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1、上外附小教师课堂实录与反思教师_华亚芳_学科英语日期2013年 5月 27日班级二(5)班课题Unit 10 Please do not talk in the library.教学目标1. 复习Unit10的基本句型,Please do not 学会制定学校规则。2. 复习歌曲If youre happy. 创编一首新歌。教学重、难点句型You cant do 与Do not do 同义句之间的转换。课堂实录一.T: Hello, everyone. Lets have a dictation first. Open your dictation book, write down the t

2、itle of Unit 10. Please do not talk in the library.OK. Now lets begin, lets draw some words. 1, 喝 2,看书的看 3,说话4,关门的关5, 关着的。(Pass the students some exercise paper.)Now pass it along. Then do it quickly. I will give you six minutes. (巡视学生做练习的情况。六分钟后学生把默写本和练习纸传上来。)二. T: There are some differences betwee

3、n “关门的关”and “关着的”. The first one is a verb, close or shut. The second one is an adjective, closed. T: Now lets check the answers of the following questions. Number one, what day is it today?Jack: It is Monday.T: Capital m or small m?Ss: Capital m.T: Yes, 想一想还有哪些单词首字母要大写的。Eric:I know. Tuesday.T: Good

4、. 谁来归纳一下,如一周七天都要大写。Tiger:月份要大写。Susan: 地点要大写。Johnasson:节日要大写。T: Good. You know Childrens day is coming. Childrens Day. Capital c. Do you know any other festivals?Jack: Mothers Day.Jane: Teachers Day.T: 好友什么单词要大写吗?Willson: I 在句子中作为我时都要大写。Jack:一个句子的首字母要大写。T: Clever. OK, the next one. What can we do in

5、the cinema?Flora: We can have some drink.T: We usually say We can have a drink.Alice: We can see a movie.T: Good. Can you spell movie?Ss: Yes, M-O-V-I-E, movie.T: OK, Anything else?Ryan: We can eat biscuits.T: Great!Catharine: We can eat foods.T: Im sorry You cant say it like this. Food, no s.我们一般不这

6、样表达。OK, next question. What cant we do in the park?Jane: We cant walk on the grass.Jack: We cant drive a car.Andy: We cant smoke.T: Wonderful!David: We cant pick flowers.Lucy: We cant fight.T: Right. We cant fight anywhere.Ryan: We cant fish.T: Great. Lets talk about the next question: Where can we

7、borrow a book?Ss: Library. T: Spell the word together.Ss: L-I-B-R-A-R-Y, library.T: Good! 订正D号本时一次通过哦。Lets talk about the next question. Can you walk on the grass?Ss: No, we cant.T: Good. Look at the sentence. You cant run in the classroom. 同义句。_ _run in the classroom. _run in the classroom.Jack: Ca

8、n not run in the classroom. T: No. thats not right. Look dont = you cant. So who knows?Jane: Dont run in the classroom. T: Yes. How about the first two blanks. Anyone knows? Dont = Do not 缩略形式/ 完整形式 Now lets make rules at school.Micle: Please do not run at school.Alan: Please do not sleep at school.

9、Flora: Please do not shout at school.Tiger: Please do not jump.Willson: Summer, can we use we cant T: Yes. But pay attention, when we make rules, we usually use dont. The rules are for everyone, not only for us. Alice, you are busying playing with your pencil. Can you stop now?三T: Childrens Day is c

10、oming. How do you feel?Jack: I feel happy. T: Can you tell me why?Jack: Because mother give me a present.T: Mother will give you a present. Listen, will give. How do you feel, Flora?Flora: I feel excited because mother can give me a special gift.T: Ooh, a special gift. 特别的礼物。Cathy:I feel happy, too.

11、 Because I can eat sweets.T: Good job. Now lets make sentences. Childrens day is coming. I feel _because Lily: Childrens day is coming. I feel happy because I can eat sweets.T: Good. You did well. For me I feel unhappy because my daughter will ask for presents.四T: Now lets have a break, sing a song

12、together. If youre happy.Ss: Sing and act.T: Lets make a new song. Listen, shake your body. If youre happy and you know it shake your body. Who can make the similar sentence?Armstrong: If youre happy and you know it jump twice.T: Good.Anna: If youre happy and you know it song a song , la la la.Selin

13、a: If youre happy and you know it turn around.Tiger: If youre happy and you know it give some coins.Ss/T: Ha ha ha, interesting.Jenny: If youre happy and you know it nod your head.Susan: If youre happy and you know it comb your hair.T: OK. Times up. Todays homework. First, make a new song like this.

14、 Second, 订正D号本。 Classes over. Please wait and do eye exercises. 教学反思 这是一节第十单元的复习课,我希望形成一种新的复习课形式。即先让学生默写单词,再做一份句型练习卷来看看学生对本单元句型的掌握情况。课的前八分钟完成了这项练习。然后就是跟学生做的一些口语的训练也是围绕着这一单元的句型展开,拓展了句型Childrens Day is coming. I feel _because课的最后五分钟,让带学生唱了一首歌If youre happy. 并讲学生编创一首新的歌曲。其实这也是一个复习动词词组的方式,让学生会运用更多的动词词组。 还是第一次认真仔细的看自己上的课,很新奇,因为是复习课,学生学习的状态有点松散,我也没有上新课时充满激情。但学生对于句型的掌握情况很不错。大部分学生能正确运用句型。这节课我统计了一下回答问题的学生,共有16个,占了学生总数的三分之二,有几个学生发言特别积极,也有几个学生一节课都没举手发过言。我也没注意要提醒他们发言,这是作为老师的一个失误,


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