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1、-1-单元重点小结重点句型重点语法功能走近高考拓展阅读1)Mom and Dad arrive back from vacation a day earlier . 爸爸妈妈外出度假,比预计的时间提前一天返回家中。2)The room is in a mess, pizza boxes the floor and dirty dishes the sink. 房间乱成一团,地板上堆放着比萨饼盒子,洗碗池里全是脏碗碟。3)Daniel crossed and looks upset. 丹尼尔双臂抱在胸前,看起来很不快乐。4) he has been so rude to us,I feel li

2、ke we have to punish him or he wont respect us. 既然他对我们那么粗鲁无礼,那我觉得我们有必要教训教训他,要不然他不会尊重我们的。than expected with on in has his arms Now that 重点句型重点语法功能走近高考拓展阅读5)Sometimes he acts he doesnt love us at all. 有时候,他甚至表现得好似一点都不爱我们。6)Recently,he to do his homework,and instead insists on wasting his time watching

3、 DVDs and listening to foreign music. 最近,他一直拒绝做家庭作业,而是把时间浪费在看DVD和听外国音乐上。7)Also, I watch a DVD he sends me to bed or tells me to spend more time studying. 而且,每次我看DVD,他就逼我睡觉或者让我多花点时间学习。as if has been refusing every time 重点句型重点语法功能走近高考拓展阅读定语从句(由“介词+which/ whom以及when,where,why引导的英语从句)1)Do you remember t

4、he day we first met? Do you remember the day we first met? 2)Mike want to work in a country there are a lot of forests. Mike want to work in a country there are a lot of forests. 3)I dont know the reason the house is so dirty. I dont know the reason the house is so dirty. when on which where in whic

5、h why for which 重点句型重点语法功能走近高考拓展阅读Asking for and giving advice (寻求建议和给出建议)1)What can/ should I do?(我能/应该做什么呢?)2)Should I.?(我应该吗?)3)You should/ must.(你应该/必须)重点句型重点语法功能走近高考拓展阅读“难解难分的标题归纳题文章标题是文章的点睛之笔。标题归纳题在英语阅读理解题中属深层理解题,它要求考生在通读全文的根底上,准确把握文章大意及作者的写作意图。一般说来,标题应该具有概括性、针对性、简洁性三个突出特点。其中概括性,是指标题应最大程度地覆盖全文

6、,囊括文章的主要内容,表达文章的主题;针对性,是指标题的含义要直接指向文章的主要特点;而简洁性,那么是指标题应言简意赅,能吸引读者的注意力,并唤起读者对文章的阅读兴趣等。重点句型重点语法功能走近高考拓展阅读根据上述分析,解答标题归纳题时通常采用以下方法:1.在阅读文章时,要注意文章中反复出现或强调的信息,寻找与文章主题相关的信息,找出概括全文的核心词汇。 2.确认选项内容是否切中文章的中心论题,也就是要看选项内容与作者的写作目的是否一致。从整篇文章出发归纳概括出文章的标题,要防止本末倒置、主次不分,这样才能排除干扰项,选出正确的答案。重点句型重点语法功能走近高考拓展阅读Its not easy

7、 being a teenagernor is it easy being the parent of a teenager.You can make your child feel angry,hurt,or misunderstood by what you say without realizing it yourself.It is important to give your child the space he needs to grow while letting him know that youll still be there for him when he needs y

8、ou.Expect a lot from your child,just not everything.Except for health and safety problems,such as drug use or careless driving,consider everything else open to discussion.If your child is unwilling to discuss something,dont insist he tell you whats on his mind.The more you insist,the more likely tha

9、t hell clam up1.Instead,let him attempt2 to solve things by himself.At the same time,remind him that youre always there for him should he seek advice or help.Show respect for your teenagers privacy3.Never read his personal mail or listen in on personal conversations.重点句型重点语法功能走近高考拓展阅读Teach your teen

10、ager that the family phone is for the whole family.If your child talks on the familys telephone for too long,tell him he can talk for 15 minutes,but then he must stay off the phone for at least an equal period of time.This not only frees up the line so that other family members can make and receive calls,but also teaches your teenager moderation4 or if you are open to the idea,allow your teenager to have hi


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