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1、.哈佛大学英语系研究,美国布什推荐。专为中小学生英语量身定做。官方网站: 哈佛大学英语教授研究组提供七年级英语时态汇总(一般现在时,一般过去时和现在进行时)经典必备七年级英语时态汇总一般现在时【定 义】一般现在时表示现在经常反复发生的动作、存在的状态或习惯性的动作。即描述我们日常生活中的衣食住行等活动。【用 法】(1)在实际应用中,一般现在时常与以下时间状语联用:always, usually, often, sometimes, every week (day, year, month, once a week, on Sundays 例句:He usually plays football

2、 on Sundays.(2)没有时间状语,可以分以下四种类型:Abe型 这一类型由be动词+名词、形容词、副词、代词、数词或介词短语等一起构成谓语,表示主语的个性、特征或状态。如: I am a student.(主语+be动词+名词) They are hungry.(主语+be动词+形容词) He is out.(主语+be动词+副词) That pen is mine.(主语+be动词+代词) I am fifteen.(主语+be动词+数词) The bike is under the tree.(主语+be动词+介词短语)Bdo型 do型由行为动词充当谓语,表示经常性或习惯性的动作

3、,其构成为“主语+动词原形或动词第三人称单数形式”。如: I know it. He believes me.Cthere be型 there be型句子表示“某地存在”,其构成为“there be+主语+其他”,表示客观事实。用法遵循“就近原则”,即主语是单数或并列主语中的第一个主语是单数,则用there is;主语是复数或并列主语中的第一个主语是复数,则用there are。如: (1)There is an eraser on the teachers desk.(主语an eraser是单数) (2)There is an orange,five apples and eight ba

4、nanas in the bag.(并列主语中的第一个主语an orange是单数)D情态动词型 情态动词型句子的构成为“主语+情态动词+动词原形”,情态动词和动词原形一起构成谓语,表示说话人对所叙述的动作或状态的看法。如: He can speak a little English.(can+speak) May I have a book, please?(may+have)【结 构】主语+动词原形+宾语 即某人+某个动词+其他。肯定式疑问式否定式否定疑问式I work.Do I work?I do not work.Dont I work?You work.Do you work?You

5、 do not work.Dont you work?We work.Do we work?We do not work.Dont we work?They work.Do they work?They do not work.Dont they work?He(She,It) works.Does he(she,it) work?He(She,It) does not work.Doesnt he(she,it) work?否定形式:首先找句子中有没有be动词(is, am或者are)或情态动词(can),如果有,只要在be动词或情态动词后面加上not。如果句子中没有be动词(is, am或

6、者are)或情态动词(can)那么根据主语在后面加入dont(you, I或者复数)或doesnt(第三人称单数)。一般疑问句:首先找句子中有没有be动词(is, am或者are)或情态动词(can),如果有,只要将be动词或情态动词提前,放到主语前面。注意:句中第一人称和第二人称要互换。如果句子中没有be动词(is, am或者are)或情态动词(can)那么根据主语判断加入do(you, I或者复数)或does(第三人称单数)。注意:句中第一人称和第二人称也要互换。特殊疑问句:首先分析划线部分的意思,确定用哪个疑问词(what, where, who, when, which, whose,

7、 how, how many, how much, what shape, what colour, what doing, where going, what do),然后找句子中有没有be动词(is, am或者are)或情态动词(can),如果有,只要将be动词或情态动词放到主语前面(疑问词的后面)。如果句子中没有be动词(is, am或者are)或情态动词(can)那么根据主语判断加入do(you, I或者复数)或does(第三人称单数)。注意:句中第一人称和第二人称也要互换。【口 诀】当主语是第三人称单数时 肯定句 主语+动词三单+其他 否定句 主语+doesnt+动词原形+其他 一般

