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1、英汉翻译技巧英汉翻译技巧 增减译增减译法法 英汉两种语言是不同文化的产物,存在着巨大的差异,在翻译的过程中很难做到字词上的完全一一对应,因此,常需要适当地改变语言的表达方式,增加词句。 在增词过程中,增添的词语要恰到好处,要忠实原文,不可增加原文中所没有的内容,以保证译文的原汁原味。 增词不是目的,重要的是翻译翻译时译者和原作者如何达到心神交融的境界,译者如何摆脱原文语言形式的束缚,如何用本民族的思维方式来表达原文的思维内容。 I. Amplification1.1. 增补英语中省略的词语增补英语中省略的词语A增补简略回答中的省略成份Are you sure? 你能肯定吗? Absolutel

2、y.绝对没错.Is John coming to the party? 约翰会来参加晚会吗? Im afraid (he is) not. 我想他不会来。B. 增补并列句中的省略成份狐狸会变老,但决不会变好。 The fox may grow old, but (it) never good.We dont retreat, we never have and never will .我们不后退,我们从没有后退过,将来也决不后退.C增补复合句中的省略成分It is better to be wise by the defeat of others than to be wise by the

3、defeat of your own . 从别人的失败中吸取教训比从自己的失败中吸取教训更好。增补动词增补动词Testing is a complicated problem and long experience is required for its mastery. 进行进行测试是一个复杂的问题,需要长期的经验才能掌握。But over the last several years, China has been seeking to resume its contracting party status. 近几年来,中国一直一直在在争取恢复其缔约国的地位。(增补表示时态的动词)增补名词

4、增补名词形容词前或不及物动词前增补名词形容词前或不及物动词前增补名词He was weak and looked pale from his long illness. 他因长期生病而身体虚弱,脸色苍白。This bike is indeed cheap and fine. 这辆自行车真是物美价廉。增补连词增补连词As it is cloudy, we will visit there tomorrow.因为今天是阴天,因此因此我们决定明天去参观那儿。Though he is poor, he never shows his humbleness.尽管贫穷,但但他从不鄙薄自己。增补表示复数的数

5、词增补表示复数的数词The lion is the king of animals. 狮是百百兽之王.The mountains began to throw their long blue shadows over the valley. 群山群山已在山谷里开始投下蔚蓝色长影.The very earth trembled as with the tramps of horses and murmur of angry men. 连大地都震动了, 仿佛万马奔腾万马奔腾, , 千夫怒吼千夫怒吼增补量词增补量词A bike 一辆辆自行车 A typewriter一架架打字机 A tractor一

6、台台拖拉机 A mouth一张张嘴 A full moon 一轮轮满月 A bad dream一场场恶梦This was a complete lie.那是一派派胡言. 英语中有些动词或者动作名词,翻译时需要增加一些表示行为,动作量的动量词动量词.Have a rest, have a wash (洗一下洗一下)He gave her a sly look. 他狡猾地看了她一眼一眼.Please come in and take a look. 请进来看看 一看一看. 增补语气助词增补语气助词汉语中有许多语气助词,“的”、“吧”、“呢”、“啊”、“呀”、“嘛”、“吗”、“啦”、“了”、“罢了”

7、、“而已”等。不同的语气助词可以发生不同的作用,英译汉时细心体会原文,增加汉语特有的语气词,更好地表达愿作的意义和修辞色彩。Dont take it seriously. Im just making fun of you. 不要认真嘛! 我不过开开玩笑罢了. As for me, I didnt agree from the very beginning. 我呢, 从一开始就不赞成. Amplification Adding Necessary PronounsAdding Necessary Pronouns(增补代词)(增补代词)大作收到,十分高兴。 I was very glad to

8、 have received your writing没有调查研究就没有发言权。 He who makes no investigation and study has no right to speakB BAdding Necessary ArticlesAdding Necessary Articles(增补冠词)(增补冠词)我们对问题要做全面的分析,才能解决得妥当。 We must make a a comprehensive analysis of a a problem before it can be properly solved耳朵是用来听声音的器官,鼻子用来嗅气味,舌头用来

