2012高考英语一轮回扣 词汇和语法精练详解系列6_第1页
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1、2012高考英语一轮回扣:词汇和语法精练详解系列6Every one of_ Peace Club is required to get_better understanding of their system.A. the; the B. the; a C. /; a D. /; /2. He was doing much physical exercise to build up his_. A. ability B. body C.strength D.mind3. The dead dog still_ where I_it a moment ago. A. lies; laid B.

2、 lied; lay C. laid; laid D. lies; lay4. The teacher was_ a very old man, but in fact he was only a little over fifty. A. apparently B. evidently C. obviously D. gently5. The tomato juice left a brown_ on the front of my jacket. A. track B. trace C. spot D. point6You should allow your children the sp

3、ace to voice their opinions, _they are different from your own. A. until B. even if C. unless D. as though7. Marry was holidaying with her family in a wildlife park _she was bitten on the leg by a lion. A. while B. when C. before D. after8. Many of the animals in Rowlings word are not real, and much

4、 of_ happens is strange. A. which B. that C. what D. it 9. That art centre is _used to be a factory, _millions of cars were made in. A. what; which B. where;where C. what; where D. where; which10. _different life today it is from _was fifty years ago!A. What a; what B. How ; what C. What; what D. Wh

5、at a; how11. The naughty boy spoke in such a_as to make the teacher very angry. A. way B. manner C. means D. method12. -I thought I asked you to fix the radio. -Oh, Im sorry. I_it right away. A. would do B. was about to do C. will do D. am going to do 13. The bomb_at 11:15 a.m. and killed 36 persons

6、 altogether. A. exploded B. exposed C. exploited D. exported 14. -May I use your new dictionary? I want to consult it. -Its over there._. A. Feel free B. Got it C. Not problem D.It depends15. Trouble was expected at the football match, so the police turned out_force. A. under B. on C. in D. by 16._t

7、he stress of examination is over, we can all relax. A. When B. Even if C. for D. Now that 17. _satisfies me is_we can pay for all this. A. It; that B. That; how C. what ; that D. As; that18. _man must fear when travelling in space is radiation from the sun. A. Which B. How C. What D. That 19. In _Ch

8、inese culture, marriage decisions were often made by parents for their children. A. traditional B. history C. modern D. remote20. Gathering clouds_the coming storm. A. declared B. turned out C. appeared D. announced21. The headmaster has a particular way of_her students nervousness when they speak.

9、A. breaking down B. breaking off C. breaking up D. breaking away 22. Some kinds of animals can change their color with _. A. conditions B environment C. surroundings D. situation23. My home is two miles_from here. A. distant B. distance C. far D. far away24. How far apart do they live? _I know, they

10、 live in the same neighborhood. A. So far B. As far as C. As well as D. By far25.He cant_ what has happened to the wheat, for it was very dried this winter. A. look out B. figure out C. work out D. take out26.- Wed better hurry; we have no time left. - _ Do you really to see the boring film? A. So w

11、hat ? B. Take it easy C. Take your time D. For what27.Proper exercise is good for your health._, too much is bad for it. A. Therefore B. But C. However D. while28. - You should have finished your homework, I gave your much time. - Sorry, but I_ it. A. had forgotten B. forgot C. was forgotten D. forg

12、et29As _ changed, and whatever men can do, women can do, too. A. age has B. ages have C. times have D. time has 30. - How do find the boy at home? -_. A. Very interesting B. in the bed C. in the kitchen D. under the table31. On turning the corner, we saw the road _ steeply.A. departing  &#

13、160; B. decreasing    C. descending   D. depressing32. We can't _ one to change the habits of a lifetime in a short time.A. hope    B. wait    C. expect    D. imagine33. It was necessary to _ the factory building as the compan

14、y was doing more and more business.A. extend    B. increase    C. lengthen    D. magnify34.She is so_ to his English teaching that I admire for his_. A. devote; devote B. devoting; devotion C. devoted; devotion D. devoted; devote35. Father told me to_the

15、milk until it boiled and then turn off the gas. A observe B. watch C. notice D. see36.My parents have_ us $15,000 for the house. Shall we take it? A. provided B. supplied C. shown D. offered37. I asked the tailor to make a small _ to my trousers because they were too long.A. change  B. variatio

16、n  C. revision  D. alteration38. As a result of the strong sun, my new dining room curtains _ from dark blue to gray within a year.A. faded    B. fainted    C. paled    D. diminished39. The story didnt_ children probably because the author emplo