8、疑问句 Does+主语+动词原形+其他 肯定回答 Yes,主语+does 否定回答 No,主语+doesnt 特殊疑问句 特殊疑问词+一般疑问句 当主语不是第三人称单数时 肯定句 主语+动词原形+其他 否定句 主语+dont+动词原形+其他 一般疑问句 Do+主语+动词原形+其他 用错结构全句都错,一定要注意。【第三人称单数变化规律】 情况构成方法读音例词一般情况加 -s 清辅音后读/s/ 浊辅音和元音后读/z/swim-swims; help-helps;like-likes以s,sh,ch,x等结尾的词加 -es 读/iz/ teach-teaches以辅音字母+y结尾的词变y 为i再加e

9、s读/z/study-studies;fly-flies【练 习】一、 用所给词的适当形式填空。(Be动词)一般现在时中的be动词有四中形式: am is are be其中:am用于一人称主语I之后,构成I am句型。 is 用于三人称单数主语she, he, it或单个的人和物之后,构成She/He/It is句型。 are用于二人称you或复数主语we, they之后,构成You/We/They are句型。 be为该动词的原形,用于情态动词can, may, must之后或用于祈使句中。 如:Be careful! 当心!1. Jim _(be) a hard-working stude

10、nt at school.2. _(be) Tom and Sam in the same class?3. Your school life _(be) very interesting.4. There _(be) a pen, two rulers and some books on the desk.5. The boys _(be) very friendly to me.6. Maria _(be not) from the U.S.A.7. _(be) there any trees and a pool in the yard? 8. I want to _(be) a tea

11、cher.9. Mr. Wang cant _(be) at home, because the lights are off.10. Dont _(be) late for school again.二、 用所给词的适当形式填空。(情态动词)情态动词有 can“能够,可以” may“可以” must必须 + 动词原形(不需变化) should 应该1. My mom can _(cook) food well.2. Must she _(stay) at home now?3. What can the boy _(do) for his parents?4. Tom cant _(sing

12、) an English song.5. He may _(perform) ballet at Kangkangs birthday party.6. She should _(help) her parents do some housework.三、 用所给词的适当形式填空。(实义动词)主语(一,二人称或三人称复数) + 动词原形(不需变化)主语(三人称单数) + 动词三人称单数形式(动词s/es)否定句中(dont, doesnt) + 动词原形(不需变化)疑问句中(Do, Does + 主语) + 动词原形(不需变化)1. Tom often _(take) a talk after

13、 supper.2. Tom and I usually _(go) to school by bike.3. Does Lin Tao _(like) reading storybooks?4. What classes do you _(have) today?5. How often does the girl _(watch) TV?6. Where do they _(live) now?7. Every year many people _(lose) their lives in traffic accidents.8. Sam doesnt _(get) up early in

14、 the morning.9. Each of them _(have) a nice schoolbag.10. They each _(sleep) late at night.四、 句型转换。(Be动词)否定句:直接在be动词之后加not。疑问句:将be动词提到主语之前。1. She is in a blue dress.(变否定句) She _ _ a blue dress.2. I am from Qijiang.(变一般疑问句) _ _ from Qijiang?3. Are the storybooks very interesting?(否定回答) No, _ _.4. His

15、 parents are both workers.(变一般疑问句) _ his parents _ workers?5. There are some nice books on the shelf.(对划线部分提问) _ _ on the shelf?五、 句型转换。(情态动词)否定句:直接在情态动词之后加not。疑问句:将情态动词提到主语之前。1. My mother may speak a little English.(变否定句) My mother _ _ speak a little English.2. We should be careful when we cross th

16、e street.(变一般疑问句) _ _ be careful when we cross the street?3. Must I finish my homework at once?(作肯定和否定回答) Yes, _ _. No, _ _.4. Tom can recite a Chinese poem.(对划线部分提问) What _ Tom _?六、 句型转换。(实义动词)否定句:三人称单数主语 + doesnt +还原动词 其他主语 + dont + 动词疑问句:Does + 三人称单数主语 + 还原动词? Do + 其他主语 + 动词?1. They often play th

17、e piano loudly.(变否定句) They _ often _ the piano louldy.2. Jim learns English well.(变一般疑问) _ Jim _ English well?3. She likes Sichuan food very much.(对划线部分提问) What _ she _ very much?4. Do the boys usually play football after school?(作肯定回答) Yes, _ _.5. She usually does some cooking in the evening.(变否定句)

