



1、第十二章 国际商事合同基本结构与一般条款概述 教学目标:了解国际商事合同的结构、基本条款、文体特点,掌握国际商事合同的翻译原则与要点。 课堂讲练:一、国际商事合同概述1、定义与种类国际商事合同(International Commercial Contract),是营业地处于不同国家当事人之间为达成商业目的 而订立的 ,对当事各方都有法律约束力的协议。较为常见的国际商事合同包括:国际货物买卖合同(I nternatio nal Sales Con tract)、国际销售代理合同(In ternatio nal Age ncy Con tract)、国际技术转让合同 (In ternatio n

2、al Lice nse Con tract for Transfer of Tech no logy、国际商业定期贷款合同 (I nternatio nal Con tract for Commercial Term loa n )、国际保险合同(Intern ati onal In sura nee Con tract) > 国际工程承包合同(In ternatio nal Con tract for Con structi on project)、国际租赁合同(Intern ati onal Leas ing Con trac)、补偿贸 易合同( Compensation Trade

3、 Contrac)t 等等。尽管内容不同,但作为国际商事往来基本法律文件,其结构、一般性条款与文体特点方面,仍然存在 一定的固定模式,甚至相通之处。2、国际商事合同的基本结构与常用条款概述国际商事合同种类繁多,内容因人因事各异,但基本结构与常用条款相对统一与固定,具有格式化的特 点。一般来说,可以分为首部、正文、尾部:1) 首部 /约首( The Head/Non-operative Par)t任何一份国际商事合同的首部都是用于说明合同的“人、事、时、地”四个要素,又包括:( 1)、封面( Cover of the Contract)国际商事合同应加封面,以示正式并达到保存合同的目的,封面内容

4、通常应包括、当事人(二)、合 同标题 (三 )、签订日期 .例如:Dated May 9,2004A Co., LtdandB Co., LtdCollateral Management Agreement(2) . 合同标题( Title of the Contract)在说明合同类型 ,合同正文前面应有标题 , 该标题应与封面标题完全一致 .(3) . 合同编号 (Contract Agreement Number)合同编号一般置于合同标题的下方或右下方,也可以将合同编号置于标题的右上方,即合同第一页的右上角,合同编号方式可以由合同各方自行协商确定 ,没有统一格式 .、前提(Commenc

5、emen),包括两部分内容:、合同当事人基本信息,如合同双方名称、国籍、营 业地点、住所等;、有关合同签订的基本信息,比如合同号、签订日期、地点。这些内容通常通过格 式化的条款来表达 :例1、1).This Contract is made and entered into on April 7, 2004签( 订日期 )in Beijing City( 地点 ),by and between Beijing Motor Limited Company(hereinafter referred to as Party A), incorporated and existing under th

6、e Company Law of the PRC with its domicile at Beijing, and Dream Sales Limited Company(hereinafter referred to as Party B), incorporated and existing under the Newyork Corporations Code, USA with its domicile at Newyork City( 合同当事人基本信息 ).2) .THIS AGREEMENT is made on in by and among:(1) Cherry Autom

7、obile Co.Ltd., a company duly established under the laws of the People ' s Republic of China ( PRC“” ), with itsHead Office at No.1, Cherry Road, Northeast District, Wuhu City, 601122 (hereinafter referred to as the Party A);(2) Xinhua Automotive Finance (China) Limited, a company duly establish

8、ed under the laws ofndPRC, with its Head Office at 32nd Floor, Shanghai Information Tower, 211 Century Avenue, Pudong NewDistrict, Shanghai 200120 (hereinafter referred to as the Party B); and(3) Noka Sales Co.Ltd., a company duly established under the laws of PRC, with its Head Officeat (hereinafte

9、r referred to as the Party C).请注意,、当事人名称第一次出现在合同当中一定要写明全称,只有在其后加注(herei nafter referred toas the Party A/B/C)的情况下,在后面重复出现时才能称呼为甲方、乙方等。、如果当事人是法人,应 标明其主要机构所在地,主要有:总部(Head Office'Principal Executive Office)、法定地址(Domicile )、营业地(A Place of BusinesS)注册地(Registered Office) 、如果当事人是法人,应标明其性质或类型,各国公司法对此有不

