1、1MPF Research2022-2-142Main Methods-Incoherent Familyp Based on SBS Effectp Based on Modulated Single Laserp Based on TLS Arrayp Based on Mutli-Wavelength Fiber Laserp Based on Spectrally-Sliced Broadband Optical Sourcep OthersOur Research InterestnBased on Multi-Wavelength Fiber LaserWorks Reported
2、1、Continuously Tunable Microwave Photonic Filter Using a Multiwavelength Fiber Laser西班牙:Javier Abreu-Afonso, Antonio Dez, Jose Luis Cruz, and Miguel V. AndrsIEEE PTL, VOL. 24, NO. 23, DECEMBER 1, 20192022-2-145Fig. 1. (a) Experimental configuration of the multiwavelength fiber laser. FRM: Faraday ro
3、tator mirror. WDM: wavelength division multiplexer. LD: pump laser diode. PC: polarization controller. (b) Emission spectrum of the laser when = 4 mm. (c) Wavelength spacing (solid lines) and number of laser lines (dashed lines) as a function of2022-2-146Fig. 3. Transfer function of the filter and t
4、he corresponding laser emission spectrum for (a) and (b) = 1.95 mm, and (c) and (d) = 1.61 mm. Solid lines are experimental results and dashed lines are theoretical calculations.2022-2-147几个关系式:几个关系式:Fig. 4. (a) FSR as a function of the inverse of . Inset: central frequency of the first three bands
5、as a function of distance . (b) 3-dB bandwidth of the passbands as a function of distance .2022-2-1482、Tunable Multi-Tap Bandpass Microwave PhotonicFilter Using a Windowed Fabry-Prot Filter-BasedMulti-Wavelength Tunable Laser南洋理工大学,华中科技大学Junqiang Zhou, Student Member, IEEE, Songnian Fu, Feng Luan, M
6、ember, IEEE,Jia Haur Wong, Student Member, IEEE, Sheel Aditya, Senior Member, IEEE, Perry Ping Shum, Senior Member, IEEE,and Kenneth Eng Kian Lee, Member, IEEEJLT,VOL. 29, NO. 22, NOVEMBER 15, 20192022-2-149主要仪器器件: PM: 12GHZ 美国EoSpace VNA: 40MHZ-40GHZ 日本Anritsu 37369C; PD: 12GHZ 美国Newfocus 15442022-
7、2-1410Fig. 2. Optical spectra of (a) the ASE spectrum of the ring cavity without theuse of windowed FP filter and (b) the laser output versus the pump current.2022-2-1411Fig. 3. Optical and microwave spectra when the multi-wavelength laser had 40lasing wavelengths. (a) Measured multi-wavelength lase
8、r output. (b) Measuredfilter response2022-2-1412Fig. 4. Tuning of the filter response. (a) FWHM tuning by varying the numberof wavelengths used, with a fixed wavelength spacing of 40 GHz, and (b) tuningof the passband center frequency by setting the wavelength spacing to 40, 70,and 110 GHz, respecti
9、vely, with the number of wavelengths fixed at 25.2022-2-14133、A microwave photonic filter using a switchable multiple dual-wavelength erbium-doped fiber laser南洋理工大学:南洋理工大学:G Ning, J Q Zhou, P Shum, S Aditya, Vincent Wong and Desmond LimJ. Opt. A: Pure Appl. Opt. 10 (2019) 085304Figure 1. Schematic o
10、f the experimental setup. HNDSF represents high nonlinear dispersion shift fiber; PC represents polarization controller; EDFA represents erbium-doped fiber amplifier; PD represents photodetector; SMF represents single mode fiber.2022-2-14142022-2-1415Figure 2. (a) Multiple dual-wavelength laser when
11、 the output power of EDFA is 20 dB m. (b) Corresponding measured multi-tap filter response when the output power of EDFA is 20 dB m. (c) Multiple dual-wavelength laser after tuning when the output power of the EDFA is 20 dB m. (d) Corresponding measured filter response after tuning when the output p
12、ower of EDFA is 20 dB m.Figure 3. (a) Multiple dual-wavelength laser when the output power of EDFA is 28 dB m.(b) Corresponding measured filter response when the output power of the EDFA is 28 dB m. (c) Multiple dual-wavelength laser after tuning when the output power of the EDFA is 28 dB m. (d) Cor
13、responding measured filter response after tuning when the output power of the EDFA is 28 dB m.Figure 4. (a) Switched normal multiple wavelength laser spectrum with a span of 60 nm. (b) Corresponding measured filter response for resultant normal multiple wavelength. (c) Switched normal multiple wavel
14、ength laser spectrum after tuning with a span of 50 nm.(d) Measured filter response after tuning for resultant normal multiple wavelength.4、Reconfigurable Microwave Photonic Filter UsingMultiwavelength Erbium-Doped Fiber Laser香港理工大学:Xinhuan Feng, C. Lu, Member, IEEE, H.Y. Tam, Senior Member, IEEE, a
15、nd P. K. A. Wai, Senior Member, IEEEIEEE PTL,VOL. 19, NO. 17, SEPTEMBER 1, 2019Fig. 2. (a) Experimental (solid line) and simulated (dashed line) filter responseand (b) corresponding output spectrum of the EDFLFig. 3. Reconfiguration of the filter. (a) Q-factor adjustment: Q 9 (solid line) and Q 25 (
16、dashed line); (b) frequency tuning: f 2.988 GHz (solid line) and f 2.638 GHz (dashed line).5、Tunable photonic microwave filter usingsemiconductor fibre laser L.R. Chen and V. Page加拿大麦吉尔大学:Photonic Systems Group, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, McGill University, Montreal,QC, Canad
17、a H3A 2A7ELECTRONICS LETTERS 13th October 2019 Vol. 41 No. 21Fig. 1 Schematic of tunable photonic microwave filter and tunable SFLincorporating HiBi Sagnac loopFig. 2 Microwave filter response using 9.5 km SMF and 33 km SMF for=3.2 nm (top curves) and =1.6nm (bottom curves) measuredresponses (solid lines) and FSRs; simulated responses (dashed line
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