18、 She usually _ _ any cooking in the evening.6. I want to do some shopping.(变一般疑问句) _ you _ to do any shopping?7. Tom often wathes TV at night.(对划线部分提问) What _ Tom often _ at night?8. They sometimes go swimming in the afternoon.(对划线部分提问) What _ they sometimes _ in the evening?一般过去时【定 义】一般过去时表示过去某个时间发

19、生过了的动作或存在过的状态。即描述已经发生过了的事情。【用 法】Abe型 这一类型由be动词(was和were)+名词、形容词、副词、代词、数词或介词短语等一起构成谓语,表示主语以前或过去的个性、特征或状态。如: I was a student ten years ago.(主语+be动词+名词) They were hungry just now.(主语+be动词+形容词) The bike was under the tree yesterday.(主语+be动词+介词短语) It was rainy last Sunday. They were very happy at Kangkan

20、gs birthday party.B情态动词型情态动词型句子的构成为“主语+情态动词过去式could+动词原形”,情态动词过去式和动词原形一起构成谓语,表示主语过去或曾经能做的事情。如: He could speak a little English last year.(could+speak) What could she do when he was ten. Cdid型 did型由行为动词过去式充当谓语,表示以前做过的某事,其构成为“主语+动词过去式动词”。如: I knew him when I was young. He believed me at that time . 【结

21、 构】主语+动词过去式+宾语 即某人+某个动词过去式+其他。肯定式疑问式否定式否定疑问式I worked.Did I work?I did not work.Didnt I work?You worked.Did you work?You did not work.Didnt you work?We worked.Did we work?We did not work.Didnt we work?They worked.Did they work?They did not work.Didnt they work?He(She,It) worked.Did he(she,it) work?He

22、(She,It) did not work.Didnt he(she,it) work?否定形式:首先找句子中有没有be动词(was或者were)或情态动词(could),如果有,只要在be动词或情态动词后面加上not。如果句子中没有be动词(was或者were)或情态动词(could)那么在后面加入didnt(无论主语是什么人称)。一般疑问句:首先找句子中有没有be动词(was或者were)或情态动词(could),如果有,只要将be动词或情态动词提前,放到主语前面。注意:句中第一人称和第二人称要互换。如果句子中没有be动词(was或者were)或情态动词(could)那么在主语之前加入di

23、d。注意:句中第一人称和第二人称也要互换。特殊疑问句:首先分析划线部分的意思,确定用哪个疑问词(what, where, who, when, which, whose, how, how many, how much, what shape, what colour, what doing, where going, what do),然后找句子中有没有be动词(was或者were)或情态动词(could),如果有,只要将be动词或情态动词提前,放到主语前面。注意:句中第一人称和第二人称要互换。如果句子中没有be动词(was或者were)或情态动词(could)那么在主语之前加入did。注意

24、:句中第一人称和第二人称也要互换。【规则动词过去式构成形式】规则动词的过去式由“动词原形+-ed”构成,具体变化有:1. 直接在词尾加-ed。如: wantwanted, workworked, needneeded, cleancleaned2. 以不发音的e结尾的在词尾加-d。如:likeliked, livelived, useused, movemoved3. 以一个元音字母加一个辅音字母结尾的重读闭音节动词,先双写结尾的辅音字母,再加-ed。如:stopstopped, triptripped4. 以辅音字母加y结尾的动词,先把y变成i,再加-ed。如:studystudied, c

25、arrycarried, hurryhurried, marrymarried【不规则动词过去式】P七下142。【口 诀】一般过去时并不难,表示过去动作、状态记心间。 动词要用过去式,时间状语句末站。 否定句很简单,didnt站在动词原形前,其它部分不要变。 一般疑问句也好变,did放在句子前,主语、动词原形、其它部分依次站。 特殊疑问句也简单,疑问词加一般疑问句记心间。 最后一条请注意,动词过去式要牢记。【练 习】一、 用所给词的适当形式填空。(Be动词)一般过去时中的be动词有两种形式: was和were其中:was用于单数主语之后,构成I/she/he/It was句型。 were用于复

