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1、我国医疗设备融资租赁公司风险管理研究 摘 要 1999 年融资租赁开始渗透到我国医疗设备销售市场,融资租赁方式在医疗设备销售领域的引入为我国医院利用社会资本,引进先进医疗设备发挥了重要作用,并在最近几年有了一定的快速发展。随着我国金融体制和医疗政策改革的不断深入,医疗市场对这种医疗设备融资租赁的需求越来越大,但实际情况是,医疗设备融资租赁公司的发展过程中并不很顺利,主要原因是目前国内对于医疗设备融资租赁风险较大,医疗设备融资租赁公司风险管理相对落后。因而加强对医疗设备融资租赁公司风险管理,已成为推动和发展我国医疗设备融资租赁公司发展的重要前提之一。 本论文从医疗设备融资租赁公司风险产生的原因分

2、析出发,对医疗设备融资租赁公司风险进行识别研究并对目前医疗设备融资租赁公司风险进行了详细的分类探索。接着,论文对医疗设备融资租赁公司风险进行了评价分析,并运用目前国际上最常用的 CAMELS 评价系统对医疗设备融资租赁公司进行了风险评价实证研究。在此基础上,论文对医疗设备融资租赁公司风险防范进行了探讨。指出了目前我国医疗设备融资租赁公司风险管理当中存在的问题,对产生这些问题的原因进行了详细的剖析。最后对目前我国医疗设备融资租赁风险管理提出了针对性的建议。 要研究我国医疗设备融资租赁公司风险管理,必须首先明确风险产生的以下几个原因:医疗设备融资租赁内在特征导致风险。由于医疗设备融资租赁公司开展业

3、务过程中,涉及的当事人很多,一般情况下会有医院、设备生产厂家或代理商,最终设备是要交付给医院使用,医院支付租金给医疗设备融资租赁公司,这种以偿还本息为条件的资金所有权的分离能否最终实现,相当大的程度取决于医院对租赁设备的使用效率、经营管理的效益及其自身的财务状况,一旦医院经营管理不善,财务发生危机,医院对医疗设备融资租赁公司租金的偿还就会发生问题。另外,生产厂家的延迟交货,商务运作过程中运输人装卸发生故障等都会加大医疗设备融资租赁公司风险的产生。外部运行环境因素诱发风险。我国医疗设备融资租赁业尚处于起步阶段,相关的融资租赁政策和制度不健全或滞后,是引发我国医疗设备融资租赁公司风险管理研究 租赁


5、性,也会增加医疗设备融资租赁公司面临的风险。 接着,针对上述我国医疗设备融资租赁公司风险产生的原因,论文对医疗设备融资租赁公司风险的识别进行了详细分析。包括风险识别的意义、风险识别的步骤、风险识别的方法等。在对医疗设备融资租赁公司风险识别的基础上,论文提出了目前我国医疗设备融资租赁公司面临的风险及其表现形式:有来自承租人的债权和物权风险,有来自供货商的所有权无效风险,来自投资人的流动性风险及融资风险,还有来自监管部门的税收风险和政治风险,最后还有来自医疗设备融资租赁公司自身的租赁资产残值风险。 然后,论文还对我国医疗设备融资租赁公司的风险进行了评价与防范策略分析。运用目前美国金融管理当局对金融

6、机构风险评价的 CAMELS 体系方法,从资本充足性、资产质量、管理状况、盈利能力和流动性到市场敏感性六个方面,来反映和衡量金融机构风险管理能力,并对我国 XL 医疗设备融资租赁公司进行了实证研究。在医疗设备融资租赁公司风险防范策略方面,论文主要从医疗设备融资租赁公司自身的角度,从成立风险管理委员会、建立内部风险预警机制及加强公司项目流程管理来防范公司风险。 接下来,论文对我国医疗设备融资租赁风险管理存在的问题及成因进行了详细的分析。对于存在的问题,主要有以下几个方面:宏观环境有待改善。目前,我国对于医疗设备融资租赁的相关法律法规不健全使得医V我国医疗设备融资租赁公司风险管理研究 疗设备风险管