10、同的划分标准,如我国公司法下的分类为:有限责任公司(Limited Liability Compa ny )、股份有限公司(Joi nt Stock limited Compa ny)英国公司法的分类大致为:不上市(或私人)有限公司(Private Limited Company,即Ltd.,在股东人数限制与 股东责任方面,与我国有限责任公司类似,但没有最低资本要求)、公众有限公司(Public Limited Company, 即Plc.,与上市的股份有限公司类似),在美国,会同时使用“ Company”和”Corporation”表达“公司”的 意义,并且存在区别,” Corporati

11、on”一般指按照公司法正式注册成立的公司,而“Compa ny” 一般指不很正式的公司,比如行会性质组织或合作社等。在英国,“ Compa ny”则指按照公司法正式注册成立的公司。( 2)、引述语 /前言/鉴于条款( Whereas Clause)该条款通常以 Whereas 开头,所以称鉴于条款,意为“ considering that”, 用来说明订立合同背景、目的、 意图,根据英美法“禁止反言”(ESTOPPEL FROM REPRESENTATION)的原则,当事方都不能主张与其内容相反事实,所以,就法律意义而言,该条款可以作为法院或仲裁机构解释合同的依据。当然,有 无该条款,并不影响

12、合同的效力。例 2、 (1). Party A, a non-banking financial institution whose incorporation has been approved by China Banking Regulatory Commission, may grant a buyer'scredit facility according to law for the purpose of financing the payments for the products of Party B;(2). Party B and Party C entered in

13、to the Vehicle of GM Brand Dealer Sales&Service Agreement, according to which Party C, as the dealer authorized by Party B, may purchase the vehicles from Party B.(3). Party A, Party B and Party C hereby unanimously agree that Party A provide a facility to Party C for the purchase of the vehicle

14、s by Party C from Party B.NOW THEREFORE, Party A, Party B and Party C, through adequate consultation on the basis of equality and out of their free will, agree as follows in respect of the facility granted by Party A to Party C for its purchase of the vehicles from Party B.鉴于条款内容因为合同内容不同而有变化,但其最后一句通

15、常较为固定。常用的表达方式有:例 2、1)、 NOW, THEREFORE, the parties agree as follows:2)、In consideration of the mutual covenant, it is agreed by and between Party A and Party B as follows: 该句衔接合同正文与前言,规范当事方权利义务的条款自此开始。2)、合同正文( Operative Part)该部分规定合同各方具体权利义务,由条款(Clause)组成。国际商事合同种类不同,在该部分的内 容也就不同,不过,大致可以将合同正文分成一般性条款与该

16、类合同具有的特殊条款。( 1)、一般性条款,通常为绝大多数国际商事合同所必备,也可以称为共通条款,正文中的一般性条款 通常包括如定义条款、声明与保证条款、合同修改条款、通知条款、不可抗力条款、违约责任以及补救 条款、适用法律以及合同争议解决途径条款、合同期限条款等。 、定义条款( Definition Clause)该条款用于对界定或描述在合同里频繁出现或者含义复杂的概念或术语的意义,使得合同结构简洁,避 免解释合同时歧义发生。例 3、1)、 1、 DefinitionFor the purpose of this Contract, the following terms shall hav

17、e the meanings defined below:“Document”Document shall include an amendment or supplement to, or replacement of that document .2) 、In this Contract, the following terms have the following meaning unless the context otherwise requires:3) In this Agreement: 在进行定义条款翻译时应注意,在定义条款已下定义的词语在以后出现时,首字母应大写,表明所使用

18、 的是定义条款中的概念。 、陈述、保证和承诺条款( Representation, Warranties and Undertaking)s有时该部分也简称为“ Representation and Warranties”合同各方以此就某些基本事实的真实性向对方做 出保证和承诺。例 4、 In accordance with the provisions of this Article, Seller warrants that the Equipment will be free of Defects in material and workmanship, insofar as the E