26、数主语和二人称you之后,构成You/We/They were句型。1. I _(be) a little girl at that time.2. When _(be) you born?3. Maria _(be) born in Cuba.4. The weather yesterday _(be) very cold.5. They _(be) very happy at Kangkangs birthday party yesterday.6. What _(be) the date the day before yesterday?7. _(be) you at home a mo

27、ment ago?8. Where _(be) your parents last Saturday?9. My mother _(be not) in Chongqing last month.10. How _(be) the weather this morning?二、 用所给词的适当形式填空。(情态动词)情态动词can的过去式为could,无人称变化。1. Jane _(can) speak Chinese well when she was only five.2. _(can) they dance the disco last year?3. I _(can not) slee

28、p well last night.4. What _(can) you do just now?三、 用所给词的适当形式填空。(实义动词)首先根据句中提供的时间短语确定是否该用过去式。然后判断该动词是属于规则动词还是不规则动词。规则动词直接加ed,不规则动词则需强化记忆。1. I _(like) reading books before. But now I dont. 2. She _(watch) TV late yesterday evening.3. We _(clean) up our classroom a moment ago.4. _ they _(have) any bre

29、ad this morning?5. What _ you _(do) the day before yesterday?6. Tom _(go) to visit the Great Wall last year.7. Mr. Wang _(sing) an English song just now.8. _ Lin Tao have a good time at the party last Sunday?9. We _(not porform) ballet yesterday. We _(recite) a poem.10. The wind yesterday _(blow) st

30、rongly.四、 句型转换。(Be动词)否定句:直接在was/were后加not。疑问句:将was/were提到主语之前。1. I was born in a small town.(变为一般疑问句) _ you _ in a small town?2. Sam was a little boy at that time.(变为否定句) Sam _ _ little boy at that time.3. His friends were in the library just now.(对划线部分提问) _ _ his friends just now?4. Were they very

31、happy yesterday?(作否定回答) No, _ _.5. Was your brother born in Chongqing?(作肯定回答) Yes, _ _.五、 句型转换。(情态动词)肯定句:直接在could后加not.疑问句:将could提到主语之前。1. I could sing English songs when I was five.(变一般疑问句) _ you _ English songs when you were five?2. The boy could ride a bike last year.(变否定句) The boy _ _ a bike las

32、t year.3. They could play a game yesterday.(对划线部分提问) What _ they _ yesterday?4. Could your friends cook food last Sunday?(作肯定回答) Yes, _ _.六、 句型转换。(实义动词)否定句:didnt + 还原动词疑问句:Did + 主语 + 还原动词1. I went to Sichuan with my friends during summer holidays.(变否定句) I _ _ to Sichuan with my friends during summer

33、 holidays.2. She recited a poem at Kangkangs birthday party.(变一般疑问句) _ she _ a poem at Kangkangs birthday party?3. They did their homework half an hour ago.(变否定句) They _ _ their homework half an hour ago.4. Tom sang a song beautifully yesterday.(对划线部分提问) What _ Tom _ yesteray?5. Jim took many pictur

34、es in winter holidays.(变一般疑问句) _ Jim _ many pictures in winter holidays?6. Did the kid hurt himself just now?(做否定回答) No, _ _.7. They knew the girl in blue well?(对划线部分提问) Who _ they _ well?8. I forgot to close the door yesterday evening.(对划线部分提问) What _ you _ to do yesterday evening?现在(正在)进行时【定 义】现在(

35、正在)进行时表示说话的瞬间正在进行或发生的事情。如:They are singing and dancing happily now . 他们正在高兴地唱歌跳舞。 She is showing her friend around the city . 她正在带一位朋友游览城市。【结 构】主语+ be(am / is / are)+动词的-ing形式。肯定式疑问式否定式I am working.Am I working?I am not work.You are working.Are you working?You are not work.We are working.Are we work