8、于医疗设备融资租赁在中国的发展阶段,风险管理在业务中的导入仍仅限于极少数几家医疗设备融资租赁公司,其风险管理的水平也还是仅仅停留在加强担保,保证等手段上。 对于以上我国医疗设备融资租赁公司风险管理目前所存在的问题,主要成因如下:传统计划经济对人们风险意识的影响。很多现今的医疗设备融资租赁公司管理者都是从原来传统计划经济的管理者而来,他们的风险意识相对来说还受原来计划经济的影响较重。法规上没有风险管理标准。由于医疗设备融资租赁在我国的发展时间不久,相应的法律法规并不完善。外部监督不力。目前,我国对医疗设备融资租赁监督标准不统一,各相关监督主体之间缺乏信息横向沟通,并没有发挥到应有的作用。行业从业

9、者人员素质相对偏低及相应的内控不到位。 最后,论文指出了加强我国医疗设备融资租赁公司风险管理的针对性建议:政府在宏观政策上创造良好的经营环境。国家结合宏观调节目标,针对某类医疗行业的承租医院设立租赁信用保险基金,为解决我国基层中小医院医疗设备融资问题设立基层医院信用保险机构,配合国家医疗机构改革方案的推进。医疗设备融资租赁行业协会加强风险管理。建立完善医疗设备融资租赁行业协会,形成租赁产业链,促进行业发展和风险控制。建立化解风险的环境协调机制。针对极个别医院逃废债务的现象,可遵循政府协调、多方参与、综合治理、区别对待、减少风险和优化资源配置的原则,约束相关承租医院的赖帐、逃债行为。医疗设备融资

10、租赁公司建立风险内控机制。医疗设备融资租赁公司树立风险意识。医疗设备融VI我国医疗设备融资租赁公司风险管理研究 资租赁公司应树立在医疗设备租赁业务当中的风险防范意识,充分认识防范化解风险的紧迫性和重要性,明确防范风险的指导思想。 本论文展开的对医疗设备融资租赁公司风险识别和风险评价和实证研究及防范策略研究具有创新性,对医疗设备融资租赁公司风险管理建议的探讨也有针对性。但是限于作者的能力,对此所作的研究有不尽人意之处,医疗设备融资租赁公司的风险管理必须建立在医疗产业链的基础上,医疗设备融资租赁公司的风险控制呈动态运行状态,是一个闭合的运行结构,由此构成的科学规范的风险管理体系才能保证租赁资金安全

11、性、流动性、赢利性,也才有医疗设备融资租赁公司的健康成长。关于这一动态宏观系统的风险管理更具实际意义,这方面的内容也有待于今后更深入地研究。关键词:医疗设备,融资租赁,风险识别,风险管理VII我国医疗设备融资租赁公司风险管理研究 Abstract Financial leasing started to infiltrate into Chinese medical equipment market in 1999. It helps Chinese hospitals to utilize the social capital and import the advanced medical

12、equipment. In recent years, it developed very well. But, with the innovation of Chinese financial system and iatrical policy, the development of financial leasing company in the medical equipments is not very well, mainly because the risk of the financial leasing is very high and the risk management

13、 on the financial leasing company in medical equipment lags behind the times. So, to improve the risk management of the financial leasing company in medical equipment is one of the prerequisites to the development of the financial leasing company in medical equipment in China This paper starts to an

14、alyze what causes the risk of financial leasing company in medical equipments, then to distinguish the risk and detail the risk catalogs. After that, the paper gives a comprehensive evaluation of the risk in financial leasing company in medical equipment, using the popular CAMELS system to execute a

15、 case study of financial leasing company. Based on what discussed ahead, the paper probes into the precautions of the risk management, points out what problems exist in the risk management of Chinese financial leasing company in medical equipment and decompose the causes of the problems. At the end,