9、尝滋味。 The The ear is the organ which is used for hearingTheThe nose is used for smellingTheThe tongue is used for tastingC CAdding Necessary Connectives(Adding Necessary Connectives(增补连词增补连词) )老师在等我,我得走了。 The teacher is expecting me,soso I must be off now虚心使人进步,骄傲使人落后。 Modesty helps one to go forward

10、,whereas conceit makes one lag behind留得青山在,不怕没柴烧。 So long as green hills remain,there will never be a shortage of firewoodD DAdding Necessary PrepositionsAdding Necessary Prepositions(增补介词)(增补介词)咱们校门口见吧。Lets meet at the school gate你是白天工作还是夜间工作? Do you work in the daytime or at night?该地区已没什么城乡差别。 The

11、re is little difference between town and country in this regionE.Adding Necessary Background WordsE.Adding Necessary Background Words(增加背景(增加背景词)词)三个臭皮匠,赛过诸葛亮。Three cobblers with their wits combined equal Zhuge Liang the mastermindthe mastermind别班门弄斧。Dont try to show off your proficiency with the ax

12、e before Lu Ban the master carpenterthe master carpenter这真是俗话说的,“旁观者清”。 It is just as the proverb goes,“The onlooker sees most of the gamemost of the game” 1 1)冠词的省译()冠词的省译(Omission of articlesOmission of articles) A A dictionary is a a good teacher.(X一本)词典是(X一位)良师。 He started hitting thethe bottle

13、at 18. 他18岁时开始酗酒。但一些冠词却不可省略:当不定冠词指数量“一”或某一类东西时 He left without a a word.他一一句话句话也没说就走了。 Rome was not built in a a day.罗马不是在一天一天之内建设起来的。 II. Omission 在汉语中一些放在时间或地点前面的介词需要省略在汉语中一些放在时间或地点前面的介词需要省略. . On the evening of December, 1955, in Montgomery, a bus stopped at an intersection. (在)1995年12月1日傍晚,蒙哥马力市

14、的一辆公共汽车停在十字街口。 Smoking is not allowed in classroom.(在)教室内不准吸烟。 The children are the beautiful flowers in spring. 儿童是(在)春天的鲜花。 Prepositions used after a main verb is not omitted. He was hidden behind the door. 3.3.动词的省译动词的省译Omission of verbs 系动词在英译汉中多省略不翻译。(The link verbs could be omitted in translat

15、ion.) The second summer in Indiana, like the fist, was a summer of much hard work and little play. 在印第安纳州的第二个夏天和第一个夏天一样,辛苦劳动的时候很多,玩耍的时间很少。 These facts are related to the problem. 这些事实与这个问题无关。(汉语用介词结构做谓语)4.4.连词的省译连词的省译Omission of conjunctions. If winter comes, can spring be far behind? 冬天来了,春天还会远吗? .

16、Where there is a life, there is hope. 留的青山在不怕没柴烧。.Unless there is motion, there is no work. 没有运动,也就没有功。.Never get on or off the bus before it comes to a standstill. 车未停稳,切勿上下。.He looked gloomy and troubled. 他看上去有些忧愁不安。5. it 的省略的省略(Omission of it)This often occurs when it is meaningless or This often

17、 occurs when it is meaningless or emptyempty1)1)做主语表达时间地点天气环境做主语表达时间地点天气环境 It was just growing dark, as she shut the garden gate. 她关上园门时,已是暮色苍茫了。2)2)做主语表示体积做主语表示体积, ,容量容量, ,频度等频度等 It is 30 cubic meters in volume.3)3)形式宾语和形式主语形式宾语和形式主语 He took it upon himself to pay off the debt. 他自愿负责还清债务。 It is qui

18、te still in the laboratory. 实验室里很安静. 4)4)强调句中的省略强调句中的省略 It is on Sunday that I met her. 6 、Omission of “that”当当“that”that”作引导词引出同位语从句、主语从句、宾语从句作引导词引出同位语从句、主语从句、宾语从句时时, ,在英译汉时必须省略在英译汉时必须省略1.The fact that he is a good student really makes his parents proud. 他是位优秀的学生这一事实确实使他的父母很骄傲。2.It is certain that he did go there last Monday. 肯定他上周一去那儿了。7、(、(Omission of repeated redundant words)1)我已经提前完成了交给我的工作,他也提前完成交给他


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