36、ing?We are not work.They are working.Are they working?They are not work.He(She,It) isworking.Is he(she,it) working?He(She,It) is not work.肯定句形式:I + am 动词ing. 如:I am reading (read) an interesting story book now.She/He/It + is 动词ing. 如:Tom is reading (read) an interesting story book now.We/You/They +

37、are动词ing. 如:They are reading (read) an interesting story book now.否定句形式:直接在be(am, is, are)之后加not,其余照抄。如: I am not reading ( not read) an interesting story book now. Tom isnt reading ( not read) an interesting story book now. They arent reading ( not read) an interesting story book now.一般疑问句: 直接将be(a

38、m, is, are)提到主语之前,其余照抄。如:Is Tom reading (read) an interesting story book now? Are they reading (read) an interesting story book now?特殊疑问句:首先分析划线部分的意思,确定用哪个疑问词(what, where, who, when, which, whose, how, how many, how much, what shape, what colour, what doing, where going, what do),然后再将原句变为一般疑问句形式(即将b

39、e动词提到主语之前,其余的不变)。如:What time is Tom reading(read) an interesting story book?Where are they taking(take) pictures?【动词ing的构成规律】情况构成方法例词一般情况。加 -ingwash-washing; catch-catching;以不发音字母e结尾的动词先去e,再加-ingmake-making; ride-riding;以重读闭音节结尾的动词双写尾字母,再加-ingsit-sitting swim-swimming现在进行时的时间标志短语汇总:现在(正在)进行时常与一些固定的时

40、间短语搭配使用: now“现在”如: Jim is playing soccer now. right now= at the moment“此刻”如:The monkeys are climbing up the trees at the momnet. Look! Listen! “看啊!听啊!”如:Look! Mr. Lee is working on the computer. Listen! The birds are sing in the tree. Where is?问题的回答,暗指说话的时候。如:Where is your mom, Tom? Oh, she is cooki

41、ng in the kitchen. 前面早就阐明是现在的短文中。【练 习】一、 用所给词的适当形式填空。 1. My parents _(watch)TV now. 2. Look. Three boys _(run). 3. What _ your mother _(do)now? 4. _ your dog _ now?(sleep) 5. _ you _(listen)to music? Yes, I am. 6. Look, Miss Chen _ football.(play) 7. Tom and his sister _(wait)for you over there. 8.

42、Now Class 3 and Class 4_(have)a test. 9. Listen, someone _(sing)in the classroom. 10. Where is Zhang Yan? She _(talk)with her teacher in the teachers office. 11.The boy _ _ ( draw)a picture now.12. Listen .Some girls _ _ ( sing)in the classroom .13. My mother _ _ ( cut )some bread now.14. What _ you

43、 _ ( do ) now?15. Look . They _ _( have) an English lesson .16.They _ _(not ,play) basketball now.17.Look! the girls _ _(dance )in the classroom .18.What is our grandmother doing? She _ _(watch) TV. 19. Its 5 oclock now. We _ _(have)supper now20. The cats (run) in the garden now.二、 句型转换。1. Look! Lil

44、y is dancing.(改为一般疑问句) _ 2. Kate is looking for her watch.(改为否定句) _ 3. Mrs White is watching TV.(对划线部分提问) _ 4. I am doing homework.(改为否定句) _ 5. They are waiting for you at the library.(就划线部分提问) _三、 根据中文提示完成句子: 1. 小花不是在写作业,她在画画。 Xiao Hua _ _ homework. She _ _ pictures. 2. 今天李老师穿着一件红色的连衣裙。 Miss Li _ _

45、 a red dress today. 3. 你爷爷在看报纸吗? _ your grandpa _ the newspaper? 4. Tom和Jim在做什么? _ _ Tom and Jim _? 5. 他们是在打篮球还是在打排球? _ they _ basketball _ volleyball? 哈佛大学英语系研究,美国布什推荐。专为中小学生英语量身定做。官方网站: 哈佛大学英语教授研究组提供学英语简单吗?肯定会有许多学生说:“难死了”。为什么有好多学生对英语的学习都感到头疼呢?答案只有一个:“不得法。” 英语与汉语一样都是一种语言,为什么你说汉语会如此流利?那是因为你置身于一个汉语环境