17、yed too many scientific terms in it. A. apply to B. appeal to C. refer to D. lead to40. You cant guess what difficulty I had_ your home. A. find B. to find C. finding D. found41. Jack is good, kind, hard-working and intelligent. _, I can't speak too highly of him.A. As a result   

18、  B. By the way C. On the whole    D. In a word42. Evidence obtained from observation and experiment is often used to _ a scientific theory.A. confirm    B. confine    C. conform    D. conceive43. Political parties often differ in thei

19、r views on various _ concerning their own countries.A. ways    B. measures    C. issues    D. patterns44. _ his knowledge of the mountainous country, John Smith was appointed as our guide.A. In spite of      B. On account of C. Re

20、gardless of    D. In place of45. The lawyer was expected to _ some proposals after reading all those documents.A. come up with    B. put up with C. look up to      D. keep up with46. To all the famous artists surprise, the unknown womans two_pai

21、ntings are also on show in the art exhibition.A. little blue oil B. blue little oil C. oil blue little D. little oil blue 47.-Why did you go back to the shop?-I left my friend_there.A. waiting B. to wait C. waits D. waited48.He didnt make _clear when and where the meeting would be held.A. this B. th

22、at C.it D. one49.May 1 vacation is _.I cant wait to go back home.A. coming B. on the way C. approaching D. A.B and C50.They are all very clever, but _of them could work the problem out.A. any B. some C. none D. neitherSuggested answer1.【解析】B 考查冠词的基本用法。Peace Club 为普通名词构成的专有名词,前面需要用冠词;understanding 为不

23、可数名词,但是其前面有修饰语修饰时,需用不定冠词a/an2. 【解析】C 考查名词近义词辨析。Ability指做好某事的能力,可以学到的;body太直接,中国式英语;strength指事物固有的有待于加以利用的力量;mind指头脑、智力、精神。句意为假期身体锻炼的目的是提高自己的身体素质。3. 【解析】A 考查lie的形近词的辨析。Lie为躺它的变化为:lie lay lain;lying说谎 lie lied lied lying;表示放置,搁时 lay laid laid4. 【解析】A考查副词的辨析。 Apparently看起来像,符合句意;evidently明显地,显然,指推理到得事实

24、;obviously明显地,显而易见地;gently轻轻地,逐渐地。本句意思是老师表面上像个老人,实际上他只有50多点。5. 【解析】C 考查名词辨析。 spot “斑点、污点、地点”;track“行踪、小径、轨道”;trace意思是“踪迹、足迹、痕迹”;point“点、有”。6. 【解析】B.考查连词用法。until直到.,even if即使, unless除非,as though=as if好像。句意:给孩子表达自己观点的空间,即使那些观点与你的不同。7【解析】B. 考查be doing-when 句型,表示“正在做某事-突然” 。when在本句中为连词,相当于and just then,

25、 and just at that time,意为“就在这时”。引导一个突然出现的动作。句意:玛丽正和她的家人在野生动物园度假时,她被狮子咬伤了腿。8. 【解析】C. 考查主语从句的用法。what 引导主语从句,并在从句中作happens的主语。9. 【解析】A. 考查表语从句和定语从句。What在表语从句中作主语,而后面的定语从句缺少宾语,故用which.10. 【解析】A.考查感叹句和宾语从句。含可数名词单数的感叹句的基本的构成是:What+a/an+形容词+单数可数名词+主语+谓语!或How+形容词+a|an+单数可数名词+主语+谓语!在句中,life是可数名词“生活”;而第二个空引导介

26、词宾语从句,且在从句中作主语,故只能用what.11.【解析】B. 本题考查名词辨析。Manners 礼貌;manner方式,方法,常和介词in搭配;method方式,方法,常和介词with搭配,因此答案选B.12.【解析】C.考查将来时的用法。句意:我想我让你修收音机了。对不起,我马上修。此处表示临时决定修收音机。四个选项中,只有C项表示临时性的决定。A过去的将来;D将要、打算,有一定的客观性。13. 【解析】A.考查词形相近的动词词义,expose暴露;explode爆炸;exploit利用,剥削,开发;export出口,输出。句意:炸弹在早上11:15爆炸,共炸死36人。14. 【解析】

27、A.考查交际用语辨析。Feel free.请便;Got it.明白了;C项搭配不对,应为No problem. 没问题;It depends.视情况而定。句意:我能用一下你的新词典吗?我想查个单词。在那边,请便吧。15.【解析】C.考查force与介词的搭配。In force大批地。句意:预计足球比赛中会出现麻烦,因此警察大批出现。by force 通过武力;与题意不符。under和on不与force连用。16.【解析】D.考查连词的辨析。now that 意为“既然”;when 引导时间状语表当-得时候。for表示推断的原因,不能放与句首;even though“尽管”,语义不符合后句。17

