyejung Kim, Hoi-Jun Yoo机构IEEE; the Division of Electrical Engineering, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, KAIST主题词E-textile, fabric, electrical characterization of fabric, pac

57、kaging, planar-fashionable circuit board (P-FCB), silk-screen printing, sputtering, transmission lines, wearable computing集合名IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ADVANCED PACKAGING年2010卷33期1地域Daejeon, Korea发表时间FEBRUARY 2010文件大小1.47 MB页数10描述Fabrication methods of planar printed circuits on fab- rics are introduced and their electrical characteristics are mea- sured and analyzed. Wet patterning method like screen printing as well as dry process of sputtering are used to fabricate the pat- terned lm electrodes on various types of fabrics. The minimum width of the patterns is 0.2 mm for screen


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