19、quipment fails to meet the requirements of the Specification. 、法律适用与争议解决条款( Governing Law and Dispute Resolution/Settlemen)t有关该的表达还可视需要细分为: A、法律适用条款(Governing Law or Choice of Law)B、争议解决条 款(Dispute Resolution/Settlemen)C、仲裁调解条款(Arbitration and Mediation)该部分就合同适用的 法律以及争议发生时采用的解决方式与解决争端地点做出规定。例 5、本合同的

20、订立、效力、解释、执行以及合同争议的解决,均受中华人民共和国法律管辖。凡中国 正式公布的法律对本合同有关事项没有规定的,参照国际商业惯例。 、“不可抗力条款(Force Majeure and Notice”为避免纠纷,尽量减轻或免除己方违约责任,国际商事合同的当事方会通过“不可抗力条款“列举 可能出现的不可抗力事件。此类条款通常复杂冗长。例 6、 Where the performance hereof is hindered by or is impossible pursuant to the terms and conditions herein as a result of an e

21、vent of Force Majeure, including but without limitation to prohibition or acts by government, war, riot, hostility, strikes, fire, flood, earthquake or other acts of nature the affected Party shall notify the other Party thereof without delay within fifteen (15)days thereafter by registered airmail,

22、 courier service or facsimile transmission. 、保密条款(Confidentiality)保密条款要求合同当事人对合同文本内容以及合同签订以及履行过程中知悉的信息承担保密义务。例 6 、任何一方对本协议的内容和在履行本协议期间所接触、知晓、了解的其他一方或双方的商业秘密、 文件资料等均应予以保密。 、合同终止和解除条款(Termi nation and Rescission 请注意,因一方的违约行为使得另一方撤销合同,不再履行合同义务,作为一种违约救济方法,通 常称作解除合同,使用“ Rescission “,而”合同终止“通常指约定或法律规定的合同当

23、事人权利义务的 了结、结束,可以是正常情况下的权利义务的了结、结束,比如义务已经按照约定履行,或者债务相互 抵消,也可能是因为非正常情况,比如因违约而解除合同(具体可见合同法 91 条),所以,”合同终 止“意义范围要大于” 解除合同“,在翻译时使用” Termination “。不论是终止还是解除合同,都可在 本条款中约定相应的条件或情形。例 7、出现下列情形之一的,甲方有权解除本协议1)保证人或担保物不足以承担担保责任的;2)乙方与第三人间出现诉讼或其他纠纷,致使甲方的权益遭受或可能遭受损失的;(3)本协议履行期间,乙方在甲方开立的结算账户被查封或冻结的。 、通知条款(Notice)通知义

24、务是合同当事方重要的附随义务,合同一方在为一定合同行为之前应履行此义务,通知对方。该 条款通常列明通知送达的方式、有效的条件以及生效的时间、送达的地址等内容。例 8、 Unless otherwise stipulated herein, any and all of notices to either Party shall be deemed to have been served to that Part(y or the addressee):(1) at the moment of delivery if delivered by personal courier service;

25、or(2) after five(5) working days commencing from the date on which the notice is delivered for mail if delivered by mail; or(3) at the time of sending if delivered by fax, telex, telegraph or e-mail.A notice to Party A shall not be deemed to have been served to Party A unless and until it actually r

26、eceive such a notice.3)、约尾/合同最后条款( Final Clause) 国际商事合同的尾部,又可称为“约尾 /合同最后条款“,通常包括以下内容( 1)、合同文本数量、合同文字和效力( Languages and Counterparts例 9、 This Contract is executed in English and Chinese ,both of which being equally valid. In case of any conflict, discrepancy and ambiguity of interpretation, the Chinese version shall prevail.( 2)、结尾语 通常出现在当事人签字之前,表明签字人有此权限。例10、 In Witness whereof , the Parties hereto have caused this Contract to be executed by duly authorized representat


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