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1、音标元音课件元音的字母Aa Ee Ii Oo Uu英语国际音标表(4848个)元音(20个)单 元音 长元音 /i:/ /:/ /u:/ /:/ /:/ 短元音 / / / / / /e/ / 双 元音 合 口 双元音 /e/ /a/ / / /a/集 中 双元音 / /e/ / 辅音(2828个)轻辅音 /p/ /t/ /k/ /f/ / /s/ 浊辅音 /b/ /d/ /g/ /v/ / /z/ 轻辅音/ts/ / /t/ /tr/ /h/ 浊辅音/dz/ / /d/ /dr/ /r/鼻音 /m/ /n/ / 半元音 /w/j/ 边音/ i:i:(微笑音)发此音时,嘴微微张开,舌尖稍微抵住

2、下齿,嘴角尽量往两旁移动,成微笑状,振动声带。 we wi:, seesi:, threeri:, sheepi: p, fieldfi: ldWe see three sheep in the field.Chinese extremely feeling agree please dreamachieve believereceive conceivei:ii嘴微微张开,比发i:时微开 ,舌尖稍抵下齿,舌前部抬高,口型扁平。嘴角两旁肌肉要比发i:时略为放松。 Timtim, six siks, fishfi iivisit limit English ticket pretty diffi

3、culty busy buildee嘴形扁平,舌尖抵下齿,舌自然平放 Tedted, helphelp, redred,sellsel, sevensevn, eggegTed helped Red sell seven eggs.字母:e net belt字母组合:ea heaven heade 嘴张大,嘴角尽量拉向两边,下巴往下压,舌尖抵下齿。 thatt, manmn, hashz, fatft, catktThat man has a fat cat. 3: : :舌身平放,舌中部伸向硬腭,但不要接触到硬腭,舌部肌肉紧张。双唇微微张开. .thirty: ti, personp: sn

4、, learnl: n, verbv: bThirty persons learned verbs. : :字母组合:ear early heard字母组合:er prefer certain字母组合:ir dirty skirt字母组合:or world worth字母组合:ur hurt purse字母组合:our journal字母组合:ere were 舌身平放,嘴稍稍张开,舌中部伸向硬腭,但不要与之接触,双唇扁平,口部肌肉、舌头一定要放松轻声,非重读音节里Politep lait, American merikn awake weikThe polite American awake

5、s. 字母:a about along字母:e open president字母:o today second字母:u support suggest字母组合:er: eager performance字母组合:or: actor doctoru: u: 类似拼音“u”或汉字 “乌”,但嘴形略扁,上下唇微微撅起,直流一个小气孔,上下齿则微张,声带肌肉略为紧张,振动声带。Suesu:, blewblu:, twotu:, blueblu:, balloonb lu: nSue blew two blue balloons.u:u:字母:u rude字母:o improve字母组合:ue blue

6、字母组合:oe shoe字母组合:oo soon 字母组合:ui fruit字母组合:ou route字母组合:ou soup u u 上下唇微微撅起,形成的气孔要比发u:时大一些。Wolfwulf, pullpul, woodenwudn, hookhukThe wolf pulled wooden hooks.uu字母:u put字母:o woman字母组合:oo cooker wood字母组合:oul could : : 类似拼音“o”。双唇收圆,并向前突出,微紧张,舌身向后缩,振动声带。像公鸡“喔喔喔”打鸣声。Paul p: l, caughtk: t, all: l, ballb:

7、lPaul caught all the balls. : :字母:a always small字母:o long cost字母组合:au fault字母组合:augh daughter 字母组合:aw awful字母组合:ough thought字母组合:oa abroad aboard 双唇收圆,向前微突起,发音强而短促。 Cockkk, locklk, dogdg, boxbksThe cock locked the dog in the box. 字母:o hot dog box hospital字母:a what wash wantcar farm card arm garden f

8、ast class last glass / / a a 舌中部向硬腭抬起,但不要与之接触;舌尖和舌端两侧轻触下齿。onewn, dumpdmp, trucktrk, bumpbmp, busbsOne dump truck bumped one bus. 字母:o love won字母:u fun study字母组合:oo blood flood字母组合:ou enough双元音:由两个元音拼合而成ei: ei: 口型由半开到扁平Maymei, bakebeik, eighteit, cakekeikMay baked eight cakes.字母:a fate字母组合:ai main字母组

9、合:ay pay字母组合:ei eightai:ai:口型由大到小Mikemaik, rideraid, whitewait, bikebaik Mike rides a white bike.字母:i China字母:y fly字母组合:ey eye字母组合:ie pie字母组合:ui guide字母组合:igh flight字母组合:eigh heightauau:口型从大到小aa重读,uu轻读。 ouraur, cowkau, foundfaund,househausOur cow found our house.字母组合:ou proud字母组合:ow allow字母组合:ough b

10、ough u: u: 口型由扁到圆thoseuz, ownerun, rowru, olduld, boatbutThose owners rowed old boats.字母:o hope字母组合:oa boat字母组合:oe toe字母组合:ou soul字母组合:ow grow字母组合:ew sew i :i :口型由圆到扁,前重读后轻读。joydi, toytiJoy plays those toys with a boy.字母组合:oy toy字母组合:oi choicei i :eari, hearhi beerbi herehiMy ears cant hear because

11、of the beer here. 字母组合:ear hear字母组合:ere here字母组合:eer beer字母组合:ea idea bearb, carek thereI cant bear you care bear there.字母组合:air air字母组合:are share字母组合:ear bear字母组合:ere there字母组合:eir their 易混淆的元音i:sheepleastleave ishiplistlivei: realgreetmeateirailgreatmainibitliftwille betleftwell ebedleglend badlaglande edgefellwetei agefailwaitebedleglend badlaglande edgefellwetei agefailwait a: cart lark march cut luck much: last sharp heart lost shop hotbossshotl


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