16、 the paper gives the suggestions against the causes of the problems on the risk management of Chinese financial leasing company in medical equipment In order to research on the risk management of Chinese financial VIII 我国医疗设备融资租赁公司风险管理研究 leasing company in medical equipment, the paper at first makes

17、 it clear that the causes of the risk: the inherent characteristics of the financial leasing in medical equipment cause the riskBecause during the transaction of the financial leasing business in medical equipment, many litigants are concerning. Generally speaking, the lessee hospital, manufacturer

18、of the equipment or agencies of the equipment. The hospitals use the device and pay the rental to the financial leasing company. Whether the transaction that payment of the principal plus interest as a must for the separation of the capital and the ownership can be realized, mainly depends on the ef

19、ficiency of the usage of the equipment of the hospital, the operation of the hospital and the finance situation of the hospital. Once the operation of the hospital is not smooth and the hospital encounters crisis, the payment of the hospital for the principle and interest to the financial company wi

20、ll be in trouble. If the manufacturer of the equipment have a delay for delivery, or there is a trouble in the cargo ship, the risk of the financial leasing company will increase. The external environment factors cause the risk. The financial leasing in medical equipment just starts in China, the re

21、lated policy and regulation need to be improved. This is the important causes of the risk of the financial leasing company. In recently years, even though the government issued some regulation, the regulation need to be perfected. The innovation of the financial system and the irotrial policy will c

22、ause the risk. The change of financial system and market, increased the risk of the financial leasing company in medical equipment. The economic chaos in Chinese financial market and the hot of the economy in recent years in China, make the financial leasing company lace of the competitiveness compa

23、red with the banks. At the same time, the international and domestic politics, economics, the exchange IX我国医疗设备融资租赁公司风险管理研究 rates fluctuation, burdened the hospitals which were using the foreign capital to leasing the medical equipment. The risk of many financial leasing company are on the rise. Now

24、adays, the characteristics of current medical and healthy system and the uncertainty of the innovation of the medical policy, will give more risk to the financial leasing company in medical equipmentAs for the causes of the risk on the financial leasing company in medical equipment in China, the pap

25、er gives a very detailed analyses on the identification of the risk in financial leasing company in medical equipment in China, including the significance of the risk identification, the step of the risk identification, the methods of the risk identification. Based on the identification, the paper d

26、escribed the risk on the Chinese financial leasing company in medical equipment, and the form of the expression. The main form of the risk expression are: creditors right and goods right risk from the lessee, the invalid ownership from the supplier, the fluidity and financing risk from the investors

27、, the tax and politics risk for the authorities, and the remain value of the leasing equipment from the financial leasing company itselfNext, the paper gives an evaluation and precaution for the risk of Chinese financial leasing company in medical equipment, using the CAMELS system which is used by

28、the American financial authority to evaluation the financial institutes, from capital adequacy, the assets quality, the management, the earnings quantity and quality, liquidity and sensitivity to the market, to reflect and measure the risk management of the financial institutes. The paper uses XL fi

29、nancial leasing company as a case for the CAMELS study. As for the precaution for the risk of Chinese financial leasing company X我国医疗设备融资租赁公司风险管理研究 in medical equipment, the paper standing on the leasing company angles, uses the way to set up a risk management committee, to form the precaution syste

30、m in the company and to enforce the standardization of the project management to preclude the risk of the financial leasing companyThen, the paper analyzes the problems of current risk management in financial leasing company in medical equipment. Mainly there are several problems as following: the m

31、acro environment needs to be improved. Nowadays, the law and regulation on the financial leasing company especially for the medical financial leasing company are limited. The criterion on accounting of financial leasing company difficults the risk management of financial leasing company. The authori

32、ty is not unified, many supervisor on the financial leasing company lead the chaos of the risk management of the financial leasing company. the medical industry and financial leasing industry are not good for the risk management on financial leasing company. The uncertainty of current Chinese health

33、 and medical industry innovation, gives trouble to the risk management of Chinese financial leasing company. Todays standards on the risk management of financial leasing company may be changed due to the industry environmental changing. Most financial leasing company pay little attention to the comp

