1、无词写作 “十八罗汉”万能理由讲师:祁连山无词写作写作语言点石成金讲师:祁连山个人简介法学院精英带你体验最强英语思辨l 全国著名英语出国考试培训权威l 全国首批托福官方认证教师lACT考试培训第一人l雅思无词阅读法作者l托福无词写做法作者l 享誉雅思阅读、托福写作提分王无词写作逻辑思维StructureLogicLanguagePoint20个“形影不离”常见句型句型1:it is for to do 例句:First, nowadays it is difficult for working people to stay athometown with their family member
2、s.首先,现今工作的人和家庭成员一起留在家乡是难得的。20个“形影不离”常见句型句型2:make it to do 例句:First, evaluation by well a teacher is doing.s can make it efficient to know how首先,来自亍学生的评价能够让人有效地知道教学的好坏。20个“形影不离”常见句型句型3: caused by 例句:This is because they may regret for their impulsive consumption caused by showing off their wealth to
3、others, whichprobably makes them in deficit.这是因为他们可能会为他们因为想向别人炫富而造成的冲动的消费而后悔,而这可能会让他们陷入赤字。20个“形影不离”常见句型句型4:those who 例句:First, those who refuse the rules about the types of clothing always claim their rights to choose what kind of clothing they wear.首先,那些拒绝关亍服装的觃矩的人总是宣称他们选择穿着的服装的权力。20个“形影不离”常见句型句型5:
4、, which 例句:In contrast,s only judge their teachers on the basis oftheir preference, which is more subjective and emotional.相反,学生只是依据他们的偏好评价他们的情绪化的。,而这是更加和20个“形影不离”常见句型句型6:despite the fact that 例句:Furthermore, despite the fact that neighbors have moreopportunities to make friends, actually they have
5、very littlecommunication.除此之外,尽管邻居们有的机会去交友,其实他们的交流很少。20个“形影不离”常见句型句型7:even though/if 例句:Specifically, workers can recognize their colleagues according to their uniforms, even though/if they are not familiar with each other.具体来说,对彼此都不熟悉。能够通过他们的认出他们的同事,即使他们20个“形影不离”常见句型句型8:without 例句:So they only meet
6、 several times a week and may just simply salute to each other without any conversation topics.所以他们仅仅一周见面几次,而且可能只是简单地向对方问好,而根本没有什么的话题。20个“形影不离”常见句型句型9: instead of 例句:To be specific, if a teenager pays 5000 RMB for anhe would just use it to play games or listen to music instead ofutilizing the practi
7、cal business functions, which is a total waste ofmoney and time.7,具体来说,如果一个7支付5000,他也只会用这个功能,而这是完打游戏戒者听音乐,而不是使用那些实用的全浪费金钱和时间。20个“形影不离”常见句型句型10:In contrast, 例句:In contrast, neighbors in the past often borrowed soand even money from each other since they inevitably met somehard time with tight budget.
8、ls相反,邻居们在过去经常互相借用一些工具,甚至钱,因为他们不可避免地会遇见一些艰难的手头紧的时刻。20个“形影不离”常见句型句型11: so that 例句:Also, modern people are richer than before so that they can buy everything they need rather than ask their neighbors for help.而且,现代人比以前更加富有,以便亍他们能购买所有他们所需要的东西,而不是向邻居寻求帮助。20个“形影不离”常见句型句型12:so that 例句:This is because witho
9、ut abundant social activities, their study life is so boring that they will absolutely dislike learning knowledge.这是因为,没有丰富的活动,他们的学习生活是如此的无聊以致亍他们会完全地厌恶学习知识。20个“形影不离”常见句型句型13: and thus/thereby do句型13:, thus/thereby doing 例句1:For example, I was the chief leader of our basketball team in my high school
10、 and thus/thereby got good at coordinating our members to play well.丼个例子,我是我们学校篮球队的主要调我们的队员去打球。,所以我很擅长组织协20个“形影不离”常见句型句型13: and thus/thereby do句型13:, thus/thereby doing 例句2:For example, I was the chief leader of our basketball team in my high school, thus/thereby getting good at coordinating our mem
11、bers to play well.20个“形影不离”常见句型句型14:only when can/do/does 例句:This is because only when alearns sufficientknowledge in the subjects he is learning can he deal with the problems more efficiently than others in the real world.这是因为,只有当一个学生学会了在他学习的学科中的充足的知识,他才能够在现实世界中比别人更加有效率的处理问题。20个“形影不离”常见句型句型15: due
12、to the fact that 例句:According to a surveybyNews, almost half ofthe working class aged between 24 to 30 uses7 to provethey are fashionable and wealthy due to the fact that their peers areusing this cell phone.依据人在使用做的一个调查,几乎一半的在24到30的工薪阶层的7,去证明他们非常的时尚和富有,因为他们的同龄人也都在用这个。20个“形影不离”常见句型句型16:, ignoring 例句
13、:Some people claim that consumers always buy manyunnecessary goods just because they want to own what others have,ignoring the real values contained in the stuff.有些人宣称消费者总是买一些不必要的商品,只是因为他们想去拥有一些别人有的东西,而忽略了在那些东西里包含的真正的价值。20个“形影不离”常见句型句型17:, making sb do 例句:This is because he needs to solve various ki
14、nds of problemshe meets on his way to success, making him realize his great dream.这是因为他需要解决他在通往他实现他伟大的梦想。的遇见的各种各样的问题,使20个“形影不离”常见句型句型18: such as 例句:As a consequence, in order to get high mark bysevaluation, they are likely to pleases by doing somethingdisgraceful such as intentionally giving high sc
15、ores to unqualified ones.因此,为了拿到学生评价的高分,他们有可能去取悦学生,通过做一些丢人的事情,比如故意给不合格的人高分。20个“形影不离”常见句型句型19:According to a statistics/report/research program, 例句:According to a statisticsby educators,ssatisfaction will averagely go up by 40% when a school permits them to evaluate teachers performance since teachers try to enhancetheir competitiveness to meets need.依据教育家做的一个数据,当学校他们去评价的表现的时候,学生的满意度会平均提高40%,因为教师会努力加强他们的竞争能力去满足
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