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1、语 法 填 空 做 题 方 法 总 结纯空格式的解题技巧 1. 缺少主语或者宾语的空格一定填 。主格Iyouhesheitweyouthey宾格meyouhimheritusyouthem反身代词myselfyourselfhimselfherselfitselfourselvesyourselvesthemselves注:当主语和宾语是同一人称时,宾语应当用 。 2. 名词前缺少限定词,应填限定词。 冠词 (a an the)限定词 形容词性物主代词(my your his her its our your their) 不定代词 (如:some any every all none bot

2、h等) 3. 若名词前有限定词,则缺少的一定是 。 4. 连词的用法 完整句,完整句。 必然填 连词。 完整句, 完整句。 先考虑并列连词,再考虑从属连词。 常用的并列连词有: and but otherwise 常用的从属连词有:when while as before after until because as since if unless although while so sothat记忆口诀:语法连词真有趣, 首先要把并列记;and、but一定提, otherwise不能弃。并列连词不合适, 从属连词跑来替;时状三个要牢记, when while as当时候,before在前af

3、ter后, until知道也要有。如果(if)不行除非上, 条件状语不能忘。因为所以有很多, 随便一个晚上放。尽管不能连但是, as必须要倒装。熟记这些常用词, 语法高分等你创。 5. it常用于: It is + adj.+(for/of sb) to do sth 做某事 make/find/think/consider + it + adj./n. +to do sth 使得/觉得做某事 固定搭配 It is the first time that 从句 (现在完成时have done)这是第一次做某事 It was the first time that 从句(过去完成时had don

4、e)这是第一次做某事 从句用一般过去时(did) It is (high/about) time that 从句用shoulddo(should不能省略) Exercise: a. It is generous of you to give away so much money to the poor.b. It is dangerous for the kids to play with fire.c. 我觉得读这本书很有意思。d. 我使得背诵英语成为我每天的一个习惯。e. It is the second time that I (be) to the Great Wall.f. This

5、 was the third time that she (come) across me. g. It is time that 该是上学的时候了。 有提示词的解题技巧 动词 和 1. 提示词是动词 动词 、 和 Question 1 什么是谓语动词?(判断下列句中的动词是谓语动词还是非谓语动词) Miss Mary teaches us English. Mike has nothing to do today. Seen from the mountain, the city looks much more beautiful. To emphasize the woman even m

6、ore, he wanted to paint the background black. Question 2 被动语态是什么形式? Question 3 常用时态有哪些基本形式及其被动形式。 现在完成时 现在进行时 过去进行时 过去完成时 一般将来时 过去将来时 Question 4 现在分词,过去分词,不定式分别表示什么? 现在分词 过去分词 不定式 2. 提示词是形容词 形容词的副词形式:一般直接在形容词后面加 。注 意 Immediate extreme true terrible angry busy 形容词比较级的标志 than(表示两者的对比) 常修饰形容词比较级的词: She

7、 is heavier than me. I feel much (good) today. 最高级的标志 the This is the (old) theater in London. 3. 提示词是名词,一般填名词的复数。注 意 常用的不规则名词复数: child foot tooth mouse man passer-by 词类转换题的解题技巧 1. 构词结构前缀 re- 表示“ ” e.g. rebuild recycle rediscover dis- 表示“ ” e.g. discover disappear dishonest im- 表示否定,常用于 开头的单词; e.g.

8、impolite imbalance immoral ir- 表示否定,常用于r开头的单词; e.g. irregular irrelative il- 表示否定,常用于l开头的单词。 e.g. illegal illogical 2. 构词结构后缀 -able (n./v. adj.) 表示“可以的;显示性质”; 如: respectable 可敬的 eatable 可吃的 comfortable 舒服的 valuable 有价值的 fashionable 时尚的 lovable 可爱的 -ful (n./v. adj.) 表示“充满的”; 如: beautiful 漂亮的 successf

9、ul 成功的 wonderful 精彩的 mouthful 满嘴的 shameful 可耻的 hopeful 充满希望的 -less (n. adj.) 表示“没有的”; 如: jobless 无业的 homeless 无家可归的 helpless 无助的 -ly (adj. adv./ n. adj.) nervously 紧张地 noisily 吵闹地 quietly 安静地 friendly 友好的 manly 有男子气概的 fatherly 父亲般的 3. 构词结构名词后缀 -er 表示人或物; 如: speaker 演讲者 owner 所有者 -or ( v. n. ) 表示人,置于