34、any risk management. In recently year, the financial company are paying attention only on how to develop business, not to the risk management. Even in recently years, some risky cases happened in some financial leasing company, most have not summarize the lessons of the risky cases. the risk managem

35、ent method are based on the tradition ways. Due to the development of Chinese financial leasing company in medical equipment, the risk management in business development is only XI我国医疗设备融资租赁公司风险管理研究 limited to few financial leasing company. The way of risk management is only based on enforce warrant

36、, and guaranteeWhat are the causes to the problems in current Chinese financial leasing company in medical equipment? The paper believe: the affect of the traditional planning economy market. Many managers of the financial leasing company in medical equipment are from the managers of traditional nat

37、ional company. Their awareness of the risk is just based on the planning economy ways. there is no lay criterion on current risk management. Because the short history of financial leasing in China, the corresponding law is not developed the supervision is not very powerful. Nowadays, the supervision

38、 standards from different authorities are not the same. The different supervisors lack information communication and have no affect on the financial leasing industry. the employee in the industry are not qualified and the financial leasing companies lack corresponding internal control system In the

39、end, the paper gives some suggestions on improving the risk management of financial leasing company in medical equipment: The government should create a good environment for the financial leasing company in medical equipment. The government should combine macro regulation goal, to create the assuran

40、ce funds for the leasing hospitals in some areas to solve the credit problems in some small county hospitals in remote areas of China and to suit the innovation of Chinese health and medical industry. the association of the financial leasing in medical equipment should enforce the risk management. T

41、he industry should create the industry associations to improve the industrial chain and help the risk control. To create the dissolving system for the risk of financial leasing XII我国医疗设备融资租赁公司风险管理研究 company. For the few lessee who dont pay the rental, the government should set up a many-party-attend

42、-system. the financial leasing company in medical equipment should create the internal risk control system. The financial leasing company in medical equipment should have the awareness of the risk management. The companies should understand the importance and necessity of the precaution There is a n

43、ew idea on the research of risk identification, evaluation and case study and the precaution on Chinese financial leasing company in medical equipment. The discussion on the suggestion for the risk management of Chinese financial leasing company in medical equipment is directed against the current r

44、isk management problems. But due to the limitation of authors knowledge, some research on the issues mentioned above is not very satisfying. The risk management of financial leasing company in medical equipment must base on the medical industry chain. The risk management of financial leasing company

45、 in medical equipment is a dynamic procedure. It is in a cycling structure. Only base on the dynamic and cycling structure, can the risk management system assure the leasing capitals safety ,liquidity and profitability, and may the financial leasing company in medical equipment develop healthily. Th

46、e dynamic, macro system of risk management is practicalSo in the future, more research should be do on this areaKey Words: Medical Equipment ; Financial Leasing ; Risk Identification;Risk Management XIII 我国医疗设备融资租赁公司风险管理研究 目 录 第 1 章 绪 论 1 1.1 研究背景及研究意义.1 1.2 国内外研究现状2 1.3 本文的研究内容与主要框架4 第 2 章 医疗设备融资租赁

47、风险的界定6 2.1 融资租赁概念及特征.6 2.1.1 融资租赁概念.6 2.1.2 融资租赁特征.7 2.1.3 我国融资租赁历史回顾.7 2.1.4 融资租赁市场结构9 2.2 医疗设备融资租赁实质.12 2.2.1 医疗设备定义.12 2.2.2 医疗设备分类.13 2.2.3 医疗设备融资租赁定义.14 2.3 医疗设备融资租赁公司风险管理的界定.14 2.3.1 风险的定义14 2.3.2 风险管理的含义.15 2.3.3 医疗设备融资租赁公司风险的定义.16 2.3.4 医疗设备融资租赁公司风险的复杂性.17 第 3 章 医疗设备融资租赁公司风险产生原因及风险识别19 3.1 医