28、.【解析】C。考查主语从句及表语从句的用法。第一个空引导主语从句,在句中作主语,第二个空引导表语从句,句子意思完整,故用that。18. 【解析】C. 考查主语从句,并在主语从句中作fear的宾语what的用法。19. 【解析】A 考查形容词词义辨析。Traditional 传统的。句意;在中国传统文化中,婚姻往往是父母为儿女做主。而historic历史性的;modern现代的;remote遥远的,均与语境不符。20.【解析】D考查东西词义辨析。.announce 宣布-的到来。句意:集卷的阴云预示了暴风雨的到来。declare公布,宣布,侧重于大事;turn out 结果是,原来是;appe

29、ar显露出,均与题意不符。21.【解析】A break down 消除(某人情绪)。句意:校长有一种特别的方法消除学生讲英语时的紧张情绪。Break off停止,中断;break up破碎、分解;break away放弃、走开。22.【解析】C.考查名词词义辨析。condition表示环境时主要指抽象意义上的环境;environment既表示抽象的环境也可以指具体的物质环境,意义侧重范围大 ,大背景,如:自然环境,社会环境;surroundings复数形式表示“周围的物质环境”;situation指“位置,形式;状态”。句意:一些动物可呈现出周围环境的颜色(周围环境的改变而改变)故C项最合适。

30、23. 【解析】A. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我们学校距这儿两英里远。distant用于表示时间或空间上“远离的,远方的”,也可用与借喻场合。用于肯定句中,可表示确切的距离;far作形容词时,表示实际距离的远近或是时间的遥远,作表语时常用于疑问句和否定句中,(在肯定句中常用far away, far off, a long way of 等),不表示确切的距离。24. 【解析】B. so far 迄今为止;as well as 表示“也,而且”;by far表示“最-”,用作比较级里边,加重语气; as far as 表示“就-所能、所知”。句意为据我所知,他们住在同一个街区。所以答案为B.

31、25. 【解析】B 考查动词短语的辨析。Look out小心,当心;figure out 弄清楚,明白;work out解决,算出;take out拿出来。句意:他不能够确定小麦的情况,因为今年冬天很旱。26. 【解析】A 考查交际用语在具体的语境中的辨析。So what那又怎样; take it easy别紧张;take ones time不急,慢慢干;for what 为why的意思;句意:我们最好快点,没有剩下的时间了;那又怎样,你真的去看那不令人讨厌的电影吗?27. 【解析】C 考查副词的用法。由空格后的逗号看出,此处需要一个副词,依据句意表转折,故选C;but和while都是连词。2

32、8. 【解析】B考查语境下的动词时态。由should have done本该做某事可以看出动作的过去。29. 【解析】C考查主谓语的一致性。Time表示“时代”常用复数形式,是复数概念。30. 【解析】A 考查交际用语。How do you find/like-? 意思是你认为-怎样?31.【解析】C. 考查动词词义辨析。descend走下来;传下来;depress 压抑,使沮丧。Depart出发,起程;decrease减少。32.【解析】C.考查动词词义辨析。.expert期望,盼望,表示认为有很大的客观可能性;wait for . to do sth.等待、等待.做.,强调“等”这一动词的

33、本身,由此可见,expect是表示“期待”,而wait for 是表示“等待”,词义完全不同。注意hope后不能接sb. to do sth.。imagine being on the moon.句意:我们不能期望一个人在这样短的时间内改变一辈子养成的习惯。 33.【解析】A. 考查动词词义辨析。extend意为“扩大”。lengthen拉长,延长。magnify放大。 Spread vi. 传播;vt.展开;34.【解析】C考查devote的用法。Be devoted to 表示致力于、献身于;devote奉献,把-用在-。35. 【解析】B考查动词词义辨析。Observe观察;watch观

34、看,留意;notice注意到;see看见36. 【解析】D 考查提供、供应等用法辨析。Provide, supply, offer都有“供给,提供”的意思。Provide的常见结构provide sth. For sb.;provide sb.with sth.;supply的常见结构:supply sth to sb.;supply sb.with sth.; show 的意思为“展示、展现”。Offer 哦句型offer sb. sth.;offer-for 意思是为-出价买.37.【解析】D 考查名词词义辨析。.alteration 修正,更改,尤指部分的改变。Change改变,变化,可指表面的、本质的、内在的变化。Revision修订、修正,常指文章、词典、剧本等的修改、订正。Variation(形式、位置、条件的)变化、改变、变动38.【解析】A. 考查动词词


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