10、动词之后; 如: competitor 竞争者 editor 编辑 operator 接线员 -ist 表示“从事者”; 如: chemist 化学家 journalist 记者 typist 打字员 scientist 科学家 -ness ( adj. n. ) 表示性质,状态。 如: business 商业 darkness 黑暗 weakness 虚弱 4. 形容词修饰 ; 副词修饰 、 、 或 。语法填空做题解析纯空格式的解题技巧:1. Suddenly the wall moved. was made of tree.2. He probably began to go deaf a

11、fter he got the disease. He tried to keep a secret.3. He suffered from tinnitus(耳鸣), loud noises that caused pain.4. We couldnt believe our ears when Mr. Zhang told that English is widely used because its grammar is easy.5. I can send a message to Lucy whenever I want to, and gets there almost in a

12、second.6. She apologized for the mistake and gave us a spare VIP room on top floor.7. An idea to cycle to the Tibet occurred to me one year ago. I know idea is quite practical in economical way.8. When they have made list, they read it to a family or friends and promise to follow it.9. Five months o

13、ur trip to Tibet, we kept taking exercise and built up strong body.10. Many people keep fish pets.11. I didnt understand why this would happen and my credit card had already been charged the reservation .12. Who has the honor of receiving me a guest in his house?13. When I was a child, there were a

14、couple years when my brother and I were in charge Sunday Lunches our family.14. The villa will be equipped with modern equipment such as security alarms controlled by computers, vision phones, automatic doors.15. Its true that there exist a lot of differences, this cant be an excuse for having a pas

15、sive attitude toward studying in China.16. My legs were heavy like steel my heart beat very fast.17. the Greek king had their regular meetings, he suggested that they should take every chance to trick their enemy.18. Why cant smokers just go outside they want to smoke?19. He sat beside her. She felt

16、 pleased, there were many empty seats in the room. She quickly realized it was probably because she sat in the last row.20. you are ill, I will go alone.21. They are not going back to work their boss make an apology to them.22. Dont let the child go near the pond he should fall into it.23. I dont li

17、ke the author, I have to admit his books are very interesting.24. the Internet is of great help, I still dont suggest spending too much time on it.25. The pressure helps us learn the meaning of competition we step into the society.26. We kept taking exercise and built up strong body because we knew

18、would be impossible to realize our dream without being healthy.27. Do you find that is difficult to find a suitable job this year?28. was only after I heard she become sick that I learned she couldnt eat MSG.29. took them just 3 minutes to steal paintings paint by 2 world famous artists.30. Dating s

19、ites also makes easy to avoid someone who you are not interested in.有提示词的解题技巧:1. We (tell) that our room hadnt been reserved for that week, but for the week after.2. A policeman walked directly to me and said I (forbid) to go into it.3. Large quantities of water (pollute) in this area.4. There was s

20、omething wrong with my bicycle and I (fall) and was hurt.5. My dream house is a villa which (lie) on the coast.6. My dream house is a villa (lie) on the coast.7. I used to hear that some people (make) a trip there died from the lack of oxygen.8. (emphasize) the woman even more, Chen Yifei painted th

21、e background black.9. (speak) out of your inner feeling wont make you feel ashamed, on the contrary,10. (complete) the project as planned, we will have to work 2 more hours a day.11. The headmaster went into the lab, (follow) by the foreign guests.12. (discuss) for a long time, we decides to travel

22、around the whole island by bycicle.13. As soon as its 12 oclock, everyone shouts very (excited) “Happy New Year”.14. We began to fet some training to make our body (strong).15. After 2 weeks of training, I could run 3000 meters (easy).16. The other frog went in jumping as hard as he could and then h

23、e jumped even (hard) to make himself out.17. The ruler is as long as that one, but it is (wide) than that one.18. The Changjiang road is the (crowd) road in Hefei.19. We have made our reservation 6 months (early).20. One can have many (experience).21. We would take (turn) in creating the main meal.22. I think if I were one of the (passer-by), I would try my best to help the old.23. On the second floor, there are 3 (bedroom)


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