46、中,如果你在伦敦呆上半年,保准说起英语来会非常流利。但很多中学生没有很好的英语环境,那么你可以自己设置一个英语环境,坚持“多说”、“多听”、“多读”、“多写”,那么你的英语成绩肯定会很出色。 一、多“说”。 自己多创造机会与英语教师多讲英语,见了同学,尤其是和好朋友在一起时尽量用英语去问候,谈心情这时候你需随身携带一个英汉互译小词典,遇到生词时查一下这些生词,也不用刻意去记,用的多了,这个单词自然而然就会记住。千万别把学英语当成负担,始终把它当成一件有趣的事情去做。 或许你有机会碰上外国人,你应大胆地上去跟他打招呼,和他谈天气、谈风景、谈学校只是别问及他的年纪,婚史等私人问题。尽量用一些你学过

47、的词汇,句子去和他谈天说地。不久你会发现与老外聊天要比你与中国人谈英语容易的多。因为他和你交谈时会用许多简单词汇,而且不太看重说法,你只要发音准确,准能顺利地交流下去。只是你必须要有信心,敢于表达自己的思想。 如果没有合适的伙伴也没关系,你可以拿过一本书或其它什么东西做假想对象,对它谈你一天的所见所闻,谈你的快乐,你的悲伤等等,长此坚持下去你的口语肯定会有较大的提高。 二、多“听” 寻找一切可以听英语的机会。别人用英语交谈时,你应该大胆地去参与,多听听各种各样人的发音,男女老少,节奏快的慢的你都应该接触到,如果这样的机会少的话,你可以选择你不知内容的文章去听,这将会对你帮助很大,而你去听学过的

48、课文的磁带,那将会对你的语言语调的学习有很大的帮助。 三、多“读”。 “读”可以分为两种。一种是“默读”。每天给予一定时间的练习将会对你提高阅读速度有很大的好处,读的内容可以是你的课本,但最好是一些有趣的小读物,因为现在的英语高考越来越重视阅读量和阅读速度。每道题的得分都与你的理解程度有很大关系,所以经过高中三年阅读的训练后,你必定会在高考中胜券在握。 另一种是“朗读”这是学语言必不可少的一种学习途径。 四、多“写” 有的同学总是抱怨时间紧,根本没时间写作文。其实“写”的形式很多,不一定就写作文才提高写作能力。比如写下你一天中发生的一些重要的事情,或当天学了某一个词组,你可以创设一个语境恰如其

49、份地用上这个词。这样即可帮你记住这个词的用法,又可以锻炼你的写作能力,比如学“wish”一词时,可写一小段如下: The teacher often asks us what we want to be in the future.My good friend Tom wishes to be a soldier.However,Im different .I wish I were a teacher in the future.But my mother wishes me to be a doctor. 只几句话:但wish的几种用法已跃然纸上,这样写下来印象会深刻得多,这样比死记硬背w

50、ish的用法也有趣轻松的多。 学习英语不用花大块的时间,10分钟的散步可以练说,吃完饭后可以读一会儿英语小说,睡前听几分钟英语,可以使你得到更好地休息只要你每天抽出一些时间来练英语,你的英语成绩肯定会很快提高的。 背英语单词技巧 1、循环记忆法 艾宾浩斯遗忘曲线 人的大脑是一个记忆的宝库,人脑经历过的事物,思考过的问题,体验过的情感和情绪,练习过的动作,都可以成为人们记忆的内容。例如英文的学习中单词、短语和句子,甚至文章的内容都是通过记忆完成的。从记到忆是有个过程的,这其中包括了识记、保持、再认和回忆。有很多 人在学习英语的过程中,只注重了学习当时的记忆效果,孰不知,要想做好学习的记忆工作,是要下一番工夫的,单纯的注重当时的记忆效果,而忽视了后期的保持和再认同样是达不到良好的效果的。 在信息的处理上,记忆是对输入信息的编码、贮存和提取的过程,从信息处理的角度上,英文的第一次学习和背诵只是一个输入编码的过程。人的记忆


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