48、疗设备融资租赁公司风险产生原因19 3.1.1 医疗设备融资租赁业的内在特征导致风险.19 3.1.2 医疗设备融资租赁业的外部运行环境因素诱发风险.21 3.1.3 金融市场的变化和医疗卫生制度改革导致风险21 3.2 医疗设备融资租赁公司风险识别.22 3.2.1 风险识别的意义.22 3.2.2 风险识别的步骤.22 3.2.3 医疗设备融资租赁公司风险识别的方法23 3.3 医疗设备融资租赁公司面临的风险类型24 3.3.1 来自承租人的风险.25 3.3.2 来自供货商的风险.25 3.3.3 来自投资人的风险.26 3.3.4 来自监管部门的风险27 XIV 我国医疗设备融资租赁公

49、司风险管理研究 3.3.5 医疗设备融资租赁公司自有的风险.27 第 4 章 医疗设备融资租赁公司风险评价及防范29 4.1 CAMELS 方法及其评价体系.29 4.2 医疗设备融资租赁公司风险的综合衡量方法探析31 4.2.1 资本充足性.31 4.2.2 资产质量.33 4.2.3 管理状况.34 4.2.4 盈利能力.36 4.2.5 流动性.37 4.2.6 市场敏感性38 4.3 对 XL 医疗设备融资租赁公司风险评价的实证分析39 4.3.1 公司背景介绍.39 4.3.2 运用 CAMELS 方法对公司风险情况分析41 4.3.3 结论.44 4.4 医疗设备融资租赁公司风险防

50、范与控制44 4.4.1 成立公司风险管理委员会.45 4.4.2 建立公司风险预警系统.46 4.4.3 加强项目流程管理.47 第 5 章 医疗设备融资租赁公司风险管理存在问题及成因分析49 5.1 医疗设备融资租赁现状.49 5.1.1 医疗设备市场概述.49 5.1.2 医疗设备融资租赁市场.50 5.2 我国医疗设备融资租赁公司风险管理存在问题51 5.2.1 宏观环境有待改善.51 5.2.2 行业环境不利于风险管理.53 5.2.3 风险管理意识相对淡薄.54 5.2.4 风险管理手段相对落后.55 5.3 我国医疗设备融资租赁公司风险管理存在问题成因分析56 5.3.1 传统计

51、划经济对人们风险意识的影响.56 5.3.2 法规上没有风险管理标准.57 5.3.3 外部监督的不力.57 5.3.4 行业从业者人员素质相对偏低57 5.3.5 医疗设备融资租赁公司内部监控不到位58 XV我国医疗设备融资租赁公司风险管理研究 第 6 章 对医疗设备融资租赁公司风险管理的建议. 59 6.1 政府在宏观政策上创造良好的经营环境59 6.2 医疗设备融资租赁行业协会加强风险管理.60 6.3 建立化解风险的环境协调机制61 6.4 医疗设备融资租赁公司树立风险意识61 6.5 医疗设备融资租赁公司建立风险内控机制.62 结 束 语63 参考文献. 65 致 谢. 67XVI

52、我国医疗设备融资租赁公司风险管理研究 第 1 章 绪 论 1.1 研究背景及研究意义 我国的医疗设备融资租赁开始于 1999 年,这种新的交易形式一出现便以其便捷的操作流程,专业的管理方式,灵活的操作方式,得到医疗设备销售市场的广泛认可。目前在国内从事医疗设备融资租赁业务有一大批企业,如上海远东国际租赁,纽科金融租赁(现更名为美联信金融租赁),中国外贸金融租赁,新世纪国际租赁,浙江金融租赁股份,河北金融租赁等,尽管融资租赁在我国医疗设备销售市场发展的如火如荼,但相比国外而言仍然发展缓慢。“2006 年我国医疗设备市场销售额达 612 亿元人民币,其中1有融资租赁额不到 20 亿元人民币,租赁市场渗透率 不足 4%,而且租赁产品相对单一。而美国的医疗设备租赁市场渗透率高达 30%以上,日本达29.5%,台湾也达到 8%” 。中国医疗设备租赁市场相比国外发展的落后,这其中有我国租赁业整体大环境的原因,也有国家政策的因


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